Diablo - The D3 team needs to start selling us things to fund better development.

The D3 team needs to start selling us things to fund better development.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:28 AM PST

Sell me some galaxy looking dye, sell me a glowing aura, sell me a cool ass transmog set, sell me crazier wings, sell me a potion that makes me look like a tiny Mephisto, I don't know, sell me something so I can give you money to make the game better instead of relying on game sells.

DO NOT sell me anything that gives an advantage to other players.

submitted by /u/Paladinwtf_
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Patch 2.5.0 PTR Notes updated Feb. 7

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 12:21 PM PST

The thing Diablo desperately needs

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:01 PM PST

Developer Chronicles - Rift Fishing

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:10 AM PST

Easy solution to make Ancient Ancients worth it

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:07 AM PST

Make them able to have two stats rerolled.

Right now, in the ptr, it is rare to find an ancient ancient, but it is even rarer to find anything worthwhile. This change will make it so you can really make a primal ancient an upgrade, rolling desirable stats.

For something that is so, so rare to so rarely be an upgrade feels like a letdown. It produces the opposite of the intended effect, it brings disappointment most of the time.

With this change, even rings and whatnot will be useful as primals because you can get desirable stats. Very simple really.

submitted by /u/EverydayFunHotS
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PTR 2.5.0 Archon Stack Bug

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:47 PM PST

Collecting info on presentation of loot in D3

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:09 PM PST

Hey there! I'm collecting some information on presentation of loot in certain games. Specifically, how Borderlands 1 & 2 do it, versus how Diablo III does things. This conversation started with this video from Blizzard:

This got me thinking about how these games present special abilities via items, which we'll call "Granted Abilities." As anyone who has played both Diablo and Borderlands will know, they present this information in different ways-- Diablo tells you what the granted ability is, while Borderlands doesn't tell you what it does, just that it's there. So, the next question really becomes "which system is better?", but that's totally subjective.

So, let's subject it! I've made a survey to collect some information on these systems in the hopes of gaining some insight as to why players prefer certain aspects of the presentation, and what those aspects are. And I'd love for you to help me by filling it out. Would you kindly fill it out?

I'm going to be posting this to both /r/Borderlands and /r/Diablo, for the sake of fairness, as well. Please, feel free to leave any comments/opinions/thoughts on the two systems in the comments, as well. I'd love to know how you feel about this and why.

submitted by /u/ZServ
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Attack Speed Cap Gen Monk

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:28 PM PST

With the rainment set adding 25% as on generators and alacrity increasing it by another 15% do these exceed the attack speed cap, cause if they don't i'm fairly sure a lot of the attack speed that i'm getting from my build is being wasted

submitted by /u/Zepherous
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I tried rerolling my weapon(Starfire) 25 times this season and got no Ancients. Not even a crappy one. Also got bad luck with ancient gear. Should I reroll gear instead then augment to improve?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:02 PM PST


i would estimate I spent at least 60 hours this season, 40 on my Wiz. Got like 6 or 7 good ancients on my DH, which currently has sucky gear because I was trying to get the no set gear gr45 conquest which I failed miserably, but only one useful ancient drop for my tal/Vyr MH Wizard. I tried 25 times rerolling my Starfire but got either got non ancient or non ancient crappy rolls. I didn't even get a crappy ancient Starfire.

So without a good ancient weapon to boost my damage, I can't progress to higher GRs which is my goal. Even with crappy gear on my Wiz, I easily kill at least half of the blue and yellow enemies in a run but it feels like I can be so much stronger with better gear. I haven't gotten any luck with ancient gear drops, is it worth spending 50 souls and 5 act caches each to possibly get ancient, non weapon gear? From what I'm told I should only do that for weapons and jewlry cause it's expensive rerolling.

