Inside the minds Dota 2 500MMR Bracket! Jakiro Dota 2 ingame

They think Riki & Bloodseeker is a recipe for winning.

While other Brackets have "Support please", "I mid", etc. as common phrase during Hero Selection, for 500 MMR it's definitely "Pick Riki & Bloodseeker please! Pick Riki & Bloodseeker PLEASE!".

They Auto Attack Creeps from start to finish.

For the first 20 minutes, 2cs/min seems to be the Maximum farm speed for a "lucky dude" performing Auto Attack with a non farming friendly Hero. To put in perspective, 1st Page Live Game Carries can consistently do 6cs/min.

They cannot/refuse to read Hero Skills and/or Item Descriptions.

While the concept is obscure to them, there is a HUGE Difference between intelligently obtaining unconventional Items that apply for the situation & completely disregarding the importance of Knowing Your OWN Hero Skills & Items. Players who suffer from this condition will be seen acquiring: Tranquil BootsTranquil Boots on Slark, Phase BootsPhase Boots on Faceless Void, Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering on Zeus,
 Battle FuryBattle Fury on Luna, or doubling up Mask of Madness & Helm of the Dominator on Sniper, etc. (I'm too lazy to dig out those games at this point, but I've witnessed those with my very own eyes)

They have their Personal Core Items that apply to EVERY Hero.

Of all the 1 MMR players I partied with, 1 person proved to utilize this technique to the fullest extent. For over 2 weeks that we played his Core Items would include Wraith BandWraith Band, Power TreadsPower Treads (Agility), & Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering. Did it terrify his own teammates when he picked Zeus /Viper and went for these 3 items? Yes. Yes, it did. Few seconds after Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering was acquired, "GG [insert Hero Name]" and/or "End Fast" is commonly uttered by teammates. Did they ever be so kind to tell him those Items don't apply for his Heroes? No, not even once.

Wraith Band, Power Treads (Agility), & Vladmir's Offering Zeus Dota 2

They don't buy Boots.

While some recognize the importance of Movement Speed as to have their Starting Items consist of 1 Boots of Speed Boots of Speed (and Nothing else), some 500 MMR Carry will just completely ignore them and go straight for Damage Items. Different school of thoughts, but still same chance to win, I supposed. When NO BOOTS Ursa tops the team's Kills & GPM, who's there to argue?

They don't buy Town Portal Scrolls.

In some occasions, it's the multiple stacks of Creeps that take over both Barracks ON THEIR OWN without ANY Enemy Hero nearby as the defending team has no Town Portal Scroll.

They eat 3-4 Tangos all at once to quickly heal after a fight.

Why there's no Warning Label on this thing, I do not know.

They use Mouse to click their Ultimate.

Normal Skills are usually activated via Hotkeys, but they have to drag their Mouse all the way down to click the Ultimate for reason yet clear to me. This explains why Skywrath Mage here can be seen standing still in the middle of a fight for 2-3 seconds before landing an Ultimate with the lowest accuracy in the history of Dota.

They have trouble positioning their Screen & finding their Heroes during fights.

Needless to say, they panic, start clicking around, & run right into the enemy horde for a quick death times and times again.

They have 0 awareness of what's going on around the Map other than 1800 range (or even lower) surrounding their Hero.

From my observation, it seems some of them do not realize the possibility of moving the Screen far from their Hero's Location to scout. This behavior, when combined with their habit of peeking (when they need to watch enemies destroy their Tower), will lead them to stumble too close to the enemies resulting in countless deaths.

They shop at most illadvised times.

Just for the record, people in 500 MMR Bracket spend a minimum of 10 seconds in the Shop Menu each time they bring it up & this can go as long as a minute or more. Which isn't really the problem in itself, until they start doing it WHILE Attacking Enemy Towers or Breaking Into Enemy High Ground Barracks. Having almost half their Screen blocked by the Shop Menu, in combination with a poorly positioned Screen (which can barely see the Hero), it is inevitable their Heroes die Repeatedly while shopping unacknowledged. Many times you will see Heroes in this Bracket freeze in 1 spot for a good 10 seconds or more in the middle of nowhere, I suspect they are doing the shopping.

They prioritize wrong things.

Roshan = Win Dota Syndrome

Some believe killing Roshan will ultimately lead to victory under all conditions. They will attempt Roshan solo with some impossible Heroes like Rubick or Invoker at level 10 or when the game is clearly not going their way only to end up failing. When these players are in close proximity to Roshan they will persistently Ping the location asking for help at most imprudent times with no Wards resulting in a wipe to those willing participants. Fascinatingly, their mental condition will prevent them from recognizing this mistake & they will go on to another game doing the exact same thing over and over again.

