Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Lore Thursday! Let's discuss the lore and story in Destiny.
Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!
In need of more Destiny Lore? Come visit /r/DestinyLore!


You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Christmas gift to DTG (150 Wallpapers of almost all the emblems in Destiny)

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:49 AM PST

Hey there!
First of all for the rushers that don't like to read words you can find the wallpapers here
I don't know if some of you remember me but 2 months ago I did this post about some Destiny wallpapers and made the promise that someday I would transform all the emblems from the game in backgrounds for our computers. That day hasn't come yet but since I just reached the 150 wallpapers and it's Christmas time I decided that it's the perfect occasion to share it with you guys.
Hope you all enjoy.
I will be updating that link and as soon as I finish all the emblems I will adjust to other dimensions.
TL;DR It's Christmas time, hope you all enjoy my gift to you! :)
many thanks to /u/Illustrator_Joe for some vectors (saved some time because of you!)
submitted by /u/just_SiLeNtWaLkEr
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Last Weekend, The Sherpa Community of Destiny Raised $32,085 for Child's Play! A Massive Thank You to Everyone Who Donated!

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:25 AM PST

Hey Everyone,
Last weekend, r/DestinySherpa and r/CrucibleSherpa hosted the 84 hour Destiny Sherpa Christmas Charity Marathon in support of Child's Play. If anyone is unfamiliar with the charity and wants to read more about them, check out their main website or read our introduction post here!
We're posting today to give a report on the weekends festive fund raising and to express our heartfelt gratitude not only to everyone who donated but also all the support the stream received both from the community and behind the scenes in organizing it.

We set out with a goal of $15,000 to match the cumulative total we had reached over the course of 3 previous charity streams, all benefiting Child's Play. I'm thrilled to say that the stream surpassed our original goal and smashed a further 3 stretch goals to raise a grand total of:


We are absolutely staggered and have been blown away by the generosity of the community! Words alone can't express our gratitude (but we're certainly going to try!).

Stream Highlight Montage and Thank You Video (Produced by u/Chrisg2003bt)


First we have to say thank you to each and every donor. Even the smallest amount helped contribute to this grand total and all the donation challenges you inflicted on streamers helped keep the stream light hearted and entertaining throughout the entire weekend. That being said, we want to specifically thank some of our highest donors: British TV Show "Location, Location, Location", u/DrLupo, Superman2014842, Ellipticplanet0, Wookiee_Woxstar.
But in order to raise such a fantastic amount, we needed a fantastic program of streamers and special guests to keep the community entertained and engaged! To that end, we'd like to thank each and everyone one of our special gusts and streamers who took time out of their busy lives to help raise money for this amazing charity! It would take too long to list them all but we'd like to highlight the efforts of Cozmo, Team Resolute, r/DestinyTheGame and the people who hosted and raided the channel. We also want to give a massive thank you to everyone who promoted us on social media!
Not only did streamers put their skills (or lack there of) on display live on air, some put their gear and guardians on the line for your donations! Some even going one step further and risking their beards and hairstyles for the cause! A special thank you goes out to everyone who sacrificed something of their own in the name of raising money for Child's Play! Again, the team wants to highlight the sacrifices of Ashravens, Blu3hawk, scrubface_, zgc_squirrel, flex mkii, Hi_I'm_Keys and many others.
It goes without saying that the stream produced many moments of joy and pure elation. Some made us laugh until our sides split, some moved us with touching stories whilst others left us speechless at the talent on display. The team would like to thank VitaMors for bringing his beat-boxing prowess, Publickey for sharing his personal experiences with children positively affected by Child's Play, Third Echelon for taking the stream for the last 8 hours til reset, Kratos for over 500 pushups and all of our chat moderators who watched over the stream this weekend.
Finally, I want to especially thank u/D0cR3d and u/Chrisg2003bt for all of their hard work and selfless efforts in helping to organise and run the charity stream, along with the rest of the CS and DS mod teams!
If you couldn't join us for the stream, you can still donate to our total or donate to Child's Play via their website. Both methods will see the money reach the same places!

Once again, I have to express a deep and personal thank you for all the support this stream received along with the staggering amount we managed to raise. Every cent will go to helping children in difficult situations in hospitals and domestic abuse shelters around the world. Your contribution and generosity will have a real impact on people's lives.
We'll see you all next time for our Summer Charity Marathon!

Happy Holidays, Guardians!

