Diablo - Commonly Asked Questions 2.0

Commonly Asked Questions 2.0

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:45 PM PST

Hey everyone! We're updating the Commonly Asked Questions thread to accomodate many of the new ones we see. If there's a question we missed that you see all the time, please post it below!

New Player Questions

I'm a new player, what should I do?/Is Diablo 3 worth buying?

First of all, welcome! Diablo is an action-oriented RPG that focuses on cool skills, an item hunt, and laying waste to the hordes of heaven and hell. Like many RPGs, it features classes, stats, story, and character progression that you develop and customize by finding items in-game. Diablo is, at its core, all about finding and using items to destroy hordes of monsters as fast as possible.

If this is your first time playing this type of game, just pick any class that looks fun and enjoy playing through Campaign mode (and bring a friend along too!). Don't worry about anything you see on the subreddit, like which class is currently overpowered, as most players here have played through the game many times and discuss the end-game.

Should I get it on console or on PC?

Depends on which system you prefer and if you have friends to play with. Both PC and current-generation console have feature parity, so essentially everything is the same between the two versions. The console version is equipped with local co-op play, so that might be a consideration. The PC version is likely the more competitive version, in terms of pushing the upper limits of the end-game.

Note: Older generation consoles (PS3 and XBox 360) are not updates and are stuck on an older version of the game, so I would not recommend buying those.

What class should I play?

Play whatever class you think is the most interesting! At all but the very highest levels of play, the classes are all equal. They all play differently, so if you don't like one, don't be afraid to try another!

The game is too easy! I'm on hard difficulty and no one is hurting me. What gives?

Blizzard designed the game so that the first few difficulties would pose very little threat to the player and so you could feel powerful. As you level up and complete Campaign Mode, you'll unlock more difficulties like Master and Torment, which can scale all the way to Torment 13. Try bumping up the difficulty and getting to 70 if you're looking for a challenge.

I'm playing in Public Games and I can't find anyone to play with. What gives?

Diablo is a game all about the end-game. Most players have already played through the story a number of times and are at the level cap of 70, so it's unlikely that you'll find many people playing at the lower levels, unless it is the start of a new Season. In fact, most players end up asking for boosts to level 70 in the powerleveling communities. Don't worry, there are plenty of players to play with once you reach level 70.

I beat the game/finished the story. What do I do now?

Congrats! Now you can finally play the game!

Joking aside, there are two parts to Diablo 3. One involves leveling up, unlocking skills, and enjoying the story. The other part starts at level 70, once you finally get access to all the powerful legendary and set items. The end-game in Diablo games is to get items that let you kill monsters faster so you can get better items that let you kill monsters even faster so you can get even better items and so on. Most players end up playing Adventure mode, where Nephalem Rifts, Bounties, and Greater Rifts are the way to play. If that sounds interesting, great! If not, try leveling a new class, or grouping up with some friends to slay some monsters!

What build should I run? What items should I look for? What does this acronym/abbreviation mean?

If you're level 70 and want to start pushing your character to its limits, you should check out the Class Subreddits, located in the sidebar to the right. You'll find lots of advice and different builds for your class. There are plenty of other resources on the web as well, ranging from checking the leaderboards or other Diablo fansites. As for the different acronyms/abbreviation/initialisms, here's a handy wiki page we have.

Where can I farm [specific item]?

Most items are random drops. So your best bet is to run Nephalem Rifts, which have an increased legendary drop chance, or to gamble it from Kadala using Blood Shards. A few items are only obtainable from bounties.

What's this I hear about a free set? Where do I get it?

The free set is known as Haedrig's Gift, and it's given out once to an account every Season. You get two pieces of it at a time, after completing specific chapters in the Season Journey. The Season Journey objectives change from season to season, so make you check what you need to do (in-game by pressing Shift+J). The free set also changes each season, so make sure you check the Diablo 3 website before you start collecting!

