Destiny - Daily Reset Thread [2017-02-12]

Daily Reset Thread [2017-02-12]

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:04 AM PST

Daily Chapters: The Ruling House (Story)

Old Russia, Earth Scour the Cosmodrome for Skolas and the invading Wolves.

Daily Crucible: Control (Control)

The Crucible "It's a tactical exercise in reinforcing and defending acquired territory. Should the Vanguard ever decide to expand past the walls of the City, the Guardians will be ready." —Lord Shaxx
Capture zones to increase points for every kill.

Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Deathless Earn 10,000 XP without dying.
Sunbreak Challenge Get 30 kills with Solar abilities.
Primary Precision Get 30 precision kills using a Primary Weapon.
Hive Hunting Defeat 50 Hive.
Hunting the Exalted Defeat 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.
Dreadnaught Reconnaissance Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies on the Dreadnaught.

Vanguard Elite Bounties

Name Description
Perpetual Light Generate orbs of Light to earn "Cycle of Light" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Primary Master Rapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Primary Weapon to earn "Primary Streak", "Primary Spree", or "Primary Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Look, No Ghost Complete a Strike in the SIVA Crisis Playlist without dying to earn an "Indestructible" Medal.
Strike Efficient Get 150 kills in a SIVA Crisis Strike and complete the mission to earn a "Brutal Efficiency" Medal.
Tandem Fire Get 30 rapid enemy kills with your Fireteam to earn "Fireteam Streak" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Arsenal of Light Get Super kills in SIVA Crisis Strikes to earn the respective Super kill medals for your subclass.

Crucible Bounties

Name Description
Press the Advantage In a team game mode, defeat 3 opposing Guardians while your team has the lead.
When the Smoke Clears Defeat or assist in the defeat of an opposing Guardian with a smoke bomb.
Team That Grenades Together As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, defeat 7 opposing Guardians with grenade abilities.
Best and Brightest Complete a Control match while finishing in the top 3 on your team (minimum 4 players on the team).
Take the Middle Capture Zone B first in a match.
Killing Wind Rapidly defeat 3 Guardians.
Singularity Specialist Defeat 2 opposing Guardians in the Crucible with a single Nova Bomb.

Queen's Wrath Bounties

Name Description
Take the Wanted WANTED: Sho'oulth, Horror of Oryx. Mars or Venus. Fireteam recommended.
Take Them Out Kill 12 Consumed or named Fallen, Hive, Cabal, or Vex on Venus.
Take Them All Kill 100 Taken.
Queen's Sovereignty Defeat 50 Fallen in any strike playlist.
Queen's Treasure Open the Queen's Treasure Chest in the Level 41 Prison of Elders.
Queen's Curse Get 30 Void Kills on the Dreadnaught.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I've never been so terrified of a Spike grenade

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:03 AM PST

I'm just glad it wasn't a Lightning grenade.

submitted by /u/Macluffin
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The Traveller's Walk [Panorama]

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

Hi Guardians!

I was wandering around the tower today and went to the Traveller's Walk area and realised just how stunning it is. I managed to catch it at dusk, and I thought the colours just popped.

So once again I decided to make a panorama, which I hope you all like! I can make various sizes of it if you wish, just let me know!

Full Size Panorama :

Also psst mods, here's a 2000x200 banner worthy version

Other Sizes:

Hope you like it!


submitted by /u/ItsDanniey1
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Please make the Doubles playlist available...

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:37 AM PST

...if we aren't getting Crimson Doubles this year. Because Grimoire, and reasons.

submitted by /u/tremblah
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It's difficult to find friends or a clan

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:01 AM PST

Dear all,

I always liked the mix of brotherhood and saltiness we have in reddit.

I am in a clan but the interaction is very limited, perhaps due to time zone difference. I really don't feel a part of it.

I met some guys /girls online but it seems to bother most of them when you ask "can I join?".. They are doing the same PvP activity as you.. No reply.

This doesn't want to be a post for find new clan or friends (subreddit fireteams - I get it).

How do you have FRIENDS in Destiny?

submitted by /u/ingruberti
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SGA: If you're a solo crucible player and Control or Rift is the daily, just punch yourself in the crotch repeatedly instead and call it a day.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:31 PM PST

Spent an hour matching into teams who were over 5k behind because everyone is running around trying to shotgun each other instead of playing the objective.

submitted by /u/brodega
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Do you need 10 or 11 Armor to survive 200 damage?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:43 AM PST

Here is the Fallout Plays explanation that is confusing me.

As you may know, Fallout is very informative and I can't think of any other time when he was wrong about something.

Except...this video seems to contradict itself at one point when he gets to 10 and 11 Armor.

Watch. He says you need 10 Armor to survive a head shot and 2 body shots from The Palindrome (86+57+57=200).