Ruley and the DS & CS Mod Teams!

submitted by /u/Ruley9
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Be Good To Each Other

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST

I guess I am just feeling nostalgic.
I am a 43 year old dad. I didn't pick up an Xbox controller until I was 40 and hadn't picked up a console controller for over 30+ years (Sega Genesis). Santa brought this game for my 2 boys Christmas 2014. Since they didn't open it it, I finally dropped the disc in the tray March 2015 and haven't stopped playing since. They also loved it once I convinced them to start a character. I bought a third console just so we could all play together. I found and read Destiny the Game and Crucible Playbook subs so that I could answer their questions and improve my own gameplay and try to stop embarrassing them (started with a .3 k/d). I'm pretty terrible but I don't regret a minute of the time I have "wasted" playing with them.
I have it on good authority that Santa is bringing three Xbone consoles and games in a few days. We are going to start another big adventure together to become Iron Lords. We might even squeeze in a little SRL, but we will most definitely have fun.
I am excited for everyone of you that recently picked up this game and dropped it in the tray for the first time (there are quite a few of you from what I see at the tower and on this sub). I'm happy for everyone of you that were already Level 40 LL335 but stuck around on a legacy console after ROI dropped this past September. For all of you that have been enjoying ROI since September, I hope it has been more fun than just Matadors. I hope this game continues to be rewarding for you. I hope you made a few friendships and had a few laughs.
Stay positive and have a positive effect. My boys get t-bagged and get hate mail (one is pretty good). Makes me sad as hell to see a 11 year old visibly upset because someone sent him a hate-filled message because he beat them or he got beat down by another player. At the same time, I have seen someone with an extraordinary amount of patience take my youngest through the Kings Fall Raid, hard mode, even though he was under leveled. You cannot imagine how something so many take for granted can be so monumental to another player. The things you do, good and bad, matter in the real world and in our game world.
Be good to each other and make yourself proud.
submitted by /u/achilles417
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Everything you can dismantle without losing it, a collector's guide.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:04 PM PST

