Dota 2 Update - December 8, 2014 PA Arcana

Economy Updates


  • PA Arcana no longer 20% off.
  • Liga Dotera Venezolana Season 2 ticket name has been fixed to show Season 2.
  • In-game ad for the charm has been removed.

Raw Schema: Link
Changelog: None yet.
Patch Size: 14.0 Mb

Update 2

Official Changelog

  • Fixed various pathing issues when moving around trees
  • Fixed Match Ready dialog ignoring clicks sometimes
  • Fixed the fifth game in the series popup drawing off the bottom of the screen in the Watch panel

Economy Updates


  • Dota Regions Season 2 Ticket image has been updated to show the set it comes with. | Old -> New
  • Charm of the Defender's Vision has been removed from the store.

String Updates

  • A minor typo in the party VAC notification has been fixed.

UI Updates

  • Dota simple ready up box not working properly has been fixed.

New Console Commands


  • dota_respawn_roshan <command> - Respawn Roshan


  • dota_roshan_spawn_timer - Time after death that Roshan will respawn. This was a cheat command.

Raw Schema: Link
Changelog: Link
Patch Size: 18.8 Mb

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