Fallout - Who else thinks New Vegas is funnier than Fallout 3 or 4?

Who else thinks New Vegas is funnier than Fallout 3 or 4?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:26 AM PDT

I was replaying Old World Blues and that toaster had me hysterical and the book chute claims that a paper clip he chocked on was caused by communism.

submitted by /u/Pugwan
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"The Fallout 76 Experience" New Vegas Mod

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:14 AM PDT

I just finished making my dumbest mod yet and figured I'd share it here for everyone!

The mod is basically just one big meme adding about a dozen random screaming/mic spamming NPCs all over the map with "realistic" gamertags.

The mod was completely just made for fun, and for a few friends who said they would love a joke mod like this.

Also before anyone brings it up, I didn't just copy the Fallout 4 76 mod. I was working on this before that released. Great minds think alike i suppose.

submitted by /u/LittlePip_Stable2
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I made another map of Pre-War America in 2077!

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:02 AM PDT

Sup, guys! If you love the last map I made for the West Coast, I think you'll love this one too.

Here's the link!

If you guys are wondering why not just make the East Coast instead? Well, I was planning to... until Fallout 76 arrives. So I scrapped it and wait until October or at least the release of the B.E.T.A arrives; it could contain another instrumental piece of lore that I need to consider. And I don't wanna appear as a printing press, I rather publish one map related to Fallout per 2-3 months.

But give this one a chance guys! The pre-war is probably one of the most underappreciated pieces of worldbuilding in the franchise. It's the only facet of the lore that doesn't excessively rely on exposition or questing so you have to be a post-apocalyptic archeologist to figure things out or just read the gamepedia if you're lazy. I'm glad that they have a grander focus in Fallout 4 compare to the rest of the series, and underrated part of the lore is now emphasized in a much larger scale.

I hope you guys enjoy it... And no, Mexico was not annexed.

submitted by /u/vic2077
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I hope Fallout 5 has a more immersive First Person

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 08:24 AM PDT

Let us see our body. Open doors with our hands. Kick them down with our feet. Let us reach out and grab items with our hands, or throw them. Eating and drinking animations would be wonderful, as well as Stimpak and bandage animations. Climb and vault in first person. I want a complete experience.

submitted by /u/rfriar
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Fallout 4 Would Have Been Ideal For The Enclave

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:27 AM PDT

To begin with, I know a lot of people keep saying that the Enclave should be left in the dust bin and that they are overused by now as an antagonist force in the Fallout Universe. Some even claim that the Enclave was fully wiped out in Washington and that there are none left.

I would begin by arguing that considering most of the remaining Enclave forces where in the capital wasteland, there has to be some that survived. Even if Eden and Autumn were killed, there were probably groups that remained and had access to Vertibirds and Power Armour.

Regardless what is clear is that the Enclave were shattered in Washington, their forces were crushed and their idea for the new world died. Now we know there are Enclave forces in Chicago, even if they are just a skeleton force and there probably are more hidden Enclave caches and bases across the former United States.

But instead of doing the arduous journey back across the US, I would argue that if any organized Enclave remnants survived, they would rather aim for something closer and out of the Brotherhoods reach. Enter Boston, an area almost entirely in chaos outside of Goodneighbour and Diamond City. It is an area where they have no knowledge of the Enclave and their atrocities but it also allows for the Enclave to rebuild themselves in a new light.

We all know Colonel Autumn didn't want to follow Eden's ideals of genocide. He wanted to instead create a new state through using the purifier to provide water in exchange for protection. Even if he died in Fallout 3, there were a lot of soldiers that probably believed in his ideas. Lets say that one of these soldiers rise to the task and regroups whatever Remnants there is, he manages to escape the Brotherhood and vows to rebuild the Enclave but not in the same fanatical ideal of rebuilding as before but more of a adapted United States more open to changing to accomodate the wasteland, not the opposite way around.