As a collector in Destiny, it's become very apparent that you just can't keep everything anymore. The Dawning alone added 3 new armor sets for each character, plus a new racing set, and my vault is overflowing even with constant maintenance. As part of my major vault purge, I decided to put together a list of all items that are completely safe to scrap without losing them.
shaders/emblems/ships/sparrows/sparrow horns/emotes - These items are all readily available from their respective kiosks on all characters and you shouldn't ever take up vault space with them. The only exception to this is a couple of items that are only available on characters that have completed the unlock conditions (such as the Taken Shiver emote and WotM shaders), which you might want to move from one character to another. Otherwise, dismantle and pick up as needed.
agonarch rune/skyburners command beacon/wormsinger rune - These relics of TTK can be discarded IF you already have all of the calcified fragments on all characters or don't care about collecting any more of them. They are also easy to re-obtain if you change your mind later.
2015 SRL book and Y2 Moments of Triumph book - These have been added to the progress menu and it is no longer necessary to hold them in your inventory. Your progress automatically carries over to the menu version, so there is no need to hold them in your inventory. Thanks to /u/neck_crow for the reminder.
Frontier Shell - Only available from the Ghost Edition of the game, but is available from the Speaker for those that have that edition. Thanks /u/XyDz
all exotic weapons - You should discard any exotic weapon that you don't use. As soon as you've obtained it once, it's available in the exotic weapon kiosk and can be re-obtained for a mere exotic shard and 2500 Glimmer if you want to use it again. Be careful discarding any weapons that you've applied ornaments to though, as you wont get those back if you shard the weapon.
legendary Gunsmith weapons - The Stillpiercer, Susanoo, and Immobius can all be safely broken down if you don't use them. Once unlocked, they are available to re-purchase from the Gunsmith for 125 Legendary Marks if you decide you want to use them again.
all legendary swords - Most people seem to switch to the exotic swords once obtained, so discard your legendary swords if you're not using them. The quest legendary swords (25 LMs and 25 planetary mats) and refer-a-friend (15 LMs and 15 planetary mats) swords can all be bought again from Shaxx. The Dreadfang can be re-bought from Variks for 1 legendary heavy engram and 5000 Glimmer should you want it back.
None of the these weapons have different rolls, so the ones you can re-purchase are exactly the same as the ones you already have. They are easy to re-obtain and can be easily leveled back up with a small amount of motes.
all exotic armor - Like exotic weapons, you can discard any exotic armor that you do not use. It's easy to re-obtain from the exotic armor kiosk. The exception to this is that you might want to keep a piece of armor with a high stat roll if you might want to use it later, as the kiosk roll is generally not great. However, you can always pull another from the kiosk and use Glass Needles from Xur to re-roll the item until it has the stats you want.
Subclass class items - These are awarded for completing each PvE subclass quest. Previously a one-time drop and thus gone forever if sharded, they are now available from the Speaker for 75 LMs once unlocked. No need to keep these on hand unless you plan on wearing them, the Speaker does the collecting for you now.
Festival of the Lost masks - Any masks that you had in your inventory when the holiday kiosk was added in Oct 2016 or later will always be available. You can pull any masks you've unlocked from the kiosk on any character at no material cost, and they don't need to be leveled up or infused, so just discard them when you aren't using them.
Jade Rabbit/Racing/Bright armor (SRL 2015) - There are some caveats here. Whether you should keep the 2015 no LL armor will be up to each player to decide. They have been effectively replaced with the Speeder armor set and ornaments, but it's not exactly the same. You can pull a new set of Speeder armor out of the kiosk for free if you obtained all pieces during SRL 2016, but you'll have to apply ornaments to make it look like all 3 of the 2015 sets. So it's possible to effectively replace the 2015, but not exactly.
It's worth noting though that the 2015 class items are slightly different than the 2016 class items, but only in name and the fact that you can apply chroma to the new ones. Functionally and visually (unless chroma is applied), they are the same. You might want to check the stat rolls on your class items before scrapping them though as they function perfectly well as Crucible rep class items.
Momentum armor - Available from the holiday kiosk if you bought the 2015 SRL book. There seems to be some bugs with this unlocking if you didn't keep a set from 2015, but they are in the kiosk and can be pulled for free.
Speeder armor (SRL 2016) - The Speeder set can be replaced at any time, although be careful dismantling pieces with ornaments applied as you wont get those back. You pull as many as you want, but class items cost 50 LMs. Again, class items can items can be used for Crucible rep as well, so check the stat rolls before sharding.
Circuit armor - The racing armor for Guardians who somehow didn't obtain any other racing armor. Can be discarded and pulled from the holiday kiosk at any time. No real reason to keep this set.
Days of Iron armor - This is a big one for people running low on vault space. It's definitely exciting earning this armor from the RoI book, but there's no reason to keep it if you aren't using it. You can pull any of the pieces from the book as many times as you like, meaning that you can free up a whopping 15 armor slots by scrapping these sets, without losing access to it. If you're keeping it just for collecting purposes, feel free to scrap it. Take into consideration that you wont get back any applied ornaments to this set though. FWIW, the Y3 Iron Banner set looks almost identical, so you might want to just keep a set of that instead.
I'll also note (since I've seen a number of people unaware of this), you can also use the ability to pull more armor from the book to re-roll the int/dis/str stat distribution on the Days of Iron armor. Each one that you pull from the book will be a different stat roll, although you'll have to infuse it to actually see the points.
What not to dismantle if you're a collector:
starting items - The starting weapons, armor, and ghosts can only be re-obtained by restarting a character. It takes up a lot of inventory space to keep all of this though, so many people seem to only keep the class items and ghost, and maybe the weapons.
Stranger's Rifle/Murmur/Vestian Dynasty/Hothead - These are all quest rewards that are only obtainable once per character, with no current way to get them back.
Dread Explorer Shell and Joyride Shell - These are both one-time quest rewards, only available oncer per character.
Y1 weapons/armor - Most Y1 items are basically impossible to re-obtain at this point. If there's something you care about, keep it.
Y2 armor - Most Y2 armor is currently unavailable, so keep sets that you like, especially from Iron Banner.
Raid weapons/armor - Technically these are all re-obtainable, but it's pretty time consuming to do so. The Y1 raid weapons especially have pretty low drop rates, so you might want to hold on to these if you have them. I'm keeping a set of everything in hopes that a raid kiosk will be added so I can then clear them all out of my vault while still retaining access.
Red River Mk. 40 - A rare machine gun only available once per character from your 5th gold chest on Mars. For true collectors like /u/TheEvilKetchup
Hopefully this guide will help you clear some much in demand vault space without sacrificing anything. Please let me know if there's anything I've missed and I'll add it.
Edit 1: Added Red River
Edit 2: Added Y2 books
Edit 3: Added Frontier shell and small corrections
submitted by /u/mubi_merc
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Some ways you might not know about to find the best content on this subreddit

