So is Atos>Euls now for combo setups? | True Dota 2

So is Atos>Euls now for combo setups?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 02:39 PM PST

Stuff like lina and jakiro stun or invoker combo seem a lot better with Atos. A lot faster and no chance of missing.

submitted by /u/sepy007
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7.01 new techies rant

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 04:26 PM PST

I love techies. In fact ive pretty much only played him since the patch hit. I'm even trying to reach top 100 techies. However I am very disgruntled over the way he's been changed. The dust is settling and revealing the most optimal builds for him and how to play him and it's sort of scary. Most techies players that played him well last patch have 70% winrate plus in this patch.

The main point I want to touch on is how his laning phase has been neutered. In 6.88, A competent techies would get a level 2 from killing neuts at 0:30 with a mine stack, run to lane with a null and completely control the lane between trading with the support and zoning the melee carry with mines and the threat of suicide. Now in 7.00, He's kind of become a passive laner, if you place an aggressive mine it will simply be destroyed and feed 30 gold against competent players. Early levels of suicide do pitiful damage and is counter intuitive to the hero with the 50% max hp drop. If you are below the 50% threshold, you are taking a massive gamble that the enemy does not hit you with 200-300 hp remaining and claim your streak bounty.

Techies new laning phase now relies on him getting lvl 5 quickly and your enemy messing up or being unaware and dying to mines placed in trees, whereas before an offlane techies could dominate slarks and juggernauts with aggressive play. This "passiveness" is what icefrog tried to get rid of with the rework but in the end it made him more passive than before.

On the flip side, techies is now probably the BEST mid-late game offlaners if you want to win. He's the fastest farming offlaner in the game no question and can remove the enemy carry from the game no matter what items he has. This leads me to a point: his mid-late game is absolutely broken. With a mix of his talents and his new ability to farm creepwaves and jungle camps with a single red mine, core items just come up super fast, you will get aghs/bloodstone at 15-20 minutes EVEN if you lost your lane. Since you are required to play passive now, you give the enemy carry free farm(most of the time) and it just turns into can the fed enemy carry hit the base better than the techies can defend it and with the new talents it is 90% in the techies favour.

With level 25 and BOTS, aghs,aether lens, octarine and bloodstone you have:

-BOTS on a 20 second cooldown with TWO methods of waveclear, and a pretty good escape with aether lens blast off. If you force rotations you just blast off backwards or into the trees and then tp back to base with your travels off cooldonw (20 SECONDS)

-5 Second green mines, and an insanely low cooldown on mine sign (backpack refresher for another sign isn't out of the realm of possibility as well)

-0 Second respawn times with bloodstone and the -60s Respawn timer talent This is the most crazy of all, because his absurd base defense mechanic is emphasized by NEVER DYING even though he dies. In one game, I died THREE TIMES in under a minute with only 6 bloodstone charges, and only spent 4 seconds in respawn total. Remember, even if techies cant defend, he can still push the other lanes and force rotations. The tower damage isn't a joke.

So what do i want changed?

  • Techies' late game is too strong, and his early game is too weak. Reduce the cast point on suicide, and either reduce the detonation time on reds or make it take several hits, not just 1.

-Maybe make his base damage higher, buffing his base damage by 10 would make his laning phase a lot better and is not an absurd request considering jakiro has gotten a +7 damage buff before.

Anyways feel free to contribute your thoughts or ask questions about the new techies.

submitted by /u/Walrusasauras
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7.01 Sniper is very strong. Build details and meta analysis revealed!

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 06:23 PM PST

Hi, I am a long time mid player, currently hovering around 5.1k mmr and im going to give my thoughts on sniper this patch.

Map changes:

Highground: All the new highground is incredibly beneficial for sniper because of his immense range, abuse it as much as you can. Additonally, alot of the neutral camps are lowground. Sniper, like other range heroes can farm these with relative safety from the highground

Shrines: as a non-bottle mid, sniper previously had some sustain problems. With shrines being so close to mid this is largley taken care of. Shrines in base also help with high ground defense, something sniper has traditionally excelled at.

Ancients: There is a new camp right next to the mid lane (especially close on dire) sniper with phase aquila and mom( more on this item later) can farm these anciants very fast. Combined with farming mid makes for a very fat snipe.

Items: The build i opt for most games is phase aquila. And a situational wand into MOM with a raindrop as needed. After I build Dragon lance into pike if needed. After that its situational grabbing maelstrom and a bkb and whatever items as needed.

