[Dota 2 Custom Game] Skill Fighters


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[Dota 2 Custom Game] Skill Fighters
[Dota 2 Custom Game] Skill Fighters
[Dota 2 Custom Game] Skill Fighters
[Dota 2 Custom Game] Skill Fighters


  • A few more heroes with completely new skill sets.

UPDATE 1(2014-08-23):

  • Changed title to "Skill Fighters".
  • Reduced projectile speed.
  • Reduced hero movespeed from 455 to 420.


  • Players: Any number of players from 1v1 to 5v5.
  • Heroes available: 1, the Skilled Midget.
  • Abilities: 5 custom skillshots + 1 mobility spell (check the video).
  • Winning condition: First team to get 15 kills.
  • Respawn time: 4 seconds.
  • Normal attacks are disbled.
  • No gold, items or XP.
  • All players start at level 6. All abilities have 1 level so you can max them from the start.


  • Small map. No creeps, neutrals, towers, roshan or ancients.
  • Lake in middle with an isle where a rune spawns every 30 seconds.
  • Three invulnerable wells for each team providing vision.
  • Map corners oppossed to the player spawns are the highest ground in the map.
  • Both high ground areas are equally accessible from each spawn.


Ability 1 (Q) Powershot:

  • Your basic attack.
  • No mana cost. Very low cooldown. Medium damage. Medium projectile speed.
  • On a successful hit you will get a mana boost.

Ability 2 (W) Concussive Shot:

  • Utility spell to cripple your target.
  • Medium mana cost. Medium cooldown. Very low damage. High projectile speed.
  • On a successful hit the target gets slowed and you hasted for 3 seconds.
WARNING: Can hit allies. If damage on allies is lethal will deny.

Ability 3 (E) Hookshot:

  • Utiliy spell to pull enemies out of position.
  • Medium mana cost. Medium cooldown. No damage. Medium projectile speed.
  • On a successful hit you get a 18 second buff that halves the cooldown of spells cast during the buff.

Ability 4 (D) Jump:

  • Evasive ability to avoid incoming fire or move over terrain obstacles.
  • Low mana cost. Low cooldown.

Ability 5 (F) Potshot:

  • Shot a pot filled with mysterious healing herbs.
  • High mana cost. Long cooldown. Slow projectile speed.
  • On a succesful hit both the target and you regain some health.

Ability 6 (R) Laser Beam:

  • Ultimate damage spell with a piercing projectile (goes through players).
  • Extremely high mana cost. Extremely high cooldown.
  • Extremely high damage. Extremely fast projectile speed.
  • Has 1 second channel time before firing, if channel is interrupted you get hurt.


  • - Valve for dota2 and all of the assets used in this custom game mode.
  • - Cyborgmatt as his mod (Invoker Wars) helped me with the game rules ("addon_game_mode.lua").
  • - The players.


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