Win Rate Radiant vs Dire creepy Mid river

Just wondering if people's objectives are different based on what side they are on. I am just really shocked at the difference in WR when Im radiant and dire  55% to 49%, anyone else get this or care to share why this probably happens?

General answer is:
  • Radiant = better laning
  • Dire = Roshan advantage
It gets a bit more granular than that though.
  • Dire offlane = better ancienting
  • Radiant mid = better farming (from ancients and camp)
  • Radiant offlane = better laning (due to pull)
  • Dire mid = easier to gank (at least I think so -- easier to come up from behind and get the person caught out in the river)
The jungles are better/worse for certain heroes as well. Like, I believe Enigma has better rotations in the Dire jungle, whereas radiant is fairly spread out and you have to interfere with the pull camp to get a solid 3 camp rotation.

So a piece of it could be the heroes you choose are maybe more suited to one side or another -- but realistically it should be how well you play them at pub level since that is usually more than enough of an advantage.

A lot of it depends on what MMR your games took place at too.

If you're on Dire and not taking advantage of Roshan, then you're losing out on some of the benefits. This doesn't mean you need Lycanthrope/Ursa every game, but even heroes like Nature's Prophet, Lich, anyone with armor reduction, Enigma, good close-quarters fighting, etc. Those all help you abuse the Roshan advantage.

On a very tangential side-note, I've heard arguments that Radiant is more natural for many players. Something like it just flows better with your viewpoint or your access to the minimap is more natural, etc.

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