Reynad plays Jaraxxus, goes as expected. | Hearthstone Daily Report #

Reynad plays Jaraxxus, goes as expected.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:39 PM PST

Kripp gets some Mortal Coil value

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:44 PM PST

Thijs pulls Brann + Dirty Rat combo

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:24 AM PST

Face warrior stream snipes Thijs

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:04 AM PST

I miss positioning my minions.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:23 AM PST

I've been playing hearthstone since the beta, and one of the first things that drew me into the game was how hearthstone is a cardgame where positioning matters. The first deck I fell in love with was zoo, and it's still the only deck I've played to legend. Because more than any other deck I had at the time it felt like it had so many "micro-decisions". It always felt like sequencing my plays and positioning my minions mattered or could end up mattering later in the game.

Unfortunately, positioning your minions is a game mechanic that seems to matter less and less as time goes on. Just look at this table below that contains every card where positioning matters.

Classic + Basic Every expansion so far
Ancient Mage Foe Reaper 4000
Betrayal Grimestreet Protector
Cone of Cold Magnataur Alpha
Defender of Argus Powershot
Direwolf Alpha Wee Spellstopper
Explosive Shot
Flametongue Totem
Sunfury Defender
Void Terror

That just looks sad. In eight expansions we have only gotten five new cards where positioning matters. And only one of those has seen some amount of constructed play (powershot).

It doesn't help at all that we've seen some amazing positional elements in recent adventures such as "minions on the left gain charge, minions on the right gain taunt" or the auto-attacking chess pieces. Only being able to play with these mechanics against AI while I would love to play with them every game just feels like salt in the wound. (Though I wouldn't want to play with a mechanic exactly like Dorothy. We know how giving unlimited amounts of minions charge works out.)

I guess I can just say that I'm disappointed that what once seemed like a core gameplay aspect and a great way to add skill to the game without ever feeling frustrating to either player has been so terribly neglected for years.

Bonus: Some custom cards I made where positioning matters.

submitted by /u/Huldir
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Reynad gets a little unlucky

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:43 PM PST

Ratsmah gets outskilled

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:59 AM PST

The most disgusting arena moment I've experienced

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:52 PM PST

I didn't get the 3 half packs :(

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:50 PM PST

Kripp has a prediciton..

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:00 PM PST

When devolve backfires

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:06 AM PST

Was browsing my old screenshots when I found this gem. I was so excited to play Hearthstone after the beta. My graphics card on the other hand...

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:11 AM PST

Was not a huge Hearthstone fan, Apparently.

submitted by /u/Pelenor
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(Hearthstone) Two Priests, Six Confessors - Brian Kibler

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:52 PM PST

Tavern Brawl idea: 12-0

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:18 AM PST

Each player gets a random arena deck that went 12-0. Let's find the best of the best arena decks!

Should probably be limited in how far back it went 12-0 so you don't get a deck with nax/classic only cards etc.

submitted by /u/Xiphias_
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Adding the option to hide your username from the opponent would be a great way to stop streamsniping.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:11 AM PST

It might be a small change that only effects streamers, but I remember that during the 'Unknown bug', which prevented you to be able to see the opponents username, a lot of streamers faced a barely any streamsnipers. I understand that implementing a feature like this isn't going to be a top priority for the dev team, but I assume it wouldn't be too much work to add it to the game.

Edit: I think some people are mixing up queuesniping with streamsniping. I'm referring to the people who watch the opponents stream in order to see their cards.

submitted by /u/DieEneBoy
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So, My friend started playing Hearthstone again....

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 02:30 PM PST

...And I was doing them the courtesy of helping them out. So, after quickly unlocking all the classes for them (through duel/concede), I decided I would help her out with her first ever arena.

We picked Shaman because it introduced some new mechanics, Jades, and the 4 mana 7/7 (praise be to /u/lambodiabloSVTT .)

I personally thought she would get her 3 noobs and be done.

I was wrong.

Below that, in addition to a 12 win arena on the FIRST ATTEMPT, she opened up her first MSoG pack, from of course the reaping of the Arena run (325 gold, some golden cards, some dust)...


Golden. FIRST pack

And, yes, she IS F2P btw.

TL,DR; My friend is a witch, got 12 wins on her first run, and a golden legendary.

submitted by /u/bibachah
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Tavern Brawl Concept: Reign of Chaos

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 01:48 PM PST

Tavern Brawl: Reign of Chaos

Note: I have not play-tested this idea, so none of the balancing is necessarily correct, or even close to correct.

4 classes (Human, Orc, Nightelf, Undead), each with between 50 and 100 Health – this TB is meant to last longer than a normal HS game.

All classes have a 0 Mana Hero Power that summons a worker minion (Peasants for Human, Peons for Orc, Wisps for Nightelf, Acolytes for Undead). These units are 0 Mana 1/1s that read: "At the end of your turn, gain 1 Mana." In this TB, you DO NOT gain 1 Mana at the end of your turn like in regular HS. You need effects like these to add to your Mana pool.

