PUBG PC 1.0 Update #10

PC 1.0 Update #10

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:52 AM PDT

"Let's make a beam, but you know what? Let's make it so the player falls right through. How fun would that be?"

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:45 AM PDT

Sniped by the dreaded Full-Auto S1897

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 04:11 AM PDT

80bots in EU FPP games jumping and proneing

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 10:49 PM PDT

Expectation vs Reality

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:31 AM PDT

We all have that one friend (as long as you have friends :/ )

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 11:46 AM PDT

Was bored at work.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 04:59 AM PDT

You died from cerebral hemorrhage.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:35 AM PDT

My pubg updates 24.8 MB EVERY SINGLE DAY for now like 2 weeks. Is it only for me?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:58 AM PDT

Yeah thats all

submitted by /u/Leviossaa
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dmasteR spray is a force to be reckoned with

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:25 AM PDT

What About Vehicle Gun Attachments in PUBG?

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 08:02 PM PDT

Quick survey I made regarding the two maps. I'll post the results tomorrow!

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 09:50 AM PDT

Long range accidental kill

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 01:11 PM PDT

The Clutchest Revive That Never Was

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 02:34 AM PDT

Best match I've ever had.

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 10:48 PM PDT

The other day my friends weren't around, so I decided to queue up solo on the Tequila Sunrise event. I had annoying experiences in the past with randos and I was a little apprehensive. I even remember that night it took a couple rounds before I even got into a full 4-man for a full match. So here I am, finally in a match with three other people and, whoa, a couple of them are even communicating. We all follow the marker of one of our mates and decide to drop far enough outside the circle to need a vehicle. This paid off as no one dropped with us. The loot was good, but not the best and a teammate (we shall call him Grumpy) and myself run over to get a truck noticing the blue is closing in, so we pull up to the other two guys and let them know we should get moving.

One of the other guys chimes in (let's call him Don) "All I've found are shotguns?!" with a little panic and confusion in his voice. Grumpy immediately gets annoyed with "that's what we're playing" and Don is clearly confused and mumbles something about flare guns. At this point, I started having a conversation with Don trying to explain to him that the event changed and the flare guns were the last event. He starts asking me a lot of question about the event and I explain it all to him as Grumpy drives us towards the circle. Grumpy has come in with a few quick (not mean, but short) comments, but Don was a little hard to understand so I focused my attention on our conversation and ignored Grumpy. However, I think Grumpy was getting the hint that I might not have agreed with his shortness to much as I'm being very political.

I think we got out of our vehicle around one of the farmlands, but I remember clearly we were up on the ridge of a hill with a fenced in facility behind us down a steep slope. We are hearing a vehicle and Grumpy comes on the mic that a buggy is in bound. Don throws out a warning that "they" are coming right for us and Grumpy comes back with a "Yeah, dumb-ass, he wants to run us over". It was at this point Grumpy became pretty moot in my mind, he was dead to me (FORESHADOWING!!).

Grumpy took up cover next to a tree, Don about 50 meters away from Grumpy near some rocks, our fourth guy (we shall name him Silence) holds back and clearly tries to stay out of site and out of mind (he had been playing very conservatively the entire match), and I (being the annoyed idiot I am) sprint between Don and Grumpy along the ridge acting as highly visible bait. The buggy, seeing me, takes that bate and Grumpy pops out from behind the tree. The driver swerved to try to hit Grumpy and took pellets to the face (he ded) and I decide to drop off the ridge on the steep slope as the buggy flies over me with his passenger scared to hop out of the buggy in midair. It was while I was watching the buggy fly over my head that I saw another buggy (the other half of their team) flatten Grumpy at full speed and take to the air, again, over my head. Both buggies fall right into the ravine just slamming into the cement fence foundation. Turns out that was where Silence was hiding to stay out of the way. He took down that first passenger as he attempted to flee the scene of the accident. The other two escaped from their buggy and immediately hop over the cement to go after Silence. By this time I had slid down the slope and managed to pop them both in the back of the head. Grumpy just starts losing it over the mic about getting run over, the three of us suck and shouldn't have been able to kill them, typical rage quite script directly from Comcast's retention department. We just went about looting the corpses (Don, Silence, and I have all level 3 gear now) ignoring his rage and he curses us out one last time before disconnecting.

At this point I'm just thinking about how much of a prick Grumpy was, but I can tell Don feels like he somehow caused some tension and I start some typical chitchat as we run across the circle hoping to ease his guilt. As we chat more and more I start to get that odd Spidey sense tingles in the back of my neck, but I can't figure out why. I just chalk it up to Don not being the best communicator and that, like most of us nerds, have a hard time with socializing. No big deal.