In the glowing sea there is an old missile base called Sentinel site. The Enclave could easily have refurbished this as an hidden base for their families etc. From there they would start patrolling the wasteland, offering their services in exchange for annexation. They would start recruiting wastelanders and now you have a power house to the south of Boston that actively rival the Minutemen in trying to unify the Commonwealth but also shows another side that can be choosen. They aren't perfect but they are willing to help instead and have become a more morally grey side.

When the Brotherhood returns, they will obviously attack the Enclave, now they are at war again but this time the Enclave fights to actually defend its people putting the Brotherhood in the seat of the aggressor.

Idk it was just an idea I sorta wanted to share because I love the Enclave and just feel like they have a lot of missed potential. It would also fall in line with the Fallout Universe belief that no one is "truly evil" but every faction has its flaws and benefits.

submitted by /u/Azfaa
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Why i love Fallout 4 more than the other fallout games.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:37 AM PDT

Before everyone starts screaming hear me out. Its my own oppinion and everyone can feel different. Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game and it did introduce me to the lovly world that the fallout franchise gives us. Thanks to Fallout 4 did i pick up the older games that gives me alot of satisfaction and im more eager than ever to read about lore and get to know more. Im just sying that Fallout 4 is a great gateway game in the franchise. Ofc it could be better but in the end i have had a blast and it did invite me to a lovly community. Kind regards Whoozaa

submitted by /u/Whoozaa
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I Fucking Hate Fire Ants

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 11:58 AM PDT

Fuck me.

I'm still pretty early on in FO3 and I'm doing the quest where you have to clear out the fire ants from Grayditch for that kid. I've just found that scientist dude in the metro station and now he wants me to go even further underground and kill all of the ants exCEPT the queen. At this point I'm already low on ammo and I don't even want to THINK about fighting these little fuckers with melee weapons. Jesus Christ. Fuck fire ants, fuck that scientist fucker who caused all this, and fuck that kid who sent me on this mission.

submitted by /u/zorfog
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I just met Virgil (mid game Fallout 4 spoilers)

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 09:31 AM PDT

I bought Fallout 4 when it first released and since then have put well over 200 hours into it across various platforms. For some reason though I always stopped doing the main quest when it comes to the Glowing Sea part, so I never met Virgil before, and managed to avoid any relating spoilers too. I always imagined him to be a normal person that had somehow managed to build a safe place inside all that radiation, or maybe he was living inside a vault there.

It was so cool to finally meet him after putting it off for so long, such an interesting twist that he turned out to be a mutant and also that he could speak normally unlike the others, and how he's still wearing his glasses even though they clearly have no lenses and are way too small for him. The journey through the Glowing Sea was also quite the experience as I was using some Brotherhood power armor which made it quite special as I never really use power armor.

After Virgil had said his piece I spoke to Deacon who was with me and it turns out I had reached max relationship with him so he tells me his full back story which I found really interesting. Just wanted to share as it was quite a few cool moments one after the other and the game still manages to impress me quite a bit even after all this time.

submitted by /u/Perjoss
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Translated interview from Todd Howard with Gamestar (by u/UltraHacker9000)

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:30 AM PDT

I basically copy & pasted this from the translator with the permission to do so. I only corrected some minor typos and errors.

Hi there, I tried to translate the video in question. And oh boy was it hard. This Translation is not 100% accurate because german voiceover over the original sound is kinda annoying. I tried my best to write down what todd actually said. Sometimes that wasnt possible, then i tried to convey the meaning of the german translation back into english.

Q: Where is Fallout Alexa?

A: Haven't done that yet.

Q: Two weeks since E3 and Fallout 76s presentation. Was the reaction OK for you, or was there anything you could have explained better?

A: We were happy with the reaction. We want people to realize what the game is and what it isn't, and that it really is a unique thing.

We generally don't like confusion because then people will try to figure out what the game is on their own. A lot our classic hardcore Fallout fans love it, but we know a lot of them that want a particular single player experience. It doesn't have that in the same ways. We understand that, we feel the same in many ways, but this is a unique game. We're allowed to play it, so we understand it better. We are happy with how E3 turned out and how much attention we got.