Why mom? Farm speed and early game power. This item now gives +dmg all the time, 100as when activated and a burst to ms. The drawbacks are -4 armor and being silenced for 8 seconds. The -4 armor is negligible because of how you abuse range. The silence you play around by casting shrap first and blowing up whoever stands in it. I cant overstate how fast this item lets you farm. You zoom around the jungle killing ancients very fast and hitting like a freaking truck with just mom lance phase. I typically finish mom between mins 10-12 and quickly pick up a lance at around 14mins. These two items turn you into a tower seiging machine on top of their other benefits. You come on line VERY early with these items and can go around taking towers with the team. I iqnore aghs, i believe this item is the cause for snipers lack of signifigant increase in winrate.

Meta: its a fighting meta, something sniper excels at. On top of that he is strong in lane and very very easy to gank for. Yes he gets ganked easily but you will often get turn around kills by spamming out a couple shraps b4 you die. In general you come online so fast with mom you can outpace carries like like Luna. Finally against some mids you can get relativley ez solo kills once you hit 6- something alot of mids lack currently.

Skill buils: I often max sharp first with 1 point in headshot at lvl 5. Despite grabbing mom shrap is too good to ignore and is your main defense against ganks and your main ganking tool in the early game. I max take aim in specific matchups like vs OD to avoid astral.

Talents: I opt for mana regen because i already have good atk speed from mom+lance and having it lets you use shrap on anciant prowlers and stacked camps more frequently. After that its situational.

Conclusions: sniper owns with new map changes and meta changes. Dont build aghs get mom. Apologies for poor formatting/grammer/spelling, I wrote this on mobile. Next guide will be a look at SF, my other spam hero this patch.


This is a cross post from learndota2. I feel both subs are similar enough that there was merit to reposting here.

submitted by /u/AdmiralBass
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Silver edge Sven in 7.00

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 11:55 AM PST

I am an avid Sven player and have been watching fear play him trying to find someway to keep him relevant in 7.00 every game I have watched he seems to be picking up silver edge over blink as have a few other pros. I have never really liked silver edge over blink in pre-7.00 its slower to farm and unless you need to shut down passives straight up worse initiation than blink, what about the new patch is pushing people to grab silver edge?

submitted by /u/Funtycuck
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Questions about puck lotus orb and a specific sniper interaction

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 11:56 AM PST

I've been playing puck a lot in unfair bot games trying to master all the tiny details about the hero, such as using phase shift to dodge things and lotus orb to purge debuffs (my new favorite thing to do). My first question relates to my new favorite item: why is lotus orb only situational in puck games when he is almost always initiating? Every time I've played puck lately I've bought lotus because it allows for puck to actually survive fights while providing utility (in the basic dispell). I don't see why puck would go items like shiva's or scythe but not go lotus orb (unless there is actually no spells to reflect back or a sheepstick is needed to hold down a carry), as its utility seems to be far more useful than any other puck item. My secondary smaller question relates to an interaction I just had in a bot game. In my last game, I completely failed to achieve my goal of no deaths after encountering a bot sniper, which killed me 4 times with his ultimate. Every time I attempted to phase shift it, it had already hit me and killed me, despite the debuff showing over a 1/4 of the counter left. I went into a demo map and tried it out for a minute and couldn't figure out what the timer on the debuff even does, as it doesn't seem to line up with any part of the spell. How does this debuff work? The secondary question is fairly unrelated, but any answers to that would be appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/Alphaweasel
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5200 MMR streaming Invoker

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:43 PM PST

Hey guys, I've been seeing a lot of discussions about Invoker right now and how to play him. I made a guide when the patch came out, and I'm going to be testing it out today:

I'll be streaming Invoker all day. Please tune in to learn something!

Disclaimer: I'm having mic problems, but I will be watching and responding to the chat.

submitted by /u/Jahordon
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How the fuck do you win games as Invoker?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 08:21 AM PST

Title says it all - excuse my frustration, but I was previously at right around 4k before deciding to learn and spam Invoker. That dropped me a pretty ~900 MMR, and I sport a solid 25% winrate with him this patch (and not much better last patch).

I just don't get it, honestly. I feel like I win my lane, farm well, and generally have very solid teamfight contribution mid-game.

I pretty much exclusively play Exort, not because I'm stubborn but just because it suits my playstyle better and I haven't yet endeavored to learn Wex. I know people have doubts about Exort in this patch, but it's my honest opinion that it's in a solid state - you just have to fight more than farm and split-push, as you did before.