Tower = Win Dota Syndrome

Some believe the game is ALL About Towers so they prioritize Towers over everything else. They will proceed to push Towers like nobody's business since Level 1 on Heroes like Riki or Zeus . If a fight ensue and they survived there will be 2 options that they strictly follow:

(1) They have Low HP 

Run back to the nearest Tower and DEFEND Until Death or Lane Enemies disappear then start pushing again (Without going back to heal & ultimately resulting in Death)

(2) They have High HP

Keep pushing until another fight ensue (likely with them having no Mana) then repeat the same loop

This is a very smooth way of feeding. I was wondering how some people feed so much without their team's discontent - this is it. This is how they do it. It seems they are helping. It seems they are trying. But it will also make sure they silently go At Least 1-10 every game doing it

Lack of 5 Man Teamwork.

By this I mean just actually sticking in a group of 5. From my experience, when a game is composed of everyone below 500 MMR you have to always assume that for the whole 50 Minutes game you will never get 5 men together. Even when taking Barracks, the 500 MMR Bracket will allocate a maximum personnel of 3 to take it while another 2 is completely preoccupied doing personal stuff; e.g. being dead, afk, or jungling (because Gold is very hard to come by with all the hapless Auto Attacks). As said previously, in some occasions, it's the Creeps that take over Barracks on their own. A game with multiple 1000 MMR players will have a 5 man here and there after 30 minutes or so. Sometimes the lone 1000 MMR would start calling for team to stick, but if the roster is filled with 500 MMRs then it will never happen. A group of 2000 MMR players is where 5 manning for Tier 1 Towers can be seen.

They think 1500 MMRs are Role Models.

Occasionally, these people descend from their 2000 MMR Bracket or whatever and got put in 500 MMR to even things out. And to their credit, they do shine here. These people will be congratulated & praised during the Hero Selection Phase; "Hey, I remember you, you are so good!", "Oh, You went godlike last game, please do it again!", "Oh it's you! Please solo mid and win!". These 1500 MMRs are pretentious, arrogant, & grossly overrated. Curious as to why these players are viewed by 500 MMRs as some divine beings, I normally double the Mid Lane with them to see what the fuss is all about & trust me it's nothing special; they don't Block Creeps, they Auto Attack Creeps, they have 0 idea about managing Creeps Aggro, & when their team is losing they start blaming others just like everybody else.

They don't think communication is important.

Every game will consist of at least 1 person who refuse to communicate whatsoever. My assumption is that many of them don't even understand English but Queues in English (thanks to the infamous Auto Select). As there are too many Languages to possibly include in Preference, perhaps it would be best to have "I Will Not Communicate to others using any widely accepted languages" as Auto Select; while having other Language Options as Preference. This way they will have their own pool of players and it would be less a torment to others. Granted they don't even make the effort to READ Hero Skills/Item Descriptions after whatever 150 games they've played to get to Ranked & While BEING IN Ranked, it's highly unlikely they will come to Preference & start changing things around.

They do not learn from mistake.

At times I question if they know what they are doing is a mistake at all. A Sniper who walked into Enemy territory and got killed by a Bounty Hunter, after respawn will proceed to do the same thing over and over and over again. I never count, but it's probably about 8 times before they decide to stop. Obviously, in the next game they will try their luck using the exact same procedure again.


People in the same Match are NOT as bad as you are

As stated above, 1500 MMR players are known as Kings when brought to 500 MMR Bracket & it is not uncommon for 2000 MMR to come down here as well. The Skills difference Can Be pretty wide.

Even the fairness of the Match itself cannot be counted on

There has been numerous situations where MMR Difference seemed so wide that it didn't make any sense, but none which can be used to demonstrate as plainly as the one below (as all involved at least 1 player with TBD). This example:

Illustrates how the favor is indisputably leaning towards Dire Team (1800, 1800, 1200, 1000, 20) and awaay from the Radiant (990, 960, 920, 360, 50). To elaborate, all 5 Radiant MMRs Combined is LESS than the Top 2 Dire players. What did All 5 players on Radiant do to deserve such unfair treatment is of great question here. As it appears the match was created for 1 sole purpose of getting Radiant Team completely ran over by people who each doubled their MMRs. It goes without saying that Radiant team FEEEDS from start to finish. What's worst is in these types of game people Always look for a person to blame. In this particular case, it was the 0-12 Death Prophet who, presumably after leading the team in Deaths Counts for a good period of time, decided to start the witch hunt herself. Upon checking Chat Log near the end of game, I found she raged about my limited contribution on both Team Chat & All Chat the entire game. She even made various attempts to expose my farming location to another team; unfortunately, due to her extreme lack of vocabulary, was unsuccessful in doing so (and I sat in that one single location since about 2 minutes mark, only to do an "InB4gg" at the very last minute to register some Scoreboard Stats). This type of lopsided games Always bring out the toxicity in people.

In many occasions, those very bottom MMR players get teamed with multiple overly high MMRs creating an obscenely uneven game.

By CaptainAmerica4 at Reddit

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