Diablo - After 22 years, I finally stayed awhile and listened....

After 22 years, I finally stayed awhile and listened....

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:37 AM PDT

Sorry it took so long Mr Cain.....

Also, I really hope to win a free switch with the Treasure Goblin hunt going on at PAX West, but the Diablo t-shirt and pin is also good but Damnit, that treasure goblin is a PITA in real life to chase down as well!



submitted by /u/Construx4Life
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Kripp is playing D2 again

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:03 PM PDT

The cooldown on bone spirit is ridiculous (and other bad news)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:37 AM PDT

Seriously bone spirit, whats your damage ?

4000% ? ok not really what I meant but ok..

So bonespirit is only used in some T13 Inarius builds, you know that set, its the one that has only a 15YD damage range so you need to be point blank on top of the enemies and even still you can only hold about 3 bone spirits and they take 15 seconds each to recharge and blowing up a corpse only shaves 1 second off ?

The item that increases bone spirit damage is a pair of pants with a bonus that has great synergy with the builds because its a ranged bonus...wait.. let me double check that. No its crap. The bonus gives it more damage per second it flies through the air so obviously the further away you are the better but it only works in a build where you are standing on top of your enemies ?

Pretty much the worst skill integration in Necro besides army of the dead which I almost forgot about, with a skill that looks so good and should be so much cooler. It really needs some changing up, I would love to push with a bone spirit Inarius Necro build, why not give us an offhand that says every corpse you consume releases a bone spirit or you release 5 bone spirits at once and each corpse shaves off 5 seconds of the cooldown timer.

In most builds the Phylactery is just a stat stick, I wouldn't mind seeing a cool Bone spirit one, with Trag'ouls corroded fang as the in hand weapon of choice for Inarius it could even affect cursed enemies differently or any other kind of cool interaction.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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Two question regarding subreddits and conquest

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:07 PM PDT

  1. What are the differences between the subreddits "Diablo 3" and "Diablo"?

  2. I read that for the Avarice conquest, I need to open 50s to 60s caches of T13 (just to be safe). Since character's inventory is maxed at 30 caches. Do I have to open the caches next to the Stash in the main town?

submitted by /u/relazz
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Staff of herding

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:45 AM PDT

What is the easiest way to farm for the gibbering gem?

submitted by /u/hurley5596
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Looking for ps4 friends for next season

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:09 AM PDT

Add mrnaoyo

submitted by /u/mrNaoyo
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The D4 Skill System

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:00 AM PDT

This seems to be a big point of argument for players and how permanent it should be.

We all want more permanent choices mostly, however some want your skill choices to be locked in forever and you have to make a new character if you want to try something else, and some want just a better version of D3s system as it allowed for more creativity, and others want something in between.

(Itemization also connects to this but I don't have the mind or the math to figure out how that would factor in so I'm just going to ignore it for now)

First let's be realistic: we are not gonna get 100 % permanent skill choices. The games industry has moved away from that to an extent and it's just not something we see that much. I say not 100% as we do and most likely will see permanent choices that don't lock down the player down creatively. Also with things like balance patches builds might change causing people to want to change builds and not everyone wants to make a new character just to try 1 new skill. Blizzard wants to get as many players as possible and that means that not everything can be made for people who don't care and like to play games like that.

So I think what we will see is something like Skyrims system (Other games might be a better example but Skyrim is most likely to be understood by more people). I don't mean exactly like Skyrim skill tree wise but the way it does things.

It would have permanent choices where you place your points to make one specific area stronger BUT if you want you can switch up your style into a new tree, but you need to start getting new points if you want to be strong in that tree. This would allow people who want to have a character building rpg be able to have what you want with permanent progress and power growth. But people who don't want to be locked down can switch around and try new things if they work for it. I do think we should have way less points then skills so you can get maxed out in like 2 out of like 6 trees (random bs numbers). Borderlands 2 would be a good example of something like this but with more trees with more Diabloy skills.

I do think you should be able to reset these talents for a high cost in town or something but mabey only half the skill points get refunded? Idk.

I want to know what you guys think, as this is more of a general idea of what I think could work more than a specific game build.

submitted by /u/MojoAssassin13
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Changing the Way Modes Work, In Diablo 4

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:49 AM PDT

I propose that when creating a hero you no longer pick the game mode. Instead all heroes are able to play any game mode in the same way they can now play any difficulty ('T') level.

Game Modes

What will happen instead is that when you start a game (using the "Start Game" button) it will automatically start a "default mode" game. This "default mode" will be in the settings menu and the player will be allowed to set their own personal default. The standard default setting will be "11x0". The 'x' means use Seasonal if available otherwise just make a General game. When you manually start a game (using the "Game Settings" button) you will be able to choose any mode from there.