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:28 AM PST

Many people just look at the front page of this subreddit to see what the content is and that's it. These people are probably actually missing some really good content on this sub.
Here's a couple of ways you can find really good content that you might not otherwise have seen by making good use of filtering and searching.
  • 1) Use DTG's subreddit's flair filters
Want to see all the really good guides or SGA posts since the last time you visited, or maybe that you might just have missed? Click on the "Guides" or "SGA" filters on the right of the subreddit to see only SGA posts or only guide posts.
  • 2) Use reddit filters in combination with flair filter
Once youve clicked that filter, you can choose to view links from the past 24 hours, past week, past month or past year. For example, here is a link showing the best guides posted in the past month.
The same technique can be applied with any sort of DTG filter, for example if you want to see the best media of the past year or the best suggestions of all time (hint: if youre a bungie developer, do this!).
There is also a filter that will let you sort by different criteria: "Top" will show you the posts with the most upvotes and "new" will show you the newest posts.
Searches like this often let me find great SGA posts and guides that didn't quite make the front page.
  • 3) If you find a redditor whose content you really like, you can easily see all of their comments or their best submissions. Say you want to read the best submissions by RiseOfBacon, Mercules904, Deej, or Cozmo : just click on his username, then click "submitted". You can also sort these by "best", "new", or "Gilded" for example.
  • 4) Visit the "new", "Rising" and "Contraversial" pages of the subreddit and upvote good content.
The more people that do this, the more likely the best content will make it to the front page. You'll also see a lot more content this way than if you only look at the front page.
  • 5) Use those links at the top of the subreddit to find important information.
"Weekly threads" contains links to all of our weekly subreddit megathreads such as the weekly reset thread, mentor monday, teamup tuesday and armsday rolls. "Useful links" should be self explanatory. "Tower news" contains subreddit related news and a link to the latest "This week at bungie" post.
Some reasons good posts might not make front page
Why even do this though - all the good content is on the front page anyway, right? Wrong. Sometimes great content might not make it. Here are just a few reasons why.
  • Posted at the wrong time of day - Good content has the best chance of being more visible when posted at times with high traffic - more people will tend to be browsing the new page. Content posted at low traffic times will have less people available to vote on it.
  • Not funny - funny content tends to be heavily upvoted even if its not necessarily high quality. Serious posts that are really good might not get as many upvotes.
  • Bad formatting - good formatting will generally help posts do better, but sometimes there are posts with great info but bad formatting or other little problems.
  • People sometimes downvote stuff they don't personally like even though that's not what the downvote button is for.
Anyways, hope this helps you find some great content on this subreddit that you might otherwise have not found!
submitted by /u/redka243
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You know what'd be cool? Broom Sparrow in SRL

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:58 AM PST

submitted by /u/MasTRE007
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Anyone else just.. stopped raiding and doing other activities to get to 400?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:48 AM PST

I haven't done WOM in like a month...[question]
submitted by /u/adamj91
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Destiny pops coming in 2017

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:10 PM PST

For you funko fans out there, the CEO of funko announced today destiny pops are on the way. Coming next year!
Source: http://i.imgur.com/vdALnZO.png
submitted by /u/white2234
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White Tiger shader on Clock of the Leopard looks like I chose the wrong resolution for a desktop wallpaper

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:24 PM PST

I don't know how this happens. Did they not test this particular combination out? It looks terrible.
Also, *Cloak, dang it.
submitted by /u/GoverneJoe
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The Real Dawning. Feelgood post

