League of Legends - Free Talk Tuesday - September 4th

Free Talk Tuesday - September 4th

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 01:58 AM PDT

Hey there, /r/leagueoflegends! We're back (after a short hiatus) with this week's Free Talk thread! Hope you've all had a good (long, if you're in the US) weekend! <3

LCS finals are coming up fast with both NA and EU looking to crown their Summer Split champion and begin the trek to Worlds! On the NA side, I'm hoping to see another TL victory to begin their journey towards Worlds (and hopefully making it past grounds..). What about you - who are you rooting for?

That's it this run from yours truly; short, sweet and to the point this week! Thread's all yours, now! Just remember our omnipresent FTT rules: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week, yo!!

submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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TL Doublelift: "After we won, Steve came up to me and said, “You promised me Worlds, and we got it.” I’m happy to make that promise a reality."

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:02 AM PDT

Hearing GP pull up barrels screaming "MORE POWDER" got me an idea

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:29 AM PDT

My version of Pyke cosplay. Hope you'll like it

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:09 AM PDT

My version of Pyke cosplay. Hope you'll like it







Upd: Upon your requests, here is unedited photo and backstage video



Upd2: It was my first professional work with Riot Games Russia & CIS. The make-up took for 5 hours and underwater photosession for 7 more. It was really exhausting, but awesome.

Upd3: I've noticed some questions about photoediting, so let me try to explain: The studio photoset without some background was strange and building some Bilgewater decorations was too hard and too long. So we've decided to make a photoedit this way. Actually in my opinion, it's cool that those images looked like CGI. But these editing didn't cancel the fact my costume's made pretty well. So, yes: I thinks it's a cosplay.

submitted by /u/Capta1n_Stoner
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Badministrator - The Harvest (Zyra Tribute)

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:41 AM PDT

C9 Goldenglue: “I definitely want to play against TL. That was the last team I was on and it always feels good to beat past teams”

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:21 AM PDT

IWD turned into hashinshin

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:43 AM PDT


after this play he spended the hole game flaming his jungler saying that rammus has doing it "for his 20 min of fame", he asked for open 3 times and spamed surrender votes.

he kept engaging on fights with irelia and others, he kepts pushing the lane to end with a 0/8/2 score, proceded to report the rammus.

wasnt dom the one how blame hashinshin for doing the same thing? is even worst because he acctualy believes that rammus inted him to have "fame" and called him pattetic for doing it.

the funny part is that if you see the play irelia had still her q because he land her e, so even if rammus flashed irelia could just q into him, or even flash if she wanted to, not only that but dom was the one who ping rammus to go

submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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#EULCS Mic Check: Semifinals | Summer Split 2018

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:00 AM PDT

Vander: "I gave up a part of my salary so that Upset would join Schalke."

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 06:15 AM PDT

Riot August on why they use knock up over stuns

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:07 AM PDT

Teemo is a great champion for Nexus Blitz

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:35 AM PDT

Akali Pencil Sketch

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:46 AM PDT

9/4 PBE Update: More Tentative Balance Changes

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 01:06 PM PDT

Which champions are really frustrating to play against that normally fly under the hate radar of the community?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:28 AM PDT

I mean Zoe, Teemo, Yasuo really get peak hate from the community but which champs make you want to smash your computer but at the same time they don't get any/almost any spotlight on the hate train.

For me Nami activates a complete tunnel focus on that little mermaid that's a jack of all trades in lane: poke, sustain, cc, engage and disengage, and ally buffing on top of it. If you're against a good one lane is over if you don't have a supp of equal skill.

submitted by /u/iwasgankedbyteemo
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Nukeduck: "We needed an emotional leader, a guy that can bring the team together. Amazing is that."

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:00 AM PDT

A randomer added me and tried to get hold of my account.

Posted: 03 Sep 2018 04:45 PM PDT

As the title says. I played along for a while then ended up mildly trolling him (in hindsight I do feel a little bad :c). I've put the whole conversation into an imgur album:


tl;dr/Spoiler: I got a sweet new discord profile picture out of it! https://imgur.com/a/SRWXKoS

EDIT: Some backstory (and slightly longer tl;dr) - I'm a diamond 5 player and today I joined a custom 2v2 game for a quick game before bed, then instead of playing the game this guy in the lobby adds me. I quite frequently get silvers, golds etc. add me in these custom lobbies and they often ask for tips, advice and whatnot. I normally accept them and am happy to listen to them, give them a tip or two and if they seem like a nice person I'll sometimes play some botlane with them. Assuming this guy was one of those people seeking some advice or to ask how I got to my 'decent' rank, I accepted it. What unfolds though is not quite what I expected. He started asking if he could play on my account so he can try some skins, so I told him about PBE and how you can test skins on there. I later suggested looking at SkinSpotlights' YouTube. After a while though it became evident that his goal was to be to scam me for my account. Instead of ignoring or blocking him immediately like I usually do, I decided I'd try to have a little fun! :)

submitted by /u/ScuttleMainBTW
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For the EU LCS Summer Finals, Sketches about Fnatic & Schalke 04

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:25 AM PDT

Divine Sword Irelia and Enduring Sword Talon

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:01 AM PDT

Tyler1 and Voyboy revolutionize inting

Posted: 03 Sep 2018 08:35 PM PDT

fan concept art)Championship camille

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:00 AM PDT

Tuesday: "Losing to Goldenglue motivates me to work harder. He for sure deserves an LCS spot."

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:30 AM PDT

MarkZ and Kobe Insight On Cody Sun Situation

Posted: 03 Sep 2018 09:09 PM PDT

From the current Hotline League episode:


Edit: They also talked about friction between Prolly and Cody as well.

submitted by /u/Rammar455
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Travis talks to Dave Stewart, the Executive Producer of the NA LCS - how he left sports broadcasting to get into League, working with the casters, and building the broadcast

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 01:09 PM PDT

Both head coaches for KT Rolster and Griffin predict that they will win the LCK finals. KT's coach predicts a 3:1 victory; Griffin's coach expects a 3:0 victory

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:51 AM PDT

Saw the post about a baker Fiora skin and just had to draw something up :)

Posted: 03 Sep 2018 09:37 PM PDT

now THAT is some Karma fanart :D

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:37 AM PDT

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