Crystal Maiden Dota 2 Support - to Feed or not to Feed

Forget about your kill stat - it's a terrible measure of your success as a support. If anything, look at your combined (kills + assists) / deaths. 3/5/10 is a decent score.

You get more gold for a kill than you do for an assist, but lots of kills on a support is often a bad sign

You're the least item-dependent hero on the team, so you want those final blows to be going to a carry if possible. As long as you're not dying too much and you're getting plenty of assists, you're probably doing a great job setting up those kills.

Running off to get solo kills on an enemy carry can be a risky strategy

If you can reliably gank them, then go for it by all means - early on many carries are weak and killing them will keep them from coming online. Support heroes tend to be strong gankers earlier in the game. However, hunting a carry 1 on 1 who could potentially kill you is not smart - if you die, you're feeding a hero who will benefit far more from the gold and XP than you will if you win. If possible, team up with someone else and coordinate a gank that's more likely to succeed.

As for your other questions:

Going to ward is always a risk, but it's one you can mitigate

Pick routes to your warding spot that leave you unlikely to run into someone, and don't stand around common ward spots longer than you have to - if you're warding a rune spot, assume the enemy has vision of you. In the mid game, try to ward while you're moving as a team (generally you want to ward around the areas where your team is pushing/defending anyway). If you need to place an especially risky ward, ask someone to cover you.

Part of it is about developing good game sense - you may not know where all 5 of their heroes are, but you can make assumptions about where the 2 remaining heroes are likely to be based on what the other 3 are doing, where you last saw them, and what you'd be doing in their shoes.

In fights, people are naturally going to prioritise you if they can - you're squishy and your abilities will make a big difference to the fight if they ignore you. That's particularly true with heroes like Lina, because everyone hates your ultimate!

Learn to position yourself in fights in a way that makes prioritising you a costly decision

Your opponents should have to choose between overextending in order to dive you, or ignoring you in favour of tankier targets, either of which is an advantage for your team. If they've got invisible gankers, keep close to your allies so that any attempted gank should also be a death for the ganker.

As for an escape - a Force Staff is one of the best support items in the game

It gives you an escape from ganks (which can also be used to help a carry escape), a method of chasing or quickly adjusting your positioning, and even a way of forcing an enemy hero out of position to initiate a fight. Particularly if you're struggling for survivability, it's an amazing pickup.

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