How would you build Windranger to cover a carry or semi-carry role?

You can play her as a right-clicking semi-carry, although she'll never perform quite as well as an actual carry hero would with equivalent farm. If you want to play a farming Windranger, she's usually better off as solo mid or offlane farmer (solo or dual) rather than being your team's main carry.

Since she already gets max attack speed from her ultimate, right-click Windranger wants to focus on damage items: Monkey King Bar and DaedalusDaedalus are the obvious choices. Of course, the standard Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse or Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence that you'd get on a utility Windranger still offer plenty of bonus damage (55 from Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence, 35 from Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse) so neither is out of place on this build either. The hex/silence/damage amp are always useful, and you still need the mana regen so one or the other is worth picking up. While it's not that popular, an Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter will reduce your Focus Fire cooldown which will probably be necessary if you're going full-on right-click. It also lets you use attack modifiers like Desolator Desolator during your Focus Fire.

You're still fragile, which is where Windrun comes in - it's not just an escape mechanism, the 100% evasion for 5 seconds can also let you go toe to toe with other right-clickers quite effectively (at least until they build an Monkey King Bar).


  • Phase BootsPhase Boots (Damage and more mobility)
  • Force Staff Force Staff (sure!!)
  • Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence (Provide high mana regen. should buy asap (before force staff in some situation))
  • Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere (Also provide mana and survivability)

with one or two damage items

  • Monkey King Bar (bonus damage not reduce by her Ultimate)
  • DaedalusDaedalus (High random 1 hit damage)

Situation Items

  • Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter (Decrease  Focus Fire cooldown to 15s.)
  • Blink Dagger Blink Dagger
  • Desolator Desolator (meld the tower)
  • Boots of TravelBoots of Travel
  • Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse (for disable)
  • Black King BarBlack King Bar (Windrun + Black King BarBlack King Bar make you almost immortal)
Windranger is incredibly versatile, and the only time in which you would build her as a carry is if you don't have a back line damage dealer (a carry with a ranged attack) and you are a core hero.

If you have an incredible early game on Windranger, you might consider buying "carry items" (around the level 7-9 mark she can start easily pulling in kills with max lvl  Powershot). This is one of many reasons she is an excellent off lane. You gain a reasonably safe solo xp source with the ability to harass down the safe lane carry.

If there are no other "supports" on the team (in the sense of what supports build) I would just go for Force Staff Force Staff/MekansmMekansm and see what happens. Those two items in the hands of a master can win you the game alone.

If you are a core hero, Force Staff Force Staff/Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence will allow you to reasonably duel most champions in the mid-game.

The real problem in building a "carry" Windranger that she easily does better with experience than she does with farm. But she is versatile enough to put early gold to use in any shape or form. This should be your playstyle while using her, doing whatever your team needs.

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