Q: You already said it: The fans expected something different. Are you concerned about how the game matches with Bethesda Game Studios identity?

A: Maybe a little bit, sure. The concerns that our fans have, we have the same ones. It's new for us, its new for them. AND THATS ONE OF THE REASONS WE ANNOUNCED STARFIELD AND ELDER SCROLLS 6. That's our way to say we love those GREAT SINGLE PLAYER GAMES and we're gonna do them aswell. When it came to Fallout 76, multiplayer is the number one feature we always get asked about, but we didn't just want to tack it on. We had this idea and it became a bigger and bigger game until it became its own thing.

All the people you see are real people. That makes Fallout 76 very very unique. Whereas it's not the same, it still has a lot of the characteristics you would expect from one of our Fallout games.

Q: Looking forward, is that part of a strategy to take known franchises and put them into new genres?

A: I don't know. We take one step at a time. Every time we develop a game, we want it to be it's own thing and not just be a sequel that does this little bit extra.

Starfield is a whole new thing. Elder Scrolls 6 will do it's own thing. And if you look back at our previous games, each of them has it's own identity. We have fans that prefer Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 4 and some of them will prefer Fallout 76.

We want each of them to stand on their own.

Q: Is Fallout 76 some sort of test run for you guys? Sort of dipping in your toe to see if people like it?

A: I dont know. I wouldn't say we're dipping our toe in, I'd say we're jumping into the pool with this game. We'll see what happens. I a good way for us to try something like this as opposed to trying it in a single player game. It's its own thing, very very exciting for us but also a little bit scary.

Q: Based on your new experience with multiplayer games, would multiplayer be something for Elder Scrolls 6 or Fallout 5?

A: For those games we want to keep them as single player games. That is what our focus is going to be. If they have some social aspect we haven't designed yet, we'll see. But we treat them each as their own thing.

Q: There are 3 studios working on Fallout 76. How do you keep them connected and working together in a way that Bethesda Games Studios keeps it's own identity?

A: It's tricky. You are right, there are 3 studios. And then there are other developers under Zenimax and id software helping us out. To answer your question: The studio in Montreal has been around a long time. Since Fallout 4.

The studio in Austin, the old Battlecry Studio, started working with us right when we finished Fallout 4. So we've been working with them for three years now. We had some issues in the beginning in how we handle communication and I'll admit it was hard at first, but now we are in a good place. Everybody has worked together for a while. The way we communicate, each studio is still slightly different, each have their own vibe but everyone is pushing in the same direction.

Q: What do you think, how smart is it for established franchises, trying to push into new directions. e.g: Fallout pushing into the survival multiplayer? Is triple A titles trying something new, a positive thing? Or should they stay conservative and keep to their core gameplay mechanics?

A: I think it's good for franchises to try new things. There's still a lot of good ones out there, where they get released year after year and it stays basically the same. Thats not who we are. If you go back in time: Fallout 76 is a new thing but not as new as Fallout 3 was.

If you look from Fallout 2 to Fallout 3, that's a significant change. When we look at our franchise, we always want to reinterpret them we always want to try new things. I admit that Fallout 76 is something very new, but if you look at someone playing it you will look at it and say: "Oh that's a classic Bethesda style Fallout game".

A lot of the time you'll be doing a lot of similar things, but the mood and the vibe are different. When you run into someone it will feel completely different than running into someone in Fallout 4, because you know that they are an NPC, designed by us to probably help you. You kind of know what you are going to get.

Q: Have you ever thought about doing a Battle Royale game? Elder Scrolls Arena was a game about life and death right?

A: Usually we kind of don't follow the trends. Keep in mind, when we started Fallout 76, even though these kind of games are more popular now, they haven't been back in the day. I think some of those things have raised in popularity.

On one hand that's good for us, but on the other hand bad, because people will be assuming what it is, when it's not like those survival games.

Q: So you have to keep the expectations of the players in check?

A: We do. We have to, yes.

