DayZ - He fought to the bitter end..

He fought to the bitter end..

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:38 PM PST

You may just see a nice screenshot, but this is what I see..

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:13 AM PST

I realized how fun DayZ was after 20h of playing...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:07 AM PST

(After buying DayZ in 2013, I figured out that my computer actually couldn't handle it and constantly lagged from my shitty GPU. Once i built a new one, I hopped back on about a week ago.)

So be me, heading into the west mountains near Kamensk. Having no idea where you're going and just trying to find Vybor to trade with settlers in the Police Station. So through woods and many hills, I believed I was going the right way but to my dismay I was met with the edge of the map, a large empty field. It was in that moment that I heard what every player despises...A wolf howl. I began sprinting in a random direction in an attempt to evade the incoming hellstorm of teeth and claws.

With just a skorpion, suppressed CR75 and 2 mags each, there was no way I was going to fend off the pack with my pea-shooters. All I could do was simply sprint and hope to outrun the fuckers. After some running I came across a camp, one giant tent and 6 surrounding it. I ran inside the largest and began searching. I could hear the wolves closing in and I saw that this camp was stockpiled with weapons, food, and every necessity to survive.

I was giddy as a schoolgirl when I found that the used-to-be owners had a AKM with full ammo. As I picked it up, I saw the wolves were circling the shit out of the tent and waiting. They began rushing into the tent and i tore them to shreds, two bullets was all it took to take fido down. After four came in, the rest began to flee and I picked them off as they ran into the distance,bitches.(pun intended) I was like a God in that moment of victory and felt fucking awesome.

After settling down and my legs stopped shaking, I scavenged the base and not only acquired the AKM, but also a Winchester and a UMP. I filled up on food, ammunition and misc. items and swept away. The experience was amazing and with it being my first encounter with wolves and acquiring a machine gun, I'll never forget it.

EDIT 1: I was on PhantonRP server, if you owned this camp, forgive me.

submitted by /u/demonslay3r
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Is playing on a modded server a bannable offence?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:31 AM PST

Quite a few of my friends talk about "modded" servers with game modes like GunGame and Team Deathmatch etc. I have not dared to even try, because I do not want to get banned from this game.

I must admit, it sounds fun to try out though. Can you get banned for playing on a modified server like this?

Have the devs commented anything on it?

submitted by /u/The-Respawner
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:18 PM PST

Just had the thought that it might be cool if we could find whistles in police stations or something. Could be used to get peoples attention when you're out of voip range or to divert infected from an area while your buddies loot up or something.

Might also help with promoting more friendly interactions if hearing gunshots wasn't the only real audible indicator of other people in the general vicinity. I dunno. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/TheFallaciousZebra
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Beautiful sunrise in Gorka

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:59 AM PST

Good evening Survivors, Experimental/Unstable servers are going down for an update.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:07 AM PST

Two people shot at Danny in Novy then led us several kilometers away into an ambush! | Altar Ambush [13:00]

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:28 PM PST

When you eat that magic Mushroom...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:43 PM PST

[0.61] DayZ Standalone - PvP Shorts - Episode 6

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:24 AM PST

HELP with Callout Map for a few cities!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:08 AM PST

Hi, survivors! I'd like to make some callouts for a couple of cities we frequently visit. Problem is I don't have ARMA 3 or Editor, so I'd like to ask a kind soul if they could take a picture of a few places from the sky to be used for Callout Map. I'm pretty sure it would help out a few more people other than myself.

CITIES WE NEED: Gorka, Zelenogorsk, Novy and Stary Sobor.

Much appreciated! Love ya!

submitted by /u/ShadoWZhicka
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Experimental down? Update?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:55 AM PST

Funny Dayz Kills!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:30 AM PST

My favorite view in DayZ.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST

Blind fire anyone?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST

I think a nice addition to DayZ would be the ability to shoot around corners blindly. But 3rd person isn't allowed and accuracy is thrown out the window, to avoid abusing it. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/demonslay3r
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How much does the remaining parts of the infinity engine factor in to the sync and frames of this game?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:01 AM PST

Should we expect the new player controller and physics to greatly increase overall server performance and sync issues?

I thought about this when speaking on base building on the official DayZ forums. The bases themselves, the materials spawned in the CLE, etc. etc. seem like they would tax things a good bit. Which is why I ask.

submitted by /u/G0DHANDK1LLER
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I created a DayZ weapons guide

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:21 AM PST

You can check it out here

I actually made the website a few months ago and then totally forgot about it. I figured it'd be a waste to just leave it so I figured I would post it here. If it's useful to you great, if not, that's cool too. I originally planned to update it with a bunch of crafting recipes and game mechanics and maybe I'll do that in the future. Let me know what ya think.

EDIT: Many people have pointed out that damage values are incorrect. Please disregard them until they are updated.

submitted by /u/Yui-Kitamura
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Elektrocuted - Enough Said • /r/DayZVideos

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:48 AM PST

Quick question

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:23 PM PST

Does eating powdered milk make you sick?

submitted by /u/Huntermsm
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Please help me with difficult decision!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:17 AM PST

Guys please help me! So I have SKS and I have around 90 rounds for it + red9 with shitton of rounds. I found winchester Model 70 recently and I don't know if I should ditch it and stay with SKS. Thing is I have no rounds for it and no scope but I always wanted to be sniper who stalks people. I am not into close quarter combat. I used to have M4A1 and I hated it.

Should I keep Winchester on my back and look for ammo? Is it rare? Please share your opinions and maybe stories.

Also I know I used to post here and hate on Dayz but recently I took this game back up and I love it again. And I really apreciate the hard work developers are doing

Here is a pic of me

submitted by /u/SageKnows
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Me and A friend goofing around playing dayZ and reacting to an 80s commercial

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:50 AM PST

So you can only be chased by two zeds.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:26 AM PST

I don't know if it's been stated before and I just completely missed it, but after some testing last night, it seems that regardless of how many zombies originally chase you, you can outrun all but two of them. In other words, if you aggro 20 zeds in electro and try to outrun them, 18 will eventually fall back and de-aggro, but two of them will stay with you indefinitely. I just thought it was interesting. Granted, two zeds can still kill you pretty quickly (especially if you hit the lag bubble of 1fps doom)

submitted by /u/Lack-of-Luck
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