Destiny - Bungie's Sandbox Stream Megathread

Bungie's Sandbox Stream Megathread

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST

Happy Hump Day, Guardians!

Today is the day that Bungie unveils some of the balance changes that the Sandbox team has been working on. The delivery is set for next week and the stream is set for 10am Pacific.

Stream Link:

Youtube Mirror:

As this is a megathread, you are required to keep all discussion of the stream and its subject matter in this comments section until told otherwise.

Here are the list of changes mentioned in the live steam. Please send a message to /u/Nikosaur if there are are any adjustments that were missed.


  • No changes


  • Significantly decreased magnetism, and turned off aim assistance when firing from the hip.
  • Decreased mid air accuracy.
  • Removed all precision damage from shotguns.
  • 20% buff to shotgun damage in PVE to make up for lack of critical damage.
  • Chaperone still does precision damage.
  • Aim down sight time takes 25% longer for shotguns that have the Rangefinder perk.
  • Removed agility decrease when wielding a shotgun.

Pulse Rifles

  • Reduced rate of fire for low impact pulse rifles (Clevor Dragon, Grasp of Malok) by 7.7% or 1 frame.
  • High Caliber Rounds nerfed to do less flinch.
  • Pulse Rifles across the board have had their base flinch reduced.
  • Grasp of Malok and Clever Dragon have had their magazine size reduced by 6 shots. Clever Dragon magazine size reduced from 30 to 24 and 24 to 18 with Braced Frame.
  • Increased rate of fire for high impact pulse rifles by 5.3%. (The Messenger, Spare Change)
  • Pulse Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.

Auto Rifles

  • Increased base damage of low rate of fire auto rifles (Suros Regime, Shadow Price)
  • Increased critical multiplier from 1.25 to 1.3
  • Auto Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.

Hand Cannons

  • Significantly increased initial first shot accuracy. (Year 1 values)
  • Reduced base range by 5 meters. (Affects aim assistance, damage drop off)
  • Currently at max range your hand cannon damage gets reduced by 50% your max damage. It will now do 33% of the base damage past the intended range.
  • No changes were made for bloom on spamming shots. (You still have to pace your shots)
  • High Caliber Rounds now affects Hand Cannons.

Scout Rifles

  • Scout Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.
  • High Caliber Rounds now affects Scout Rifles.


Special Ammo Changes

  • Players start matches with special ammo, but you now lose ALL ammo upon death.
  • Special crates spawn every 60 seconds.
  • Reduced radius for special ammo drops for teammates when you pick up ammo from 100m to 75m.
  • Players only start with special on the 1st round in Elimination.
  • Invective and Icebreaker not affected.
  • Sidearms still spawn with ammo upon death.

Class Changes

Hunter Changes

  • Hungering Blade for Bladedancer now immediately grants health instead of regenerating health. Shields no longer regenerate on kill.
  • Throwing knife now does solar damage.
  • Blink will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.

Filthy Warlocks

  • Reduced Stormcaller melee range.
  • Landfall now reduces total time in Stormtrance.
  • Blink will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.


  • Juggernaut disables quicker in mid air.
  • Juggernaut can not be activated in mid air.

Exotic changes

  • Universal Remote: Precision damage only active when aiming down sights. No other changes mentioned.
  • Truth: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
  • Shinobus Vow: Will be adjusted in the next update but no details were mentioned.
  • Young Wolf's Howl: Will be cheaper to use.

Miscellaneous fixes and mentions.

  • Fixed certain weapons getting a free kneepads perk. (Increased slide distance)
  • No changes were made to the Skorri artifact.
  • More adjustments will be made, and mentioned in the patch notes next Tuesday.

See you starside!

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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No, oryx is not going to sink into saturn's core so his worm can escape to make a new great worm. sorry to any proponents of that theory.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST

I did a little bit of orbital analysis, which you can view here:

The TLDR is that when oryx drifts away after we kill him, he's not drifting towards saturn...he's still in a stable orbit, just a slightly different stable orbit. So there's little chance that his worm can make its way into saturn's core.


EDIT: holy cow this blew up bigger than me with my own scatter grenades. thanks for all the love guys!

submitted by /u/cosmololgy
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Who else can't wait for the Sandbox announcement just so they can finally clean out their vault?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:30 AM PST

So many god-rolls on weapons with "bad" archetypes. Gonna have a lot of legendary marks to burn somewhere tonight.

Edit: Top of the front page?!?! Mum!!! Get the camera!!!

submitted by /u/Rhyno18
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Massive Breakdown of the Patch Preview

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:20 PM PST

Primary Weapons

Pulse Rifles


  • HCR effectiveness reduced, as well as base flinch dealt.

In my opinion a smart move, definitely will help with the lower impact models causing undue amounts of flinch, but I question why it was necessary on the higher impact models that are already underused. Probably did it across the board for simplicity's sake.

  • In-air accuracy increased.

This was something I mentioned was a possibility in my patch suggestions, as more weapons needed to be able to compete in-air with HCs. Sounds like a small change, which will act more like a tiny bonus and less like a game changer, but it's welcome none the less.