Q: Bethesda Montreal is working on Elder Scrolls: Blades. Is it still important for you guys to release companion apps or mobile games? Is crossplay for those games still a thing?

A: Yes. Blades is beeing developed by the Montreal team who did a great job on Fallout Shelter. I don't see them as companion apps, if you see how many people are playing them and how much time they put in them, they are their own thing.

We released Shelter for a lot of platforms but crossplay was not possible. With Blades we ended up kinda knowing we want it eventually to be everywhere and make sure that everyone can play against each other. I think that's a great trend for gaming, so people don't have to decide what console to play on or at what time to play.

Q: So Fallout 76 will feature crossplay?

A: No. (laughs) We would love to do that, but at the moment it's not possible.

Q: Why not? Is Sony and Microsoft not co-operating?

A: Sony is not as helpful as we'd like. We'll see what the future will bring.

Q: Going back to Fallout 4, the multiplayer idea for 76 kind of came from the development time of that game. Were there other lessons you learned from developing Fallout 4? Something you guys could have done better?

A: We wanted every aspect to be better. From the graphics to how the controls work, the gunplay, enemy AI, overlapping quests. In Fallout 4 we tried so many new things and re-did so many things we had before, we took our lessons in how you strike that balance going into 76.

We improved the hit detection for 76, it feels much better but you won't notice unless you go back to 4 and compare those two games. There are a lot of thing we redid for Fallout 76, that i don't know if the people will notice.

Q: OK but there was serious criticism on major gameplay elements in Fallout 4. RPG elements for example, i too think they got the raw deal. Was this part of a major decision to streamline and focus on the gunplay to make the game feel like more of a shooter experience?

A: With Fallout 4? Not at all. Admittedly there are some major quests where the player doesn't have as much of a choice as we would have liked it to be, but I don't think that casts across the whole game. When we went into Far Harbor, one of the DLCs for the game, we wanted to make sure that there are not just interesting questions we are asking, but also that the player has a lot of interesting answers. The end for Fallout 4 gets very complicated with a web of things, so we had to simplify some of it.

But it's still a game where you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want. That's what we are very proud of. In Fallout 76 we have a similar opportunity because the game will be connected to the internet the whole time. Though the game offers a new concept, we know we can change things on a monthly basis with the help of our community.

Q: You said there are no NPCs in Fallout 76. Isn't that a big challenge for the quest designers? Are there decisions to make?

A: Yes. You musn't forget we still have robots, terminals, holo-tapes and other things that help the player decide. It is hard for the designers, yes, but the answer is: You give the player tools, where they can create scenarios on their own, that we didn't dream up. And that happens in Fallout 4. If you ask the people what their favourite stories are, they reply with situations where systems collide. "I was doing this, then raiders attacked and a super mutant behemoth came over the hill and then a vertibird came by, then i met this new companion." This is what seperates our games from other developers, Fallout 76 goes even harder into that direction.

Q: Will radiant quests return?

A: Yes. Also handcrafted ones. Fallout 76 has a story, aswell as radiant quests.

Q: Paired with PVP and nuclear missiles, a lot of people are concerned about griefers. The trailer shows some sort of bounty system. Is that part of punishing anti-social players? How do you want to encourage people to co-operate instead of shooting on sight?

A: I don't want to force people into playstyles. I want systems that reward certain behaviour. I can't tell you how it works, because we are still messing with it. We have the same goals, where we don't want other players ruining the experience. Thats the worst for us to bear. If you stop playing the game because of another player acting like an asshole, we have encouraged the wrong things.

At the same time, it's important to us to enable players to a certain kind of drama. As for the wanted level, maybe that was in one of the videos. We do have a system right now, that if a player is acting up, let's say he murders somebody who didn't want to engage in combat, - that's possible at the moment yet very very hard to do that, maybe it will change -, he gets a status as being wanted and can't do a lot of the things other players can do.

All the other players can see him and he gets a big bounty on his head. He becomes some sort of epic enemy, that every other player can go after. And as of right now when a player becomes wanted and everyone can see him, people will gang up on him, it's a lot of fun.

