RuneScape If we ever get 120 emotes. I nominate this for the strength cape.

If we ever get 120 emotes. I nominate this for the strength cape.

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:36 AM PDT


Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:22 PM PDT

I guess I'm done with Telos forever?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:59 PM PDT

TIL there are Menaphos corrupted scarabs bursting bots

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 02:04 AM PDT

pls make this less frustrating

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:41 AM PDT

Reduce Coeden's Click Area

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 05:05 AM PDT


Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:36 PM PDT

Solak feedback changes for next Monday!

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 07:05 AM PDT

Future escalator update leaked (alpha)

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:33 AM PDT

Solak p4 instakill should not also put portents of life on cooldown

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 05:59 AM PDT

If a kill is failed due to the withering Solak dying in his mind in p4, portents of life are put on cool down as well as all players instantly dying. I feel that this should not be the case, as losing the kill is already punishment enough. Portents of life should not be put on cool down in this case; any players in the arena should just get instantly killed. There is already a similar mechanic in the game with Vorago during his push phases; he ignores portents of life and just instant kills players if he manages to push them all the way to the edge of the arena.

submitted by /u/crash_bandicoot42
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Adding more logs to bonfire should extend it because logic

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:09 PM PDT

Why isn't this a thing?

I mean, logically this should be how it works right?

To keep the fire burning you add more logs

Once no one is adding logs it should turn to ashes

submitted by /u/asentrixyt
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Mining & Smithing - Armor Spikes ("Smithing Overload") Design

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 08:35 AM PDT

As promised in the livestream you didn't watch yesterday because of some nonsense about Smash Bros, here's a simple design for the "smithing overload" we've been talking about for quite a while now without saying what it is.

  • TLDR you make armour spikes which damage enemies that attack you.

Full design here.

At the moment we haven't specified how much damage the spikes will do per hit. (I have a number in mind but we need to playtest it first.) I'd be very interested in your opinion of how much damage would make it "worth it". (Note: the damage would be a flat number (or some multiple of your smithing level) - it doesn't scale with the enemy damage.)

(If you're wondering how much an elder rune bar will cost, with current balancing you can mine enough ore for 30-40 bars per hour.)

submitted by /u/JagexJack
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Introducing the Arianwyn Quartet!

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 02:39 AM PDT

Just a friendly reminder that Mobilizing Armies is still broken af and either needs a rework or removal (from the trim requirement)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:01 PM PDT

TL;DW 384 - Mining and Smithing Rework Showcase

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:59 AM PDT

I have only included information that is relatively new, not in the guide or design documents. I will be happy to answer questions for those that can't be bothered to read the relevant sections.

Work-in-progress guide with calculators.

Design Documents.

  • Just to reiterate: Mining and Smithing will not be level 120s because there'll have to be level 120 combat skills for that to happen.
  • Spring cleaner will not be as profitable. There is no way around that but we're trying to add additional uses for it through the two new modes. The new one is not as good as the old one but is still very worth having.
  • The hope is that since Elder Rune bars requires Rune bars, it'll keep the price of Rune bars high enough that we don't have to do anything artificial to preserve people's banks. Runite ore should then keep its value too.
  • The problem lies with the Rune equipment. The Rune alch value will probably go down. But what we can look to do is replace Rune equipment currently in people's banks with Rune+X equipment (Rune+1 will be double the new alch value of Rune, Rune+2 four times the new alch value of Rune etc) to balance out and be able to alch those items for the current alch value.
  • Release
    • If we haven't shipped by the end of the year we're in trouble.
    • Our deadline is the next beta.
    • We'd like to another beta now in the actual game world (instead of the test square from beta 1) but not everything has been updated over to the new systems which would break the game. All the core mechanics are in and working, we have to move them over to the more obscure parts like quests, blast furnace.
    • The blast furnace is complicated because it will not work at all currently so we need to figure out what to do with that.
    • Next beta will be towards the end of the year. We want it out as fast as we can but we've got to fix everything first.
  • Quest requirements should not change. If we find any requirements that are tied to specific actions (e.g. mine a runite rock) then we'll consider changing them.
  • The current perks need to be looked at. Perks like Refined are completely useless.
  • The skill mechanics are made with the intention of having reward space.
  • Skillcape perks need to be addressed.