High Impact - Spare Change/Parthian Shot

  • Increased RoF by (I think) 1 frame.

I believe these weapons were the high impact pulse rifles they were talking about. If so, then their optimal TtK should drop down to 0.70s, which is the fastest for a legendary primary in the game. That being said, it's a small change and they're still very unforgiving, so it may not be enough to drastically increase their popularity. I can see them dominating with good rolls on medium to large maps.

Mid-impact - Hopscotch/Nirwens

  • Possibly Increased RoF by (I think) 1 frame?

If these weapons were included in the above buff, it should bring optimal TtK down from 1.00s to 0.93s, making it ever so slightly more competitive, and more forgiving of less than perfect shots. If not, then they're still useless.

Low Impact - What I call very-low impact, aka Clever Dragon/Grasp of Malok

  • Decreased RoF by 1 frame.

Will increase optimal TtK from 0.80s to 0.87s, remaining competitive but no longer best in class. The bigger change will be to the body shot TtK, which will plummet from 1.33 to 1.47, drastically reducing the forgiveness of the weapon.

  • Decreased mag size by 6.

This is a pretty brutal change. 24-27 is already very low for weapons with a RoF this fast, so Braced Frame is a much less sought after perk. I suggest looking for Hand-laid Stock or Perfect Balance to replace it.

Auto Rifles

  • Base damage increase on low RoF ARs.
  • Precision multiplier taken from 1.25x to 1.3x for all ARs.

Should have the effect of bringing each weapons' precision damage up by 1. Optimal TtK on the low impacts should go down to 0.80s from 0.87s, making them more competitive with better aim. Mid impacts will remain unchanged but have better damage fall off performance. Depending on the base damage boost to high impacts they could drop from or 0.93s to 0.80s, or they could remain unchanged. 29 is the damage threshold for TtK to decrease on full armor targets. Overall I definitely feel that ARs will be more competitive in the upcoming meta.

Hand Cannons

  • Initial accuracy back to year 1 levels.
  • Reduced base range by 5m on high range HCs, in terms of damage and aim assist fall off.
  • Damage now falls off to 33% instead of 50%.

Well, it wasn't the complete removal of bloom that people were hoping for, but at least ghost bullets won't be an issue on the first shot anymore. Bloom will still have an effect on following shots, but I think because the initial accuracy is so much higher it should take more shots to be noticeably worse. One complication is whether the decrease to "range" was an actual decrease to the accuracy cone created by the range stat of the weapon, or simply a nerf to the damage fall off and aim assist fall off, which, although related, is able to be manipulated independently. The stream made it sound like it was the latter, which would be a good thing. If the accuracy cone itself was affected, ghost bullets may still plague HC users during rapid firing.

Special Weapons


  • Fusions, Snipers, and Shotguns lose ammo on all respawns after the initial spawn in to start the game (only first round spawn in Elim gives ammo). Sidearms still respawn with ammo. Ammo crates now appear every minute, pickup radius decreases from 100m to 75m.

This is the one change I somewhat have a problem with. I'll have to see how exactly this plays out before I can make a final call, and I think overall it could be a great thing as it promotes using a primary far more often, and sidearms just became way more useful, but I have some reservations. I think it's going to promote a campy style of play with snipers, as it encourages people to stay alive to continue using their special weapon. No longer is it worth it to run out and play aggressive with a shotgun or fusion rifle, since if you die you'll lose all your ammo. As it stands, I think fusions got hit relatively hard by this for no reason, since they generally promote aggressive play but now have made that much more difficult. This also throws a wrench in the use of ammo perks. Why bother spawning in with 12 rounds on a shotgun or fusion if you'll only get to use a couple and then lose the rest. Overall, i think the smarter choice would have been to make individual ammo and inventory changes to certain weapons, perhaps limiting the number of rounds popular high impact weapons could spawn in with, carry, and pick up, but we'll see.


  • Magnetism decreased, and no AA from the hip.
  • Decreased in-air accuracy.
  • No precision damage on legendary shotguns.
  • 20% damage buff in PvE.
  • Rangefinder decreases ADS speed by 25%.
  • Movement penalty removed.

Well, shotguns as a whole basically suffered a blanket nerf. Although, overall I think the changes won't be gamebreaking and will promote a more cautious, deliberate play style, they do nothing to address the fact that high impact shotguns will still be preferred in every instance over low impact ones. Again, just like with the ammo and pulse rifle flinch changes, I feel like this could have been handled by targeting specific weapons instead of an across the board nerf. Rangefinder will probably still be a high tier perk, but people may want to start weaning themselves onto other options.




  • Hungering Blade no longer immediately starts health and shield regeneration, but instead gives a flat amount of health back, +40.

I think this has decreased the usefulness of HB quite a bit, so much so that we probably won't see the infamous invincible bladedancers around anymore. I'm not sure HB drops from being top tier on BDs, but it will be a noticeable difference that pushes some people away.

  • Blink will be changed, at least with brief HUD removal, possibly more alterations to be revealed.

I surmise that the weapon ready delay after blinking will be removed, but we'll see.


  • Throwing knife counts as solar damage.




  • Charged melee range reduced to be in line with other Warlock charged melees.