Returning Player Questions

Can I get a powerlevel to level 70?

The best way to get a powerlevel is to join the in-game powerlevelling community. Open up your Social panel (located in the bottom right, or just press Shift + O) and you'll be able to search for a relevant community. Be polite and you'll get a powerlevel in no time. However, be aware that getting a powerlevel in the first few days of a new Season is a waste of time, as most people are leveling up themselves. Also, asking for powerlevels is against the rules and your topic will be removed immediately.

I haven't played in years, what's new?

Depending on when you quit, different sections of the game have changed dramatically. You can check out the official patch notes, or our condensed patch notes, which provide the big changes that have arrived with each patch. However, if you're arriving from before the launch of Reaper of Souls, the best way to understand the new changes is to simply create a new character and start playing!

Is Reaper of Souls worth it?

The general consensus is "Yes." Reaper of Souls introduces a new class (Crusader), more levels and skills, and Adventure Mode, which has all the new end-game content like Nephalem Rifts, Bounties, Seasons, and more. While you can play Diablo 3 without Reaper of Souls, most active players play only Reaper of Souls content.

Where can I get D3/RoS on sale?

Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls can now be purchased as a bundle for $30. Battle.net and Amazon are your best bet, along with retailers like Bestbuy, Gamestop, and Walmart. G2A also usually has cheap copies, but they are sometimes obtained through shady means and may not be valid.

When and how is the Necromancer going to be released?

The Necromancer was announced at BlizzCon 2016 to be added to Diablo 3 in 2017 as a character pack. Not many details have been announced yet, such as the price and exact release date yet, but current speculation puts it at around $10-20, in the second half of 2017. The character pack will come with additional stash tabs, character slots, cosmetics, and the Necromancer as a full class.

Seasonal Questions

Should I play seasonal?

Depends. The big advantage of starting a seasonal character is the fresh start. You start with no paragon levels, no previous items, no upgraded artisans, and see how far you can get before the season ends. Some players race to reach specific milestones (like the Conquests), while others simply don't want to deal with their overflowing stash anymore. Additionally, Blizzard releases a few new items every season and rewards some cosmetics, so there is a more tangible reward (new items roll over to non-season at the end of each season). However, some players aren't interested in starting from scratch and continue to play non-season. Both options are completely valid ways to play and there are plenty of players in either mode.

When does the new patch arrive/season end?

The end of the season is dictated by Blizzard development cycles. The goal is to launch new patches in between seasons. They're trying to aim for 3-4 month long seasons, but it's not guaranteed. That said, here's how to see if the end of the season has been announced.

  1. Check the Diablo website. If there's no news post about the season ending or new patch launching, it probably hasn't been announced yet.
  2. USE THE SEARCH BAR! Whether you search on reddit or on Google, if you don't find an answer, the end hasn't been announced yet.

Diablo 2 Questions

Should I play Diablo 2?

Depends. Diablo 2 is a great game that hasn't aged super well. If you're willing to deal with the low resolution and some outdated game mechanics, and are interested in a different skill, item and end-game system from Diablo 3, then definitely give it a try. However, if you're not a huge fan of dealing with the tiny resolution and old graphics, you should probably pass. There are plenty of other games that do borrow heavily from Diablo 2 but are updated for the more modern era of gaming, such as Torchlight, Path of Exile, and Grim Dawn.

Where can I get Diablo 2?

You can buy both Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction directly from Blizzard from their store for $20. Other places might have them for cheaper amounts, but just be aware that they may not be legit.

What mods are available for Diablo 2?

