Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Rant Wednesday! Time to rant, get loud, tell us what's bothering you!


  • caps lock only!

  • Keep it civil and on topic. Don't make personal attacks on others. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and people can often disagree.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Meanwhile, in the Destiny Weapon Balancing department...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

This is posted in jest. I am certain it's almost impossibly hard to balance things in a competitive online game. I certainly have no idea how it happens. Although I'd be amazed if it's not hugely similar to the following:

GREG PENG and JOSH HAMRICK are swivelling around in their office chairs, leant back, with exaggerated, pained 'thinking' expressions on their face.

GREG: OK, what about this, we slightly increase the accuracy of handcannons to remove bloom, turn the dial back a bit on damage drop off for pulses so they can't cross map like Scouts can, reduce the armour a Stormcaller has during its super and slightly tweak the duration, reduce the flinch change we made to snipers slightly, reduce the tankiness of juggernaut slightly and I guess, clip the wings of Shinobus Vow a touch so the tracking isn't so powerful.

There's a pause. A moment of silence. They stop spinning and look at each other.

They burst out laughing.

JOSH: <crying with laughter>
Hahaha! That would be... hahaha... literally exactly what everyone wanted... hahaha... imagine if we did that!

GREG: <Holding his stomach in pain from laughing>
Pahahaha. Oh my God. I nearly believed what I was saying for a second there. Hahaha. Oh that was good.

JOSH: Hahaha. Heehee. Hooooo. Oh that was... <giggles> Oh man. Good one Pengers.

GREG: OK so seriously, let's sort this.

Greg reaches down below his desk and brings out a huge plastic bucket marked 'PVP Balances'. Inside are hundreds of bits of paper, folded up.

Josh grabs a small box on his desk labelled 'Patch coin' and opens it to reveal a coin. On one side, the word 'NERF'. On the other the word 'BUFF'.

JOSH: OK, you ready?

GREG: Yeah man. I still can't believe Jon W left us in charge of all this important balance stuff while he works on D2!

JOSH: Awesome isn't it? OK, go for it.

Greg reaches into the balance bucket and pulls out a piece of paper, before unfolding it.

GREG: <reading the paper>
Oooh! Hungering blade!

JOSH: Nice!

Josh flips the coin and watches it closely as it falls on to his palm. He flips it on to the back of his other hand and reveals which side it's landed on.

Josh and Greg together: Nerf!!!

JOSH: Oh man! Awesome. OK remember the rule. We do the first thing we think of.

GREG: OK, so we make it regen a bit of health but not shields.

JOSH: Done! What's next?

Greg picks another piece of paper out of the bucket.

GREG: Rangefinder on shotguns!

JOSH: Wow! Specific! OK...

Josh flips the coin.

JOSH: NERF! OK I got it, we nerf the ADS time when a shotgun has rangefinder.

GREG: OK cool. And by nerf the time you mean...

JOSH: Reduce it.

GREG: OK, but won't that technically mean it won't take as-...

A squirrel scuttles past the window outside in the Bungie gardens. Josh and Greg spot it, instantly.


They clamber to the window and thrust it open, throwing bits of their lunch at the overweight squirrel who gobbles it up, gratefully.

GREG: OK where were we?

JOSH: I dunno, do another one! Do another one!

GREG: OK OK! Woohoo!

Greg reaches into the bucket. He grabs a piece of paper and reads.

GREG: Oh man, could be a bad day for Bladedancers! It's Quickdraw!

Josh flips the coin. They chant in unison.


The coin flips. It lands.


GREG: Awesomeballs! OK, so how about this. We just remove it.

JOSH: Niiiiice. But then we'd have to remove it from the perk pool, the subclass node. Yadda yadda. That would take ages. What if we just change it to something completely different?

GREG: Yes! Something spurious that means nothing in game.

Josh looks at Greg and smiles. Greg smiles back.


GREG: Oh man this is easy.

JOSH: Sure is. Why did Jon make such a fuss about all this before? 'Oh it's so difficult!' he'd say. 'One change here can have huge effects there!'

GREG: What a total muff-nugget!

JOSH: OK last one.

GREG: Cool.

Greg pulls out the last bit of paper.

GREG: The Truth!

Josh flips the coin. They both study it carefully as it falls to the floor.

JOSH: It's... a... NERF!

They high five.

GREG: Easy. It can only hold one in the chamber for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

JOSH: Saweeeeeeeet!

GREG: We're gonna need to make a few other changes 'cos this has literally taken 16 minutes and we told the community we'd been working on it for months.

JOSH: Yeah well, we can just say we've done stuff but actually we haven't.

GREG: Oh let's tell them we nerfed in air accuracy of all shotguns but let's not change anything.

JOSH: Nice!!!

GREG: And for the other stuff we can just get the Cherub of Change to sort it.

Greg points up to a shelf. On it sits a tiny Cherub doll. It looks battered and scuffed.

Josh reaches up and grabs it. He then hurls it out the window towards a group on Bungie employees eating in the garden area. One of them catches it and looks confused.

JOSH: <shouting>
Hey Keith! What's your favourite thing in Destiny?

MAN: My name's Simon.

JOSH: Sure thing K dog. Answer the question!

SIMON: I really like Universal Remote, I guess.

Josh slams the window shut and turns to Greg.

JOSH: Kill Universal Remote.

GREG: On it.

Greg taps away at his keyboard.

GREG: OK all those changes are...... done!

He slams the Enter key, victoriously.

JOSH: Ex-xur-lent! Oh and don't forget to-

Greg cuts him off.

GREG: -Say we playtested the shit out of it. I know, I know. To be honest, with the broad sweeping changes in code I just made I doubt it will have any knock on effects.

JOSH: OK, but I was actually going to say don't forget to..

They turn and face one another, smiling.


They laugh and spin round on their chair, shooting imaginary guns into the air and shouting, in their best Shaxx impression:

JOSH AND GREG: Show them that you've got this!

submitted by /u/ChrisCohenTV
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Thank You For Update

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:03 AM PST

I'm sitting here after finishing a 14-hour marathon of Crucible with a stupid grin on my face. As someone who fell in love with Destiny when I first played its PvP Alpha at E3 2014, it's been an emotional roller coaster ride seeing the game evolve over time. Unfortunately, I feel that much of the spark that Crucible originally captured has slowly disappeared. While I still immensely love the community and enjoy the core gameplay, I miss what the game used to be. At this point I accepted that it was likely I'd have to wait until the next chapter of the series for an opportunity to enjoy PvP in a similar way.

I have never been so happy to be wrong. The last time I had this much fun playing multiplayer was back in year 1. The game has turned the previously-awful meta on its head; instead of special weapons dictating play (read: incessant shotgunning) I've seen primary weapons take back the Crucible and punish foolish play.

I got my vendor Vanquisher VIII out of the vault and was instantly transported back to the earliest days of PvP when ARs reigned. I was two-bursting enemies with the newly-buffed high impact pulse rifles which reminded me of the first time I got the Messenger from Trials. I dropped 19 kills in my first game with Hawkmoon (the formerly inaccurate joke of a primary) and finished with just a single solitary shotgun frag. That trend continued throughout most of the day/night and it was like I was in the twilight zone... more primary gunfights in a single game than I would have sees in 10 before today. Just looking at the killfeed was surreal.

And the crazy thing is that SBMM was of course still in effect (something which I have openly opposed). I played some really close matches--against some really good players, but it didn't feel "sweaty" or relentlessly frustrating like before. The skill-ceiling was once again much higher and consistency had been reestablished in important ways.

Where previously I couldn't help but get dragged into varying amounts of frustration and complaining, I was having a level of pure fun that I haven't experienced in this game since 2015.

And while I by no means think this update is perfect, it has accomplished some very significant shifts in the core combat which have revived a fundamental balance that has been missing for much of the last year:

  • Adjusting ammo economy to promote primary usage
  • Elimination of Hand Cannon "ghost bullets" while reinforcing effective range
  • Mid air accuracy parity among primary weapons*
  • Stronger high impact pulses, nerfing of anti-gunfight HCR
  • Stronger ARs
  • Decreasing shotgun aim assist
  • Nerfing Juggernaut to further designate its intended usage

The above list many not seem like much, but I believe it's radically changed the game for the better. There is a much higher skill-gap with the focus being on primary gunskill (yay!) once again. You're taught to focus on your primary weapon and not rely on special weapons because shotguns/snipers/sidearms/fusions are supplemental as well as situational. Losing special ammo forces players to be more thoughtful in how they approach situations while providing regular enough ammo spawns to prevent players from feeling unfairly punished.

Initially it might feel jarring, and the time it takes to adjust to the new sandbox might be a struggle. But I firmly believe this move is in the right direction; one that teaches players to improve and rewarding them for doing so.

Of course I'd be remiss to not mention a handful of things I'm concerned about:

  • Healing perks being bugged (please fix ASAP)
  • Elimination special ammo issues (this will cause meta loadouts which will stifle this update's weapon variety)
  • Arc Blade nerf (overall hurts one of the most inconsistent supers in the game)
  • Blink nerf (???)
  • Quick Draw nerf (nerf feels unnecessary/too significant)
  • Landfall nerf (why touch this when Ionic blink is far better?)
  • Sidearms retaining FULL reserve ammo through death

No doubt there will be plenty of time to analyze these changes and give detailed feedback in the days/weeks ahead. However, in my opinion the good greatly outweighs the bad.

My focus now was just to take a moment to express how appreciative I am of how this update has restored some of the magic that I never thought I'd get to see again in Destiny 1.

It only makes me even more excited for this year's sequel.

