Nexon Courier Jumo

Patch Information

The issue with some Workshop content redownloading over and over again has been fixed in the last Steam Beta Client update. If you were facing that, I suggest you get the latest update.

Treasure Chest Updates

NOTE: Ignore what I wrote before. The way Valve tags their shit is a bit messed up. Figured out what exactly got changed which is pretty much nothing.

Tag Updates

  • The courier drops of a chest are now tagged and labeled accordingly so users know what type of drop they get from a particular chest. It now shows in the description.
The courier drops of a chest are now tagged and labeled accordingly so users know what type of drop they get from a particular chest. It now shows in the description.

Chest Updates

The regular Unusual Courier drop list has been removed from the following chests. However, the other drops including couriers that are attached to this chest still do drop.

  • Treasure of the Forbidden Lotus
  • Treasure of the Crystalline Chaos
  • Treasure of the Cursed Wood
  • Treasure of the Shaper Divine
  • Treasure of the Malignant Amanita
  • Treasure of the Incandescent Wax
  • Treasure of the Rubiline Sheen
  • Treasure of the Shaper's Legacy

Regular Unusual Courier Drop List includes -

  • Fearless Badger
  • Enduring War Dog
  • Might Boar
  • Morok
  • Skip the Delivery Frog
  • Speed Demon

Economy Updates

New Dota TV Tickets

  • UCL Moscow Cup | Store Link
  • GrossuCup Season 1 | Store Link
  • GEMplay Challenge Season 2 | Store Link
  • OnArt Cup | Store Link
  • Indonesia Game Show 2014 Dota 2 Tournament | Store Link
  • Aorus Corsair Dota 2 Clash by NGL | unreleased
  • SCL New Star Tournament | Store Link
  • CZ-SK Dota 2 League Season 2 Ticket - includes Titan HUD Skin | Preview, Store Link
  • Flux Dota 2 Tournament | Store Link
  • The /vg/ Masters | Store Link
  • Dota 2 Community Crackdown Tournament #2 | Store Link
  • Dota 2 Kings of LAN | unreleased
  • CSPL: Dota 2 Pro League | Store Link
  • Top Europe Challenge Ticket - includes Eye of Foresight Ward | Preview, Store Link
  • i-League Ticket - includes Voidhammer: Faceless Void Weapon with custom particle effects. | Store Link
Voidhammer: Faceless Void Weapon


World eSports Championship is now upgraded to a Premium tournament from Professional.
kpoptosis's autograph should now show up.

Item Drop List Updates


  • The Cryogenic Embrace Set
  • Coronet of the Mortal Coil (it got left out when the set was removed last week)

Workshop Updates

  • New preview options coming for Workshop artists where they can toggle the Pedestal and the UI to preview their cosmetics.

Portrait Updates

  • Updated portrait for KDL Courier Booooofus again.
  • A new portrait entry for yet another Nexon Courier Jumo
 Nexon Courier Jumo

Korea Updates

  • If you play at a place called PC Bang, you can now equip most of your favorite hero items for free and also receive extra boost of Battle Points from games. Explains why we're getting free cosmetics in bot matches.

Raw Schema: Link
No changelog yet.
Patch Size: 98.7 Mb

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