There are no officially recognized mods for D2, and most of them only work on an older patch, so use them with caution. Here are the most popular ones that you can easily find via Google:

  • D2 Reworked
  • PlugY
  • medianXL
  • Eastern Sun
  • Path of Diablo
  • MultiRes

Before posting your question, do a quick Google and reddit search! Chances are that you're not the first person asking!

submitted by /u/Thunderclaww
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First time playing a season - Season Journey is awesome

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

I played Diablo 3 a TON at release, then played a bit when Kanai's Cube came out. Now, I'm playing my first seasonal character. As a goal-oriented gamer, I'm impressed at how much the season journey quests help make leveling and progression more interesting. It's motivating, and it helps to understand what the game expects out of you. For more inexperienced players, it probably also helps smooth out progression by making sure they understand basic mechanics and discover important features. I'm having a lot more fun playing a seasonal character than I thought!

submitted by /u/Baknik
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Overwatch makes me super excited about Diablo 4

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:36 AM PST

The love the developers have for Overwatch and the way they go above and beyond for their players is incredible. It really makes Overwatch stand out above the crowd. I think/hope blizzard has learned something from the success and acclaim for Overwatch and will implement that sort of thing in future games like Diablo 4.

Imagine if D3 had the same number of updates, cool events, and transparent development that Overwatch does. That's what I'm hoping for in Diablo 4.




. . . when it comes out in 10+ years.

submitted by /u/JaMojo
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Returning player...any Legacy items worth keeping before I salvage a lot of my stash?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:04 AM PST

Haven't really played PC version for a few years now after I switched to Xbox but recently came back to a whole stash full of old Legacy items. Any worth keeping?

Also found out you can re-rolling old Legacy legendaries. I had an old useless Manald Heal ring. Thought I could turn it into a new one with Kamari's cube and it didn't. Just re-rolled all the useless blue stats into even worse ones without giving me a new one with the new legendary power.

submitted by /u/Pong3r
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Good Shadow's Mantle suggestions from top-tier Demon Hunter player

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:35 AM PST

Huge performance loss out of nowhere

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:10 PM PST

So for no apparent reason, my game's performance has completely tanked. I was pulling 170-180 fps and now I sit around 60, except when I go to places like Desolate sands, then my performance drops to 40-45. I've tried resetting, reinstalling, but nothing seems to help. Changing the graphics settings has no effect.

My specs are more than good enough to run this game:


GTX 980


Drivers are all updated. I also tried putting the game into compatibility mode for Windows 8. Appreciate any help.

submitted by /u/MohelDaddyXXL
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Which of the Top S9 builds has the most relaxed gameplay?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:20 PM PST


What is in your opinion one of the top builds that has the most relaxed gameplay, like less buttons to press, less CD management, etc. ?

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/lazycalm2
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Do the Delsere Buffs Make zWiz More Viable?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:01 PM PST

An additional 5% group DR, more slow time bubbles, additional damage taken. With zWiz replacing zMonk in a lot of groups, is that change large enough to make zWiz replace zMonk overall?

Are these changes good for the 4 man meta? Should DMO buff your damage only?

submitted by /u/EarthBounder
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What to look for in Greater Rifts?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:12 AM PST

Hi, I was just wondering what type of things I need to look for when doing a high level greater rift? like what type of mobs or type of map I need lookout for?

I'm playing barb and currently trying to do GR 85 but i'm having trouble finding big mobs for it. I don't seem to kill elites fast enough unless there is a big pack.


This is my character, let me know what I can change.

submitted by /u/mybigleftnut
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Latest edition in my newbie play through is live :)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:45 AM PST

Help with the Corrupted Ashbringer

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:22 PM PST

Felt like messing around and grabbing this legendary, after dumping thousands of shards into 2h and upgrading a ton of swords to legendary, no luck is this thing even still in the game? Any tips if so?

submitted by /u/Mkleesh
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Best app for iOS?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:16 PM PST

Hey guys, PC D3 player here - wondering if you know which apps are regularly updated and prpvide good info on builds/gear and prog.


submitted by /u/vidgill
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Sugestion: New consumables Ideas

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:33 AM PST

Edit: will now add suggestions from comments Mainly doing this cause bored aswell for the fact that im always annoyed that i know what item i got whenever i see consumable, so ramaldins gift doesnt need to be lonely

So here they are:

Haedrigs pride: use this on any non-set and non jewlery to give it an additional random stat.

