Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker
"The light shall be blackened, and chaos shall reign."

Chaos Knight is a melee strength Hero with one of the highest physical damage outputs of all heroes. He is mostly played as a semi-carry and ganker. As his name implies, he has a theme based on randomness and uncertainty. His regular attack has an incredibly high thirty damage spread, making his last hitting ability somewhat unreliable

Item Build Chaos Knight

Starting item

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

Early Game

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

 Mid-Late Game

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

Situational Item

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

Build Ganker/Pusher

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

Ability Build Chaos Knight

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

Item notes

Hand of Midas Hand of Midas: An optional item if you get it under min 7, if you're late you better skip this item.

Magic Ward: Magic want can be sometimes a life saver, and it also will prevent ck from having mana issues in early game

Helm of the Dominator: Can be used to stack ancients

Drum of Endurance Drum of Endurance: This one will solve all mana problems in the early-mid game

Black King BarBlack King Bar: Makes Chaos Knight unstoppable in teamfights, but if you feel like you don't really need it you can skip this item

Manta Style: The illusions you get from this and your ultimate will be enough to surround an enemy hero when you put your secound spell on him, and gives some nice stats as well.

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

Satanic Satanic: You can complete the dominnator helm into a satanic. One critical while you got satanic on will benefit you with full health.

Heart of Tarrasque: Makes you almost unkillable

Assault CuirassAssault Cuirass: gives all your illusions nice amount of armor and attack speed, a nice option

Monkey King Bar : The enemy carry bought butterfly and you can't hit him ? not anymore 

Heaven's Halberd: Expand your ganking role with this ! Or If you're playing against heroes that can simply destroy all your illusions (Medusa, for example). this could be a good option. You simpy prevent them from attacking you for a  3 secounds on melee and 4.5 on ranged and dominate them with your illusions

Pipe of InsightPipe of Insight: This is very situational, for example: Non of the supports bought this and you're suffering from Lion with aghanim's which exploades all your illusions.

Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade: Another item to consider is difusal blade, In the latest patch valve gave chaos knight's ulti chance to create one more illusion and it works very well with the mana burn. I ussualy don't buy this item unless i'm playing against a mana dependent heroes such as WK.

 Dota 2 Beginner's Guide: Chaos Knight Carry/Ganker

BottleBottle : Early rune control, his blink strike and stun will allow him to easily rob the rune and also will prevent him  from having mana and HP issues at the early game stage ( A big shotout for Very Kawaii Potato    ).But you must consider you  don't disturb the middle lane role player  by taking his runes.

Armlet of Mordiggian Armlet of Mordiggian : As a ganker Chaos Knight will be dependent on his ultimate DPS, so this is the perfect early game item for him becaus if you active it for a secound, the illusions get power from it(+46 damage an some HP ) and then you can turn it off or keep it on if you got full HP and go for a gank.

Boots of TravelBoots of Travel : Gives you great mobility allows you to split push very well and enter teamfights easily.

Ability notes


If you upgrade this on level 6 you won't be able to cast all your spells, and besides, the stun and the bonus damage that grants you your secound spell will allow you to get a kill at this stage of the game.If you're playing the ganker/pusher role you might consider giving it an early level.

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