Once I get more ancient items I can augment them to improve.

submitted by /u/TheCh0sen0ne-
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One of the problems with items in D3 is they lack uniqueness

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:15 AM PST

Here's a picture to illustrate my point:
I'm not saying D2 had it perfect as some of these items were close to useless and D3 added some great features like a "legendary power" and the ability to reroll a stat for example.
There are some items from vanilla D3 and current D3 that do have an element of uniqueness (particularly vanilla ice climbers that has 3 stats that make it feel unique compared to other boots):

submitted by /u/player2244
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Question about transmogs and seasons

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:17 PM PST

New player here, so: I have plenty transmog items and I want to know if they are transferred to the next season?

They are attached to our accounts or to our season characters?

submitted by /u/Kholdie
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Is that the smallest zone in D3?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:41 PM PST


Was running bounties with clan and I entered it by accedint after completing bounty, not a single monster spawned in there.

submitted by /u/IMariachi
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Drops are extremely bad

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

Hi, I've been playing on Torment 3 difficulty and the gear that is dropping is so bad, it's ridiculous. Me and my friend went through the story mode on Expert difficulty and the went straight to Torment 1, and after about three hours we went to Torment 3 and the drops are sooooo bad. Every piece of gear I'm getting drops that drop all of my stats down nearly 20%. I would like to progressively move up the difficulty but if the game isn't giving me anything to strengthen me, what do I do? Am I supposed to pray to RNGesus or just give up?

submitted by /u/CatfishBiscuit
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[Suggesting & Feedback] Roland's Legacy and its used skills

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:59 PM PST

People seem to be forgetting the type of game Diablo 3 really is...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:46 PM PST

I keep reading all this crap about how bad the game is, how bad Blizzard is. While some of it I agree with, most of it stems from the type of game Diablo is at it's core. It's an action RPG and will always be an action RPG.

You will always grind for better gear and higher paragon. If you don't like this kind of game then you need to find something else. Maybe this is just me and a handful of others, but I like this kind of game. I like the fact that there will always be an upgrade out there, no matter the size of the upgrade and no matter how long it takes me to get that upgrade, there WILL ALWAYS be one there for you.

To those who have played the korean games and other Asian games the grind is much, much worse than Diablo, much worse.

So, please remember the type of game Diablo is and think about it before you start saying you don't like the grind and what not about it, because, it will never go away.

submitted by /u/rbeason
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What is the most fun build per class?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:32 PM PST

The most fun farming builds, the most fun GR pushing builds for each class?

IMO, for Monk, LTK is awesome when farming, but Uliana's is really cool in GR. Any other examples like this? Please ignore whats actually strong/good! LoN is bonus points.

submitted by /u/Kriee
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So the armory is nice for preset builds, but only amplifies the problems with inventory management

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:33 PM PST

Armory is nice for a few reasons (recanting other thoughts on it): * It automatically sets your skills without spending five minutes tweaking everything * It automatically puts your cubed items where they should be * It automatically sets your gems where they should be * It automatically swaps your gear out.

Here's the problems:

Build A does not use the same gear as Build B.

Build B does not use the same gear as Build C.

Build D uses cooldown.

Build A uses resource regeneration.

Build E uses the same gear as is available in Builds A and C, however Build E requires completely different configurations of the gear.

Five builds.

Dependent on your gems, each single build could take 30 slots of gear space in the stash.

Each gear tab is 70 slots.

If you have to have multiple iterations of the same item, because of different builds being different formulations of the same gear, you easily double, triple, or more, the requirements for space to even store those builds.

With that in mind, what is the point in having the armory, at all?

Yes, it does the things I listed above, but if for just one class, you're having to use two or three tabs, and you have a maximum of ten tabs, and Crusader, Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Wizard, Barbarian, and Monk... well. It isn't enough.

Despite what Blizzard has publicly stated in the past of "if we give you more you will just ask for more," the resolution has always been simple.

Provide a proper inventory management system for the game. This has been on the list from Beta and forward.

Making the Armory actually hold the items would honestly be a freaking amazing step in that direction. The only problem is how hardcore character's items in armory are handled upon character death. (EMAIL them to the account, done.)

It solves the problem for the fact that those items now have permanence. They are in the build because that's the build they were kept for. They are effectively locked. They aren't taking up space in the stash. This allows the stash to be used to organize new ideas, new builds, new item combinations (as much as D3 allows with its pigeonholed build style).