Then right after that, he says you need 11 Armor to survive Shoulder Charge...also exactly 200 damage. Pause the video at the right time after Shoulder Charge lands and you can see the number pop up.

So which is it? I've always thought it was 11, this vid says otherwise, but the raw footage doesn't.

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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With the anticipated meta change, what will you be hunting with your skeleton keys?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:28 AM PST

I have a few I'd like to get rid of, just wanted to see what everyone was going to chase.

submitted by /u/WFJohnRage
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[FAN ART] Tired Titan Ink Drawing

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:22 PM PST

Spent my evening drawing and inking a Titan in vanilla armor with shadow price, using a stock pose I googled for reference.


submitted by /u/fallerion
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Confess, Bungie. Your matchmaking algorithm has an issue.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:36 AM PST

Why is it every time I load into crucible, whether regular or Iron Banner, and I see singles and a team of three, and there is an odd number of players, the extra player is assigned to the team with the fireteam??

submitted by /u/HillaryRugmunch
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Very essential and vital piece of lore I found about the Crucible while playing the Y3 Omnigul Strike...

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:23 AM PST

So apparently Ikora Rey kicked so much ass in the Crucible that Lord Shaxx still has trouble sitting even after so many years.

Is Ikora Rey's Lord Shaxx-ass-penetrating abilities the key to preventing the flow of darkness?

If the community can help me out on this, I'd really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Tekkle
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Destiny "Ideas": How Ghost Shells should work!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:27 AM PST

Ghost Shells in Destiny made a small leap from being totally useless somewhat ok. Anyways, here's how I'd love them to work: Ghost Shells should be given three variable stats.

  • Revive Time
  • Revive Radius
  • Overshield Ammount

I'm quite excited about this idea and feel this is how Ghost Shells should work. Especially for PVP, this could give your Guardian more ways to specialize. Instead of giving the Alpha Lupi/LBN stuff a fixed buff for revives, let's make it a variable ammount and give it to the little guy that resurrected you in the first place. Spreading from a fixed pool of ability points, you'd make sure not to create a game-breaking monster. So, if you want a quick revive, you cut a little off of your overshield and reduce the area in which you can rez. Wana stretch your rez radius? OK, but it'll take half a second longer, etc. etc.

Tell me what you think of this! Also: sorry, if anyone had this idea already. This is my first post.

More Destiny "Ideas" coming.

submitted by /u/PacMensch
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My girlfriend made my valentines card for me

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:41 PM PST

My girlfriend of 2 years made my valentines card and it was too good not to share with all my guardians. She just got her water coloring paint as you can see

submitted by /u/vcorruptc
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Location Sound Clips

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:36 PM PST

So, one of the reasons I came here a few months ago was to ask if anyone knew where to find those little fanfares that play when you arrive at a planet. The answer was no. Well, I decided to change that. Here, for your listening pleasure, are the planetary destination themes. Enjoy!

Destination: Mercury

Destination: Venus

Destination: Earth

Destination: Moon

Destination: Mars

Destination: Phobos

Destination: Reef (Plays for the Drifter Crucible map.)

Destination: Dreadnaught

Destination: Plaguelands (Plays for Rise of Iron activities.)

Destination: Dark Below (Plays for Dark Below activities.)

Destination: House of Wolves (Plays for House of Wolves activities.)

Destination: The City

Destination: Vestian Outpost

Destination: Iron Temple

submitted by /u/Glamdring804
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Found a Hunter in the wilderness of Southern California

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:28 PM PST

Destiny AI Ideas

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:20 AM PST

I think one of the best ways to improve Destiny's enemies in in the AI.

Make high-ranking Fallen pull Dregs in front of them as shields.

Have the Hive constantly pressure you in encounters, trying to crush you in close range combat with hundreds of Thrall, Acolytes, and Knights.

Make the Cabal fight tactically, hiding behind Phalanx to advance, then jump into close range.

While we're too close to D2 to make this happen, it's definitely something cool to think about.

submitted by /u/ImperatorOsiryx
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God Roll Hero Formula

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:55 AM PST

Had a god roll Hero Formula drop recently. Its now my new favorite PVE weapon.

Reflex, Outlaw, Explosive Rounds and Firefly

Link to Image

submitted by /u/Shonari
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Can someone please explain the Thunderstrike melee nerf?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:52 AM PST

Unless I missed something, the base charged Thunderstrike melee is now worse than an uncharged warlock melee. It has no inherent benefits as it now has the same range, but it also suffers from the drawbacks of a projectile melee attack. This means that along with other things hunters can avoid it with shadestep, and it doesn't benefit from close and or personal. In other words, the charged melee is pretty useless and in most cases you would be better off not to have it at all.

Now I'm not trying to spark a debate on whether or not the original range was overpowered, but I do think that for a melee that has the description of

Deliver an electrocuting Arc melee strike at extended range.