As we progress through the match I'm noticing that the three of us are doing really well. We've taken out a couple of teams at this point. I had what I'd consider a good kill count under my belt and I knew Don had probably the same amount and Silence (still playing conservatively) had a few as well. All in all, I think we had about 15 kills between the 3 of us. I am by no means a great player, so if I get more than a couple kills it's a good game. The best part was, we were being pretty tactical. It was clear Don was being somewhat protective of Silence so I let Don take the lead (tank) on several conflicts while I would flank. It was going well and the remaining players were dwindling.

We kind of got juked by the circle and ended up having to run a pretty large distance in the middle of a field (thank god it was shotguns only) and as we come out of it we ran up some hills. Don immediately calls out a team in front of him and we were pretty spread out at this point with Silence a good couple hundred meters behind us. It was at this point Silence finally says with panic in his voice "You be careful!" and suddenly everything clicked into place. You see, Silence had a very distinct speech impediment. One that was recognizable in both Silence and Don. The difference was Don's wasn't as prominent. Let's hold onto that thought for a second though, because Don and I crest the hill, fall into our roles once again, and the two of us just destroy this team. This is one of the most enjoyable and best games I have ever had with this game and it was clear Don was absolutely loving it as well.

Don and I dropped down prone in a divot to loot these guys and Silence comes running in to join us and he is worried. He explains to us, very slowly, that he thought we were going to die and he would be alone to complete the match. Don start to console him (I tried to help but doubt I did much) and Silence makes us promise we won't run off like that again without him. We all agree to a death pact. People are fighting all around us as the circle was around 1 km area at this point. Here we are just laying prone in this divot that just so happened to be in the next circle and Don apologizes for Silence's panic. He explains to me that both Don and Silence have Down syndrome and they like to play PC games together. He also thanks me for having such a great game saying that both of them are having a lot of fun and that they don't usually get this far. At this point I had pretty much figured this out and, frankly, did not care one bit. We were having a blast, completely in sync with one another, and just straight up destroying people. The death pact was oddly endearing and only made things that much better and the best part had yet to come.

We got lucky on one of the final circles and everyone had to come to us. In the middle of this field, the little embankment as our only cover, and we held that divot like it was our Thermopylae.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinnerbestwinofmylife

EDIT: Changed some spelling errors. Also, if you want to give gold please don't. As much as I appreciate your generosity, I believe you could just donate that money to the National Down Syndrome Society and I feel they may just have a better impact at making stories like this possible then I do.

submitted by /u/Brru
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Two anecdotal posts and suddenly bots are everywhere ruining everything

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:53 AM PDT

Just throwing it out there. This sub is (yet again) claiming catastrophe without any data to back it up. It's not:

"BlueHole, we want you to analyze this pattern we've seen in some games to see if this is a rampant problem."


"I had a (singular) game where there were a ton of bots in the game! This means it's everywhere!"

The latter post gets upvoted, suddenly there's another post claiming the same thing. Because it happened? Because they want reddit karma? /shrug

Maybe let's put our jump-to-conclusions mat away until we know more.

I'm not saying botting isn't an issue. I'm saying without data, not anecdotes, it's difficult to know how widespread the issue is.

submitted by /u/aNinj
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Test server update? 6.3GB

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:33 AM PDT

Just got it on steam, any patch notes?

submitted by /u/ItsKipz
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When you panic

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 03:06 PM PDT

Well, this just happened

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:07 AM PDT

Another Long Line of Bots on EU Squad FPP. Half of the Lobby.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:23 AM PDT

Sounds in this game are still garbage

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:51 AM PDT

Why can you hear someone walking in a house from farther away than you hear someone walking outside? Makes no fucking sense. Unless someone is literally meters away of you, you can't hear the footsteps

submitted by /u/SufficientSilver88
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"Get over here"

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 06:29 PM PDT

I just landed alone at Hacienda Del Patron. AMA

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:01 AM PDT

Plane even flew right over it

submitted by /u/SuperLoompa
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Bluehole please don't listen to the loud complainers about Miramar

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 08:10 PM PDT

I'm sure some people will disagree with this, but I think Miramar is a great map. I like it just as much, if not more than Erangel. I love the terrain for running across. It's great for flanking, long mid and close range fights. After they added more/better vehicle paths, driving across the map is great in any vehicle, even the van if you choose your path well. The choice of whether to go through the area where lots of people might be, or take the long route is a great choice to have. Risk vs reward. The tension of whether I will get shot from Picado when I drive past is great. I know it will have players, I could take a longer route if I wanted to (or loot less and leave more time for it) but that's a legitimate choice I need to make.

There are of course minor improvements that can always be made to games and maps. Boat spawns around the Islands would be a big one. IMO there should always be one guaranteed spawn point on each island, but I don't think it makes or breaks the map either way. People drop hot on both maps because they enjoy it. If you don't like how they are playing well tough shit. They aren't breaking rules, and they likely enjoy what they are doing.

TL;DR Miramar is fine. Don't fuck it up because of whiners. Plus, you have more important things to work on.

submitted by /u/jimbobicus
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