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:17 PM PST

TL;DR the story of a crappy day, year even and how one Guardian turned it all around.
So hi, i wanted to share this story, not to brag, but to spread some christmas feels.
Its been a year of ups and downs for me. Im a father of two, and its been one of those years when everything that can break, breaks, and everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. The wife and i had planned a wedding, only to end up crashing one of our cars two weeks before. So funds where tight, as it always is for families with small children. I work in law enforcement, so i dont make alot, but i make enough.
But this particular day started on a great note, but quickly took a turn for the worse. I banged my head when trying to bend down to get the coffee maker that i had strategicly placed on the opposite side of the house, as to not wake the kids. With a bleeding forehead, i made my way to work. Since its closing on the holidays, i was in charge of visiting day for our suspects in holding. This is an emotional rollecoaster. Sitting in a tight space with a family really takes a toll on your spirit. Especially seeing children with their fathers, again, because thats a thing thats close to my heart.
While im sitting in there, monitoring what they say, my watch breaks down. I got this watch as a wedding present from my wife. When we finally conclude visiting hour, i exit the room to get some lunch, only to spill an entire glass of water all over me. I dont wear a uniform to work, so i went around for a long time looking like i pied my pants. Times are now, not happy.
I cant wait to get home, to hug my kids by this point. Time goes and i drive home, pick them up from daycare and start preparing food. My 2yo enters the room, with my PS4 destiny disc in his hand. This worries me, mostly because my son is known as the Unraveler. He unravells reality and tears it asunder. Sadly, i dont have the Weaver to fix the stuff the little one breaks.
We eat our dinner, and afterwards, i tell them to gather on the couch and we can play some SRL. They love the racing, and the occational gunshots can be explained with "fireworks". They both rush to the couch and i insert the disc, and hear the deathsong of my disc player in my PS4. I dont know what the 2yo did, but its the equivalant of what Ir Yut did to Toland. Its speaking to me, but beyond my dimension.
This is a heavy blow. One, my favorite game is now ruined (the disc was.. unravelled on the bottom) and two, most of my games are on disc. And with Christmas around the corner, money is tight yo. Not a chance in hell to buy a new PS4 antyime soon. So what do gamers do when this happens? we go online. and i went.
I told my sad story online, to Twitter, to the Ghost Stories Podcast slack chat. People gave me sympathies and it helped.
But, i got a private message.
  • I have the solution to your problem
he wrote.
"Oh? i replied. a new disc reader?"
  • Better, give me your adress
The stranger replied.
Being in law enforcement, and also generally not a dumb person, i dont tend to give out my adress to people online, but i know this person, i trust this person enough. So i give the adress.
Next row, is an online purchace of a PS4 slim in my name from Amazon. My jaw drops, my eyes tear up. I ask him if this is for real, and who i have to murderdeathkill as thanks.
He tells me, he heard about my crappy day, and year, and wanted to help. To spread the spirit of Christmas.
I am still baffled by this, this enormus act of kindness shown towards me and my family. This is truly an amazing community we have in Destiny. Treasuer it.
Faith humanity = RESTORED
so remember this Guardians, there is good out there, and belive in the Dawning spirit.
I´ve kept the identity hidden of the donator, mostly because i still doubt its real, but also because the act was of kindness, not of bragging. But i will keep you updated :)
submitted by /u/cpt_kex
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Iron Lord Artifacts - Possible Rolls

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:02 PM PST

Hi there!
Here's a quick chart, which rolls you can get on any Iron Lord Artifact.
Memory of... Perk Int/Dis Int/Str Dis/Str Info
Radegast Sword Tennis X 38/38+43 38/38+43 Always Strength
Perun Enemy Marker 38/51+43 38/38+43 38/38+43 Any Roll
Skorri Fireteam Booster 38/51+43 38/38+43 38/38+43 Any Roll
Timur Allied Enemies X 38/38+43 38/38+43 Always Strength
Silimar DoT Reducer 38/51+43 38/38+43 38/38+43 Any Roll
Jolder Sprint Cooldown X 38/38+43 38/38+43 Always Strength
Gheleon Keen Scout 38/51+43 38/38+43 38/38+43 Any Roll
Felwinter* Losing Super X ? very high Can be a triple roll
*I can't find a max roll for this artifact.
Thanks to u/allprolucario for his T12 Guide and db.destinytracker.com for the info.
submitted by /u/schumi_gt
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Yeah, killing yourself by shooting a team mate in the back with a rocket is cool...
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:28 PM PST
My thank you to this community.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:42 AM PST

I am not sure how much traction this will get but I hope that everyone who has helped me or anyone that has ever helped someone out sees this. I bought destiny when it first came out, I have to admit, I didn't play it and I don't know why. Thinking back I believe it was because I played a ton of PC games then and now that my PC is aging I have been playing mostly console. My best friend who played density religiously absolutely loved this game, truely, he 100% whole heartedly loved this game and talked very highly of it. A couple months ago my best friend died unexpectedly. This changed me and had a huge negative impact on me, it has made this the worst year of my life. I quit my job and needed to just take a step back for a little while. I have played video games sine I was young because they are a great way to take yourself out of the reality of the world and let your mind be overcome by another world temporarily. Recently as of black Friday I bought the expansions of destiny and finally started playing. I wanted to really see what my friend saw and expierence it. I picked up the controller and played my ass off non stop questing going through the story just so I could learn the game and level my titan by myself. I learned a ton but was still overwhelmed because once I hit 40 the real game began. I turned to this community that my best friend used to frequent for tips and questions. I wasn't sure the kind of response or feedback I would get, if any. A handful of my friends kept asking me "why are you playing destiny NOW?! dude, you really missed the boat." I didn't care, I loved playing and I have come to notice they were completely wrong. I quickly learned that my first post to this community should not have been asked because the "Hey I'm a new player/returning player" guide was already provided, but still, many people provided me detailed feedback and help. The acceptance of this community was evident and I was shocked. I took that information I received and kept playing, starting to ask questions here and there and the responses were overwhelmingly positive and helpful. I couldn't believe that anything I asked as simple or complex that it was would always spark many people to devote their time to helping a random strange answer silly questions. These responses not only helped me get to 391LL in about a month, but they kept me amazed by the game by how devoted and passionate people were about it.
So, that bring me to sincerely thank each and every one of you for everything you have done for me so far. If I was someone who worked for bungie and saw how great of a community there was around the game I created I would be absolutely grateful. I wish I could have been around with all of you early on, played through the ups and downs but I don't regret giving it a shot now. I do regret however, not being able to play this game early on with my best friend before it was to late. My goal is to now carry his passion through the game and enjoy it like he did. Like I mentioned at the start, I hope everyone that helped me along the way sees this as well as people that have given to other new players. At the same time I hope new players thinking about trying destiny for the first time see this and are motivated to give it a shot like I did. You all have built something special that isn't easy to do and words can't explain how much I respect this community and how proud you all should be.
All in all, this amazing community here in destiny lost a great guardian, but they gained one as well.
Thank you.
submitted by /u/I_double_doge_dare_u
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I finally did it fellow guardians...I hit 400LL.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:51 AM PST