  • Mining now has 'hitsplats' for critical strikes and rockertunities.
  • New rocks will be outsourced so they aren't just recolours of existing rocks.
  • Mining sites on the world map:
  • Signs of the Porter will work on the new ores but will not be as useful due to the ore box. We'll be looking at whether or not they need changing or buffing. They may not because they'll still be useful for other purposes.
  • Not doing anything special to Blurite or adding Blurite weapons.
  • The problem with Crystallise is that it's just too good at the moment. Whether we just say its already too good there's nothing we can do about it or we try to rebalance it (for mining only) to make it slightly less good.
  • Harmonised ore will not be particularly useful because rocks don't deplete now. 'Realistically we need to get this update out, if it turns out it takes a month to fix Trah hour then we will not fix it. But optimistically we should be able to put something in place which is worthwhile for the Trah hour community to persist.'
    • We did pitch 'more rockertunities in Trah in a specific world' but it turned out that was too strong.
    • The focus of Trah hour will remain 'there's a benefit for being in Trah during the hour' and we'd like to implement it in a way that the community for it still exists.
    • Ithell soft clay will need to be looked at as well.
  • Seren stones have moved over to the new system and will give corrupted ore but rockertunities and geodes will be turned off to encourage AFK. Balancing needs to be looked at.
  • Since Seren stones are staying as they are (instead of being replaced by Light Animica) the 'double xp no ore' pickaxe will not be implemented.
  • Mining guild niche (level 60 mining requirement) is the best place to get L60 Orichalcite ore and a convenient source of L50 Runite for when you're making Elder Rune bars. Will reduce the amount of rocks in the guild because there's far too many right now.
  • Arc crabs need balancing. Seren stones niche will be high XP AFK with no ore (not counting corrupted ore), we will need to find a role for crablets that makes sense.
  • Have a tentative plan for Juju mining potions
  • Because of the way the mechanics work we will be making sure there are no sites with only two rocks that are right next to each other. Also adding infinite ore in Dungoneering causes other balancing issues.
  • Essence mining will probably not change but will use the new system. Rockertunities will be turned off for essence mining. Essence mining will not be the best way to level Mining in F2P.
  • Both augmented and non-augmented crystal pickaxes will work for upgrading to the Pick of Earth and Song. Unsure whether the augmentation will persist or whether it's technically possible to do.
  • Need to evaluate Mining divine locations.
  • Superheat form. We were talking about changing it so that it works with Smithing instead since Smithing works with heat but it could do both skills so we're not sure.
  • Planning on keeping concentrated gold and coal deposits even though there's no real need for them.


  • New smithing interface.
  • Orikalkum armour
  • No intention of adding set effects to armours but if absolutely need be, if we can't make Masterwork and Upgraded Masterwork armour to be good enough we will consider adding it to them. The smithable tank armours will not be competitive even with set effects so we aren't going to consider it for them.
  • Trying to get combat council to agree to all the smithable tank armours to be non-degradable since they're not competitive with power armours anyway.
  • Mod Clumsy is currently working on Necronium armour.
  • Geodes
    • You can receive geodes as you mine (doesn't work with gemstone rocks).
    • Geodes are stackable.
    • 'Like a tiny stackable treasure chest you get from mining which usually has a gem in it'
    • Opening a geode.
    • 3 tiers of geodes:
      • Sedimentary geode (F2P)
      • Igneous geode (P2P) which has the members' gems in it.
      • Unnamed geode which is quite rare (~1/1000) and has good valuable loot. Loot is undecided as of yet.
  • Portable Forge
    • Tricky problem because they're less useful because of the hopper.
    • It would still work but it wouldn't be useful.
    • We pitched a plan for it but the team weren't so keen on it.
  • We might need to buff dragon armour / weapons to be better than Orikalkum.
  • Artisan's Workshop
  • Need to figure out if we need to buff Tetsu, add something more to it or just accept that Elder Rune armour makes it even more useless.
  • Corrupted ore will probably work the same way it does right now.
  • Smithable pickaxes can't be augmented (see design document).
  • Thinking about renaming furnace to smelter to avoid confusion between furnace and forge.
  • Smithing Overload
    • Untradeable
    • We have a pitch and we want to know what players think:
      • Relatively cheap to make.
      • Requires high level smithing (something like 90 but will get better as you get to 99)
      • Consumable item that temporarily gives you a thorns effect (whenever something hits you they take damage i.e. reflect)
      • Probably only in melee range and probably only if you're wearing melee armour. Remember that Smithing is for Melee so we don't want it to be a general combat buff.
      • Does this sound appealing to players.
      • Our worry is that it isn't exciting.
      • Twitch chat gave a positive response so Mod Jack will be writing up a full design document for it.
  • Not looking to add tiered metal hammers at the moment. It might be something we look into for a future update. Will have to figure out what the benefit of a crystal hammer is. The current benefit is to save a bar but we don't think it makes sense in the new system with how many bars/h you use.
  • Smithing auto-heater will cost 4,000 Dungeoneering tokens. Everyone with a coal bag will be refunded.
  • Goldsmithing Gauntlets will be reworked into Smelting Gauntlets. Currently, smelted bars go into your inventory and you can right-click deposit-all back into the hopper. The Smelting gauntlets will make smelted bars go directly into the hopper. This also allows an increase in the Make-X from Make-28 to Make-60.
  • Cannonballs will work like the old system instead of using the new heat and progress.
  • Need to make Varrock armour good with the new system. Currently quite useless if we don't change anything about it in the new system.
submitted by /u/imsuity
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It is Incredibly Refreshing to Finally Have a Dedicated Duo Boss. Especially One this Difficult.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:12 PM PDT

