Advice on Solo Queueing? Pudge and Huskar Dota 2 Solo Mid lane


Expect a lot less communication than stacks

This is solo queue, so a lot of people will probably just want to do their own thing.

Play what the team needs, not what you want

Ever played a 5 carry strat? Not very effective unless you snowball is it. If your team picks 4 carries, be the player the team needs and pick a support. It may not seem important and you probably will get flamed for "not buying wards" and stuff like that, but you are giving you team a tremendous favor by actually giving them an early game presence.

Expect to get flamed

Hope you got thick skin because they are a lot of arseholes down here. If you do get flamed, just mute them. People argue that they MAY say something useful, but you know they WILL make you feel like shit, and for me it isn't worth the risk.

Play nice

Even if your teammates are bad, be encouraging! Morale plays a huge part of Dota 2, and a happy team will walk away from a game happy regardless if they won or lost. If a teammate is playing poorly, give him a compliment, then give him some FRIENDLY advice. For example, if a Carry is constantly dying because he's getting ganked at top, compliment him for his dedication to farming or something along those lines, then suggest him to maybe farm another lane or the jungle, and then proceed to buy wards for said carry to protect their arse (if they are none). Stuff like this seems complicated and redundant, but in reality it can go a long way in terms of morale and confidence. Morale has won games that have seemed lost, believe me.

Buy wards

Even if you're the carry. Wards in solo games, in my experience, make it a whole lot easier to win the game since you get a much better understanding of what the shit your enemy team is doing. No one gets them in solo queue, and it's a horrible habit. Buy them. 1 ward = 1 life saved and 1 kill secured.


Flame people

Ever. Period. Even if they flame you. Dota 2 is a game of teamwork and communication. A team that works together as a team is going to have a significant increase in their chance of winning. If all you're doing is flaming then you're creating stress on the entire team, not just the guy you're flaming. Essentially, the more a team hates each other, the more likely you're going to lose.

Try and do complicated strats that revolve around teamwork

It probably won't work. Focus on making simple to execute strategies with your team.

Think you're infinitely better than your teammates

Whilst I agree some people are dumb, that doesn't mean you get to feel arrogant and smug. You have a ton of things to work on as well. He may not be a good player, but that doesn't mean you're the best player in the world. If a teammate is playing badly, do what I said above.

Play heroes that rely on lots of farm to be effective

(Only applies if you're in lower MMR brackets, and even if you are in a higher bracket....). Your team probably won't give you the space you need to farm.

I'll probably add on to this list later in some sneaky ninja edit, but that should do it for now.

Oh, and probably most importantly:

If you do do Solo ranked MMR, DON'T feel discouraged by whatever number you get if said number is lower than what you were expecting. End of the day, it's just a number on a screen. If you're unhappy about it, improve yourself. If you want to do well in Dota 2, you have to have the mindset of improvement, not winning games.

DO have fun! If you ever feel like solo queue is giving you a headache, go back to stacks. Make sure you aren't forcing yourself through millions of solo games just so you can raise your solo MMR or whatever.

Hope this helped!

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