  • Landfall decreases Stormtrance duration.

Great decision to decrease the range of the melee, very happy with that. Not sure why Landfall was singled out as the only perk that decreased super duration, since I thought more and more people were moving to Ionic Blink anyways. I would have preferred a flat change instead of one perk based.



  • Jugg is disabled after what appears to be around 1 second in the air, and can't be activated while in the air.

Honestly, I thought with the improvements to ARs and shotguns nerfs Jugg would fall back into line on its own, but as far as it goes this was probably a solid change. Players will now find it more difficult to skate around while shielded, which should reduce a lot of the rage that Jugg can cause.


  • Several other exotics have been changed, including Truth (probably G&H nerf), Universal Remote (nerf), and Young Wolfs Howl (buff).
  • Skorris is unchanged.
  • HCR was fixed for HCs and SRs, and, once this is confirmed, I would again recommended it highly on SRs.



Here's my guess on how the meta shifts:

  1. Very low impact pulses like Clever Dragon drop out of the top tier meta.
  2. Hawksaw and PDX-45 replace them as the most used competitive Pulse Rifles. Very high impact models like the Lyudmila and Parthian could be seen more play with the fastest TtK of all legendary primary weapons, but they are still highly unforgiving.
  3. Low impact ARs see a minor resurgence in CQB.
  4. Depending on the base damage buff to high impact ARs, they could actually be considered competitive if the TtK is pushed down to 0.80s.
  5. Passive sniper play and aggressive sidearm play control the special weapon meta.
  6. Shotguns will be forced into a more deliberate, defensive roll in CQB.
  7. I'm not sure about fusions, but I think they may suffer here.
  8. Jugg Strikers and competent Bladedancers are no longer terrifyingly invincible.
  9. Stormcallers cant molest you from quite so far away.

As /u/dmg04 says, the full patch notes with all changes will be posted next Tuesday.

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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Tower Thought: Each Faction should have it's own unique handshake emote.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:55 AM PST

Make them exotic if need be, I want secret handshakes!

submitted by /u/Riseonfire
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231 Headshots Set to Beethoven

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:16 AM PST

Poured an ungodly amount of time into what I'm calling my Headshot Symphony!

Also submitted it for Movie of the Week.

I really hope you guys like it! :)

submitted by /u/SelphieKinneas
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Just a reminder that's Bungie twitch stream about the next weapon update will be today at 10amPST

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:54 AM PST

It's all over folks!!! Check the mods sticky for full notes of what the stream had to offer.


submitted by /u/InvadingBacon
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There Will Be More Changes on Tuesday.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:12 AM PST

Since many people seem to have not gotten the memo, these were not all of the changes. These were just the "major" changes.

submitted by /u/SeaDevil30
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All Destiny 2 Information That Is Potentially Credible

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:17 PM PST

Looks like the Blink change removes your weapon hud and radar when in animation!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:41 AM PST

Armsday Rolls, week 75 [2017-02-08]

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:47 AM PST

Welcome to Armsday, week 75. This post is a compilation of all the weapon rolls. I want to hear what you think are the best choices, post in the comments. Here's a list of the available rolls this week. If you ordered ones I didn't please post the rolls in the comments and I'll add them.

Useful Links:

New to Armsday?

For those new to Armsday, here's the basics: Each week you can order a number of weapons from the gunsmith, equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3. You can rank up by doing the weekly weapon tests. On the Wednesday following your order, you get to choose from a number of rolls (combinations of perks) on each of the weapons you ordered. Again, this number is equal to your gunsmith rank, up to a max of 3 possible choices. If you choose not to turn in your weapon order for a roll, you can hold onto the order and you will get access to 3 new rolls every week (until you claim the weapon). The orders never expire but do take up inventory space, and do count towards your max number of orders. At any given time the max number of orders you can have in your inventory is 3 per character. Below are the rolls available to those who ordered these weapons last week.

Thanks for your continued support for what we do here every week,


For Sale This Week: These are the weapons that are available this week for order.

  1. DIS-43 (Suros Scout)
  2. Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper)
  3. Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)
  4. Aoife Rua-D (Häkke Sniper)
  5. JLB-47 (Suros Rocket Launcher)

Test Weapons: These are the test weapons for increasing your Gunsmith Rank, that are available this week

  1. Suros TSA-10 (Auto) - Crucible
  2. Häkke Test-A (Pulse) - Crucible
  3. Häkke Test-A (Pulse) - precision
  4. Häkke Test-A (Auto) - Cabal
  5. Omolon Test HC1 (Hand Cannon) - precision

Weapon Rolls: These are the rolls for all weapon orders. In Alphabetical Order

Aoife Rua-D (Sniper Rifle)
ARI-41 (Suros Auto)

  1. SLO-12/SPO-26/SRO-57 - High Caliber Rounds/Feather Mag - Speed Reload/Smallbore - Hidden Hand
  2. SLO-12/SPO-26/SRO-57 - Perfect Balance/Appended Mag - Speed Reload/Injection Mold - Outlaw
  3. SLO-12/SPO-28/SRO-57 - Hammer Forged/Injection - Speed Reload/Reinforced Barrel - Hidden Hand

