As The International 4 prize pool hits $8,200,000, the community has unlocked yet another stretch goal, the nineteenth to be reached. This time, there will be a LIVE broadcast of the exclusive afterparty with guest Darude.

This stretch goal is the latest to be reached, and is one that Dota 2 players would look forward to, especially since the growing popularity of Darude's hit single, 'Sandstorm'. This song has been a cult phenonmenon among Dota 2 players in-game and on Twitch chat, especially so for Twitch chat users.

Dota 2 compendium site:
Live broadcasting of the afterparty with special guest Darude

The next stretch goal to be hit is Stretch Goal 20 at $9,200,000, which would allow all users to unlock special models for their lane creeps after killing their opponent's barracks.
Source: Dota 2 Compendium

Posted by Frederick "winterequinox007" Benjamin -

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