As a very casual player (maybe 1-2 hours 4-5 times a week), this is a pretty big deal for me. I started playing close to the release of House of Wolves, and have never been able to get to max LL.
The recent changes to how max level gear is obtained what allowed me to get to this point, as I haven't been able to do the raid yet. A combination of lack of friends that still play and family responsibilities have kept me out. I'm happy to have been able to get this far regardless.
A big thank you goes to you fellow guardians that grouped up with a rando to get me through numerous strikes, nightfalls, archon forge battles, and crucible matches. I have been fortunate enough to not encounter many ragers or other toxic-types, which says a lot about this community and how willing they are to help out.
Here's to a new year, and my new quest: getting gud with my titan. Sorry in advance to those that will end up making this journey with me.
Happy Holidays Guardians!
Edit: I do apologize to all of my Guardian friends who celebrate the Dawning. I meant no disrespect. Happy Dawning as well!
submitted by /u/slopoke89
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The new Pew Pew emote is OP
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:31 PM PST

I was matched in a 1v6 control match earlier today and decided that I would sit it out. I cued up the Pew Pew and magic happened!
submitted by /u/UserNameTaken_KitSen
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As a Child of the 80s, I Would Throw Money at the Screen for a Black and Red Lazer Tag Ornament for the Telesto.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:20 AM PST

It took me more than two years to get a Telesto. Every time I look at it from the loadout screen, I'm reminded of those Lazer Tag home edition pistols and rifles my friends and I played with as kids. Those were some amazing times.
Granted the Telesto isn't a perfect match, but it's damn near close.
submitted by /u/RRunner316
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Aksis Challenge - Don't be afraid to use your supers at ANY point of the fight, the 'Supercharge' will always give you it back

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:46 AM PST

Afternoon Guardians,
In my travels I alway see a culture of 'Save your Supers' and for many occasions this DOES fare well for you
However, at AKSIS Challenge, USING the super actually makes the encounter drop in difficulty significantly if you're doing the right things because of the incoming 'Supercharges'
This Post is based upon using your Supers BEFORE the DPS phases and not just maximising damage to Aksis
As ever, if you would like to add or give tips worth noting, please feel free to let me know and I can add in as approrpiate

Super Freak
Generally speaking, to get the most out of the Aksis encounter you will see variations of group set ups and I love to see that, all power to you (Literally) but the main things to look at is how you will Maximise DPS and simplify getting to the Empowerment and Teleport phases
  • Gunslinger (Nighthawk)
  • Nightstalker (Blackhole)
  • Sunsinger (Viking Funeral)
  • Sun Breaker (Melting point / Scorched Earth)
  • Defender (Weapons of Light)
These combinations of teams WILL do significant amounts of damage to AKSIS but they will also improve how you GET TO the damage teleport phases
Sometimes the Shanks and Captains can be a pain for whatever reason and it happens from time to time for any team

Hunter Gunslinger - Nighthawk
  • One Shott Captains
  • Huge DPS to AKSIS if hit all 3 times (Hit him ANYWHERE, Nighthawk CANNOT Critical hit)
  • If it's not your slam, try to Golden Gun him BEFORE the Supercharge for 4 GG Shots for the full DPS phase
  • Using 'Keyhole' and having the right angle, you can damage AKSIS in multiple spots (Legs) like the Dark Drinker (Keyhole comes free with the Nighthawk exotic)
  • Set GG to 'Deadeye' for more accuracy and DAMAGE of Golden Gun
As a general alternative to the Nightstalker, I would recommend this class if you ALREADY HAVE a Nighstalker available to Tether AKSIS
'One shotting captains' with the Golden Gun it can immeditaley neutralise any threat from those scorch cannons - Consider pairing this with the 'Scavenger' Perk (Picking up ammo reduces the cooldown of Grenande and Throwing knife) to maximise the class effectiveness
Note - Incendinary Blade can also be used to deal extra damage to Aksis if landed and can deal with Shanks also (Should you need it)