ARI-45 (Auto Rifle)

  1. SLO12 / SPO28 / SPO57 - High Caliber Rounds / Appended Magazine - Snapshot / Smallbore - Rangefinder
  2. SLO12 / SPO26 / SPO57 - Perfect Balance / Oiled Frame - Snapshot / Injection Mold - Partial Refund
  3. SLO12 / SPO26 / SPO57 - Fitted Stock / Casket Mag - Single Point Sling / Reinforced Barrel - Rangefinder

Arminius-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. LC Ranged / GA Post - Danger Close - Feeding Frenzy - High Caliber Rounds / Braced Frame / Fitted Stock
  2. LB Assault / GB Iron - Army of One - Counterbalance - High Caliber Rounds / Braced Frame / Speed Reload
  3. SD Thermal / GA Post - Crowd Control - Rodeo - Snapshot / Braced Frame / Hand Loaded

Cocytus SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Flash HS4 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Icarus - Casket Mag / Extended Mag - Grenadier / Exhumed
  2. Torch HS2 / Spark IS6 / Impulse MS2 - Rescue Mag - Feather Mag / Quickdraw - Grenadier / Exhumed
  3. Torch HS2 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Icarus - Smallbore / Extended Mag - Army of One / Underdog

DIS-43 (Suros Scout Rifle)

  1. SLO-19/SPO-26/SRO-41 - HCR/Oiled Frame - Take a Knee - Single Point Sling/Smallbore
  2. SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 - Perfect Balance/Casket Mag - Counterbalance - Lightweight/Injection Mold
  3. SLO-19/SPO-28/SRO-41 - Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame - Hidden Hand - Lightweight/Reinforced Barrel

DIS-47 (Suros Scout)

  1. SPO-26 / SLO-19 / SRO-41 - Casket Mag / Hammer Forged - Full Auto - Lightweight / Smallbore
  2. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Feather Mag / High Caliber Rounds - Luck in the Chamber - Lightweight / Smallbore
  3. SPO-26 / SLO-12 / SRO-37 - Appended Magazine / Fitted Stock - Hip Fire - Single Point Sling / Rifled Barrel

Eirene RR4 (Omolon Sniper)

  1. Condor SS2 / Aquila SS4 - Luck in the Chamber - Reinforced Barrel / High Caliber Rounds - Battle Runner / Eye of the Storm
  2. Condor SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Firefly - Rifled Barrel / High Caliber Rounds - Replenish / Mulligan
  3. Yepaki SS2 / Faucon SS1 - Luck in the Chamber - Hand-laid Stock / High Caliber Rounds - Clown Cartridge / Eye of the Storm

Gaheris-D (hand cannon)

  1. TrueSight/SureShot - Last Resort - Reactive Reload - Hand Loaded/High Caliber Rounds/Smallbore
  2. TrueSight/SureShot - Triple Tap - Zen Moment - Speed Reload/Explosive Rounds/Reinforced Barrel
  3. QuickDraw/SteadyHand - Last Resort - Final Round - Speed Reload/Armor Piercing Rounds/Smallbore

Herja-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. GB Iron / LC Ranged - Headseeker - Counterbalance - Snapshot / Fitted Stock / Hand-Laid Stock
  2. GA Post / SD Thermal - Headseeker - Zen Moment - High Caliber Rounds / Fitted Stock / Oiled Frame
  3. GB Iron / SD Thermal - Surrounded - Rangefinder - Snapshot / Hand Loaded / Oiled Frame

Jingukogo-D (Shotgun)
JLB-42 (Rocket Launcher)
JLB-47 (Rocket Launcher)
Judith-D (Hand Cannon)
Kumakatok HC4 (Hand Cannon)

  1. Fastdraw IS / Quickdraw IS / Truesight IS - Grenadier - Single Point Sling / Reinforced Barrel - Icarus / Danger Close
  2. Fastdraw IS / Quickdraw IS / Sureshot IS - Luck in the Chamber - Snapshot / Oiled Frame - Outlaw / Danger Close
  3. Fastdraw IS / Steadthand IS / Sureshot IS - Luck in the Chamber - Quickdraw / Reinforced Barrel - Firefly / Danger Close

Lyudmila-D (Pulse Rifle)

  1. GD/LD - Army of One - Zen Moment - High Caliber Rounds/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
  2. SC/SD - Crowd Control - RangeFinder - Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
  3. GB/LC - Danger Close - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling/Hand Loaded/Injection Mold

PDX-41 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SRO-41 - Hammer Forged / Feather Mag - Zen Moment - Lightweight / Injection Mold
  2. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - Hammer Forged / Appended Magazine - Hip Fire - Speed Reload / Injection Mold
  3. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - Fitted Stock / Feather Mag - Zen Moment - Speed Reload / Smallbore

PDX-45 (Suros Pulse)

  1. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - High Caliber Rounds / Appended Magazine - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling / Injection Mold
  2. SLO-19 / SPO-26 / SPO-57 - Fitted Stock / Feather Mag - Headseeker - Snapshot / Rifled Barrel
  3. SLO-19 / SPO-28 / SRO-41 - Fitted Stock / Appended Magazine - Spray and Play - Lightweight / Smallbore

