When should I use Bane's abilities?


Enfeeble is a simply amazing debuff against enemy right clickers, but is easily overlooked. Use it on the enemy hard carry or anyone else whose main damage comes from their right clicks. It's blocked by Black King BarBlack King Bar, but if you get it off before they activate their Black King BarBlack King Bar then the effect won't be dispelled. Lasts 20 seconds, which is huge.

Brain Sap

Brain Sap is a decent nuke as well as a nice self heal - it's usually maxed first, and you can use it in lane as both a form of harass and a form of regen, although obviously you need to watch your mana. Later on, just treat it like a nuke, but I'd probably prioritise your other skills when it comes to teamfights.


Nightmare is the easiest to screw up - this is not a stun or disable in the traditional sense, and putting it on the target that your team is planning to attack is about the worst thing you can do. Put it on another target to take them out of a fight, or on any enemy ganker or disabler to let your allies escape. Don't attack a nightmared target or it will transfer to you - damage other than from regular attacks with also wake them up, but not cause the Nightmare to transfer.

Fiend's Grip

Fiend's Grip is a really strong single target disable as well as dealing huge damage and giving you mana. Early on you can pretty much solo other heroes by opening with Fiend's Grip and then finishing them with Brain Sap, and setting up a gank with this ability is usually a guaranteed kill if you've got someone to back you up.

Since it's channeled, you generally want to get your other abilities off first in a teamfight. Watch out for enemy heroes with stuns who haven't used them yet, and if they're not already your Fiend's Grip target consider using your Nightmare to take them out first. The disable from this goes through Black King BarBlack King Bar, although the damage does not.

Your ideal teamfight with Bane would probably be to Enfeeble the enemy carry, Nightmare a support with a stun and then Fiend's Grip a big playmaking hero such as the enemy solo mid while your team bursts them down. Once Fiend's Grip finishes (assuming you're still alive), use Brain Sap to finish off/soften up an appropriate target and regen some of the damage you'll no doubt have taken.

About Nightmare

First of all, it's really important that you know how to use it, but more importantly your teammates need to understand what to do when an ennemy is on nightmare. If they right-click them, nightmare is passed. This is why most people (including in this thread) will tell you not to use it on an ennemy you want to kill. This is false. Nightmare is cancelled if the unit takes any damage different then right-click. For example, you can stun an ennemy on Nightmare, the stun will have full effect and Nightmare is not passed. It is perfect in combination with any major stun that is harder to land. Mirana + Bane is used pretty often in pro games for this reason. Nightmare is so good to catch an ennemy heroe off-position, land a stun right after and kill it fast.

In the laning phase, you should have gone agressive trilane with Leshrac and Phantom Assassin. Fast kill is: Bane Nightmare, Leshrac stuns then Phantom Assassin finishes the job. If you dual, the moment Pudge is mid-way for a gank, you Nightmare the targeted heroe, he grabs and this is pretty much over. Most of the times they don't even have time to call the missing Pudge. After the laning phase, you should have tried to roam with Leshrac, and catch any heroe that is off position, the first that dares to show up. That gives free food to any of the 3 remaining heroe of your team. You got to be very agressive with Bane.

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