Overwatch News

A Recap of Week 1 & 2 of the ESL Atlantic Showdown Qualifiers

We have reached the midpoint of the qualifier process. With 8 teams in each EU and NA decided for their respective regional qualifiers, let’s catch you up to speed.

Overwatch Community

The Overwatch Timeline - by Vannerick

Hello everyone! I've been doing some digging lately and I think I've come up with an approximate timeline for the events for Overwatch and its lore. I'll just post it up and let you have a look!
2028 – Omnica corporation founded as a lead in the robotics industry in response to the rise of automated workers.
2032 – Omnics begin to be produced by the Omnica corporation.
2036 – Omnic influenced prosperity due to free labor from them.
2040 – Many begin to wonder about Omnic capability for souls. Omnica corporation shutdown and factories turned off. Omnics kept in servitude.
2044 – Omniums come back online, begin to crank out omnics (mostly Bastion units) in massive war against humanity. Forces held but guerrilla tactics used in strike forces sparking the war. [Speculation]
2045 – Overwatch founded. Omnic Crisis at peak. God programs online and in full force (Such as Anubis). Omnics lose control to the God programs.
2050 – The Omnic Crisis ends. Humanity able to focus on things once more and establishes the Horizon Lunar Colony. Omnics treated as semi-equals. Golden age begins. Bastion left forgotten.
2050-2065 – Talon begins attacks and Overwatch retaliates. The 'defeat' of the Shimada clan. Ana comic. Mei stationed at Watchpoint Antarctica The Overwatch Generation.
2052 – Founding of the Shambali and the settlement of the Himalayas by the spiritually awakened Omnics.
2054 – Omnics in Australia given the Omnium and land in central Australia
2060 – Winston returns to earth after the disaster of the Horizon Lunar Colony. Joins Overwatch. Tracer's accident happens.
2060-2065 – Tracer returns. Wisnton designs Chronal Accelerator. Bastion awakens.
2065 – Overwatch influence begins to wane as organization is under suspicion of corruption. Allegations of corruption, mismanagement, weapons proliferation, human rights abuses, and more. Some of Overwatch's most famous retired in disgrace.
2070 – Blackwatch is revealed. The UN launches an investigation.
*2070-2074 – As the investigation continues things heat up between Morrison and Reyes culminating in the destruction of Overwatch's Swiss headquarters. Reyes and Morrison presumed dead.
2074 – Omnium in Australia blows up, Junker civilization forms. Lucio steals Vishkar technology.
2075 – After the reveal of Blackwatch, the death of two key leaders, and the destruction of the Overwatch HQ the UN was forced to disband the organization. The Petras Act was put into place and Overwatch activity was deemed illegal and liable to prosecution.
2075-2079 – The comics excluding Ana. Events of “Hero” short. Mei unfrozen. Reaper resurfaces and begins hunting Overwatch agents.
2079 – Zarya leaves competition to deal with Siberian Omnium factory reactivating. Second Omnic Crisis in Russia and possibly bleeding into Korea.
2080 – Current Year March/April – Talon attack on Watchpoint Gibraltar and the initiation of Recall – Same day attack on King's Row. The Assassination of Tekhartha Mondatta. Mid-April – Watchpoint Gibraltar Map – Payload delivery success – Original Overwatch Trailer – Numbani Map – Outcome undetermined – Mei given journal by Winston – Events of “Dragons” shorts. April/May – Other maps – Outcomes undetermined – Events of Hollywood Map – Outcome Undetermined
A few parts are speculative, mostly the things before 2045. Some dates are made up here and there, but that's based on deductive reasoning. Hopefully this all makes sense!
Edit: * are now places I've edited in a new date to help make more sense of the timeline.

