Tips for drafting? Dota 2
I really want to get into being the drafter for my captains mode matches but the first (few) times feel really intimidating. What tips do you guys have for me to get into drafting and for becoming a good (pub) captain?

Have a strategy before you start the game

Be willing to bend on it though. If you want to do 4p1 and the other team picks a lot of push, you may want to reconsider. Also, 4p1 is awful in pubs and don't pick it unless you can trust your carry

Ask your team for input on what they can or want to play

If you want to pick Chen, make sure you have someone who can play it. It's better to have a slightly weaker draft if the people on your team are more comfortable playing the heroes. (A little caveat on this point: Just because someone wants a hero doesn't mean you should pick it for them. You need to keep to your strategy (point 1))

Pay close attention to what side you're on when you draft

It's very important. I don't think Lycanthrope is necessarily worth banning if you're on Dire. Similarly, Naga Siren, Tinker, Shadow Fiend, and similar farming mids tend to like radiant more since the jungle is better for mid.

Put careful consideration into what heroes are strong against your lineup

If you draft 3 strength heroes, even if it's not a "meta" pick, consider banning Undying or Timbersaw. Purely following the meta is a recipe for disaster.

Avoid just drafting along the pro meta

Pros practice theirs drafts and are picking in the context of playing another pro team. Their reasons don't necessarily apply to your game.

Similarly, don't just ban heroes who're tier1 pro bans

Ban heroes who you and your team struggle to play against, or which could cause difficulties for your own draft.

Do pick heroes that your teammates are comfortable with

It's better to have sub-optimal heroes played well, than the perfect hero being played for the first time. That said, don't just give them the hero they ask for - get them to give you a handful of heroes they're good with, and choose the ones that best fit your strategy. If none of them do, offer suggestions and see if anyone can play them.

Check out the hero winrates on Dotabuff

The highest winrate heroes in pubs tend to be tanky, teamfight or pushing oriented, and hard to screw up too badly. Particularly if you're drafting at lower MMRs, this is worth bearing in mind.

If you want to pick a hero with an obvious counter, draft them late

This makes it harder for your opponent to pick up a counter without screwing up their draft.

What is the strategy for your draft?

When is your peak (are you strongest early, or late)? Do you need to play aggressively from the start, or defensively while your carries farm up? How do you see teamfights going (how does each hero fit into the fight)?

How many stuns does your draft have?

How many melee vs ranged? Do you have someone who can initiate teamfights? Do you have push or counterpush? If the enemy draft has a split-pusher, particularly evasive hero, or someone else who's especially difficult to deal with, do you have a means of addressing that?

Try to avoid picking to counter specific heroes

Unless there's an enemy hero who's going to cause you huge problems if they're not countered (for example Nature's Prophet or Weaver), try to avoid picking to counter specific heroes. Instead, try to counter trends in the enemy draft. Lots of squishy heroes? Pick some big burst damage. Melee carries? Pick slows and lockdown you so you can kite them. Greedy draft with lots of heroes who need farm to be useful? Pick early aggression and deathball them before they can come online.

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