See you in the Crucible!

submitted by /u/tripleWRECK
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Please for the love of Cheese, KEEP PVE AND PVP SEPARATE in Destiny 2

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:27 AM PST

First, this is not a moan at the game, I have played from day 1 loved every minute from raids to banner and failing appallingly at trials. No other game out there has cause this much devotion and joy. However, I am getting increasingly frustrated with the hotfix updates which are a response to players who moan at a certain guns dominance or a overpowered subclass being use to the players advantage. Bungie then react and its seems to punish those who it didn't affect in the first place. Sadly today Truth has been added to this list. Reducing its magazine, I can only see it as a way of decreasing its popularity within crucible, which is fine but why was it a problem within PVE? I really hope Destiny 2 has set guns for PVE and PVP. This will create a lot less issues, a fairer playing field and ultimately changes made to one side of the game will not affect the other.

submitted by /u/leachy82
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Bungie, why do you want Exotics to not feel.... Exotic?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:28 AM PST

Ophidian Aspects were a godsend, useless now. Truth, I don't know why but RIP Red Death? Lol Suros Regime feels good but not exotic really Titan Armor that gives heavy ammo mor often from kills that has raid/legendary gear that out classes it (sorry never used that exotic) I can go on and on about different Exotics being pointless, like Astrocyte Verse, and I'm sure anyone here in the sub can add to it.

I just want to know why we have Legendary guns that are far superior to our Exotic counterparts. I understand some people complaining about them, but it's supposed to be an endgame type of loot. Also the fact that we can only equip a single Exotic item really should make it stand out. There are plenty of Exotics with great odeas, that may have started strong, but ends up being nerfed to oblivion.

I get this game is a FPS, but it is also a game that you grind for gear. I want to feel rewarded with my Superior Exotics, not just look at it as a Cosmetic Item (purifier robes are sexy.)

I know we just got a weapons balance pass, but I'd like thoughts on Exotics and how they are underpowered and could be better.

(Just a different topic to talk about, feel free for any opinions or discussions.)

submitted by /u/Riddler_92
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Massive Breakdown of Legendary Weapons Recommended for the New Meta (Post

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:06 AM PST

Several things to note:

  • I've listed the perks in the order that I would take them in each column. The Bolded Perk/Perks in each column mean that I would include them in a God-Roll. If there are perks listed after the bolded ones, it means I think they are good perks, but not up to par with the God-Roll ones. If there are no bolded perks, it means that I feel any of the listed perks are fine to use in the column.

  • All Times-to-Kill are assuming Guardian has 200hp (max armor not including the effects of Max Armor Titans or Warlocks with The Ram).

  • All Pros and Cons are determined by comparing weapons within the same class, not by all weapons in general, and not by only the weapons within the archetype. If you would like a different or more specific comparison than what I have listed, feel free to ask and I can provide one in the comments.

Pulse Rifles


Lyudmila-D - Available from the Gunsmith.

Pros - Very high range and mag size. Above average recoil direction.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low reload speed, stability, and aim assist.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.73s (2 bursts, 7 crit and 1 body shot.), 1.27s (3 bursts, 12 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 59
  • Impact: 30 (26 damage per crit shot, 18 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 63
  • Stability: 54
  • Reload Speed: 51
  • Mag Size: 36
  • Aim Assist: 30
  • Recoil Direction: 70

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SC Holo
  • Column 2 - Headseeker, Crowd Control, Glass Half Full
  • Column 3 - Counterbalance, Unflinching
  • Column 4 - Hand-laid Stock, Injection Mold, Fitted Stock, High Caliber Rounds

Although the gun seems to have a fast optimal TtK, in practice it's very difficult to actually achieve the near perfect two-burst required to hit it. As for perks, a sight that boosts AA is my choice here, with SC Holo. Headseeker is also a great option on this gun, as it makes it less dependent on hitting all headshots to achieve minimum TtK. Counterbalance is a massive help as well, preventing the gun from pulling as hard to the left as it normally does, but Unflinching can also be useful, as the base recoil direction actually isn't as bad as some other PRs. Hand-laid Stock is by far the best choice for the last column, although Injection Mold or Fitted Stock can be a poor man's substitutes. High Caliber Rounds can force some really crazy flinch on people if you can land all your shots, which is great for messing with snipers, but it takes some great weapon control to deal with the recoil without any stability perks.

Parthian Shot - Available from the Vanguard Quartermaster.

Pros - Fast optimal TtK. Very high range. High recoil direction. Above average mag size.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low aim assist. Below average stability and reload speed.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.67s (2 bursts, 6 crit shots), 1.20s (3 bursts, 9 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 59
  • Impact: 30 (34 per crit shot, 23 per body shot)
  • Range: 52
  • Stability: 62
  • Reload Speed: 62
  • Mag Size: 27
  • Aim Assist: 30
  • Recoil Direction: 71

Recommended Vendor Perks:

  • Column 1 - Steadyhand IS
  • Column 2 - Life Support
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance
  • Column 4 - Headseeker

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Reflex, SureShot IS, SteadyHand IS
  • Column 2 - Life Support, Outlaw, Eye of the Storm, Feeding Frenzy
  • Column 3 - Hand-laid Stock, Perfect Balance, Braced Frame, Smallbore
  • Column 4 - Headseeker, Third Eye, Counterbalance, Rangefinder, Glass Half Full

Now here's a subclass we haven't heard from in a long time. For a brief period they were the rulers of the Crucible, but high impact pulse rifles were cut down by one of Bungie's infamous nerfs, and since then they've struggled to see the light of day. This gun looks to lead the resurrection, with a fantastic recoil pattern brought about by the high recoil direction stat. On top of that, the vendor roll comes with SteadyHand IS and Perfect Balance to add some more stability and tighten up the burst spread, and Life Support and Headseeker are the icing on this already excellent cake. Although it's difficult to get the optimal two burst kills with this class, it is possible, and I think skilled players might be able to put this to good user taking down other Guardians well before they can get into closer ranges.

If you happen to get a random drop, for sights we're going to look for aim assist boosts first, so Reflex and SureShot IS are the two prime options. In the second slot there aren't a ton of great perks, and Life Support is still the best of the bunch. Outlaw is fun, and Eye of the Storm Provides situational help, but neither are tier one. In the middle column we want Hand-laid Stock so that we can get the most stability possible, or Perfect Balance as a backup. The reason Braced Frame isn't the most highly recommended is because it drops the mag size to 21, which is very low for a pulse rifle. That being said, if you can handle only having 7 bursts go for it. In the last column I'd choose Headseeker first to make the gun more forgiving of body shots, but Third Eye is also a great PvP perk. Counterbalance isn't as highly recommended because the recoil direction is already relatively high at 71, and I'd like to avoid increasing the vertical jump of the burst pattern if possible.


B-29 Party Favor - Available from the Crucible Quartermaster.

Pros - Very high reload speed. High aim assist.

Neutral - Average stability.

Cons - Low range and mag size. Below average recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (2.66 bursts, 8 crits), 1.33s (4 bursts, 12 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 73
  • Impact: 7 (25 damage per crit shot, 17 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 31
  • Stability: 65
  • Reload Speed: 78
  • Mag Size: 24
  • Aim Assist: 70
  • Recoil Direction: 59

Recommended Vendor Perks:

  • Column 1 - Red Dot-ORA2 or OEG
  • Column 2 - Partial Refund
  • Column 3 - Smallbore
  • Column 4 - Glass Half Full

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Reflex, SureShot IS, SteadyHand IS
  • Column 2 - Life Support, Outlaw, Eye of the Storm, Feeding Frenzy
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance/Hand-laid Stock, Smallbore, Braced Frame
  • Column 4 - Counterbalance/Rangefinder, Third Eye, Headseeker, Glass Half Full

A member of the now much more popular Hawksaw/PDX-45 archetype, this Crucible sold variant is basically just a poor man's version of the previously listed weapons. Compared to others in its archetype, the range isn't bad, but the stability and mag size leave something to be desired. The aim assist does a valiant job attempting to make up for it, but in a world that at this point is populated by god-rolls, the perk options here fall short. Smallbore decreases an already low mag size, but you really need to the range and stability boosts, and fortunately Partial Refund offers some help. Glass Half Full is nice perk to have, but realistically does very little in the Crucible. I'm not a fan of the sights, either, but you take what you can get. If you missed out on the previous Hawksaw, and you're waiting for a great PDX-45 from the Gunsmith, you might as well pick this up to use in the meantime.

As for those of you who get a drop from a Crucible package, the perks line up exactly the same as the Vanguard Parthian Shot. That means for sights we're going to look for aim assist boosts first, so Reflex and SureShot IS are the two prime options. In the second slot there aren't a ton of great perks, and Life Support is still the best of the bunch. Outlaw is fun, and Eye of the Storm provides situational help, but neither are tier one. In the middle column we want Perfect Balance by far the most, since it gives us more stability without killing the already low range or mag size, like each other perk in this slot. Of course, Hand-laid Stock may even be the better option for someone looking for a PDX-lite, since it will sacrifice the extra range the Party Favor starts with to give it more stability. In the last column, although I'd take Rangefinder first (especially if I was using HLS), a lot of people will probably want Counterbalance since neither the stability nor recoil direction are very good. With some weapons like PDX-45 and Hawksaw you can get away with just using Perfect Balance to keep the recoil manageable, but the B-29 has 10 less stability than them by default, so it might be a little more difficult.

Aegis of the Reef - Available from the House of Judgment Reputation Packages.

Pros - Very high reload speed. High aim assist. Above average stability.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Below average range. Low mag size and recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (2.66 bursts bursts. 8 crits), 1.33s (4 bursts. 12 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 73
  • Impact: 7 (25 damage per crit shot, 17 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 33
  • Stability: 68
  • Reload Speed: 78
  • Mag Size: 24
  • Aim Assist: 65
  • Recoil Direction: 58

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Red Dot-OAS/SureShot IS, Red Dot-ORES
  • Column 2 - Perfect Balance, Hammer Forged, Send It
  • Column 3 - High Caliber Rounds, Full Auto
  • Column 4 - Counterbalance, Rangefinder, Hidden Hand, Headseeker, Third Eye, Life Support, Glass Half Full, Unflinching

Another relatively rare gun that almost always comes with a decent roll, the Aegis of the Reef is a pulse rifle from the Hawksaw/PDX-45 archetype. It boosts the highest base range stat of the three, while still maintaining good stability and aim assist. Red Dot-OAS and SureShot both boost AA, and I'm just personally a fan of the ORES scope, so those are my recommendations for column one. In column two, I really recommend Perfect Balance, because without it you won't have many other good options to decrease the vertical recoil, at least without incurring a penalty torRange. In column three, I'm a huge fan of how useful HCR rounds are, but I know a ton of people like to use Full Auto. In the last column there are a lot of good options, but the one that stands out the most to me is Counterbalance, which will make the recoil nearly all vertical. A couple other excellent options are Hidden Hand and Rangefinder, followed by Headseeker to make the gun more forgiving. The other listed perks are also good enough to be usable.

