Dota 2 Tips and Tricks : 11 Tips for playing Lion the Demon Witch
I don't fear Hell - Hell fears me

Lion is a classic supporter with an excellent range of skills and none of the mana problems that plague most casters. Lion has a variety of strong disables, the ability to steal mana from enemy heroes, and a big single target nuke for an Finger of Death

Lion is an excellent beginner's hero as his powers are all relatively straight-forward to get to grips with, but Lion  does have hidden depths which allow you to expand his playstyle and fully exploit his abilities...

Earth Spike works as both a nuke and a stun

Earth Spike works as both a nuke and a stun, and can hit multiple enemies. Targeting Earth Spike on the ground can be less accurate, but is necessary to utilize the ability's max range.

Hex doesn't deal damage but lasts longer than Earth Spike

As a pure disable spell, Hex doesn't deal damage but lasts longer than Earth Spike. It also has an instant cast time, making it a more secure standard opening spell when going on the offensive in a gank (rather than risking a swift enemy reaction to Earth Spike).

Maximize potential disable time

Use your disables one after the other so you maximize potential disable time

Using Mana Drain on enemy heroes is a very good form of harrassment, and it maximises killing potential for laning partners like Anti-Mage

  • Whether leveling  Mana Drain as a semi-carry is more or less effective is dependent on the situation. If Hex and Earth Spike are leveled and Arcane Boots Arcane Boots are built (with an optional Attribute Bonus) Lion will be much harder to kill, and still have enough mana at any time. However, some enemy heroes will be impaired by having their mana stolen from them, and some allied ones will be facilitated. Let the hero lineup on both sides inform your decision. For example, if there is a Storm Spirit or Leshrac on the opposing team, leveling  Mana Drain is wise as these heroes are crippled horribly by accelerated loss of mana. However, if the enemy team has an Outworld Devourer or a Keeper of the Light, leveling Mana Drain is fairly pointless as these heroes have abilities which replenish mana for themselves and others.
  • Mana Drain is still useful if left for late-game, as it greatly reduces Lion's need to return to base.
  • Mana Drain also pops Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere, which makes Lion an excellent hero for catching and focusing down elusive heroes that commonly carry Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere like Weaver, Puck, and Storm Spirit. At level 4, it has a 5-second cooldown, which means it should always be available when you need it. 

Lion's largely supportive role

Finger of Death is a very powerful nuke, especially considering Lion's largely supportive role. Use it to help damage enemy carries or to eliminate supports; but try not to use it for a sure kill unless a carry is unable to execute it themselves, as they require kills much more than Lion does. Combined with DagonDagon, it deals enough damage to one-shot many heroes throughout most of the game, but its best to resist this to allow allies to level.

Dispelling Linken's Sphere and any illusions

The low cooldown of Hex and Mana Drain are good for dispelling Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere and any illusions.

Lion combos exceptionally well

Lion combos exceptionally well with Lina and Shadow Shaman as his disable will allow Lina to land Light Strike Array not to mention that together they can cut down even high HP heroes within moments. With Shadow Shaman due to the fact that both possess two disable abilities they can effectively disable a hero indefinitely or for a very lengthy duration.

Lion to purchase Ghost Scepter

It is not uncommon to see support heroes such as Lion to purchase Ghost Scepter Ghost Scepter in order to protect themselves from DPS heroes in team fights. If the game is going well you might even consider completing the item into an Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade as it not only makes you impervious to physical attacks it allows you to greatly increase the damage output of your spells. Be wary however to not use the Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade on a hero your team carry is about to kill as it impedes your own team's dps heroes from attacking your target.

Force Staff is a good alternate to Blink Dagger

Force Staff Force Staff  is a good alternate to Blink Dagger Blink Dagger, it gives more mobility and initiate options, especially if the enemy team has a Radiance Radiance.

Phase Boots on a roaming support Lion

When paired with a BottleBottle, give better chasing and kill potential.
Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter of Divinity should also be considered if you are constantly out of mana or need the additional movement speed and disable, and you can not afford Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse.

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