The last time I had this much fun was rots release. Figuring out mechanics and working closely with a number of friends to tactfully accomplish a final goal is fantastic. Im glad the content has such a high skill floor and such a (relatively) low skill ceiling, making it so once you have it down you have it down.

Props jagex

submitted by /u/Dominwin
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I wish reporting people for awful behavior actually did something.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:27 PM PDT

There's a serious fucking problem when people can just show up, tell you to kill yourself, and that they're taking your spot with literally no repurcussions whatsoever.

submitted by /u/Soulgee
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This. This is the kind of motivation I need jagex

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:58 PM PDT

Solak Bugs

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 01:05 AM PDT

After the Solak updates/Hotfixes on Monday, there are still few Bugs i came across:

Phase 2:

when Solak uses his "I`ll crush you like the bug you are" Special attack and ur Standing next to the Edge of the Arena he might root u in a unreachable Position (water) and this leads to u not being able to attack Solak while climbing and getting teleported to the middle of the Arena after the Animation.

Phase 4: While in Mind

Devotion/Reflect seem not to work all the time after kill is finished and u get damaged (died 3 times to that yday, while devo on)

Also if ur Immortality triggers while Solak dies ur not gonna be teleported to the "real" world, u still stay in his Mind


I could move around but not teleport outside, u have to Lobby/log out to Exit his Mind if that happens.

submitted by /u/ROTSBoi
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Suggestion - south american server

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:35 AM PDT

Before thinking it's spam, read the text below and please don't report as spam, even if you disagree with me, this is an important subject for south american community

Hey, guys! I'm here today to take back a discussion from last 2 days that caused embarrassment for some users, so I decided to come here by myself, but with the same intention, an attempt to encourage Jagex to host a server in South America. We (BR players) need to deal with 150+ms of ping, and it's crucial to gameplay, either in pvm or pk. The nearest server is located in Miami, which hosts worlds 94, 47 and 75 (and 101, I guess, not sure about the number), brazilian-portuguese language worlds, so far as european servers. The only advantage is the language, but most of activities just run (or have minimun player amount to run) in english language worlds. Our gameplay is almost the same in portuguese and english worlds. If we get a server in south america, in or out brazilian territory, it would improve quality in-game, reducing ping significantly, not just for brazilian community, but also for our neighbor countries players. If brazilian community isn't enough for this kind of investment, the sum of south american players is considerable to get more attention. To accomplish that, we need support from players of other continents. We know it will change nothing to you, by the other hand, if you give us help, the general community will get bigger and stronger along the time, and for idea reaching Jagex, it's the path to walk through. Lastly, supposing it would happen, changing also south america worlds (english language) to this new server, not only the current brazilian portuguese, would result in a big improve. This post is a support for #pleaseBRserver

submitted by /u/Atrox_Jal
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Empty pots are at their peak market price in the history of the G.E.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:02 PM PDT

Excuse me?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:51 PM PDT

I think we can both agree on this

Posted: 13 Jun 2018 08:43 AM PDT

Anyone else in the USA lagging like shit?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:51 PM PDT


EDIT: Apparently not just the US - Europe affected too

submitted by /u/uglykitt3n
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Since we are on the topic of Guthix lore, could these be made permanent?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:34 PM PDT

In case you don't know, in the easter event of 2017, 5 Guthix lore items were available for a limited period of time in the format of divine eggs and could not be reclaimed if destroyed, they provide information about certain races and personalities, which are an important piece of lore content, i believe it's only fair that new players and those who did not attended the event need to be able to obtain them. In other words, they should be made permanent, either via the chambers of Guthix or somewhere else.

Here's a link to each transcript of the dialogue those items provide:

As you can see, the information provided is worth enough of being permanently added to the game, so please make it so.

submitted by /u/DelusionalFreak
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