Almost all of the cards in your deck are "Buildings" – Minions that (usually) have 0 Attack but also some very special effects. For example, a common Human Building is the Barracks a 2 Mana 0/4 that reads: "At the start of your turn, Discover one Barracks card." In this case, Barracks cards are: the Footman, a 1 Mana 1/2 with Taunt; the Rifleman, a 1 Mana 2/1 with "Battlecry: Deal 1 Damage"; and the Knight, a 4 Mana 3/5 with Charge.

I think you get the idea from here: this TB is meant to simulate Warcraft 3. Aside from having unique "Buildings" and, thus, minions, each class has some unique Spells in their deck that differentiate their class a little more. Humans, for instance, have a Spell called "To Arms!" which turns all of their 1/1 Peasants into 2/1 Militia until the start of their next turn. Orcs have the "Reinforced Defenses" Spell, which gives all of their Buildings +2 attack and "Can't Attack." Some classes even have unique mechanics, such as how the Nightelves' Buildings are cheaper than the other classes', but must consume a certain number of Wisps on the board to be summoned.

Crucial to victory in this game mode would be each class' Altar Building. These 3 Mana 0/3s read: "At the start of your turn, Discover one Legendary minion from your class." These Legendaries are, of course, the Hero units from Warcraft 3, and would have spectacular effects.

Clearly, I haven't devised every card in this game mode, but the source material is there and I've laid out the basic mechanics. Use your imagination! "Tower" Buildings that automatically deal damage to the Minion opposite them, like the Chess boss from Karazhan. Even a "Tech Tree" of sorts, with Spells that let you add more powerful Buildings to your deck at the cost of tempo, or Spells that permanently increase the Mana generation of your workers for the rest of the game.

Feel free to add, balance, alter, etc.

submitted by /u/CommiGoblin
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Daily Card Discussion Thread #525 - Tunnel Trogg | January 29th, 2017

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:49 AM PST

Hello and welcome to another Daily Card Discussion Thread.

The way this works is simple: Every day a random collectible card is selected for discussion. Post your thoughts on the card in the comments below. Discussion is not limited to competitive viability - feel free to talk about the art, sounds, animations or anything else you like.

As a reminder, at the bottom of each thread you can navigate to the previous discussion thread, as well as find a link to a list of all the discussion threads so far.

Tunnel Trogg - #525
Mana Cost: 1
Attack: 1
Health: 3
Type: Minion
Text: Whenever you Overload, gain +1 Attack per locked Mana Crystal.
Class: Shaman
Tribal: None
Rarity: Common
Set: The League of Explorers
Flavor: Sure, they're ugly, but they live in tunnels. You try your beauty routine without natural light.
How to get: Unlocked in Uldaman, in the League of Explorers adventure.
How to get gold: Crafting unlocked in Uldaman, in the League of Explorers adventure.

[Basic] | [Golden] | via Hearthhead

<--- Previous Thread [Holy Wrath - #524]

[List of all Daily Card Discussions]

Thread made with love by /u/hypersniper's thread generator.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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[Saltmade Content] I managed to set Don Han'Cho off on Dopplegangster in Arena.. then this happened..

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:30 AM PST

RNGesus, why have you forsaken me?

0-3 btw

submitted by /u/AgentDaleKooper
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A quick way to make friends in Hearthstone

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:50 PM PST

Just play Pirate Warrior! I've had dozens of friend requests over the past hour or two.

submitted by /u/whtge8
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What text would balance out a 1 mana 10/10 minion?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 02:24 PM PST

What kind of text would you give a 1 mana 10/10 minion to make it balanced and playable?

submitted by /u/Wasabi202
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Cool lethal I just had with Beast Druid

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:40 PM PST

Congrats to the Winner of the ONOG PAX South Hearthstone Major!!

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:14 PM PST

Congrats to Leadpaint!!!

Leadpaint notably beat Trump and Orange (as well as the player who upset VLPS, DrErk) to reach the finals, while RayC notably beat Justsaiyan, Amnesiac, and TerrenceM to reach the finals.

Match Overview:

Leadpaint RayC
Rogue 1-0 Rogue
Mage 2-0 Warrior
Warrior 3-0 Warrior

Both players played extremely well all tournament. Great play by both sides. Leadpaint especially by never losing more than 1 game in any best of 5 series.


Twitch: Frankinabox

Twitter: Frankinabox


Twitch: rayc591

Twitter: rayc591

Great games/matches to watch from the tournament:

Trump vs Leadpaint Game 2 (Reno Mage Mirror)

Finals Timestamp

Feel free to tell me suggestions of good games for me to toss in.

submitted by /u/Dcon6393
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On mobile, a few random cards get marked as 'new' every time you open a pack.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:54 AM PST

It's driving my fake self diagnosed OCD insane.

submitted by /u/Mattiaatje
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