Strongbow-D (Shotgun)
Tamar-D (Sniper Rifle)
Thesan FR4 (Omolon Fusion)

  1. Spark IS6 / Flash HS4 - Army of One - Injection Mold / Accelerated Coils - Underdog / Danger Close
  2. Candle IS2 / Flash HS4 - Grenadier - Oiled Frame / Lightweight - Unflinching / Danger Close
  3. Spark IS6 / Torch HS2 - Army of One - Hand-laid Stock / Lightweight - Underdog / Danger Close

Tuonela SR4 (Scout Rifle)

  1. Torch HS2 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Rescue Mag - Feather Mag / Single Point Sling - Army of One / Underdog
  2. Flash HS4 / Candle IS2 / Impulse MS2 - Rescue Mag - Casket Mag / Quickdraw - Army of One / Danger Close
  3. Flash HS4 / Spark IS6 / Impulse MS2 - Triple Tap - Feather Mag / Snapshot - Army of One / Danger Close

Uffern HC4 (Omolon Hand Cannon)

  1. Fastdraw / Quickdraw / Truesight - Mulligan - Extended Mag / Oiled Frame - Life Support / Underdog
  2. Fastdraw / Steadyhand / Truesight - Mulligan - Lightweight / Rifled Barrel - Icarus / Underdog
  3. Fastdraw / Steadyhand / Sureshot - Grenadier - Single Point Sling / Oiled Frame - Life Support / Underdog

Uzume RR4 (Sniper Rifle)
Zarinaea-D (Häkke Auto)

  1. GB Iron / LD Watchdog - Crowd Control - Persistence - Snapshot / Fitted Stock / Braced Frame
  2. GA Post / LC Ranged - Hot Swap - Rodeo - Snapshot / Speed Reload / Braced Frame
  3. SC Holo / LB Assault - Relentless Tracker - Persistence - Snapshot / Hand Loaded / Braced Frame

Weapon Roll Template: click source at the bottom of post to see mark up formatting.

Weapon Name (weapon type)

  1. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

  2. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

  3. S1 / S2 / S3 - C1P1 - C2P1 / C2P2 - C3P1 / C3P2 / C3P3

S = scope / barrel mod
C = column
P = perk

Thanks to these guardians sharing their data:








submitted by /u/wileykyoto
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Clip from first ever Trials of Osiris in Year 1

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:11 AM PST

Just found this clip i shared and forgot about, this was the first ever trials on burning shine - must have been only my first or second game when everyone was a trials noob

Hawkmoon was a beast back then :(

submitted by /u/le_e
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All 9 Supers Shutdown with Shoulder Charge Kills

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:41 AM PST

2 weeks of Mayhem Clash & Control, I finally got the last super kills I needed "Sunsingers"

Took so long mainly because hardly anyone runs Self rez in 6v6

Let me know what you think

submitted by /u/IX_THE_ENEMY_XI
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Teleporting Snipe

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:16 PM PST

Crucible Teabagging Karma

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:53 AM PST

Noticed Something Odd in the Bungie Armory.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:47 AM PST

The Nirwen's mercy isn't in the Bungie armory

Infact. None of the Y2 Iron Banner weapons are in the armory.

submitted by /u/Uberwolf_
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With the Patch incoming, something to keep in mind

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:20 AM PST

"Reminder - When the Patch comes, the skilled will prepare to adapt. The unskilled will prepare to complain but everyone can voice opinion"

DrLupo tweeted this a couple of days ago and I think it's definitely something to keep in mind.

Before the pitch forks come out over ANY changes, we should all be ready to jump in and try it for ourselves rather than our first thoughts to complain and trash it before we get hands on

The changes Bungie make may sometimes cause annoyance but they are only trying to give us the best, fair and balanced experience possible. We see this in the evolution from Y1 to RoI every time we log in, constant improvements albeit some better than others (Some not so good) and ever changing Metas (Which are always up for debate)

Some complaints are definitley warranted but until we get stuck into that first game post patch, we should try to swerve any fast put downs for now

I look forward to see what the Future is for our Weapons and general Gameplay

Just my 2 Strange Coins

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Why The Vex Have Been Missing From The Story

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:30 AM PST

They've invaded Morrowind in The Elder Scrolls!


Looks like we've not got that Cabal either raid because this Colossus has also gone to Morrowind!


These are screenshots taken from the announcement trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind which you can watch here:


The creature which looks similar to the Vex Goblin is a Dwarven Sphere. The one that looks like a Cabal Colossus is a Dwarven Colossus. They look pretty cool, like steampunk versions of the Destiny enemies. My buddy pointed these out when seeing the trailer and told me to watch it. Immediately thought of the Vex and Cabal when we saw them.

submitted by /u/SonnySoul
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T12 on the dot

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:42 PM PST

Feels good, man. With Jolders artifact, no less.

submitted by /u/Joey141414
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Maybe Death from the Above isn't always a great perk...