Anyway, I'm not here to argue about that. What I'm here for advice on is simple: I always make it to late-game with solid farm and a good KDA. I'm virtually always top networth. But, for the life of me, I can't close out a game. The problem may be in my item choices: I typically go Atos (which I think is incredibly strong this patch - the mana is needed to fight as exort and execute combos, the health is a nice side benefit, and the 2s root allows you to SS + meteor heroes that you couldn't before, like Storm or AM) in to Aghs, in to Refresher. I think the problem in my build lies in the Refresher, as I hardly ever find myself using it and, even when I do, it only has serious team-wiping impact 1 out of 15 games or so.

As for talents, I like +125 HP > +25% EXP > +6 Stats > Either of the 25 talents. You may disagree on the 25% EXP choice - that's fair, but I would argue its a moot point, as is my choice to go exort in the first place. My ability to contribute and snowball early and midgame is no issue, I just can't win a fuckin game.

Sorry for the wall of text. Been a frustrating experience, because I LOVE the hero more than almost any other so far, and I've pumped hours of time in to trying to master him. Would love any advice, even if that advice is things I already covered :)

TL;DR I win early and mid with Invoker - how the fuck do I win late?

submitted by /u/Novu
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Understanding 7.00 cleave and how it effects Ember Spirit (x-post from /r/dota2)

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:42 PM PST

I've recently being seeing lots of magic damage Ember Spirits in my games (Veil, Octarine, Dagon, max Remnant, etc.) and also saw Sumail play an amazing game with the build so I decided to do some research into the new changes to the hero (and give my thoughts).

I love playing Ember Spirit (260 games) and I was really excited for all the new changes in the recent patch. The three that interested me the most were:

  • Cleave being changed to a Cone as opposed to a circle.
  • Slight of Fist placing Ember in front of the target as opposed to randomly around the target.
  • Additional Remnant damage

I was also confused for a while about how these would effect Ember Spirit and I imagine others are as well so I decided to do a small write up on these changes.

Apologies for the crude drawings in advance.

Changes to Cleave

Cleave area is now calculated as a cone in the direction of your attack (instead of a circle whose edge starts in front of the attacking unit)

Let me explain what this means.

Previously, cleave worked like this. When the red star attacks a unit the cleave is calculated in a circle (not a semi-circle like some believe) of which the bottommost point touches the very front of the base of the attacker. The circle for Battlefury had a radius of 280 (meaning in total it was 560 units tall, 40 units less than the new 7.00 cleave).

Currently, cleave works like this. When the red star attacks the cleave is calculated in a cone shape starting at the front of the hero. For Battlefury the cones radii is 150 units at the base and 280 at the end, it is also units tall.

Changes to Slight of Fist

  • Slight of Fist now places Ember Spirit in front of the target (from the direction of his casting location), rather than randomly around the hero.

Previously when Ember casted SoF it placed Ember randomly around the unit for the attack. This resulted in uneven distribution of damage because the cleave circles would be all over the place. It would kind of look like this, although there would be more overlap of the circles and stars (circles being the cleave and stars being units). Sometimes, it would be a good SoF if you were lucky with the position of the attack and sometimes it would be a bad one. I personally think such a high skill ceiling hero like Ember should have minimal RNG and this was a quite odd balance choice.

Currently when Ember casts SoF it places Ember directly in front of the unit for the attack. This means the cone faces behind the unit. It would look sort of like this. This adds more skill to the hero in my opinion. Waiting for heroes to orient themselves to maximize your SoF damage is now possible and adds a layer of complexity to the hero. This also means that although you can wait for heroes to orient themselves properly, they probably will never be perfectly oriented to get the most damage, most of the time you will end up getting less damage than the old SoF, meaning that Battlefury might not be the ideal Ember item anymore.

Magic Damage Ember, is it possible?

With the addition of talents, Ember Spirit gained a new viable build that I fooled around with a bit in previous patches but decided definitely wasn't as good as the Battlefury build. I personally think that the build is the most viable now.

In case you need a refresher, Embers talent tree looks like this now:

Level 10: +15% Spell Amplification OR +20 Damage

Level 15: +20 Movement Speed OR +6 All Stats

Level 20: +8 Armor OR 15% Cooldown Reduction [Note: Affects remnant charges]

Level 25: +500 Flame Guard Absorption OR +2s Searing Chains

What I want to draw attention to is this:

+15% Spell Amplification

and this:

  • Activate Fire Remnant damage rescaled from 100/150/200 to 100/200/300

Now lets imagine an Ember in patch 6.88, about 18 minutes in, you're having a good game.