SUROS PDX-45 - Available from the Gunsmith.

Pros - Very high stability and reload speed. High aim assist. Above average mag size.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low range and recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (2.66 bursts, 8 crits), 1.33s (4 bursts, 12 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 73
  • Impact: 7 (25 damage per crit shot, 17 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 22
  • Stability: 75
  • Reload Speed: 90
  • Mag Size: 27
  • Aim Assist: 70
  • Recoil Direction: 50

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SPO-28
  • Column 2 - Perfect Balance, High Caliber Rounds, Hammer Forged, Fitted Stock
  • Column 3 - Counterbalance, Hidden Hand, Rangefinder, Headseeker
  • Column 4 - Rifled Barrel/Smallbore

Perhaps one of the best all around primary weapons in the game, many Guardians have been waiting for months for the Gunsmith to bring us a god-roll. SPO-28 is the best sight again for the AA boost (and I just like the optics). If you grab Perfect Balance here, it will push the stability up high enough that you can use Rifled Barrel in the last Column, and end up with massive boosts to both. If you aren't lucky enough to get Perfect Balance, then Smallbore is the best option in the final column, and either of the other three second column options will work. You can even match Smallbore with Perfect Balance to achieve literally maximum Stability, but you won't get as much range as you could with Rifled Barrel. High Caliber Rounds does well on the PDX-45, simply because the RoF is so fast that landing all of your shots will have the other person's screen jumping almost constantly. Hammer Forged can help with the very low base Range, and Fitted Stock doesn't give much of a stability bonus, but it's still a helpful in tightening up the bullet spread. Counterbalance in the middle will always be the best choice for those who want to improve recoil direction, but with Perfect Balance it's not absolutely necessary. Rangefinder or Hidden Hand are also very solid perks in this slot, so don't be upset if you get one of those two. Headseeker is less useful than the others, but still an option.

Blind Perdition - Available from the Trials of Osiris.

Pros - High reload speed. Above average aim assist.

Neutral - Average range.

Cons - Below average stability and recoil direction. Low mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.87s (2.66 bursts, 8 crits), 1.33s (4 bursts, 12 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 73
  • Impact: 7 (25 damage per crit shot, 17 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 38
  • Stability: 64
  • Reload Speed: 76
  • Mag Size: 24
  • Aim Assist: 61
  • Recoil Direction: 60

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Smooth Ballistics/Smart Drift Control
  • Column 2 - Hand-laid Stock/Smallbore
  • Column 3 - High Caliber Rounds/Hand Loaded
  • Column 4 - Outlaw/Counterbalance

This is one of the most interesting primary weapons to come out of Trials in a long time. While at first glance it appears to be somewhat lacking compared to other weapons in the archetype like the SUROS PDX-45 and Hawksaw, it actually offers two viable perks in every slot that allow you to fully customize the experience you want from this gun. For the barrel perks, you can choose between either Smart Drift Control, which increases stability and recoil direction at the cost of range, or Smooth Ballistics, which increases range and aim assist at the cost of stability. In the second slot, Smallbore boosts range and stability by small amount while taking the mag size down to 21, or you can use Hand-laid Stock to keep the mag size the same while drastically improve stability, but losing out on some range. In the third column you can choose to either use HCR for the increased flinch or Hand Loaded to add to range, and in the last column Outlaw will drastically increase the reload speed after precision kills, while Counterbalance can help to increase the recoil direction. A couple things to note, though. If you're using SDC you probably won't need Counterbalance, since it will take the recoil direction straight to 90, which is nearly perfect. If you decide to use Smallbore, you're almost certainly going to need Outlaw to help you with those quick reloads since your mag size will be so small. To some of you, Hand-laid Stock may be enough of a stability boost that Counterbalance isn't needed.

All in all, this gun has so many options and ways to combine perks that I feel are heavily dependent on personal preference and playstyle, so I'm going to refrain from making any concrete recommendations other than the ones above.

Any of these setups will more than likely prove competitive at most levels in the current Crucible meta, so those people who weren't lucky enough to get a well-rolled PDX-45 or the previous vendor Hawksaw may want to take a look. As a bonus, the adept version has Snapshot as an intrinsic perk.

Auto Rifles


Zero-Day Dilemma - Available from the Crucible Quartermaster.

Pros - High range. Above average reload speed and recoil direction.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Below average stability. Very low mag size and aim assist.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.93s (6 crit 2 body), 1.20 (10 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (26 damage per crit shot, 21 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 37
  • Stability: 44
  • Reload Speed: 71
  • Mag Size: 24
  • Aim Assist: 47
  • Recoil Direction: 71

Recommended Vendor Perks:

  • Column 1 - SteadyHand IS
  • Column 2 - Eye of the Storm
  • Column 3 - Rifled Barrel or Braced Frame
  • Column 4 - Hidden Hand

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Reflex, SureShot IS, OEG Riflescope
  • Column 2 - Crowd Control, Close and/or Personal, Eye of the Storm, Grenadier, Hip Fire
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance, Hand-laid Stock
  • Column 4 - Hidden Hand, Third Eye

Let's face it: Even with the buff this gun is among the worst in its archetype. The vendor version is lacking, and overall the stats just leave a lot to be desired. If you do waste the marks on the vendor sold one, SteadyHand IS is probably the best sight for the boost to stability, and at least you get Eye of the Storm which is a niche, but useful perk. In the third column though you have to choose between Rifled Barrel, which boosts the already high range, or Braced Frame, which helps the low stability but decimates the already low mag size. In the last column we have the only perk we actually want, which is Hidden Hand. Please don't buy or use this weapon unless you have no other options.

If you are unlucky enough to get a random drop one, then Reflex is our best sight. In the next column it doesn't really matter what you get, but Crowd Control would probably be the best option. In the third slot Perfect Balance helps the low stability without any significant penalty, but HLS is also useful since we have such high base range. In the last column Hidden Hand is king.

Grim Citizen III - Available from Crucible rank up packages.

Pros - Very high range. High recoil direction.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low aim assist. Low stability and mag size. Below average reload speed.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.93s (6 crit 2 body), 1.20 (10 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (26 damage per crit shot, 21 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 42
  • Stability: 39
  • Reload Speed: 65
  • Mag Size: 26
  • Aim Assist: 37
  • Recoil Direction: 73

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Red Dot-OAS, Red Dot-ORES, Red Dot-ORS1, SureShot IS
  • Column 2 - Rangefinder, Crowd Control, Persistence
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance, Hand-laid Stock, Fitted Stock, Injection Mold, Smallbore, Rifled Barrel, Hand Loaded
  • Column 4 - Hidden Hand, Life Support, Third Eye, Icarus, Feeding Frenzy, Eye of the Storm, Grenadier

Year one players will remember a time when this weapon and its ilk were dominant in the Crucible, and the most recent patch helped to push them just a bit back in that direction. As far as perks go, the sight recommendations will be nearly the same as all year one standard weapons. OAS is by far the best, with boosts to both stability and aim assist, but ORES, ORS1, and SureShot are all excellent options as well. In the second column Rangefinder is my first choice, followed by Crowd Control, simply because it gives you the freedom to take a loss of range in the second column in order to boost stability. While Perfect Balance is the optimal choice in this slot, Hand-laid Stock, Injection Mold, and Fitted Stock can all also be beneficial. Smallbore is less preferred, because it hurts the already low mag size, which I'd like to avoid. If you really want to increase range, Rifled Barrel would be the optimal choice, but you probably won't need to do that. In the last slot Hidden Hand is the top pick, because the base aim assist is horrendous on this weapon. If you can't get that then the other listed options are decent, but none come close to being as necessary as Hidden Hand. Icarus is also a new perk in the mix, as the boost to in-air accuracy provided by the recent patch combines with it nicely, although I still wouldn't say it's something you can rely on.

Her Memory - Available from the Prison of Elders.

Pros - Above average range and stability.

Neutral - Average reload speed.

Cons - Below average aim assist. Very low recoil direction. Low mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.93s (6 crit 2 body), 1.20 (10 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (26 damage per crit shot, 21 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 28
  • Stability: 49
  • Reload Speed: 66
  • Mag Size: 26
  • Aim Assist: 50
  • Recoil Direction: 53

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Reflex/SureShot IS, OEG Riflescope
  • Column 2 - Rangefinder, Persistence, Crowd Control, Hot Swap
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance, Rifled Barrel, Hand Loaded, Fitted Stock
  • Column 4 - Counterbalance, Hidden Hand, Third Eye, Glass Half Full, Life Support, Icarus, Eye of the Storm, Grenadier

A copy-cat of my year one favorite weapon, Her Right Hand, Her Memory has joined the other high-impact ARs in becoming passable once again with the most recent damage boost. Sadly, they still reside ever so slightly outside of the competitive meta, and a large portion of this has to do with the fact that, although the TtK isn't bad, you have to maintain a steady line of sight with an opponent to achieve it, which is both easy for them to break, and costly for you to attempt to keep up. Good players will duck in and out of cover to avoid these types of engagements, which are made possible with semi-auto and burst guns, and low-Impact AR users will simply be able to kill you faster. That being said, any one of the three listed sights can help, with the first two boosting AA, and the third helping out with range, and thus pushing back the aggressive damage fall off just a bit. Rangefinder further assists there, and the combo of Perfect Balance and Counterbalance, coupled with the slower RoF, will help to make you as accurate as possible during sustained fire.

SUROS ARI-45 - Available from the Gunsmith.