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

The clan and I were running Trials just for the hell of it. We got 3 wins and then immediately lose the next 3. During our last match, my friend lands a nice snipe during the heavy round and manages to have a perfect view of a titan whiff while we pick off the last member. And well, see the title.

Original vid



Alternative titles:

-Remember, don't use your super during heavy round

-Us: Did someone just jump off the map during heavy? Teammate: Um...

-We lost the match, but damned if we didn't have a good moment

submitted by /u/chimericnotion
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Door is Da Real MVP

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:20 PM PST

Thank you door. I will never forget your sacrifice!

submitted by /u/georgemcbay
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Destiny Made Me Cry (nostalgic tears)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 12:40 AM PST

Sorry for the wall of text, but I am feeling nostalgic.

So I have played Destiny a lot on XBONE. I got the game the week before HOW when my friend finally convinced me to get it. It was on sale for $20 and came with HOW for additional $10. Since then I had 975 hours placed into it.

Anyways. I used to play a lot with my wife keeping me company while she read or something. Sometimes letting her run through strikes or something when she wanted to. (She used to be really big into WOW, so she was pretty interested in this) She wasn't very good, but it was still fun watching her. I have made some amazing friends through this game. We have a group of about 8 of us that still text basically everyday, and even though none of us really play anymore, we still talk and play other games together. Mostly OW right now. They have been there through everything. My engagement in April 2015. My Marriage in April 2016. And then my unfortunate Divorce in September of 2016.

I haven't played Destiny since August 2016 (roughly) when I got my new job. Kinda got bored with it and I just didn't have the time really. I had finally landed my career job and have really been focusing on it. My wife left me in September the day before we were signing on our first house. See, my wife has depression and anxiety issues and couldn't move forward with the next step. Id like to say this was the first time she had done something like this, but it wasn't. She left. Literally changed her number and moved out. I was obviously heart broken.

Flash forward to tonight. I have been basically only been playing Overwatch when I have the spare time. But I still checked the Destiny Subreddit regularly and saw the new balance patch so I redownloaded the game and happen to see two buddies on tonight so I joined them. We burned through the Shaxx bounty real fast and they hopped off and I was left sitting in the tower.

And then it happened.

The background music was there (Excerpt from the Hope) and a swarm of emotions came to me. I remember sitting in our trailer together. Then the move into our first apartment. I could remember each step of our relationship and my friends along the way in Destiny. Our engagement. Me getting laid off. Then our marriage. Then me landing my career job that would set us up for the future. And then obviously when she had left.

Ive studied music a bit in college and have performed and taught it on the side for years and still to this day it amazes me the impact it has on people. Bungie has always been good at that.

So today, I thank you Bungie. It was therapeutic. I hadn't thought about my ex-wife and our nearly five years together in sometime but your brought everything back. Both great and awful.

submitted by /u/Sugarbiscuits
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Just to clarify, you pick up Nanophoenix from the ground. It's not a straight drop like Fragments after Aksis: it's an engram.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:45 PM PST

The only time a member of my fireteam got Nanophoenix, he didn't remember if it dropped straight to your inventory like Siva Key Fragments or if it was an engram on the ground.

Just in case you are a person who is on the hunt... it's an engram! I saw my fragments pop and thought "Another week, no ship!" but I was wrong! I just never knew! or

(If for whatever reason you want to see the actual video, here it is, but be warned, I am very annoying in it.)

EDIT: In case my wording was terrible: by the ground, I mean "the chest that spawns in the center and then dissolves, leaving engrams on the ground." Still have never seen any video/screenshot of the ship coming from the Siva Caches that use a key, so the jury is still out on that.

submitted by /u/LucentBeam8MP
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The One Time Tether Actually Works

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:54 AM PST

Tether usually doesn't work in my favor (at least before this new sandbox update), but I'm glad this one worked out.

Xbox Clip

Gifv Version

Edit: Thanks for the upvotes guys! Also added the gifv version.

submitted by /u/m1dknightdawn
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BLACK SPINDLE quest guide in Year 3 / Rise of Iron

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:53 PM PST

Dear community, this is the guide quest on how to get BLACK SPINDLE in year 3, with Rise of Iron expansion. It is "old stuff" but it can be useful to new players or to whom didn't get it yet.

HOT TO GET IT: you need to complete a special version of the mission LOST TO LIGHT on the Moon, on HARD difficulty. The Black Spindle (BS hereinafter) can be obtained anytime; you don't need LOST TO LIGHT being in the Daily Story.

It is a special version because the ending is completely different than what you would do in the standard story mission. Datto did an amazing video [] If you like text version better, please read for details.

The mission is composed by 3 parts: 1) beginning: [run to the Chamber of Night and defeat the Ogre]; 2) middle: run from the Chamber of Night to the second door at the Temple of Crota; 3) final: reach the Dusk Warren and enter the ship to complete the mission;

1) the BEGINNING: From the landing zone, you have to reach the CHAMBER OF NIGHT where you have to kill an ogre-yellow-bar and extract the crystal of Crota. This part of the quest doesn't have limit of time but you cannot wipe because it will compromise the ability to get BS. You can either kill everything or speed run it. The first one reaching the Chamber of Night will trigger the other team members to join. This part of the mission is easy and killing the Ogre with proper weapons is doable. Please note that together with the Ogre, a wizard and a captain (both yellow bars) plus another captain plus adds will spawn. As you kill the Ogre everything disappears, please just avoid dying.