You have Aquila/Travels/a few components of your Battlefury (Avg. BF timing is 18 - 22) or a Blink, depending on your play style.

Your job at this time is fighting and split pushing, 16 - 30 is generally Embers biggest peak until late game when you have some Daedali, Battlefuries, whatever.

You should be about level 14 by this time. Your auto attack is around 130, and if you hit someone with all your spells (Not counting remnant (because you didn't really remnant burst in 6.88 past 10 minutes) and assuming 25% magic resist and 46 int) you do about 1200 in magic damage and maybe 500 damage in auto attacks and SoF thats 1700 damage at 18 minutes, not too good, not too bad either. This assumes you hit all your spells (including full Guard duration on the hero) and get 3 or so auto attacks + an SoF. I'm being super liberal with my values here.

Now lets say your a 7.00 Ember Spirit, 18 minutes in, you're having a good game.

You have Aquila/Travels/Veil and put your first talent into 15% spell amp and have 2 in Remnant (Because stats don't exist anymore).

You're level 14, you have about 57 int and level 2 remnants.

You veil a hero with 25% magic resist, they have 0 now. You spam 3 remnants at them. Instantly you do ~700 damage. Then you chain them (I'm assuming max chains instead of max SoF). Another ~350 damage, you're at 1050 damage and you haven't even used guard or auto attacked them. Veil lasts for 16 seconds so if you Veiled and Guarded at the same time you'd do about 1180 damage if you used the full guard on them.

That's 2230 damage WITHOUT auto attacks, compared to 1700 damage WITH auto attacks. And it cost you 5625, a measly 350 GPM if you want to have Veil/Aquila/Bottle/Travels by 18 minutes. And you can delete any support and pretty much remove 3/4 of any cores HP.

Also, something else that's really cool and borderline OP in my opinion:

+2s Searing Chains

This means you can root 2 heroes every 8 seconds for 5 seconds, that's 3 seconds of downtime on a spell that roots and deals ~500 damage

So yes, in my humble opinion, magic damage Ember is viable and better than Battlefury Ember. You can add Mjolnirs, Octarine, Dagon, Blink (Highly recommended no matter what you're doing with Ember), Ethereal Blade, etc. This build and skill tree adds a lot more complexity to an already complex hero in my opinion.

Let me know your thoughts/criticisms and thank you for reading :)

submitted by /u/OrangesAreVile
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TIP: Quelling Blade is the most cost-effective damage item you can buy on ranged heroes.

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 05:05 PM PST

7 damage for 200 gold is unparalleled. I've been getting this on mids such as Invoker, SF, and QoP, and I think it will start to catch on. Something like QB, 2 branches, Circlet, and Mantle gives 14 damage and a ton of stats.

submitted by /u/Jahordon
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7.00 Attack Speed and Illusions

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 07:57 AM PST

Attack Speed bonuses now work on Illusions.

So now that +attack speed, like Moon Shard and Mjolnir, apply to illusions, do you think this'll affect how characters like CK and PL are played?

submitted by /u/guilmon999
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Tips for playing Rubick?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 11:28 AM PST

So Rubick is one of my favorite heroes, and I have been trying to get better with him. Here's my Dotabuff, I've got about 3k hours in dota and have 2k MMR (I calibrated early, don't judge me).

Generally I've noticed that I have a relatively low game impact as Rubick, and in particular I feel like I die a lot. I have been watching games and noticed that I definitely don't do as much around the map as pro (or even high-skill pub) players do.

One big difference between my games and high-skill games is that in 2k dual offlanes are much more common than solo offlanes. Am I expected to be able to do the things I see high-skill players doing in solo offlanes when I have a dual offlane? On the rare occasion that I do get a solo offlaner, I am comfortable with my ability to zone and pull. I should clarify that I usually play Rubick as a solo support pos. 5.

Anyone have any tips for my play, or Rubick play in general? I'd appreciate the help. I've been thinking about getting Tranquils instead of mana boots, but I worry that would be an inefficient crutch rather than an improvement.