Pros - Very high range.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low reload speed and mag size. Below average stability, aim assist, and recoil direction.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.93s (6 crit 2 body), 1.20s (10 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (26 damage per crit shot, 21 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 48
  • Stability: 44
  • Reload Speed: 52
  • Mag Size: 25
  • Aim Assist: 54
  • Recoil Direction: 60

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SPO-28
  • Column 2 - Perfect Balance, Hammer Forged, High Caliber Rounds, Fitted Stock
  • Column 3 - Rifled Barrel, Smallbore, Hand-laid Stock, Injection Mold
  • Column 4 - Counterbalance, Glass Half Full, Hidden Hand, Icarus, Unflinching, Rangefinder

As far as high impact ARs go, this one isn't really among the best of the bunch. You'll want to take advantage of this ARs high base range, since it doesn't really have anything else to hang your hat on. Low base AA and stability mean that it's not the easiest gun to use, but it does have better damage drop off properties than all but the most well rolled of ARs. Unfortunately the recoil pattern makes it difficult to stay on target at longer distances, so Perfect Balance and Counterbalance are very beneficial. If you're okay with that recoil pattern, then Rifled Barrel will the best choice, to improve the already great range. If you want more stability and just a little extra range, Smallbore also works very well, at the cost of a few bullets from the mag size. If you still aren't happy with the recoil, and want to sacrifice the high range to really bring the vertical movement down, you can use Injection Mold or Hand-laid Stock. So it's really your choice in the middle column depending on whether you want to improve the weapon's weak spots or play to its strengths. I, personally, prefer to increase range.

Does Not Bow - Available from the The Shadow Thief strike.

Pros - High range.

Neutral - Average aim assist.

Cons - Low stability, reload speed, and recoil direction. Very low mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.93s (6 crit 2 body), 1.20 (10 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (26 damage per crit shot, 21 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 33
  • Stability: 39
  • Reload Speed: 59
  • Mag Size: 22
  • Aim Assist: 65
  • Recoil Direction: 56

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Red Dot-OAS, Red Dot-ORES, Red Dot-ORS1, SureShot IS
  • Column 2 - Rangefinder, Crowd Control, Spray and Pray, Persistence
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance, Rifled Barrel, Injection Mold, Fitted Stock, Hand Loaded
  • Column 4 - Hidden Hand, Third Eye, Life Support, Counterbalance, Glass Half Full, Icarus, Grenadier, Army of One

Unfortunately, even with the recent damage and crit multiplier buffs, this weapon generally isn't going to be competitive in high level Crucible due to the suboptimal TtK, aggressive damage fall off, and need to maintain line of sight during engagements. However, if you happen to get a great roll, you can always take it into casual sixes and have a blast. As far as sights go, it's mostly user preference, but I think that Red Dot-OAS is the best all round sight for auto rifles, due to the boosts to stability and aim assist. I also like ORES for better stability, ORS1 for the increased zoom magnification factor (which means damage fall off starts at longer distances), or SureShot to provide a boost to AA. Really, as far as optics go, if you have something you like you'll probably be okay. Column two doesn't have a lot of great options, with Rangefinder being the only real tier-one perk. Crowd Control can also be useful in some situations where you're engaging multiple targets simultaneously, and Spray and Pray will actually help a decent amount considering the mag size is only 22. Conversely, with such a small mag size, Persistence probably won't have enough time to really be effective, but it's still generally a better option than most of the other perks in this column. Trying to get either more stability, or maxed range, is the name of the game in the third column. Perfect Balance is probably the best overall perk, but Rifled Barrel can also help a lot. If you can manage it, try to avoid decreasing the range stat by too much, since ARs need as much as possible to prevent the damage drop off from taking a toll. Injection Mold is only above Fitted Stock because its stability boost is a little higher, and it also increases handling speed, which is a nice bonus to have on a primary weapon. In the last column, Hidden Hand, Third Eye, and Life Support are all tier-one perks, if you can handle the sideways sway of the recoil. If you can't then Counterbalance becomes a necessity. If you're not lucky enough to get any of those, Glass Half Full can assist with mitigating the damage fall off by providing 1 extra damage to the bottom half of the mag. Grenadier and Army of one are decent passive bonuses, too.

GENESIS CHAIN~ - Available from the Wrath of the Machine raid.

Pros - Very high range. Above average reload speed. High recoil direction.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Below average stability, mag size, and aim assist.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.83s (5 crit 1 body), 1.17s (8 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (35 damage per crit shot, 27 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 40
  • Stability: 44
  • Reload Speed: 73
  • Mag Size: 30
  • Aim Assist: 55
  • Recoil Direction: 75

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Linear Compensator
  • Column 2 - Focus Fire
  • Column 3 - Hammer Forged or High Caliber Rounds
  • Column 4 - Focused Firefly

A raid weapon that originally had its perks aimed with laser precision at PvE, the GENESIS CHAIN~ has found a new niche in PvP as of Thanks to the damage buff, GC now hits for 35 to the head and 27 to the body, which allows it to kill in a best in class optimal TtK of 0.83s. Focus Fire can combine perfectly with High Caliber Rounds to keep enemies flinching, or Hammer Forged can help you put a little extra space between yourself and your victims. Focused Firefly is actually a hilarious perk, allowing Firefly to activate as long as Focus Fire is running. This weapon joins the very small group of fully automatic guns that have Firefly, so I think it deserves a special place in the hall of entertaining weapons.

Shadow Price - Available from Vanguard rank up packages.

Pros - High range. Above average stability.

Neutral - Average reload speed and recoil direction.

Cons - Very low aim assist and mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.93s (6 crit 2 body), 1.20 (10 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 77
  • Impact: 28 (26 damage per crit shot, 21 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 37
  • Stability: 49
  • Reload Speed: 67
  • Mag Size: 25
  • Aim Assist: 45
  • Recoil Direction: 64

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Red Dot-OAS, Red Dot-ORES, Red Dot-ORS1, SureShot IS
  • Column 2 - Rangefinder, Crowd Control, Persistence
  • Column 3 - Perfect Balance, Smallbore, Rifled Barrel, Fitted Stock, Hand Loaded
  • Column 4 - Hidden Hand, Life Support, Third Eye, Icarus, Counterbalance, Feeding Frenzy, Eye of the Storm, Grenadier

Just like its near twin, the Grim Citizen III, the Shadow Price is a member of the high-impact archetype. Coincidentally DeeJ's favorite weapon, there was a time where it was considered top-tier, but sadly, even with the recent buff in, this weapon is still well below its ceiling. As far as perks go, the sight recommendations will be nearly the same as all year one standard weapons. OAS is by far the best, with boosts to both stability and aim assist, but ORES, ORS1, and SureShot are all excellent options as well. In the second column Rangefinder is my first choice, followed by Crowd Control, simply because it really helps to push out the damage drop off, something that all auto rifles suffer from. In the middle column, Perfect Balance is the optimal choice, but Smallbore can also be useful. I wouldn't use any of the perks like HLS or IM that decrease range to boost stability, simply because the SP doesn't come with a very high base range. If you feel like stability isn't needed and you really want to increase range, Rifled Barrel would be the optimal choice, but I would lean heavily towards choosing stability. In the last slot Hidden Hand is the top pick, because the base aim assist is horrendous on this weapon. If you can't get that then the other listed options are decent, but none come close to being as necessary as Hidden Hand.



Crow's Eye - Available from House of Judgment Reputation Packages.

Pros - Hitscan. Above average range. High aim assist.

Neutral - Average stability.

Cons - Very low reload speed. Low mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.70s (1 crit 3 body shots), 0.93s (5 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 91
  • Impact: 15 (61 damage per crit shot, 49 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 32
  • Stability: 75
  • Reload Speed: 85
  • Mag Size: 12
  • Aim Assist: 85

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Linear Compensator, Accurized Ballistics, Field Choke
  • Column 2 - Hand Loaded, Fitted Stock
  • Column 3 - High Caliber Rounds/Quickdraw, Lightweight, Snapshot
  • Column 4 - Rangefinder, Zen Moment, Crowd Control, Reactive Reload, Hot Swap, Battle Runner

I normally never recommend this class of sidearm, simply because, even though the damage per bullet is higher, the slower RoF means weapons from this sub-class generally can't compete with the other sidearms in TtK. However, due to the sidearm changes that came about with RoI, the Crow's Eye is in my opinion one of the best sidearms out there. This is because Linear Compensator (or any barrel perk that boosts impact) allows the gun to kill with four body shots in 0.70s, and it's hitscan. The recoil is also noticeably easier to deal with than that of the higher RoF archetypes, as the gun has slightly more time to settle between shots, and this means I like to boost range as much as I can. As such Hand Loaded and Rangefinder are my go-to choices in columns two and four. In the middle column, you can choose what you like best. I've always appreciated the flinch from HCR, but some people rave about Quickdraw.

Teacup Tempest - Available from the Vanguard Quartermaster.

Pros - Hitscan. High range and aim assist.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low stability and mag size. Low reload speed.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.70s (1 crit 3 body shots), 0.93s (5 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 91
  • Impact: 15 (61 damage per crit shot, 49 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 33
  • Stability: 69
  • Reload Speed: 86
  • Mag Size: 11
  • Aim Assist: 85

Recommended Vendor Perks:

  • Column 1 - SureShot IS
  • Column 2 - Zen Moment
  • Column 3 - High Caliber Rounds
  • Column 4 - Reactive Reload

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SureShot IS/TrueSight IS
  • Column 2 - Zen Moment, Crowd Control, Feeding Frenzy
  • Column 3 - High Caliber Rounds, Fitted Stock, Hand Loaded
  • Column 4 - Rangefinder, Hidden Hand, Hot Swap, Reactive Reload

As I mentioned in the Crow's Eye review, I don't really recommend this archetype. Some people like them because the recoil control is a little easier with a slower RoF, but I personally find the times-to-kill to be lacking. In any case, stat-wise this gun has poor recoil and low mag size, both of which contribute to my lack of appreciation for the weapon. The range and aim assist are both high, but in general I feel like the Crow's Eye would be the superior choice, even without the barrel perk boosting impact. Since you don't get the luxury of a similar perk on the Teacup, you'll be stuck with the slowest in class optimal and body shot times-to-kill. Moving on to perks, SureShot and TrueSight are almost always my two most recommended sight options, as they boost both aim assist and stability by modest amounts. In the enxt column Zen Moment will be the primary option to help out with the sub-par stability, but Crowd Control can also be used to push up the damage and bring down the times-to-kill. In the last column I like Rangefinder the most, just to stretch that optimal damage distance, but honestly all of the perks are solid. Hidden Hand can boost the already high aim assist, Hot Swap helps you maintain accuracy for a few seconds after drawing the weapon, and Reactive Reload is another way to boost damage. The vendor version actually has a pretty nice roll, so if you're looking to get a usable one quickly you're in luck.