We're still messing with how you get a wanted level. I think there is an interesting dynamic there, we don't want to put the brakes on too hard right now. But if the system is becoming too problematic for players we will dial back and make gaining the wanted level harder.

I'm going to throw one more thing in that i think is important for people: All the quests we have designed are playable solo or in a team of four. That means there are no quests focused on PVP. We want to seperate PVP and player made challenges from the hand made quests.

Q: Can players share their ressources in chests or workshops?

A: They can trade. You also have your own stash, only you can access. But yes there is a trading system, based on bottle caps, that's the part of economy run by players. You can also drop stuff. If you want a specific item, I can simply drop it for you.

Q: Fallout 76 will include cosmetic micro-transactions but what is your stance on lootboxes with randomized content in general?

A: We take a look at all of it. Games had a lot of different content for a long time. We did horse armor for Oblivion in 2006, 12 years ago, so we've seen all types of it. No matter what game you are doing, you have to figure out what feels good to you as a player. The players understand value, thats what we have learned.

Players don't mind paying for value, so we went into 76 with 2 goals in mind. First, we want to offer extra content and on the other hand we don't want to seperate the player base, for example we dont want to release a DLC that some players have and some dont. So how do we offer DLC for free? We have an ingame store with cosmetics and we're currently experimenting with other things too.

The main goal is to make all players happy, never pay2win and also being able to earn all of it ingame. So whatever currency we have, to buy stuff, you can also earn it if you are simply somebody who plays the game a lot. That's two of the things for us, when we play other games that we feel good about, lets just do that.

Our games are big enough, so we don't have to use other methods that might be too overbearing for players.

Q: You've been using more or less the same engine for years. What about Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6?

A: I think a lot of people, who are not making games dont understand what the word "engine" stands for.

They think the engine is this one thing, we view it as technology. There's a lot of different pieces and for every game, parts of that change. For example the renderer, the AI, the animations, the script language and so on.

Some people talk about Gamebryo but we haven't used that in a decade. A lot of our engine contains a lot of middleware like Havoc. For Fallout 76 we have changed a lot. The game uses a new renderer, a new lighting system and a new system for the landscape generation. For Starfield even more of it changes. And for Elder Scrolls 6, out there on the horizon even more.

We like our editor. It allows us to create worlds really fast and the modders know it really well. There are some elementary ways we create our games and that will continue because that lets us be efficiend and we think it works best.

Q: What will the future of open world games be? What will be the next big innovation for the genre?

A: You want me to repeat that question? I don't know how to answer that. (smiles) I'd say it this way, right now where open world games are popular, even though we've been doing them for a while: Videogames put you into another world. There will always be ways to improve that immersion, by adding better graphics, VR or AI. All of that is coming together in a way only gaming does and that are missing from motion pictures.

I don't want to answer your question directly because those are ideas we have, that we want to put on the screen. You're going to see more and more of those things in games now and that will probably continue. Not only open world games, videogames in general.

Q: Thank you for the interview.

submitted by /u/DRocMusic
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TIL there's a Mod for the grand Strategy game Hearts of Iron IV called Old World Blues, that converts the game to the west coast in the year 2275. Link in comments.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 06:44 AM PDT

I don't know how much anyone else has dreamt about conquering the wasteland, but I couldn't be more excited for this! I've already started a game as Caeser's legion, getting ready for an all out assault on Hoover Dam.


submitted by /u/GnarlyEmu
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I want to meet the man who voiced Mr. Gutsy and have him call me a “smug bastard”

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 08:28 AM PDT

Just my two cents on the issue.

submitted by /u/ChadCDS
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Fuck charred feral ghouls Please don’t be in 76

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 10:35 PM PDT

Seriously these fuckers barely did any damage soaked up bullets like a sponge and drained ammo. You see I don't mind glowing bloated ones or whatever because they were rare and like a mini boss but those damned charred ones were just........everywhere

submitted by /u/heydontworryboutit
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Think you guys might appreciate this cool merch.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:17 PM PDT


