Tiny Dota 2 Aghanim's Scepter Good/bad heros to gets Aghanim's Scepter with

Get Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter on heroes whose only real utility is from their ultimate. Faceless Void is a bad candidate because his biggest contribution is right-click damage and bashes, so getting +damage and +attack speed items is better than an Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter for him. Other heroes like this are Luna and Gyrocopter. Their ults are nice, but are not the most important aspect of the hero (Edit: For a hard carry role). Tiny is an exception to this.
However, a hero like Brewmaster is only really useful because of his ultimate, so improving it is huge for him. Similarly, Meepo benefits immensely from the stat sharing and extra clone. Warlock is another example (really any support with a huge teamfight ult is usually good, barring maybe lich). Other heroes to get Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter on are good utility ultimates--Clockwerk is a good choice so you can spam hooks, Invoker so you can cast every spell in a fight, etc..

Near Mandatory

  • Brewmaster - A 100% Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter pickup hero, The item is required for the warriors to scale into the mid-late game.
  • Enchantress - Allows her to damage towers just like sniper, picking them off out of damage range, whilst doing more damage to enemy heroes too.
  • Juggernaut - More damage, more time being damage immune, just be careful of using it around creeps as to not get caught out of position for too long.
  • Invoker - Being able to switch and spam spells only having to rely on their cooldown rather than invoke's cooldown is a huge advantage - the item raises the hero's skill cap that much higher.
  • Meepo - A 100% Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter pickup hero, another Meepo means more damage, split pushing, and farming.
  • Omniknight - Won't always be able farm enough to get scepter, but when he does the ability to apply this to buildings, wherever you may be on the map is powerful.
  • Tiny - A 100% Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter pickup hero, being able to damage buildings heavily, and farm faster in the mid-late game makes this item indispensable on Tiny.
  • Visage - Another familiar means more initiation, and less escaping.

Very Good

  • Beastmaster - Allows more aggression, and from the humungous range of 950 makes his ult impressive.
  • Chen - Being able to globally heal everyone on your team every 30 seconds is straight up overpowered.
  • Dark Seer
  • Ancient Apparition - If used to initiate before a teamfight will essentially prevent any regeneration from anything before, and after the fight happens with the newly buffed 17 second duration of the curse applied.
  • Earthshaker - At least effectively doubles the damage he does, AT THE LEAST; has the potential to devastate teams before the teamfight even occurs with illusions involved.
  • Sand King - A good teamfight ult that you can now use more often, and with greater effect.
  • Vengeful Spirit - Makes her more versatile - Able to move around the map faster, initiate more, and save allies more.
  • Warlock - Golems have the ability to devastate with an initiation, and destroy towers in no time flat, and having 1 more of them just amplifies that ability.
  • Pugna - The removal of a cooldown is the important thing here. A sizeable increase in HP drain helps too.
  • Queen of Pain - Solid damage increase, along with an extreme reduction in the cooldown dept. to make her able to intiate and solo opposing heroes in an easier manner.
  • Shadow Shaman - Nearly doubles the damage, and makes towers just crumble.
  • Witch Doctor
  • Zeus


  • Bane - If you're able to get this on him you should have some form of damage immunity to be able to cast this without being interrupted - Makes picking off enemy supports solo easier come mid-late game time.
  • Crystal Maiden - If you're able to get this on her, you should have some form of damage immunity to be able to cast this without being interrupted - it can turn the tide if cast in the right place at the right time with the 50% attack speed slow.
  • Clockwerk - Enables you to not only intiate with hook, but also stun after using your combo to potentially interrupt a TP, or important skill during a teamfight.
  • Lina - Ridculous range, and insane damage.
  • Necrophos - Very nice added effect in one the latest patches, makes him much more useful late game being able to completely shut out whichever hero happens to be targeted by  Reaper's Scythe as he dies.
  • Pudge - Helps counter the effects of rot whilst doing more damage at the same time.
  • Lion - A 20 second cooldown on one of the highest single target, low cast time spells in the game.
  • Razor - The ability to damage structures is key here, making him a threat to not only melt enemy heroes, but structures as well.
  • Venomancer - Makes him that much more deadly in a teamfight, or that much harder to push into when trying to intiate.
  • Spirit Breaker - Lets you hunt down heroes that much more easily.
  • Viper - The extra range and mana reduction are handy.
  • Luna
  • Doom - Much more dps.


  • Puck - 7 seconds is a very long time when in a team fight situation.
  • Axe - When will you be using this every 6 seconds? (Let alone have enough mana to?)
  • Dazzle
  • Lich
  • Nature's Prophet - For a more farming oriented/global ult team comp build, it can be a decent pickup for this guy.
  • Huskar - Provides decent damage boost, but when will you be using this every 4 seconds?
  • Jakiro
  • Windranger - The pre-scepter cooldown of 60 seconds is low enough - how often do you have the chance to kill a building every 15 seconds? The removal of damage reduction is negligible because you shoot so fast besides, that it ends up being moot point.
  • Outworld Devourer - Can be a decent increase on damage for a carry hero.

Not Recommended

  • Abaddon - 1 extra second on borrowed time, probably the single worst hero to buy Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter for.
  • Gyrocopter - Gyro needs to build around damage and survivability items, not arbitrary ults that can be cast anywhere with slightly increased damage.
  • Leshrac - Too small of an increase in damage.
  • Ogre Magi - Generally won't have enough slots for it, and even if you do probably won't have enough mana to use fire blast enough to warrant getting the item for it.
  • Rubick - 3rd level ults are powerful enough. Too much of a good thing makes it a bad thing.
  • Undying- Buffs a lot of things to a degree, but nothing particularly enough to warrant buying a scepter for. Faceless Void - Does not have enough slots for it - needs to build for damage and survivability being a hard carry.


  • Night Stalker - If building the hero more for vision than damage.
  • Silencer - If basing team comp. around global ultimates.

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