The Wormwood - Available from the Future War Cult Representative.

Pros - Hitscan. High stability. Above average aim assist.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Below average range and reload speed. Low mag size.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.60s (1 crit 3 body shots), 0.80s (5 body shots)
  • Rate of Fire: 94
  • Impact: 12 (60 damage per crit shot, 48 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 28
  • Stability: 76
  • Reload Speed: 86
  • Mag Size: 12
  • Aim Assist: 84

Recommended Vendor Perks:

  • Column 1 - TrueSight IS
  • Column 2 - High Caliber Rounds/Quickdraw
  • Column 3 - Hand Loaded or Zen Moment
  • Column 4 - Hidden Hand

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - SureShot IS/TrueSight IS
  • Column 2 - High Caliber Rounds/Quickdraw, Lightweight
  • Column 3 - Hand Loaded, Fitted Stock, Zen Moment
  • Column 4 - Rangefinder/Hidden Hand, Hot Swap, Reactive Reload

My favorite of the new vendor sidearms, The Wormwood's only true drawback is the low mag size. This is the gun I generally recommend to people who are just getting into sidearms and don't want to have to grind HoJ for the Crow's Eye. It has good stability and aim assist, and the range is just barely below average, so stat-wise it's pretty solid across the board. For perks, the sight recommendations are the same as ever: TrueSight and SureShot. High Caliber Rounds is always my favorite in the second column, but Quickdraw is also an excellent choice. In the third slot you can use Hand Loaded to improve on the range, or Zen Moment to help with the already good stability. In the last column I'd go with Rangefinder, particularly if you don't use Hand Loaded in the previous slot, but Hidden Hand can also be used to push the above average aim assist even higher. The vendor roll for this weapon is actually fantastic, and allows you to try out two of the top perks in the second and third slots to see which ones you like best.


ZEAL VECTOR~ - Available from the Wrath of the Machine Raid

Pros - Hitscan. High mag size.

Neutral - Average reload speed.

Cons - Very low range and aim assist. Below average stability.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.67s (1 crit 4 body), 0.83s (6 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 98
  • Impact: 8 (49 damage per crit shot, 39 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 25
  • Stability: 74
  • Reload Speed: 88
  • Mag Size: 15
  • Aim Assist: 55

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Accurized Ballistics
  • Column 2 - Reactive Reload
  • Column 3 - Hand Loaded/Quickdraw
  • Column 4 - Quick Reaction

When I originally reviewed the ZEAL VECTOR~, I was not impressed. Stats wise, it's lacking in almost every necessary area. Range, stability, and aim assist are all poor. With that being said, it does have one thing that not many other sidearms do: The ability to decrease its times-to-kill with an impact increasing barrel perk. If you use Accurized Ballistics, you can actually drop the optimal TtK down to 0.50s (4 crits) and the body TtK down to 0.67s (5 body shots). Both of those are top of the line, and makes this gun much more attractive than I found it to be previously. As far as perks, Reactive Reload and Quick Reaction are an interesting combination, giving you boosts to booth damage and agility when you reload after a kill. In reality, they're pretty niche bonuses, but players who use them correctly will definitely be rewarded. Due to the very low base range, I would stick with Hand Loaded in the middle column, but I know some players love Quickdraw, which is also an option. Overall, I find the perks to be slightly lackluster. Even with the barrel mod increasing impact enough to bring down the TtK, I'm just not seeing this gun as being better than The Wormwood or Crow's Eye, but a nice consolation prize or change of pace.

The Binding Blaze - Available from the Iron Banner.

Pros - Hitscan. High mag size. Above average reload speed.

Neutral - None.

Cons - Very low range and aim assist. Below average stability.

  • Time-to-Kill: 0.67s (1 crit 4 body), 0.83s (6 body)
  • Rate of Fire: 98
  • Impact: 8 (49 damage per crit shot, 39 damage per body shot)
  • Range: 25
  • Stability: 73
  • Reload Speed: 90
  • Mag Size: 15
  • Aim Assist: 54

Recommended Perks:

  • Column 1 - Iron Lordly Sights
  • Column 2 - Hand Loaded/Fitted Stock
  • Column 3 - High Caliber Rounds, Quickdraw, Appended Magazine, Lightweight
  • Column 4 - Rangefinder/Hidden Hand/Zen Moment, Crowd Control, Reactive Reload, Hot Swap, Battle Runner

The Binding Blaze is an interesting, if underwhelming, prospect. On the positive side it's hitscan, like the vendor and Hakke sidearms, which means that the projectiles do not have travel time. The reload speed and mag size are both decent as well, but that's where the good parts stop. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the best optimal or body shot times-to-kill, and the lack of impact increasing barrel perks means that there's no way to improve on that. Low range, stability, and aim assist values also combine to pile on the reasons why this isn't a sought after sidearm to me. As far as perks go, I'd use the Iron Lordly Sights for the AA bonus, and either Hand Loaded or Fitted Stock in the second slot. Although it doesn't look like they do much in terms of additional stats, sidearms are very sensitive to even small changes, and Fitted Stock and Hand Loaded both make noticeable differences. In the third column High Caliber Rounds is and will probably always be my favorite for sidearms, but I know quite a few people who swear by Quickdraw. Appended Magazine is also a solid option, particularly if you get Crowd Control in the last column. Speaking of the last column, as is tradition with the Iron Banner weapons, there are a lot of good options. I would prioritize Rangefinder, Hidden Hand, and Zen Moment in an attempt to make up for one of the glaring weaknesses this gun has, stat-wise, but Crowd Control and Reactive Reload are both great if you're trying to up the damage in consecutive encounters.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Bungie: Destiny 2 needs more PvE for 3-6 players.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

Bungie, I've been playing Destiny since the Alpha, and I absolutely adore your game. It's the most versatile game I own. If I want to relax, it's relaxing. If I want a challenge, it's challenging. If I want to hate myself, there is the Crucible. It's just fantastic. So, thank you.

That being said, looking forward to Destiny 2, there absolutely needs to be some changes made to the way in which you allow your players to experience the PvE content.

As it stands right now, nearly all PvE content is locked to 3 players out of the possible 6. I actually didn't even notice this was an issue until more recently. For the first 2 years of Destiny, I only had my wife and one of my close friends to play Destiny with. So, with a 3 person team, we had access to almost all the content. We even were able to do the Raids thanks to the fantastic community websites.

However, more recently, I have a few more people to play with. I just got 3 friends to purchase Destiny, and now we're constantly running into the annoyance of not being able to play together. I actually did not know that you couldn't Partol with more than 3 until we tried it one night. We were devastated (I know it's my fault, I could have researched it). It's always a party of 6 with us splitting up into two 3-man teams and doing things separate. Ever be in a party like that? Here's an insight, it's not that much fun. We do the Raids, but honestly, that content becomes seriously limiting after time. Especially since 2 of the Raids are completely irrelevant at this point.

Destiny 2 needs 6-man PvE content

I (think) I understand why Destiny 1 doesn't have this content (I'm looking at you Xbox360/PS3). But going forward, I honestly think there is no excuse not to expand to include more players.

Even looking at the existing Strike model, it could be adapted for 6 players. Even if you just doubled the spawn instances in the existing strikes and added a permanent burn that was in favor of the enemies in that particular strike, it could easily accommodate 6-players.

How so? Imagine the Valus Ta'alak strike with Solar burn. Now, in Valus's hanger, spawn 6 Colossus and see how quickly your 6-man team wipes. How about Omnigoul, void burn, 4 Ogres regularly spawning with exploding Thrall as back-up in the room?

I know this is an impossibility for Destiny 1. The way everything is chopped up into "instances" that only support 3 players. They'd have to re-wright a ton of the game to get that to work. But if the rumors about Destiny 2 are true (wide open spaces, and the death of "instances")....

Well, Bungie, it's a necessity. Destiny 2 needs 3-6-player PvE content beyond the Raids. We need the things like the Archon Forge, we need Partols, we need Strikes.

We need content we can all play together! Thanks!

submitted by /u/danis5
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Reasons why the blink nerf are too harsh.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:26 AM PST

For all those who do not blink, or perhaps don't understand why the blink nerf is so painful, I thought i would put together a small set of clips to show why.

First and foremost,

the amount of time without radar is ridiculous during a double blink. It forces you to travel by running.

I can't imagine traveling this distance without having radar. You can cover a great deal of distance with high agility and double blinking. Blinking across the map without a clue where anyone is, is straight suicide.


Intelligent players will realize that if you hear a blink, you can straight rush the opposing player, they won't know your coming. This effects not only regular travel, but defensive blinking. Sometimes tactical retreat is the best choice, but with these changes, tactical retreat is impossible. Its just run scared, because you don't know if someone followed you. Not only can you not tell if you are followed, but you have no idea if you are blinking towards another player. Blink has traditionally been complained about for its offensive capabilities (blink shotgun), and that has been nerfed a great deal due to ready times, now it hurts just trying to run away.


The quickdraw nerf hurt blink more. Ready times are longer, its an ever worse choice now.


Necessary vertical map movement is punished.

Look at this jump on bannerfall. Its a jump we all make regularly. However with the changes, If i blink and walk towards the cap point, I have now advanced on the point, with no possible knowledge of whether or not someone is in there. (granted in control I could see if the flag was being capped, but I would have no way to tell how many were in there. But in a mode like clash, making the regular jump to go to that area, leaves me blind to danger.) Many of the paths in destiny maps are traversed through jumps, to save time, or because the other option involves running a significantly longer way.


Its a nerf to bladedance. The most practical way to attack people with bladedance and blink, is to blink upwards, then come down. It forces opponents to

A. spend time looking upwards, and either not look up and shoot in time, or to lose you in the air.

B. everyone looking up is prime time for your team to come in and help you.

Now if you blink up, you just lose track of everyone, beesides the one person in your view your trying to kill, everyone scatters and your decision making after that is incredibly hindered.

And Sixth,

It doesn't really effect blink shotgun tactics. Odds are I already know where you are, so I blink at you. Your right in my view and I don't need the hud to kill you.