Little brother ended up finding this while at our dad's house. The beanie was left at the house unfortunately.

submitted by /u/DJ_Vault_Boy
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If HBO were going to make a 5 episode series drama about 5 Fallout Vaults, which would you choose?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:52 AM PDT

Stop the insults between fans, it's a useless war that'll bring no good to the community.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:18 AM PDT

Seriously. I can't stand people still ripping each other's hair just because they prefer a different Fallout over the others, you guys are ruining the internet, occuping a space that could be used for healty discussion

submitted by /u/Frankaos333
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Would you be guys interested in someone who streams their first time ever playing FNV?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:00 PM PDT

So I'm looking to getting into FNV and I figured it could be cool to share my experience with you guys or anyone who feels inclined to tune in. I feel like it could make for some laughs and memorable moments, as well as story options, easter eggs, and dialogue options you guys may have missed

submitted by /u/ronin_d
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How the hell do you run fallout 3 on windows 10?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 02:24 PM PDT

I've been trying to Fallout 3 for like 6 years (not kidding, since windows 7) and it has never run for me. I've downloaded patches from Bethesda, non-official patches, I've run it in compatibility mode.... nothing...

This game hates me, I've got a dvd version and digital for pc.... and they taunt me daily

submitted by /u/thestrangepineapple
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My Sole Survivor cast an eye on Danse, but when she woke up one morning she found herself in awkward circumstances.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 05:24 AM PDT

Having only played Fallout Shelter on mobile when it first came out, the Switch port is...surprising

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 10:56 AM PDT

So I downloaded Fallout Shelter the day it came out during the hype release for Fallout 4. I got about 70ish Dwellers in before getting bored and moving on. It was a fun few days popping in on it and collecting things, but that was about it.

So then I hear it's available for the Nintendo Switch, may as well give it a shot, right? Well holy shit, slap a tree in my face and call me Harold, this thing is actually pretty fun!

I mean, you know, it obviously has mobile freemium things like its store, but I haven't had to use it yet. The addition of their questing system, which involves a nicer combat system, plus a few QoL changes and improvements like Weapon Workshops, I've been playing it everyday since it released on the Switch.

It's obviously no big AAA title or anything, but for what was supposed to be a free mobile game to pump people up for Fallout: 4, good on the developers for putting in good effort to make this an enjoyable casual game that doesn't force you to buy from their micotransaction stores.

EDIT: I forgot to add that this sparked from me getting an actual laugh out of the dialogue written. I promise you, take the time to zoom in on your dwellers and wait for their conversations. It's pretty tongue-in-cheek and self aware.

submitted by /u/Lennsik
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Nuka-World cowboy protectrons appreciation thread

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 07:07 AM PDT

I just completed Nuka-World and absolutley loved the humor in their characters. I mean, how can you resist when Sheriff Eagle or Sheriff Hawk say "Yeeee-haaaaw!" in their Protectron voice?? And what kind of a name is The Giddyup kid? The best kind for a western themed protectron, that's what.

Damn I love the attention to detail they put in the game.

submitted by /u/Raggedy-Man
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In Fallout 3, there were quests and lines of dialogue pointing towards the Commonwealth and Institute of Fallout 4. Are there any similar hints towards a new plot or setting that were mentioned in Fallout 4 for the next main game?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:55 PM PDT

I'm curious to know if any of you guys picked up on anything interesting. Where do you think the next fallout game would take place? I know there's a holotape that talkes about a close by city, so New York would be my guess.

submitted by /u/Nydrosokk
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After 200 hours in FO4, I just discovered Fallon's Basement in Diamond City for the first time.

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 01:53 PM PDT

I can't believe I've walked right past it so many times without noticing it.

submitted by /u/ScorchedEarth88
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Do you prefer Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?

Posted: 30 Jun 2018 03:14 PM PDT

It's the summer sales on Steam and I'm short of money. I can only buy one and I wonder if I should buy Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas. Wich one is your favorite and why? It would help a lot. Thanks!

submitted by /u/alizzla
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