Dota 2 Update - August 12, 2014 - Fantasy League Updates

Compendium Updates

  • The Main Event Predictions of The International 2014 have been updated.
  • The Player Predictions of The International 2014 have been updated.

Question: Did anyone manage to predict Top 6 teams correctly in the right order and win 10,000 points?

Fantasy League Updates

Trophies (pins) for Season 1 added.
The rewards were given out as mentioned below.
  • For fantasy leagues with 2 people, first place got gold.
  • For fantasy leagues with 3 people, first got gold, second got silver.
  • For fantasy leagues with 4 or more people, gold, silver and bronze were awarded.

Economy Updates

  • i-League Ticket is now free to spectate. But remember that ticket owners will be eligible for Heroic Tournament drops from all free to watch tournaments.
  • Top Europe Challenge Ticket league ID has been fixed.

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