Honestly, I don't know what this nerf was aimed at, but it punishes so many non-broken aspects of blink. Regular travel, and defensive running primarily. And it doesn't affect what most people complained about, the offensive shotgun rush. Maybe blade dance was the target of the nerf, but what about the warlocks? I don't know, I'm legitimately confused.

I can't actually see a reason to pick blink now. It hurts every aspect of the game, even in travel when blink gives you no real advantage. If you bladedance, its bones of eao or nothing. Voidwalkers, I'm sorry, wish I could help. (Or maybe this could be a good buff to astocyte verse, removes hud penalties in blink. But what do I know......)

Edit: Formatting, I will never understand how to number stuff in reddit posts, always resetting the numbers part way through... IF I WROTE 6, WHY DO YOU THINK I WANTED A 1?

submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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Destiny Legal News 4.8

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:11 AM PST

Lawyer guardian here,

I'm just happy my sidearms came out unscathed. I'll leave it at that. Here's some very important legal news to start your day.

Destiny Legal News 4.8

Previous editions:

DLN Vol. 1

DLN Vol. 2

DLN Vol. 3

DLN Vol. 4

submitted by /u/ACbullman23
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No land beyond was the #1 weapon in elimination yesterday.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:36 AM PST

Welcome to the special weapon meta (trials) were no one has any special ammo. 10 percent of all kills were nlb. Wormwood is about to beat out matador too.

Edit: I'm not saying nlb is OP so don't bother please...

submitted by /u/ARMERGENCY
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I'm very concerned about the longevity of this patch

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:20 AM PST

Bungie, you said you read the forums and our feedback, so I post this in hopes that you actually do. This recent patch makes me think otherwise, but here we go.

I think Patch has potential to lead to one of the most stale metas the game has ever had. I played around 20ish games last night with a variety of weapons, and I think, perhaps unintentionally, that you've created way too much homogeneity in the way crucible works now.

The changes to special ammo economy were 100% designed to combat shotgun apes. No need to beat around the bush. You've definitely accomplished that goal. However, in doing so, you've also effectively killed snipers and fusions along with shotguns - at least in 6's. I would say around 50% of the people playing in 6 v 6 game modes were using sidearms last night when I played. I don't believe that was your intended outcome, and I hope that that problem is not addressed by a sidearm nerf, but rather rolling back some of the special ammo changes.

Because along with the special ammo changes, you ALSO nerfed shotguns across the board. In the games I played last night, the reduced magnetism and reduced in air accuracy were 100% noticeable. I believe with the shotgun nerfs, along with a targeted reduction to shotgun ammo inventory, those changes would have been enough to avoid tinkering with the special ammo economy at all.

The changes to the way health regenerating perks works should be immediately reversed to all perks and weapons, including (and perhaps especially) Bladedancer. I main warlock, so I'm sure I won't get a ton of sympathy, but two perks in the Voidwalker tree are now pretty useless, and changes the way that the whole subclass functions. Bladedancer was already in a pretty terrible spot, and the changes to blink, quickdraw, and hungering blade were unnecessarily harsh and way too punishing. This subclass is not viable in crucible. The changes also render Red Death next to useless, to the extent anyone used it anyway.

No one was complaining about Truth, but your data probably indicated that it was the most equipped heavy during Trials, so that's why it was changed. That's a poor way to determine whether or not a nerf is required, in my opinion.

The changes to hand cannons are most definitely noticeable, and I appreciate you making them feel like a more reliable weapon. However, I don't think the changes to any of the other primaries, except maybe low rate of fire pulses, made any kind of noticeable difference or dramatically affected the Time To Kill on those weapons.

In sum, I think the changes to special ammo economy is going to create a sidearm heavy meta (which people will begin to complain about in the same way they did with shotguns), which could have been avoided by more directly targeting changes to shotguns to allow more special weapons to be used. You see, players still want to be able to use specials. We just didn't want to be killed over and over by a charging shotgunner 50 times a match. Is it that difficult to balance that with the other special weapons?

please give me life steal/embrace the void back kthxbye

submitted by /u/lwyrup7
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Destiny action figures announced by Mcfarlane.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:51 AM PST

did anyone actually complain that Truth had a magazine size of 3?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:18 PM PST

now that it's down to a magazine size of 1, this already barely used rocket launcher is going to get even less use from the 7 people in the population that uses it.

what was the point of this nerf, seriously?

submitted by /u/retartarder
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Primary Aerial Accuracy | Pre-Patch Comparison | Post-Patch Guide (Video and Written Explanation)

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:06 AM PST

The video shows my testing and a few examples, but you'll get 95% of what you need from the text:


I tested the changes to aerial accuracy in the latest patch. If you didn't know, Bungie has increased the in-air accuracy for Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Auto Rifles. Before the patch, sometime last week, I went into a private match and took shots at clanmates under a variety of different scenarios that I'll explain in a minute. I recorded that information and then ran the same tests after the patch. I did this to answer 3 questions:

  • For starters, I wanted to know roughly how much Bungie increased aerial accuracy. The reason I say "roughly" is because shooting while airborne is RNG. You could land 10 shots in a row or you could miss 100 in a row, even if your reticle is right on your opponent's body. I'd have to take about 1000 shots before and after the patch to give an accurate percentage, which I was not down to do, so my estimates are based on testing 6 weapons from 3 different distances.
  • Secondly, I wanted to know if it was reliable to use my vertical space while wielding a primary weapon. Hand Cannons have always been reliable when airborne, but the other primaries haven't, so I wanted to figure that out and pass the information along.
  • And lastly, I wanted to know if we're better off aiming for the head while airborne, or for center mass.


The testing is pretty straightforward. The weapons I chose were the Jade Rabbit, MIDA, Doctrine, Vision Stone, Nirwen's Mercy, and Clever Dragon. No real reason for why I chose those weapons, just weapons I've used in the past. I ignored Hand Cannons since they didn't get an aerial accuracy change in the patch. With the 6 weapons I mentioned, I fired a set number of bullets from each of the guns at three different distances – 20m, 30m, and 40m. Hitting jump shots consistently becomes pretty difficult outside of 40m, so I capped the testing there. I ran these tests while aiming center mass, and then again when aiming for the head. So to quickly summarize the procedure, that's 6 weapons, at 3 distances, one sample aiming for the head and one sample aiming for the body, both before and after the patch.

The Aerial Accuracy Change

I want to remind you again that aerial accuracy is RNG, and my sample size isn't big enough to give exact percentages. Everything is subject to a margin of error. There's a graph with the full results, so I'll just give you the highlights here:

  • MIDA: 20 shots from three distances – 26 shots hit before, 38 shots hit after.
  • Jade Rabbit: 20 shots from three distances – 24 shots hit before, 32 shots hit after.
  • Clever Dragon: 10 bursts from three distances – 30 shots hit before, 47 shots hit after.
  • Nirwen's Mercy: 10 bursts from three distances – 29 shots hit before, 50 shots hit after.
  • Doctrine: 20 shots from three distances – 21 shots hit before, 27 shots hit after.
  • Vision Stone: 20 shots from three distances – 30 shots hit before, 33 shots hit after.
  • Scout Rifles combined were 40% more accurate post-patch (50 vs. 70).
  • Pulse Rifles combined were 64% more accurate post-patch (59 vs. 97).
  • Auto Rifles combined were 18% more accurate post-patch (51 vs. 60).
  • With Pulse Rifle shots prorated to the same number of bullets as Autos and Scouts (20), these 6 weapons landed 39% more bullets overall post-patch.

Reliability of Using Vertical Space

After reviewing the results of my tests, I will definitely be using my primary while airborne more often, but I won't be doing this all the time. Based on my tests while airborne, about 54% of my shots landed on average, which is about half. That rate isn't high enough to persuade me to run around and constantly jump, because the shots you miss by jumping will likely be more than the shots you cause your opponent to miss with your increased evasiveness. Also, that 54% is in a controlled scenario where my reticle is already lined up and there's no pressure. You won't land 54% in an actual gun fight because no one has perfect accuracy. How I feel might change over time, but after the testing and some brief gameplay, I think I'll still primarily play boots on the ground, but definitely use jump shots in a lot more situations.

In my gameplay, I quickly learned that forcing the jump shots often doesn't always work out very well, which supports my recommendation to use your vertical space situationally. I didn't play very many games because I was focused on the testing, but there's one example where I thought I used my aerial evasiveness well. My enemy was closing in on me quickly and was already weak, so I jumped to the left and land a couple shots to finish him off while taking minimal damage.

Another thing to consider is you controller and button layout. I have a custom controller so jumping and shooting is a little more manageable for me since I never take my thumb off the right thumb stick. However, even before I had the custom controller I was able to do it, so it's definitely possible with practice. The other thing you can do is change your button layout to Bumper Jumper. It will be extremely frustrating to make the adjustment, but with aerial accuracy playing an increasing role in Destiny, that's a road I personally would encourage you to go down to remain competitive and improve on your skill. If I didn't have a custom controller, I would certainly be switching to Bumper Jumper, but that's just my opinion.

Head or Body

Given that aerial accuracy is now reliable enough to be depended on in more situations, a very important question rises. Are you better off aiming for the head to get the precision damage, or body to maximize your chances of doing any damage? To determine this, I re-ran my tests with Autos and Scouts while aiming for the head. I was going to do Pulse Rifles as well, but the recoil and burst fire almost guarantees the second and third bullet won't hit. While aiming for the head, I consistently hit less bullets than I did when aiming body. That makes sense, because any shots that go left, right, or high will whiz passed your enemy because, well, there's less hit box around the head. You only hit the shots that actually go where you're aiming or if RNG sprays the bullet low. In most cases, the majority of the shots that actually hit were precision hits. However, aiming for a less forgiving and smaller target causes too many shots to miss, which more than counters the damage bonus of the precision shots that do hit. Therefore, it's of my opinion that you're better off aiming center mass when jump shooting.