0/1 – Solo/Multiplayer 0/1 – Hardcore/Softcore 0/1 – Seasonal/General 0/1 – Legitimate/Cheating 'x' – Any, but prefer the 0 value (ZERO). 'X' – Any, but prefer the 1 value (ONE). 

For me "xxx0" will be my setting. The first two 'x' means always Start a "Solo Hardcore" game, but match me with any non-cheating game when joining others. A large 'X' would be for preferring the ONE option. Most people would use "XXx0" as their setting making "Multiplayer Softcore Seasonal Legitimate" the default.

Gear Use Restrictions

Gear will have a four bit code of the mode in which it was found in. A zero bit value will be the "don't care" value. This will make gear found in a ZERO mode usable in both modes. In other words gear found while playing Solo can be used in Multiplayer games but not the other way around. The reason for this is so that gear found while being carried cannot be used to cheese the Solo leaderboards. This also means that gear found in Cheating mode will also not be usable to cheese the non-cheater leaderboards.

0000 – usable in any game 1000 – usable in any multiplayer game … 1100 – usable in any Multiplayer Softcore game (Seasonal default) 1110 – usable in any Multiplayer Softcore Non-Season game (General default) Basically, "Solo Hardcore Seasonal Legitimate" gear (0000) has no restrictions and "Multiplayer Softcore General Cheating" gear (1111) has all the restrictions. 

Cheating Mode?!!

Yes, I'm proposing an official mode just for cheating.

So why have a 'Cheating' mode if that gear cannot be used in legitimate games? Because some people don't care and just want to play with bots and HUDs as well as map hacks and so on. Officially supported in game tools (like bots) will probably be the biggest draw to Cheating mode. I have visions of people posting their A.I. scripts to web sites the way we now post builds. Cheating mode may become the main way people play the game. Some say we're already there. I say we are not but it is a serious issue that should be taken seriously. People can still use third party tools and still get their accounts banned. That part will never change.

The idea is to corral all those wacky kids into their own play space. I'd love to pit my A.I. skills against their A.I skills, but I won't even touch that whole area because I'm not one of those people that thinks cheating harms no one. Having bots be in an official mode of play would let me explore a whole new world of possibilities. Making it have no effect on the rest of the game makes it truly something that harms no one.

Who knows in the future there may be people calling for others to join the Cheating side like there are for Hardcore now.

The Other "Gains"

Experience, materials, Bloodshards and Gold... There would be 16 sets of internal values of each type to keep track of what was found where. What was earned in a ZERO mode game will show in a ONE mode game. So Gains from a "Solo Hardcore Seasonal Legitimate" game will show in all other modes.

Crafting may need an option to warn players when they are about to dip into their ZERO mode mats. That could also be controlled by a string in the setting menu. I think a display of three values will be sufficient. Those would be: Total available, This mode only, and All other modes.

Not Covered Elsewhere

Game mode would be changed in-game after hitting the Escape key in much the same way as game difficulty can be changed now.

When each Season ends all the gear would have the non-season bit set to ONE, becoming General gear. Also all Gains will fold over into the General value for that Gain.

When a Hardcore hero dies all his stuff (gear, exp, etc) gets changed to Softcore. They come back to life as a level zero Hardcore hero with all their gear unusable (red tinted). No need to log out of the game and start a new hero. Just drop off all the unusable gear at the chest and go back to playing.

When catching a player using third party software to cheat instead of banning the account all the items and all the gains can instead have the cheater bit set to ONE. Banning can still be used for egregious offenses. People caught cheating Cheating mode should be laughed at, and given several days offline to think about their life choices.

Gear should record the ID of the player that found it and the game mode. This would allow someone to sell/share their Solo gear while still allowing it to used for solo play if it is returned to them (Solo found gear should always be usable in Solo mode no mater what.) Internally this will probably be a unique account ID number. Externally this should be reported (through the API) as their player battle tag. This to maintain good programming and security practices. Piggy-backing on this I'd like to see an auction house where only the original owner may sell (or buy back) an item to prevent flipping.

When Enchanting or Augmenting gear there should at least be a warning if that action would change the mode setting for the gear. This is in line with the warning when doing the same things to gear that still can be traded to other players in game.

submitted by /u/Hamiltonz_1291
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Lesson: 6 piece sets aren’t that great.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:18 AM PDT

I'm thinking about the next Diablo game... In D3, 6 piece sets have been dominating the ladder and leave every character feeling the exact same. Back in Diablo 2 you had many choices for gear. You could be an IK Barb for example or you could rock a bunch of uniques, rares, and runewords.

TL:DR Fix for loot would be to put more emphasis on the legendaries and add way more. Make sets smaller and more of a mid game thing. D3 had NO ITEMS. Just illusion of it.

Edit: Fixed my TL:DR to be shorter... :P

submitted by /u/Draethar
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