Mid Ganks? When and how? Storm Spirit Dota 2

There are a few conditions you need to meet before you can even try a gank on mid.

First, you need to either be in a trilane or have a jungler

Duo lanes just don't work because it is blatantly obvious what you are doing when both supports are missing and it is extremely unlikely that you will get to the mid lane without getting spotted by a ward unless you use 2 smokes.

Second, you REALLY want your trilane won before you go to gank mid

It takes time to get in position for a gank, and if your supports aren't pulling or contesting farm for 30 seconds while they smoke around, it is again blatantly obvious where you are going. I like to pull, and then leave without waiting for the creeps to die. To the offlaner, it looks like your supports are waiting to kill him if he tries to come up for XP, so you should be able to get in position before he notices you've left.

Third, your mid player needs to be on board with the gank at least 30 seconds before you smoke

But preferably a full minute ahead of time. That gives him time to preemptively bottle crow so he has the mana for all his skills and lets him plan his lane control so it will push to his side of the river.

If you can do all of that, your approach should depend on what side you are on

If you are radiant, I like to do a full wrap around to come at the enemy from the left side. It takes bit longer to get in position, but you are out of tower range when you initiate. On dire, I walk right over the top rune, place a ward on the high ground by the ancients and just say out of vision range until he goes to the low ground.

Regardless, you don't want to try to gank someone sitting on his own high ground

It just doesn't work unless your team has some MAJOR burst damage at level 2 or you have chen/enchantress to tank with their creeps. Your mid SHOULD have known you were coming and controlled the creep wave so that the enemy couldn't get last hits without being in the river, but even good players can mess up the timing or be too obvious and scare the enemy off. If that happens, I either go look for a jungler or try to kill their support harassing our offlane. That decision needs to be made FAST though. If you wait, you will be too out leveled and get completely destroyed.

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