Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: HeroesHearth Esports vs Team Freedom :: Discussion thread

HGC North America :: HeroesHearth Esports vs Team Freedom :: Discussion thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 05:30 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Team Twelve vs Tempo Storm.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


Not earlier than 17:30 PDT / 20:30 EDT / 0:30 UTC / 2:30 CEST / the same time as this post.

Match reports, VODs

Official stats


English (Dreadnaught, JHow)

Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Europe

HGC website | Schedule and results | Standings

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer

All matches are best-of-5.


HeroesHearth Esports vs Team Freedom
Arthelon flex - support KzN
BBJ support - ranged/flex Lutano
ishb00 warrior - melee/flex Nazmas
Khroen ranged - ranged/flex YoDa
McIntyre melee - warrior zugrug

Game version

HGC Phase 1 Week 8 is played on patch 2.31.1, which is the current live patch. Fenix is not allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Since Lore is going to become a bigger thing.... can we see some actual universe clash in maps?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:07 AM PDT

Stuff like a Zerg attack on Stormwind, a Terran Outpost being attacked by a Legion from the Burning Hells, or C'thun popping into the Burning Hells and causing a ruckus?

With the Art team really excited on the possibilities and Nexus lore, I hope they don't completely lose the "What If" that HotS can do.

submitted by /u/Slarg232
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Fight of supports - Animation - Heroes of the storm

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:53 AM PDT

Played 3 games in a row with a player who I reported for AFK and for harassment. How?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:12 AM PDT

How in the hell does this work? I land a guy in QM who rage quits 2 minutes into the game after a death, and goes AFK. Cool. We all report him for AFK and for his foul language. We lose, I queue, and I get him on my team again. He does the same stuff, rage quits, so I report him correctly for AFK again. I wait a couple minutes, queue a third time, and for a third time in a row, I get him on my team.

Creating a pretty great experience, Blizzard.

submitted by /u/big_three
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Deckard Cain should be the only character in game who can spot which Murky eggs are Fake

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:46 AM PDT

You see, Deckard's main role in Diablo games gameplay-wise was identifying things

As a Murky main I would be fine with this.

submitted by /u/vexorian2
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Diablo helps ya boi abby in the best way possible.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:36 PM PDT

Stitches has to be one of the funniest characters

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:03 PM PDT

I swear there are few things better than an assassin sneaking up on me and thinking they can take me right in front of my gate only for me to swallow them up, carry them right through my gate, and they can't get away. That and being able to grab people and pull them into my back line and frantically trying to get away before they are destroyed in seconds.

Stitches is just so fun all around. I really haven't had much fun with as many characters as much as I have had with him.

submitted by /u/Xilc
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Can we please revert some of the earlier Kharazim nerfs?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:26 PM PDT

I know a lot of attention is deservedly being put on heroes like Ana/Tyrande/Tass among supports, but I really hope the devs could give us some more incentive to pick Kharazim, who has lost a lot of his popularity since the support nerfs, and for good reason. Not just from the sweeping nerfs, but from those leading up to them.

Kharazim's most popular build, which wasn't overpowered, was nerfed twice while the devs were attempting to balance Insight and Transcendence. Once by increasing his W cooldown from 8 to 10, and then by reducing his movement speed from 30% to 25%. While I think they did finally pull off a decent balance between the three, those nerfs were never necessary in the first place. IMO, he deserves to have these nerfs reverted.

Alternatively, if they are happy with how much Kharazim is currently healing, they could simply revert his AA nerf that came along with the rest of the support nerfs. Much more of his contribution to a fight rests on his damage output. He has no CC and limited utility, and it was IMO unfair to equally nerf his damage, while other heroes got to keep all of their CC and utility.

I don't think he's a terrible hero by any means, but there just isn't quite enough oomph to him anymore either. Just one or two nerfs reverted would put him in a really good place.

submitted by /u/monkpunch
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Blizzard's Deckard Cain vs Community Concepts

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:49 AM PDT

You may remember Blizzard asking us for Deckard Cain concepts back in November 2016.