Shens Refinery: use this on any belt to give it a socket, this socket accepts legendary gems.

Treasure Map: select any droppable item (exept other consumables from the game) a chest in one of the adventure mode bounty areas will contain that specific item. the closest waypoint will be highlited.

Forgotten Realm Scroll: open a portal to a random unique dungeon. all monsters in that dungeon will have significantly higher chances to drop legendarys, but the strengh of enemys is way higher.

Bag of Forgotten souls: use on any legendary item to upgrade it by one tier without rerolling the stats, but tunig them up proportionally (normal legendary -> aincent -> primal). alternatively can be salvaged for lots of any crafting materials, including deaths breath and higer then imperial gems

Touch of perfection: 2 uses 1st: one random stat, including base armor of armor items or weapon damage will be changed to the maximum amount. can be used mulltiple times on the same item, but wont affect already max stats

2nd:Upgrade any flawless royal gem to a perfect variant, having more stats

From NottHomo: Totem of the Barbarian/Wizard/Necro/Monk/DH/WD/Sader Carrying this totem in your inventory changes what character the game thinks your playing in terms of drops (carry a wizard totem on a crusader and you will get wand drops and wizard set items with int mainstats instead of flails and shields with str)not really a consumable but still cool.


submitted by /u/GIMMEABIGHUG
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Does the Diablo of the first game take bonus mace damage?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:15 AM PST

Hi there,

I am starting to speedrun the first and second games a bit, might also look at the third.

I know that diablo can get hit by holy bolt, is he partially typed undead?

If so, will maces do bonus damage to him?

I'm planning on testing, but was curious if anyone already has.

submitted by /u/goodsirknyght
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New level 70 Crusader - advice where to go from here?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:28 AM PST

Hi, I'm a recent level 70 Crusader, doing Season 9. This is my first time playing Diablo III, but I played the hell out of Diablo II many years ago.

Now that I'm done with the story, I'm starting adventure mode. I've got a legendary flail, and a belt or something that spawns a Blessed Hammer every time that Justice hits an enemy.

I'm slaughtering everything quickly on Hard and Expert in Rifts and bounties. What's the benefit of moving to harder difficulties? Better drop rates?

What goals should I have now that I've beaten the story mode? Is it just farming / fine tuning gear, for the purpose of raising the difficulty level?


submitted by /u/crimson117
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Tips for Barb D2

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:48 AM PST

Me and a bud are gonna do another run through, this time I'm going to be a Barb and he is going to do a Paladin. Any tips I should know to properly synergize with him?

submitted by /u/SoftwareShogun
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Question about gear and paragon levels

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

Do the stats on gear scale with paragon level?

For example, I'm working on a Hammerdin build. I have all the pieces of the Seeker of the Light set. As my level goes up, will I need to re-find those pieces with higher stats? Thank you.

submitted by /u/Isamouseasitspins
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Weekly Loot Wednesday - 02/08/17

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 232 of the Weekly Loot Wednesday thread!

Have you found something an item so amazing that you can't help but share it? Maybe you found a perfect trifecta Ring of Royal Grandeur, or a Wand of Woh with a socket, but there was no one to see it? Post your awesome loot here, so you can enjoy the fame (and upvotes)! Be sure to check back regularly to see what amazing items others may have found. Show support for this and point people here as this will help keep "look what I found" post from clogging up the front page. Also please consider sorting by new to see what new things people have posted!


  • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

  • Show the item's stat ranges by holding Ctrl when taking a screenshot.

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Farming tips.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:26 AM PST

I'm fresh into adventure mode on the Xbox, just wondering the best way to farm for gear. Currently just doing bounties and rifts but want to get to higher difficulties.

submitted by /u/Lrhn
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[Wiz] Just boasting :D

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:07 PM PST

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