Thanks all.

submitted by /u/ToTheClassiest
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Maelstrom on Ember

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 05:53 AM PST

Hello Plebs, i recently tried the veil ocatrine ember build and saw sumail sometimes goes for the maelstrom. with its internal cooldown of 0.2 seconds i started wondering. so here is my question: How long does a Sleight of fist go on multiple enemies, for example on 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 etc. what should be the number of enemies to you require to have the possibility to proc more than 2 maelstrom with slight of fist (your slight of fist needs to take more than 0.2 seconds on multiple enemies). just wanted to discuss it out here. thanks for reading

submitted by /u/Tactiicxx
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Learning to Use BKB Effectively

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 11:54 AM PST

Dota being as complex a game as it is, has a lot of different things you need to learn to do. My favorite way to learn in this game is to experiment with different heroes. For example global heroes like treant, spec and AA can all help to learn to watch the map more (treant is my favorite for this as your teammates will love you, and you have to be watching as soon as you get a point in living armor). Lion taught me how to roam, enigma taught me how to use the jungle for an early push advantage, QoP taught me the basics of mid, and I'm sure there are many others.

BKB has always been an item I struggles with. I mostly play carries that hate being forced into a BKB (dusa, spec, LS, Morphling) so I would either never purchase it or never use it appropriately. This is admittedly a weakness of mine and I'd like to give the item some respect. But where do I start? I was thinking of Troll Warlord as the poster boy for BKB, but maybe someone like gyro, BS or Sven would be better. Weird way to frame a question, I know, but just looking for any insight on how to take advantage of such a game-changing item.

submitted by /u/N-DUB
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What is the deal with HotD?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:36 PM PST

I see cores like PL, jugg and CK getting HotD but its benefits on a core seem so marginal, especially since illusions do not get the aura hp regen or atk speed. What am I missing here?

RTZ played quite a few jugg games going HotD every game and did very well. I guess because purge creep is just that good?

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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Does anyone else feel that games on 7.0x are much more tiring?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:31 PM PST

I really have the impression that on 6.89 I could play three or four matches and even more if I were on a winning streak.

But right now, if I win a game I don't have an urge to play another. Something about this last patch made my games much more stressful... anyone else feel this way?

Maybe it's because almost all my matches are going to at least 45 minutes...

submitted by /u/guicoelho
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Dealing with inept teammates

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 10:50 AM PST

I'm about at my wits end with the quality of people I've been getting lately. I've analyzed my own gameplay and while I've certainly found faults, it seems the overwhelming vast majority of my 7.0 / 7.01 games were near instant-losses because of intentional feeders, abandoners, or carries going 0/14.

Since 7.0 released, I've been rocking about a 9% win rate. Less than 10%. Roughly 70% of my games have had either abandons or intentional feeders in them and I've about had it to be entirely honest.

What would be my best course of action to try and resolve all of this? Trying to play mediator and resolve fights in game has only gotten me flamed and reported by most. EUW, 3500 -> 2900 MMR. I don't want to call it the trench, but I'm starting to believe it really exists.

submitted by /u/ZyphosX
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Trend of Dual Roam Supports Going Core? 4k

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:21 AM PST

I've noticed that there are a lot more dual roaming supports that build core items (roaming Leshrac that builds bloodstone and Pudge) at the 4k level.

This is a very wierd trend as whoever dual roams get the most kills often win the game because they simply get the most map control. That said, these supports dont tend to buy wards or any support items but are solely focused on winning the game through the momentum of the early game alone. Very rarely do these supports defensively TP to help their cores as they are focused on ganking and farming core items.

This leads me to believe that cores always start in a losing scenario. They need to be able to solo lane 1v1 from level 1 until the midgame and must be able to have good catchup mechanics without being too farm-y or fight-y to recover. Heros that farm more like Storm, Spectre, TA, SF, and so on are completely unviable as these heros are often too easy to gank. Heros like Lifestealer, Jug, PA, and AM are more viable because of their escape mechanism as a carry.

So it seems like the role cores have to buy the early game supporting items and carry the midgame from behind against a team with 2-3 Shadow Blade carriers. Again, heros with an escape are probably the best here.

I am not comfortable with this trend because it means that whichever support duo gets off the most ganks early wins the game. It is no longer trying to outfarm or outcontrol the enemy but rather relying on 2 people to win the game for you early.

Has anyone else noticed this trend? If so, what are your best tips for dealing with it?

submitted by /u/Allison_Yates
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How to deal with Spirit Breaker?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:38 PM PST

I seriously hate this guy, and I don't think I've ever won a game against him. How do you deal with his charges and bashes, what heroes hard counter him?

submitted by /u/Xitulis
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