If you are going to remove the extended range part you should at least replace it with something else.

submitted by /u/IKnowGuacIsExtraLady
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Hilarious glitch for the Siege Engine in the WotM Raid!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:10 PM PST

ty bungie :) It was a tolerable wipe after all!

submitted by /u/TigeR_Nor
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As a new player, I want to share my "THAT" moment with you

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:40 PM PST

You know, the moment where your experience in the game reaches a tipping point and it becomes something really memorable.

So, I started Destiny about a month ago after finally getting a next-gen console, and it's been a good time. I've been digging the story and the game world itself. What I found particularly interesting was the mission where you build up your sword from a fragment - A Broken Will.

The objectives were all well and good, but when I saw that I had to get PVP kills, I froze. Competitive multiplayer isn't something I really enjoy, especially when I'm so late to the party. I knew I'd be at a pretty big disadvantage when I saw LL 400's in my first rumble match, when I was barely LL 300. Still, I soldiered on and tried to get kills with the hilt of the weapon. Ironically, it's easier to just get kills with your normal melee.

It was definitely a struggle, probably the toughest thing I've seen in Destiny yet. In a good match, I'd get 3 kills. I was actually halfway decent with sneaking around and then wailing away, but more often than not it'd be a shotgun blast to the face or a warlock melee strike. I really didn't have a chance when the hilt takes two slow strikes to kill.

It reached a tipping point in a match where I went 1/21. I was getting absolutely dominated. A friendly player messaged me and told me he'd let me kill him, but I didn't run into him all match. I was consistently teabagged and taunted by a LL 400 player who was having the time of his life. This actually wasn't uncommon, and seeing my K:D ratio at the end was incredibly shameful. I started to question how any dev could make players go through this, especially with heavy ammo spawning once in a match. I was 10 matches in and had 16 kills.

I decided to give it one more shot. I queued up for a different mode, one where you're on a team and hold control points. Right away, the atmosphere was different. My teammates started to dance with and wave at me as we spawned in. We watched each other's backs. They would actually distract enemies while I went behind and finished them off. I made some progress, but still had a long way to go.

Then, the heavy ammunition spawned in.

A teammate grabbed my attention and escorted me over to the heavy ammo, activating it and guarding it while I swooped in. As I saw my blade light up, my heart rose in my chest. The other team was starting to take B. I'd meet them there.

I sprinted down the hall and rounded the corner to the point, and started to just mash the attack button. My character deftfully danced between enemies who I had little hope of defeating before. They fell like branches, and flying between them, I was too quick for them to shoot. I killed one standing on the point. Then his friends, who were facing the other way. I blocked fire coming down the hallway, and after running down an alternate route, killed my attacker. I didn't even notice my trophy for a PVP triple kill pop, nor the message that I was on a killing streak. Drunk on my newfound power, I danced, and danced, and danced some more, but it ended when an enemy launched a rocket at me.

I respawned, ready to get more hilt kills...and saw that the PVP kills section was finished. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I stormed the point with my Khovostov 7G-0X and, with a renewed sense of hope, gunned down enemies that had taken advantage of me earlier. I managed to get another triple kill and even another killing spree. And then, when the match ended, I waited to see how I fared...and I managed to have the most kills on our team, clocking in at a not-too-shabby 17.

Nothing can stop me from getting that solar sword now. I'm more than halfway through the planetary materials and I'm looking forward to making darkblade see the light. I'm glad I could find help along the way, and hope I can help someone in this way too some day.

And, last but not least, I look forward to carving out some revenge in PVP. Thanks for reading.

Edit: I didn't expect this post to blow up the way it did - thank you all for your positivity and advice. Upvotes for all!

submitted by /u/DustyBronco
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Collateral Match Game

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:11 AM PST

As the title says really. Nothing special, I've had collateral kills before but never had this happen so thought I'd share. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/MisterOCD21
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Truth and Anticipation

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:59 PM PST

XboxClips and gifv.

I know I am posting a clip of me getting one cool Truth kill, but it was just so oddly satisfying to get I thought 4 or 7 of you might enjoy it too.

I really hope Truth isn't affected too badly by the patch Tuesday. It was my first exotic, and it's been a staple in my PvP loadout since then.

submitted by /u/PresAmel
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If Bungie is being forced to release Destiny 2 this year

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:03 AM PST

I hope that it won't be like Destiny and take them 2 years to release all planned content that was suppose to be the part of launch content.

submitted by /u/impulse07
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The balance changes don't effect you if you don't use any weapons!! THE NEW META IS HERE!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST

Crucible No Gun Run (Video)

LukeLawsonPlays (Image)

Quick video of a couple Clash matches without firing a single bullet, and how our group handles the pressure.

submitted by /u/Replicant_or_Synth
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