Play Meepo even better

Meepo is awesome hero who can easily win the game without team solo, because you got your own meepo team which can punish your enemy, but first you have to got 3 core items : Boots of Travel,
Blink Dagger and finally Aghanim Scepter... Lets get started. This guide I would like to dedicate to MEEPO!


Earthbind First of all i can say that all of your meepos can use this skill, so you can perm stun your enemy for the eternity. It is also great spell to initiate and save your teammates and your too.
Does not hit invisible units, but earthbound units won't be able to become invisible.
Breaks on magic immunity, and does not affect magic immune units.
Does not work on Roshan.
Uses a 0.3 cast point instead.


PoofA lot of AOE damage, easy stacks farm and kill by using 2nd skill meepo combo.
When targeted, Meepo will teleport to the Meepo closest to the target point (which can be the same Meepo who casts it).
Can teleport to Meepo illusions.
Does not work on Roshan.
The cooldown and mana cost of this spell are incurred after the 1.5 second cast time completes.
Does 280/560/840/1120/1400* damage with 1/2/3/4/5* Meepos, if every Poof is used on self and hits the target.


GeostrikeGeostrike's slow of every Meepo stacks directly.
Geostrike can be applied by illusions.

Divided We Stand

Divided We Stand
So you get your own team and thats is also your family and bros.
Unlike most other heroes, Meepo can level up his ultimate at 3/10/17 instead of 6/11/16.
The only item that transfers to the Meepos is one pair of boots (any type).
Each Meepo can use active abilities from Boots of Travel and Phase Boots individually. This does not apply to Arcane Boots, however, which may only be used by the Prime Meepo.
All Meepos share the Power Treads form that the Prime Meepo uses. Individual clones cannot change the treads.
Clones benefit from the stats leveling, but not from items that grant attributes.
Aghanim's Scepter is undroppable once acquired.
Even if you didn't level up this ability, picking up Aghanim's Scepter will still provide you with an extra Meepo.
Illusions of Meepo (including those from Wall of Replica) benefit from Aghamin's Scepter's stats sharing. Illusions of Meepo initially have the same current HP as prime Meepo despite having more strength from Divided We Stand.

Tips and Tricks Meepo

Buying Boots of travel on Meepo allows him to split push similar to Tinker or Nature's Prophet, as each Meepo has a different cooldown on his boots. This allows for up to 5 Teleports every minute. Poof is his equivalent of "March Of The Machines"/"Summon Treants". At a six second cooldown, three poofs will take out a whole creep wave.

After level 3, you can stack jungle camps with the clone Meepo and then double poof them later for a good source of gold and xp.

A large part of playing a good Meepo is effectively and quickly controlling all the clones. To this end, finding a good set of control groups and item/ability hotkeys can greatly improve gameplay. Ingraining various muscle memory patterns can help a lot to, say, select a dying Meepo and move him to safety in the middle of battle.

Meepo is vulnerable to heroes who can single out and kill one of his clones or do AOE damage to all of them. In this aspect Meepo players should especially be wary of Vengeful Spirit's Nether Swap, Kunkka's X Marks The Spot, Faceless Void's Chronosphere, Warlock's Fatal Bonds and Chaotic Offering Combo, Tidehunter's Ravage and Lich's Chain Frost among others

Meepo can level up much, much faster than other heroes, thanks to his clones; each clone counts as a separate hero for experience mechanics. This means you can get experience from two lanes, or lane and jungle experience, the same time. It also means you get a more significant chunk of experience for hero kills in team fights. If you are behind in levels, make sure to farm as much as you can (even if it means farming on the opposing team's jungle) to catch up to your opponents. One or two Meepos can farm in the lanes, while the rest can farm the jungle. Three clones can easily take out the whole jungle in less than a minute. This accelerated farm and experience is what gives Meepo his midgame dominance.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of his clones, don't always group them up; you can split them up (preferably in two groups). In ganks, this can mean that one group of Meepos can initiate a fight, while the other can wait and ambush. Also, splitting them up to groups can make Poof an effective escape mechanism, so long as your secondary group is safe from harm.

Keep in mind that casting Earthbind has a delay in deploying, so predict your target's path and throw accordingly. Earthbind's area-of-effect ensnare can be deadly to multiple heroes if used effectively. Also, Earthbind stops channeling abilities and prevents invisibility during its duration. Earthbind is also very effective for scaring opponents - even if they have the upper hand, two or three consecutive Earthbinds on enemy heroes (even without any followup) is enough to scare many people into turning around.

Meepo's gold is best spent on items which benefit all Meepos. This means aura items and stats. Be advised however, that aura items can be bought by your allies and you will benefit from them just as well, so it's usually better idea to buy stat-enhancers (For example, Ethereal Blade will give you so much more than Assault Cuirass in terms of damage, attack speed and armour while giving benefit of intelligence and strength as well as ranged nuke which also amplifies Poof damage) and utility items like Blink Dagger or Scythe of Vyse, which can be very useful for ganking.

Meepo has huge damage potential in the mid-game. Four successful Poofs in the middle of a team fight equates to over 1,000 AoE damage. Especially in the 10-25 minute mark when Meepo can really kick into gear, this is well over half the HP pool of most heroes, and may in fact just one-shot squishier heroes. Similarly, four (five with Aghanim's) Meepos hitting a single target provides nearly unparalleled DPS (especially combined with Geostrike). Unlike other carries, he is not reliant on DPS items to reach this damage potential.

Meepo's greatest weakness is his survivability. With a measly 1.6 Strength gain, clones are very squishy targets. The most reliable way to increase clone durability is by getting Strength items. To this end, Aghanim's Scepter can give clones a massive boost. If you're not off to a great start, Mekansm is a cheaper alternative that gives more immediate bonuses. This weakness is very apparent early game, since he's not a fantastic laner and before level 3 doesn't have much of an escape. This makes you quite vulnerable to early game aggression.

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