Hunter Nightstalker - Blackhole
  • Tether to line up shanks and make easier work of them
  • Slow / Stop the captain to take him down faster
  • Invis / Sword combo for easy captain takedown
  • Consider using 'Light of the Pack' - The more Orbs the better here for me, keeps your side partner in Super also for a 'Dream Team' partnership
  • On 3rd DPS Phase, if everyone is using Dark Drinker HOLD your Tether until players are close enough to DPS. Don't fire immediatley as it will waste DPS time
I've found this to be a 'Go to' type of class for my Hunter Brothers out there and rightly so
While building up to the Teleport phase the Tether can be used to centralise the Shanks - Tether the floor inbetween the captain door and the middle pillar and the Shanks (for the most part) line up - Please be aware Shanks CAN come from the opposite side also if doing this
A Tether can also be used to grab hold of the Captain, making short work of him when coming to take him down for the Cannon
Note - Smoke Invis, rush to the captain (When Shanks have been took down) and sword him is and always will be a very effective way of taking the cannon
Authors Note - All in all, when in a confident group you don't need more than 1 as all around the damage should be going well so if in a Hunter heavy group, consider mixing and matching with Golden Gun, especially with available Nighthawks

Warlock Sunsinger - Viking Funeral
  • Viking Funeral stacks up to 3x for extra Aksis DPS
  • Solar Nades help increase team damage to Shanks and Captains for Support
  • Consider using 'Radiant Skin' or 'Song of Flame' (If Radiance used on Teleport 1 when safe to do so, this should have ran out and be charged up again by Supercharge number 3)
  • For Aksis - Fusion Nades ARE more powerful than Solar Nades but Solars are stronger when using 'Sunbreakers' (Exotic Gauntlets)
A Warlock is for life, not just for christmas
Solar Nades are your friend. Viking Funeral stacks up to 3x and can be used both for lighting up the arena to help with the Shanks and thrown at the Captain doorway can also reduce the damage required to take him down
If feeling confident with this - Consider using 'Radiant Skin' or 'Song of Flame' to either keep your armour up or help reduce cooldowns of your comrades. BOTH are effective when used correctly
Note - Doing the above may sacrifice your Self Rez admittedly BUT a side from the Captain you never really should be in a place where it's necessary. Again, more effective in confident play

Titan Sun Breaker - Melting point / Scorched Earth
  • Hammers can make quick work of Shanks and help do damage with the Captains and great support all around
A class very much overlooked by some but for Aksis this can be GOLD
Using hammers to take down Shanks is very effective and can also do significant Captain damage - If your buddy on that side sneaks up to take him down that's also a bonus
The real Power here is for Aksis - Melting Point is a huge damage booster if you land that melee when in the damage phase - Get in Bubble, Punch and Dark Drinker away
Note - This combo can also bruing the best out of 'The Insurmountable Skullfort' for double melees when on the 2nd and 3rd DPS phases
Authors Note - Using Dark Drinker? Have more than 1 Titan bubble? Consider switching to Sunbreaker, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised

Titan Defender - Weapons of Light
  • Bubble on the Stairs Left and Right or in Middle to help take out Shanks and Captains quicker
  • Extra protection all around (SIVA Mites still get in)
  • Bubble the Captain Door using Helm of St 14 to help take him down faster
The most straight forward of them all for me and maybe the most valuable
Try a weapons of Light Bubble on the Stairs (Left and Right) or in the middle above the stairs so you can see down
Best used for the Aksis DPS phase but upon EVERY Supercharge prior you can pop a bubble and take advantage of the extra DPS boost, not just round 3
Note - A small tip for Captains would be - Equip Helm of Saint 14 and pop a bubble OVER the door where the captain appear. Soon as he's out - Sword and the cannon is yours