Conditions to successfully reach the second phase: - DO NOT WIPE, single deaths are fine, even each of the fireteam members but DO NOT WIPE - NO TIME LIMIT: you can do it in 2 hours or 5 minutes and nothing will change.

2) the MIDDLE: your objective is to SPEED-RUN from the Chamber of Night, via the Temple of Crota towards the Dusk Warren (where the elevator is to the ketch is in the Shadow Thief Strike). This session must be completed in under 7 minutes and 30 seconds or the door to access the Dusk Warren will close: there is no a visible timer indicating the time flowing. If it closes or you wipe, go back to orbit and repeat: nothing you can do. Some guardians have reported that soloing the special quest, the "7 minutes and 30 seconds invisible timer" is not applicable. This appears to be any longer true in RoI but I need further digging. For 2 or 3 ppl fireteam, IT IS TRUE: you have a limited time to get to the door.

How to: Phase 2.a: running in the darkness Your ghost asks to run and please do so: avoid killing and just run for your life.

Step 2.b you will exit a very dark chamber to arrive in the first area or room. The door requires ONE specific relic/key that you need to pick up and place at the door. You don't need to kill anybody if you don't want. The strategy suggested is: - One person picking the relic to open the door - 2 people to kill takens in the proximity of the door. By the time, you place the relic and the time the door opens is around 5-10 seconds, avoid to be all of you in the same place as you become an easy target and you risk a wipe.

Step 2.c: the second area or room. Same as step 2.b, the only difference is that the door will open with 2 relics/keys. The strategies might be 2: - 1 guardian on keys picking + 2 guardians on crowd control - 2 guardians on the keys (one each) + 1 on crowd control This choice is entirely based on the strength of the group and the confidence on each.

Step 2.d: the third area/room called "Temple of Crota": This is the final room of the middle part. The room has 2 doors. One door is purely related to the Lost to Light mission and to be opened needs the 3 relics/keys available, the second door is the one to go through to get the Black Spindle. The door to finish the mission will require 3 relics/keys: to get the BS, just ignore this door and the relics/keys – you don't need them. The door to get the BS is on the opposite side from where you will enter and it is the same passage you use to do the Shadow Thief Strike.

TIME: You have 7 minutes and 30 seconds to reach that door. If it is closed, go to orbit and restart. If you have a fast guardian (hunter with bones of Eao or skater Titan), let him pass the door and stay right after inside: the other will join or respawn if they die. Having someone on the other side, it is fundamental.

STRATEGY: Speed is the key. You might be forced to kill and do it fast: exotics swords are not a bad idea here.

WEAPONS/ARMORS TO USE: About armor, you will want to use your Supers a lot. Therefore, favor the ones that generate extra orbs. About weaponry, The best choices are surely exotics swords, Gjally and Truth but any strong heavy really works. About legendary swords, I am a sword lover and for me you can use the legendary swords here. One comment though: the biggest issue of the legendary swords are a longer time to kill compare to the exotics. They do the job but they take time to kill, giving the possibility to other takens to interfere or even kill you. Primacy: no specific preference, Red Death is a good choice. Special: 2 sniper + 1 shotgun OR 1 sniper + 2 shotguns.

Conditions to successfully reach the third phase: - DO NOT WIPE, single deaths are fine, even each of the fireteam members but DO NOT WIPE - RESPECT the TIME LIMIT: you have 7 minutes and 30 seconds to reach the door of the mission Shadow Thief.

3) the final: once you pass the door, follow the same path as Shadow Thief and you land at Dusk Warren, where the elevator is; it is also time for rest: select your weapons of choice and pop heavy ammo. Take the elevator and you reach TRAITOR's KETCH: the timer starts now and it is visible – 10 minutes sharp.

Objective: Kill EVERYTHING in each room to progress and finally kill the boss, in under 10 minutes. You simply cannot let anybody alive. One stupid taken alive somewhere and you cannot go to the next room or get the BS.

There will be 3 rooms and the middle passages. 3.1 TRAITOR's KETCH – room #1 3.2 passage #1 3.3 "the room of the Walker" – room #2 3.4 passage #2 3.5 boss room -room #3

DEVELOPMENT: 3.1_ you will face and need to take down IN THIS SPECIFIC ORDER your enemies: • 2 Floating Orbs [because they spawn constantly adds] • 1 Centurion (yellow bars) [because it is your most serious threats] • 4 captains (red bars) [solar burn] • Various Adds [to avoid replication] Strategy: Given the order above, you can adopt 2 strategies. Either your fireteam proceeds in killing focusing altogether in each group of priorities as above OR 1 guardian kills centurion, the 2nd destroys orbs and captains, the 3rd manages Adds. There is no right or wrong. When I did we were a very strong team, we just went in, destroyed the orbs and in parallel move forward killing everything on the way. If you have a weak member, let him damage orbs and kill adds in the distance.