Blizzard, please don't make a TF2 Spy character - by Pesto_Enthusiast

In case you missed it, another redditor pried open the PTR update and found some new audio. In that collection were some lines that may be interpreted as setting up for a stealth hero, perhaps even an invisible one (McCree: "Now I can't see you, but I know you're there.").
Blizzard, please don't make a character that can't be easily seen. The two design decisions that Overwatch made that I'm happiest about were not needing to break combat to find a place to replenish ammo and not having a clone of the TF2 spy. The possibility that there might be an invisible character with a one hit kill capability changes how you play TF2, and not in a good way; you spend a lot of time shooting at allies to make sure they're really allies, and keeping your back up against walls so that you can't be backstabbed. It's also, at least for me, magnitudes more frustrating to die to an invisible spy than to any other opponent. It doesn't feel like you got beat by an opponent's skill, it feels like you got beat by an unbalanced gimmick.
I really hope that this is just chasing at shadows (pun intended), and that I'm off the mark interpreting these voice lines, because an invisible character would be miserable to play against.

If you want to play a character I locked in first, just ask... - by earthtotem11

I joined a Gibraltar: Defense game today, and I immediately lock in Symmetra. I've had a good run with her lately, and I try to get a teleporter up as quickly as possible. Another player, level 300+, selects Symmetra a few seconds later, and writes in chat with "no no no no no," then, as the match is beginning, calls me an "asshole." Right after my first death and partial team wipe, he says in comms, "You know why we're losing? Because I'm not playing Symmetra."
I'm sick of the toxic community in solo queue quick play. Is it so hard to just politely ask someone to swap if you want to play a hero that has already been selected? I would have been happy to oblige...
I was recording at the time. Should I send a link to the video in a report?

Symmetra is so underrated - by  mody_bird_s

Yea she is situational but even in those "situations" people still dont pick her and call her bad, even with her highest winrate.
She is just so strong, i even think her teleporter is a little op because of how fast it charges and what is can do. But im not complaining :/ im gonna abuse this "bad" hero

1 Hero Limit, Winston Shield - by Aubstter

I'm pretty sure that Winston's shield was nerfed from 1000 to 600 because teams were stacking multiple Winstons on a team, and multiple 1000 shields were too hard to deal with.
Since they're implementing the 1 hero limit in competitive, are these balancing changes to Winston being reverted?
Just thought I'd bring it up for argument sake.

If Mercy is healing/damage boosting you, and you see her health dropping, help her. - by cdiesch

There's this nifty little bar you get on your screen displaying your Mercy's health. If it starts to drop, just turn around and help her. As a Mercy player, I know I'm going to get focused and dove, so I stand behind my team, so when someone dives on me, they're easily taken care of (assuming my team values their Mercy, that is).
I can't tell you how many times I've watched as the person I'm attached to simply doesn't turn around, lets me die, then spams "I need healing" once they have to fight whoever just killed me.

Overwatch  Highlights

Gifs and Pic

Remember kids, never give up
I should just hang up my rocket launcher now, never beating this (thanks ana)
Reaper mask I've been plugging away at for the last couple weeks
Widowmaker's new Grappling Hook Shot in action
Official Overwatch Twitter endorses Gremlin D.Va
Overwatch Crossing! [Fan art]
Today I realized that there is a gap between the aircraft and the platform on Ilios
When you're on Anti-Air duty
A moment to reminisce Angela ang Pharah as Panty and stocking
Caught between a Reinhardt and another Reinhardt
I made a Ana clay model!
Roadhog Space
Well, I was not falling for that one
I see your questionable Roadhog hook and I raise you one.
Heroes Never Die
The day Zaryas Black Hole broke everything
[Fan Comic] Soldier 76 arguing with Mercy
Where did these genjis come from
Reinhardt Epic Charge
When your 3 games on reaper last 4 hours combined.
Ana Amari by Re-dye
Silence pls [Comic]
When you become one with widow
10+ Kill Play of the game? WHAT
Dedicated to all them Hog players
Junkrat giving Reinhardt a pat on the head
So I started this before the game came out, but then the game came out...[Widowmaker FanArt]


Move the Payload
Mulan gets Play of the Dynasty
I got my first team kill
Making Toxic Players Suffer
McCree: Old vs PTR Damage Test
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