  • AKSIS takes damage IMMEDIATLEY after the last bomb hits / starts teleporting - No slam required to start hitting him
  • Remember to use those Scorch / Arc / Null Cannons in the DPS phases
  • You can Slam / Supercharge / Use your Supers whilst HOLDING the cannons. Don't panic about dropping them first
  • Watch that DPS. You must always 'Slam & Supercharge' BEFORE he goes to last stand or the Challenge will fail. If he's low, hold off the DPS until you've passed the mechanics
  • Your surroundings help you - Make sure there's a pillar inbetween you and AKSIS during the phase BEFORE empowerment to help dodge his shots and SIVA Aids shots

This Challenge has so much rythm to it once you get into the flow it makes any previous problems wash over you
I hope this can help any Guardians out there complete their Challenge or maybe even be used for few tips to maximise that take down

Happy Thursday Guardians & Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays
submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Describe your "I'd be hyped as fuck if..." E3 '17 Destiny 2 announcement teaser.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 11:17 AM PST

A semi-close up of the Traveler. All you can see is the Traveler itself and the orange & purple shades of a dusk sky behind it. POV begins to slowly zoom outward, revealing more of the sky. There are ships flying in formation in the distance, miles behind the Traveler.
The camera zooms out more, smoke can be seen rising from the corner of the frame. As it continues to zoom, we see small ships, same formations as before, fly by quickly, between our POV and the Traveler.
As we zoom out more, we see the origin of the smoke. Huge fires and a few explosions litter the Last City, plumes of smoke reaching to the sky are visible from all over the place.
Larger ships appear from just outside of the frame. Hovering over the city and slowly moving inward from the wall, scanning the streets below with spotlights. We see a flaming guardian ship crash into a section of the wall in the distance, bringing part of it down.
The Traveler, still in the middle of the frame, is getting smaller and smaller as out POV keeps zooming out. Massive, bigger-than-the-Dreadnaught ships appear above the Traveler out of hyperspace, putting them high in Earth's orbit above the city.
As our POV continues its retreat, we see the front railing of the Tower's balcony. All over the main plaza, we see bodies of guardians and destroyed frames. The postmaster kiosk is caved in, the vaults are knocked over. The Cryptarch's hut is on fire.
The camera stop panning just as it reveals the shoulder of a massive, heavily armored creature, looking out over the assault on the city. Cut to the creature's feet as it turns around and starts walking. In its path, we see the white mask of The Speaker on the ground before it is crushed by the massive, metal foot.
Then we see him in full. The Cabal Emperor himself, adorned in an intricately engraved golden and black armor. He has a massive club-like weapon in one hand, and a huge rifle attached to the gauntlet of the other. He turns again to see his army laying waste to the city again and sits down on his new throne, build out if the armor and weapons of the Guardians. The throne engulfs the back half of the plaza, and has caused the accessway to the Vanguard area to collapse under its weight.
Then the screen goes black
submitted by /u/Coppin-it-washin-it
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Bungie, I LOVE that the Queen's bounties reset each day but something has to be done about class items.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:35 PM PST

I have ranked up 3 times and received two class items, one class item, and two class items respectively. My friend has ranked up twice and received two class items each time. I understand that sometimes RNG can be finicky but when it takes as long as it does just to rank up its super demoralizing. I love the armor and would really enjoy rocking it...you know...if it ever actually dropped.
Is this happening to anyone else or is it simply an isolated instance to my friend and myself?
submitted by /u/bravecowboy86
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Trials of Fusions | Old Fusion Clips

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:30 PM PST

I hope you guys love fusion rifles because I'm going to start doing a series every week called Trials of Fusions. The clips are 1-3 weeks old because I've been busy with school. But now I should have time making videos. I appreciate any feed back! Have a great day everyone :) https://youtu.be/S2CfMssqkyw
submitted by /u/MightGuyyy
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Made some of my clanmates Shirts with our clan on them for Christmas. Each one has a personal touch.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:31 PM PST

I'm hoping to make a Destiny film next year, and today for the first time I started learning how to start animating, what do you think?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:12 AM PST

Hey guys, as the title says I started to learn how to animate and import 3d objects into scenes. The ghost model was one I found, created by /u/ncarson9.
Link to the first test is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtpN-LzuFpI
The final idea is that I will be creating models and animating them myself, but even just to get this working is a huge step for me and I'm interested in what you guys think :)
submitted by /u/ItsDanniey1
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Sepiks Perfected Solo Nightfall Speedrun (12:02)

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:51 PM PST

Still some room for improvement, but I think this is a solid run.
submitted by /u/vasc94
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So a pun pong battle just happened

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:43 AM PST

Enjoy https://imgur.com/0xyrRGA
Edit - thanks for all the up votes dtg, much love. But I have just heard from the pun police, we are being arrested and taken to the punitentiary. Muggle out.
submitted by /u/muggle345
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