Summary (TL;DR)

Let's summarize what was covered today:

  • Assuming the sample size and guns I tested are representative of all primaries in Destiny, Bungie increased aerial accuracy by roughly 40%.
  • You can count on about half of your shots to land while airborne in the range of 20m to 40m, obviously with a better success rate the closer you are to your enemy. A 50/50 chance for each bullet is not enough to justify flying around the map, because the amount of shots you'll miss is higher than the shots your opponent will miss from you being more evasive, against most opponents. As a result, I'll be using my vertical space more, but situationally, not all the time.
  • And lastly, aiming for the body does more damage on average than aiming for the head while airborne because RNG bullet spread while aiming for the head is less forgiving than aiming for center mass.


submitted by /u/Dukaness
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Something people aren't mentioning much during this QA stuff - We're not just fans. We're customers.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:22 AM PST

I don't usually pull this card, but given the recent QA disaster I think it's worth saying.

Destiny isn't cheap. Year 1 players who've stuck around have forked out a lot of money to carry on playing with each expansion and newer players have also bought into the collection etc.

We may be avid fans and we've stuck around for a long time, but one thing that I don't see getting mentioned much is that we are paying customers - and Bungie are treating us pretty badly at the moment, considering.

Bungie need to provide a quality experience for their customers and right now they're not.

submitted by /u/Anacus
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Apparently Rangefinder is bugged and is actually even BETTER on Shotguns

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:43 PM PST

Looking at Fallout's video today and he noticed that the Rangefinder perk is actually Decreasing ADS time. This is the exact opposite of what Bungie said the patch did, so I wanted to make sure the community knows.

So if you thought the perk was must-have before, it's even more must-have now!

Use it while it's hot.

Edit: To all the people saying Bungie meant to do this, this is from the the patch notes. "Rangefinder on Shotguns now increases ADS time by 25%." So clearly the patch notes do not align with what actually happened in game.

submitted by /u/True_Italiano
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Feedback on

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:09 AM PST

[Satire] It's good to have a bit of honesty coming out of bungie...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:10 AM PST

Armsday Rolls, week 76 [2017-02-15]

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:51 AM PST

Welcome to Armsday, week 76. This post is a compilation of all the weapon rolls. I want to hear what you think are the best choices, post in the comments. Here's a list of the available rolls this week. If you ordered ones I didn't please post the rolls in the comments and I'll add them.

Useful Links:

New to Armsday?

For those new to Armsday, here's the basics: Each week you can order a number of weapons from the gunsmith, equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3. You can rank up by doing the weekly weapon tests. On the Wednesday following your order, you get to choose from a number of rolls (combinations of perks) on each of the weapons you ordered. Again, this number is equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3 possible choices. If you choose not to turn in your weapon order for a roll, you can hold onto the order and you will get access to 3 new rolls every week (until you claim the weapon). The orders never expire but do take up inventory space, and do count towards your max number of orders. At any given time the max number of orders you can have in your inventory is 3 per character. Below are the rolls available to those who ordered these weapons last week.

Thanks for your continued support for what we do here every week,


For Sale This Week: These are the weapons that are available this week for order.

  1. Kumakatok HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)
  2. Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)
  3. Cocytus SR4 (Omolon Scout Rifle)
  4. Tuonela SR4 (Omolon Scout Rifle)
  5. JLB-47 (Suros Rocket Launcher)

Test Weapons: These are the test weapons for increasing your Gunsmith Rank, that are available this week

  1. Häkke Test-A (Sniper) - Cabal Centurions
  2. Omolon Test RR1 (Sniper) - Crucible
  3. Häkke Test-A (Shotgun) - Hive
  4. Suros TSA-10 (Auto) - precision
  5. Häkke Test-A (Hand Cannon) - Crucible

Weapon Rolls: These are the rolls for all weapon orders. In Alphabetical Order

Aoife Rua-D (Sniper Rifle)

  1. [Solar] ATB Long Range / ATD Raptor - Surplus - Feeding Frenzy - High Caliber Rounds / Armor Piercing Rounds / Injection Mold
  2. [Void] ATB Long Range / ATD Raptor - Private Eye - Guerilla Fighter - Explosive Rounds / Armor Piercing Rounds / Injection Mold
  3. [Solar] ATA Scout / ATD Raptor - Outlaw - Spray and Play - High Caliber Rounds / Quickdraw / Braced Frame

ARI-41 (Suros Auto)

  1. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - Fitted Stock / Feather Mag - Single Point Sling / Rifled Barrel - Rodeo
  2. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - High Caliber Rounds / Appended Mag - Snapshot / Hand-laid Stock - Focused Fire
  3. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SRO-37 - High Caliber Rounds / Casket Mag - Speed Reload / Smallbore - Rangefinder

ARI-45 (Auto Rifle)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Hammer Forged - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel - Partial Refund
  2. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Feather Mag / Hammer Forged - Snapshot / Rifled Barrel - Counterbalance
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Oiled Frame / Fitted Stock - Speed Reload / Hand-laid Stock - Partial Refund

Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. GA Post / SD Thermal - Relentless Tracker - Glass Half Full - Single Point Sling / Hand Loaded / Rifled Barrel
  2. GB Iron / LB Assault - Hot Swap - Rangefinder - Single Point Sling / Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel
  3. GA Post / LD Watchdog - Surrounded - Glass Half Full - Single Point Sling / Speed Reload / Smallbore

Cocytus SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Torch HS2 / Candle IS2 / Signal MS5 - Triple Tap - Rifled Barrel / Extended Mag - Army of One / Danger Close
  2. Torch HS2 / Spark IS6 / Signal MS5 - Life Support - Smallbore / Lightweight - Grenadier / Surrounded
  3. Flash HS4 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Icarus - Rifled Barrel / Lightweight - Firefly / Exhumed

DIS-43 (Suros Scout Rifle)

  1. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - Perfect Balance / Feather Mag - Counterbalance - Single Point Sling / Hand-Laid Stock
  2. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - High Caliber Rounds / Appended Magazine - Take a Knee - Snapshot / Smallbore
  3. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 - High Caliber Rounds / Feather Mag - Full Auto - Single Point Sling / Smallbore

DIS-47 (Suros Scout)

  1. SPO-28 / SLO-12 / SPO-57 - Appended Magazine / Fitted Stock - Hidden Hand - Single Point Sling / Rifled Barrel
  2. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-37 - Feather Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Hidden Hand - Snapshot / Injection Mold
  3. SPO-28 / SLO-19 / SRO-37 - Appended Magazine / Perfect Balance - Full Auto - Single Point Sling / Reinforced Barrel

Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper)

  1. Corvo SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Outlaw - Casket Mag / Snapshot - Unflinching / Eye of the Storm
  2. Corvo SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Outlaw - Injection Mold / Snapshot - Life Support / Mulligan
  3. Condor SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Performance Bonus - Rifled Barrel / Snapshot - Unflinching / Eye of the Storm

Gaheris-D (hand cannon)
Herja-D (Pulse Rifle)
Jingukogo-D (Shotgun)
JLB-42 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. (Void) Warhead Verniers/Soft Launch/Hard Launch - Single Point Sling/Speed Reload - Who's Next? - Perfect Balance/Lightweight
  2. (Arc) Aggressive Launch/Linear Compensator/Countermass - Heavy Payload/Speed Reload - Tracking - Javelin/Snapashot
  3. (Arc) Aggressive Launch/Linear Compensator/Countermass - Single Point Sling/Speed Reload - Cluster Bomb - Javelin/Lightweight

JLB-47 (Rocket Launcher)

  1. Soft Launch / Aggressive Launch / Countermass - Flared Magwell / Single Point Sling - Tripod - Javelin / Quickdraw
  2. Smart Drift Control / Aggressive Launch / Hard Launch - Speed Reload / Heavy Payload - Who's Next? - Perfect Balance / Snapshot
  3. Linear Compensator / Confined Launch / Countermass - Speed Reload / Heavy Payload - Tracking - Perfect Balance / Quickdraw

Judith-D (Hand Cannon)

  1. Fastdraw / Steadyhand - Zen Moment - Surrounded - Speed Reload / AP Rounds / Reinforced Barrel
  2. Fastdraw / Sureshot - Crowd Control - Reactive Reload - Speed Reload / Explosive Rounds / Oiled Frame
  3. Truesight / Steadyhand - Surrounded - Feeding Frenzy - Snapshot / Explosive Rounds / Reinforced Barrel

Kumakatok HC4 (Hand Cannon)
Lyudmila-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. GA Post / LB Assault - Last Resort - Unflinching - High Caliber Rounds / Hand Loaded / Reinforced Barrel
  2. SC Holo / SD Thermal - Headseeker - Rodeo - Snapshot / Hamd Loaded / Reinforced Barrel
  3. GB Iron / LD Watchdog - Army of One - Full Auto - Single Point Sling / Speed Reload / Oiled Frame

PDX-41 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - Fitted Stock / Feather Mag - Take a Knee - Single Point Sling / Smallbore
  2. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - Hammer Forged / Appended Magazine - Full Auto - Lightweight / Hand-Laid Stock
  3. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - Perfect Balance / Feather Mag - Hidden Hand - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel

PDX-45 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 - High Caliber Rounds / Appended Magazine - Rangefinder - Speed Reload / Hand-Laid Stock
  2. SLO-12 / SPO-28 / SPO-57 - Perfect Balance / Feather Mag - Unflinching - Speed Reload / Rifled Barrel
  3. SLO-12 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - Fitted Stock / Appended Magazine - Rangefinder - Snapshot / Smallbore

Strongbow-D (Shotgun)

  1. Soft Ballistics / Field Choke - Surrounded - Battle Runner - Single Point Sling / Hand Loaded / Oiled Frame
  2. Smart Drift Control / Accurized Ballistics - Crowd Control - Battle Runner - Single Point Sling / Fitted Stock / Oiled Frame
  3. Soft Ballistics / Aggressive Ballistics - Surrounded - Feeding Frenzy - Single Point Sling / Perfect Balance / Oiled Frame

Tamar-D (Sniper Rifle)

  1. [Arc] ATB Long Range / ATD Raptor - Counterbalance - Guerilla Fighter - Explosive Rounds / Snapshot / Injection Mold
  2. [Void] ATA Scout / ATD Raptor - Surplus - Spray and Play - High Caliber Rounds / Armor Piercing Rounds / Braced Frame
  3. [Arc] ATB Long Range / ATD Raptor - Private Eye - Who's Next? - High Caliber Rounds / Armor Piercing Rounds / Injection Mold