WEAPONS suggestions: One swords is necessary. If one sword, then Dark Drinker, if you have 2 swords, then both Raze Lighter because it is more precise. A rocket is a good solution for the guardian on the back. Special: I suggest snipers but if you don't have a sword and you go in, a shotgun is not a bad idea. Primary: whatever you like.

ARMORS suggestion: Supers are your friends and, in a speed run, they will be utterly helpful. So any armors giving you extra orbs to pick up is great.

IDEAL LEAD TIME: 1 minute.

3.2_ here you find 2 Captains and 4 Vandals. Approach the room together. It is a close encounter: NO rocket launcher here. I find passages a potential threat in this mission because it is easy to get killed if you don't pay attention. Exotics swords work great here.

IDEAL LEAD TIME: 20 seconds

3.3_ This room is complicated because it is BIG and enemies are well distributed. You must assign roles in the fireteams. 1st - The first things to remove are the Giants Floating Orbs, there are 3, as they respawn constantly trolls. 2nd the 3 Wizards 3rd the Vandal Snipers (4 in totals) on the balconies) 4th the adds. Strategy: This time, the"rush-in" is not the smartest approach. If you are a very strong team, you can obviously do it but a smart play is better. The suggestion is stay together at the entrance and destroys one orb and the wizard. The 2 strongest guardians should then go right and left, keeping one guardian at the entrance to kill adds and possibly the snipers on the opposite balcony. Once the sides are clear, the guy in the back move in the center finishing off enemies.

IDEAL LEAD TIME: 1 minute and 40 seconds.

3.4_ You will meet in "couple". 2 red bars centurions, then a red + yellow bar captains, then 2 red captains. Supers might be the best options here. In general be careful: if you enter the passage with 7 minutes to go, you can take few seconds more saving heavy and supers and using just specials and primaries.

IDEAL LEAD TIME: 40 seconds

3.5_ The final room is with the Boss. Now, be aware: there is a mechanism. The more you damage the boss, the more enemies spawn. Specifically, there are 4 waves of enemies for each 25% of the boss health. If you damage only the boss, you will be suffocated by the waves and psion duplicating themselves. On top of that, the boss is not your worst enemy in the room.

STRATEGIES: all the fireteams focus on the floating orbs, captains, adds – ignoring the boss- and when everything is killed DPS the boss. This takes more time but is safer. If you are a strong team, you can split: 2 roaming and killing with sword, 1 focusing on the boss with sleeper. The guy focusing on the boss must be smart though and see whether the 2 in the middle keep up. If you see signs of being overwhelmed, stop DPSing the boss and support till everything is killed.

In this room, the dark drinker is NOT necessary the best solution. I used the bolt-caster here. The reason is that you are surrounded by enemies, so when you rush-in for a sword kill, all the fire is directed at you.

The WAVES: 1st wave: at 100% boss health 2 floating orbs + 2 yellow bars + 2 red + adds.

2nd wave at ~75% 3 floating orbs + 4 knights captains red bar + adds

3rd wave at ~50% 3 floating orbs + 3 centurions + adds

4th wave at 25% 2 floating orbs + yellow bars captains + adds

IDEAL LEAD TIME: 4 minutes (1 minute each wave = 25% damage to boss)

TIME MANAGEMENT: 3.1 TRAITOR's KETCH – room #1 > 1 minute 3.2 passage #1 > 20 seconds 3.3 "the room of the Walker" – room #2 > 1 minutes and 40 seconds 3.4 passage #2 > 40 seconds 3.5 boss room -room #3 > 4 minutes

total: 7 minutes and 40 seconds

With 2 minutes and 20 seconds to go, you have time and room for mistake. You can DIE, you CANNOT wipe.

..Enjoy your Black Spindle!

submitted by /u/ingruberti
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Auto Rifle critical hit damage changes with the update. Here's the new TTK for them.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:13 PM PST

Archetype Optimal TTK (new) Optimal TTK (old) Optimal Kill (new) RoF Impact Crit Damage (new) Crit Damage (old) Bodyshot Damage
Low Impact .80 seconds .87 seconds 13 crit 100 2 15.6 15 12
Medium Impact .90 seconds (no change) .90 seconds 9 crit 1 body (1 less crit than before) 88 8 20.8 20 16
High Impact .93 (no change) .90 seconds 7 crit 1 body (no change) 77 28 27.3 26 21

So, really no change except for bullet hoses, which should dominate again. They go back to having a .80 second TTK with a Doctrine of Passing, Arminius D, Soulstealers Claw, and Unbent Tree.

These TTK numbers are all reflective of the current damage numbers for these weapons, which brings me to my next point...

Low rate of fire Auto rifles are getting a damage buff. If it changes even by 1 point of damage, that will drastically change the TTK of both crit and bodyshots.

Archetype Optimal TTK Optimal Kill RoF Impact Crit Damage Body Damage Bodyshot TTK Bodyshots to kill
High Impact .8 seconds 7 crit 77 28 ~28.6 22 1.06 9

Again, these are all assumptions made by me, and I cannot confirm the damage, however I suggest getting familiar with the Suros Regime again, as a lot of us will be using it in crucible if this change happens.

submitted by /u/jazz835
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