For instance. I have at least four sets of Tal Armor pieces floating around. Because I have to take them off a Wizard and put them in the stash, log out of that character, log into a character, grab it out of the stash, put it on the character, realize its the wrong one, and the cycle continues.

Some are configured for example what I laid out at the top of this post. A ≠ B ≠ C ≠ D ≠ E

It is like this for all classes.

Whatever the folks at Blizzard are thinking, this game is not Heroes of the Storm. Despite the leaderboard players in their "one build only" mantra, there's many of us that actually love to experiment with new ideas and concepts to push limits of characters in other ways. There's enough of a sandbox game to play with new ideas, but part of that is having the ability to hold on to said items.

I am personally up to 9 stash tabs on account of skipping season 8. I do actually have some space available, (free space!) on both season and non season. However I also have 12 character slots. I have FIVE Wizards and FOUR Demon Hunters, each of whom I have specifically because there isn't enough space to do what?


So you added the armory for the purpose of quick swaps, but neglected to consider that it required space to do this.

Once again, two steps forward, one step back.

submitted by /u/Halcyon1378
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What are some of the top EASIEST builds to gear and play to do 85+GRs?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:57 PM PST

New player looking for a 'global' EU clan

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:54 PM PST

I have recently switched from US to EU servers because I have maxed out my US stash tabs and wanted something more than portrait frames to work for.

I started a new seasonal Crusader on EU a few days ago and am up to P81/~T7 so far playing mostly solo, but am now looking for a clan to be able to MP more regularly. I am based in Australia so looking for an EU clan with people scattered around the globe if any exist?

My US account is P940 out of season and P545 in the current season and I usually mix up the class I play each season. If your clan is EU based with people online most of the time and you are recruiting please add me: supermatt#2672

submitted by /u/MattForPrez
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Weekly Transmog Tuesday - 02/07/17

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 135 of the Transmog Tuesday thread!

Monster slaying is fun and all, but who wants to kill monsters while looking like a clown with a head injury? Thanks to transmogrification, you can look your best while destroying demons and angels alike. Maybe you want to strike fear into your enemy's eyes, or maybe you want to make your hero's appearance an homage to another franchise. Share your wonderful character designs here, so we may all appreciate how your epic heroes look.


  • Change your texture settings to High for better visuals.

  • Hit the Esc key! If you take it in the Westmarch main menu, everything will be tinted blue.

  • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

  • Include a link to either your Battle.net Profile or D3 Hero With Style page so others can see your lovely transmogs!

  • Make your transmog come to life by making it into a GIF, like this! You can use GifRecorder to make a short GIF and you can upload it to either imgur or gfycat.

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Ancient item + kanai's cube

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:41 PM PST

Well in very pissed off.

I "upgraded" an ancient item using cube ( 2 items)

Yang's recurve and chest

wasted 2 legendary gems and GOT nothing, same item same stats nothing changed, this is a BUG¡? never do it before and ..... ARGGGGSSSS

submitted by /u/KpochMX
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[NS EU] LF for (newer) Players to carry in T13

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:57 AM PST

Recently I've been having trouble finding newer Players to carry in NS on EU. If you are farely new and you are in need of a carry you can add me under sVr#27143. Make sure you read this first though:

  • I'll play Wiz (not switching for lootshare - sorry). It's just efficient.
  • If you run in the rift with me: Please teleport to town when the rift is at 95% and close the rift (speak to orek) once the RG is dead. Then click my flag and collect your rewards.
  • I am not talking that much and I am not into answering questions about GR/Builds. I know it seems rude to newer players but these runs are all about efficiency for me.
  • You can play any class :-)
  • If you don't need Forgotten Souls I'd really appreciate you dropping them - Yes, I need them.
  • I'll share all my drops (even the ancient ones). You can check my gear - It's mainly GG (unlikely I'll get an upgrade).

    Hope I'll find some fellas :)

submitted by /u/sVr90
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