Thesan FR4 (Omolon Fusion)

  1. Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 - Hot Swap - Hand-laid Stock / Enhanced Battery - Underdog / Eye of the Storm
  2. Candle IS2 / Flash HS4 - Hot Swap - Braced Frame / Snapshot - Unflinching / Exhumed
  3. Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 - Grenadier - Oiled Frame / Skip Rounds - Underdog / Exhumed

Tuonela SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Flash HS4 / Spark IS6 / Impulse MS2 - Life Support - Hand-laid Stock / Snapshot - Firefly / Eye of the Storm
  2. Torch HS2 / Candle IS2 / Signal MS5 - Replenish - Rifled Barrel / Single Point Sling - Firefly / Eye of the Storm
  3. Torch HS2 / Spark IS6 / Signal MS5 - Icarus - Hand-laid Stock / Extended Mag - Army of One / Underdog

Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)

  1. Fastdraw / Quickdraw / Sureshot - Luck in the Chamber / Snapshot - Injection Mold / Life Support - Eye of the Storm
  2. Fastdraw / Steadyhand / Truesight - Army of One / Snapshot - Braced Frame / Icarus - Eye of the Storm
  3. Fastdraw / Quickdraw / Truesight - Army of One / Lightweight - Injection Mold / Life Support - Eye of the Storm

Uzume RR4 (Sniper Rifle)
Zarinaea-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. GB Iron / LD Watchdog - Last Resort - Rangefinder - Single Point Sling / Fitted Stock / Rifled Barrel
  2. GA Post / LB Assault - Partial Refund - Feeding Frenzy - High Caliber Rounds / Speed Reload / Smallbore
  3. GB Iron / LC Ranged - Surrounded - Rangefinder - Single Point Sling / Fitted Stock / Smallbore

Weapon Roll Template: click source at the bottom of post to see mark up formatting.

Weapon Name (weapon type)

  1. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

  2. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

  3. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

S = scope / barrel mod
C = column
P = perk

Thanks to these guardians sharing their data:













submitted by /u/wileykyoto
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If you're on Sleeper Simulant quest chain, plaguelands warsat count for earth.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:45 AM PST

It took about 3 hours to get a Mars warsat last night using Public Event Trackers. I got unlucky rolls in the events.

While waiting I needed an Earth warsat, Archons forge was up soon, so I figured I'd try it and it DID count for earth.

I googled prior to trying and didn't find anything, hopefully this will help someone some day.

submitted by /u/ThaPchild
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A positive take on the new patch.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:00 AM PST

I can understand why so many people are salty. We are so used to playing this game a certain way, but when I played last night it was the most fun I had since before the April Update. I hated being killed by mostly specials. It was just no fun at all being 1 shotted all the time. Now I can actually counter people because we are both using a primary. It's also refreshing to be killed by a sniper. When it happens I'm like oh that was a special moment that doesn't happen often, they deserved that kill. Please just give it a chance and stop being incredibly negative. Just because you can't play the same way you've always been playing doesn't mean it can't be fun.

submitted by /u/wcarpenter
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My experience before and after the patch notes yesterday...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

I'm sure I wasn't the only one who sat at work and read the patch notes and just went ugggggggggggggggggggh. I was already loathing the changes. I thought special was hit too hard. Clearly, the hunter changes seemed insane. And the health regen perks...I mean, epic fail. I was not looking forward to PVP tonight.

Fast Forward to around 8pm. Kiddo is now in bed. Daddy can play his game. The way I test is I decide to only run 1 type of primary each game. First game, I tried pulse rifles. I used to love them. So I start a few rounds running a grasp (truesight, counterbalance, HLS, 3rd Eye) and I can't kill anything with it. I switch up. Try out my Spare Change (quickdraw, headseeker, BF, 3rd Eye). I can't get any kills with it. Try out my Parthian (Reflex, outlaw, BF, Headseeker) like 3 kills. Go to my Hopscotch Pilgrim (sureshot, CB, BF, Glass Half Full) and get 6 kills. I felt way more comfortable with that. All while not having any special ammo. My night isn't starting out well. My go to weapons are no more.

Next match, A/R's. Holy Mother of Moo about smoking hot. Ran Suros Regime with Spinning Up...not doing well, like 3 kills. Switched it to Focused Fire and I lit everything up. I didn't use another AR that match, so I did A/R's the next match. Ran vendor Zero Day Dilema...smoking with that too (rifled barrel and EoTS perks used). Tried my CB Doctrine with smallbore...smoking with that. Tried my OEG/HCR/PB/CB Assembly and that thing wrecked too! All in all, A/R's felt so dirty. However, I wasnt comfortable yet. They felt good, but I played out in the open too much for my liking.

4th match I decided to give Hand Cannon's a shot. Map was Pantheon. Figured what the hell, might as well put a sniper on. By this match, I got the hang of timing out the special and knowing how to be more conservative and protective of the box and myself after grabbing it. I managed 9 sniper kills that match...ridiculous considering i went 3 matches prior with only a single sniper kill...(i just switched to sidearm if i didn't get the first kill right from the start). Anyway. I ran Ill Will (Sureshot, Outlaw, Braced Frame, LitC). That thing was great, but also felt off now. I wasn't able to hit with the same impact at the same ranges i did before. You really had to be within the range limit. As much as I wanted to hit at those long ranges, I'm glad it didn't. I had to work my engagements into that "zone" where I knew it would hit for 100%. Mid match, switch to a Kumokatok (truesight, LitC, Rifled, Life Support). Surprisingly at 39 range, as long as I played within that range, it was crisy! I was getting decent kills with it. Also tried out a Palindrome (Sureshot, Rescue Mag, Rifled, HH). Can't believe I'm saying this, but the Ill Will and Kumokatok felt better now. I tried a 5th match with HC's to give Palindrome a chance. Got maybe 5 kills...switched back to Ill Will. Was just so much better.

Finally, Scouts. This is where I finally felt I was doing great. I tried a few. Not MIDA though. I knew it would still be good. I ran a Saterienne Rapier (Red Dot OAS, Hot Swap, HCR, HH). Jesus Christ on a Motorbike! 18 freaking kills! Before this patch, I NEVER would have ran a scout other than Tlaloc/MIDA. The reason why was fixed. Range on hand cannons means my shots are more valuable at the longer ranges. The pulse rifles no longer flinch me so hard that I'm hitting the ceiling. And my shots are actually flinching enemies to the point where they can't hit me. This gun felt dirty. Like it was handed to me after being used for a crime against humanity. I stayed with scouts the rest of the night. Tried my Hand of Judgement (RL5, HLS, Explosive Rounds, Icarus). 14 kills. Dirty again. Would switch to Tlaloc when super was full...that gun has always been good, its just better now. Tried a badger (truesight, tripletap, HCR, HH). Same results. Tried DIS47 (SPO28, HCR, Full Auto, Injection Mold). Felt like the Suros Regime, but with more flinch. Still powerful.

Anyway, I feel like even though scouts weren't really touched in ANY patch, they benefit so much from the changes. Maybe its early and the META hasn't settled. Maybe its just my play style (I snipe a lot and play at range). Maybe I was just lucky. All I know is, I was only killed by a shotgun twice. I was sniped a few times. No Saladbins Veggible killed me. Sidearms killed me a few times. While I don't agree with the changes to Quickdraw, Truth, or blade dancer...and I'm disappointed that trials bounties didn't change; there was clearly a lot of good that came out of the patch concerning primaries.

TL;DR - Primaries are back. Scouts are in a great place now. Hand Cannons are where they should have been. A/R's felt dirty. Pulses take some skill to use again. Special kills are no longer the norm.

submitted by /u/Ecksacutioner
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It's harder to two man the Shield Brothers Heroic with Solar Burn than it is to solo the Nightfall.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:09 AM PST

Warming up for a solo run at the Nightfall dropping some heroics, got Shield Brothers second strike, perfect.

1 guy goes AFK of course and then leaves or gets kicked before we get to the boss room, no one else spawns in, other guy is in the cheese spot straight away.

Solar sniper melts the bosses but that last wave of adds wrecks you, exposure actually helps you and some clutch rezes from us both got us through and I sent him a GG, blanked of course. Went straight into the Nightfall solo dreading it, waltzed through it, no burn and small arms with an explosive rounds firefly keystone destroys.

Gold tier popped my Sunrise, Ice Breaker got sent to the postmaster. Not a bad evening, you can keep your PVP patch.

TL:DR Solar burn strike with solar enemies is hard, I got Icebreaker nah nah!!

submitted by /u/Davesecurity
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With the latest patch and Bungie's response, live has effectively become a PTR.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:45 PM PST

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be diligently watching and listening to what you have to say about these changes. While we will be unsurprised if additional tweaks need to be made, we are honestly super interested to see how these changes, intended or not, play out. We will be relying on you to give us your feedback as you grow accustomed to the feel of the game over the next couple of weeks. We will also be with you ingame, playing along and making our own notes…

To a tee, this is exactly what a public test realm is. Careful what you wish for, I guess.

They aren't even trying to hide the fact that the live game is currently a test realm for at least, in their own words, the next couple of weeks.

I try to keep things in perspective and not freak out over stupid shit, but that's a pretty big deal, right? This is a pretty ballsy move.

submitted by /u/Killer-Spleen
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Remember that most of us have put in a ton of time to this game and have supported it through a lot.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:42 PM PST

I see a lot of people complaining and saying they are leaving.

This is then followed by a lot of comments about your spoiled, get out, bye Felicia, etc.

I'm guessing most of these people have been through the thick and thin of year 1, the taken drought, played coe a million times, etc.

I'm also guessing you have had a lot of friendly and some not so friendly arguments with these people over the years.

You have to remember that everyone has to their breaking point. This is a tough one. Bungie seemed like they were starting to listen to their fan base and then kind of a did a 180 on them. It's tough times when the only thing people are excited for is a weapons patch and then this.

Obviously you can hate and all that but these aren't just your 1 week players. These are people you have raided with, done trials with, joked with, argued with, etc.

I guess I'm saying show some empathy. This sub reddit is amazing and just cause a lot are finally fed up doesn't mean you should toss them aside.

Random thoughts for ya.

submitted by /u/titan3845
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