Now that he's joining the Nexus, I thought it would be fun to see how the real thing stacked up against our ideas. I reviewed the IdBeCoolIf video, and 35 HeroesFire concepts. I checked HeroesHearth too, but my own was the only Cain concept posted there, and it's already included via HeroesFire.

In Blizzard's Cain

  • 61.1% of concepts made Deckard Cain a Support Hero
  • 36.1% of concepts included a Healing Potion or other item you could leave on the ground to be collected later for health
  • 66.7% of concepts included a Horadric Cube
  • 11.1% of concepts included some concept of Gems for the Horadric Cube
  • 66.7% of concepts included some CC in an ability called Stay Awhile and Listen
  • 83.3% of concepts included an Identify mechanic, which only exists as a talent for the release version.
  • 1 concept included the Lorenado
  • 1 concept included the Scroll of Sealing (not the same one as had the Lorenado, nobody was that close)

Not in Blizzard's Cain

  • 77.8% of concepts included a Town Portal
  • 19.4% of concepts included something to do with dropping or finding Cain's Lost Satchel
  • 16.7% of concepts included a Quest Bolt
  • 13.9% of concepts included an Immunity to Non-Heroic Damage
  • 2 concepts had absolutely nothing in common with Blizzard's Deckard (Cooler39140 made him an assassin!)

Honorable Mention

Just some additional ideas that came up more than once, but not often or not consistent in their execution:

  • Fire Bolt
  • Book of Cain
  • Horadric Knowledge/Wisdom
  • Stone of Jordan
  • Cairn Stones
  • Cain's Gibbet
  • Cow Level
submitted by /u/BayST8
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[Spoiler] HGC: Junkrat trait value securing a backdoor

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:26 PM PDT

Why can't we see heroic cooldowns in HGC streams anymore?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:39 PM PDT

It used to be that the heroic cooldowns would show over their icons in the top, but recently that stopped happening. Did I miss some patch note about this?

submitted by /u/Ag0r
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There are more Diablo announcers than sprays.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 10:04 AM PDT

I hope with Deckard coming to the nexus we got some more Diablo material en general. We haven't got a single banner since lunar festival.

submitted by /u/ThulralNa
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Lore friendly Skin Appreciation

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:48 PM PDT

I just want to give Blizzard the props for making the subtle skins that were lore friendly such as the Daelaam skin on Artanis, the prime evil skin on Diablo, Theramore skin for Jaina etc... I really appreciate your attention to detail to make these subtile skins that fans wanted.

submitted by /u/panicstation19
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Is this a good moba for someone who has very little experience with mobas?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:04 PM PDT

I never got into lol nor any other moba games. Is HoTS a good moba game to start? Does it havea lot of beginners? how's the community? Is it p2w?

submitted by /u/spitfire9107
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Ideas to make Team League the main game mode

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:48 AM PDT

Hello everybody, before we get started, here is a little intro on why i'm posting this.

I've played about 15000 Hero League games at GrandMaster over the years, and as much as i love the game, i'm not having fun anymore (been a while actually). The main reason being : This game is not meant to be played solo, yet everything pushes you towards it.

What do you mean the game is not meant to be played solo?

HotS is a team game, where strategy and teamwork are key to victory, and that's what makes the game so interesting in my opinion. Strategy includes Draft and Game Plan, teamwork is more of the execution part.

When playing as a team, you have to invest time discussing those strategical and teamwork aspects. You get to improve on those things the more you play together, sometimes it won't work, but you get the chance to analyse why and make changes. When things went according to plan, everyone accomplished its job, there is a feeling of satisfaction. What i'm trying to say here is that when you play HotS with the same team, all of the sudden the game has a purpose, you get to invest your time into building something.

However, when you play Solo Queue, you get different allies every game, so you can't invest time into building anything strategy or teamwork related. Voice Chat made it better, as you can at least attempt to teamwork a bit. But at the end of the day, the only thing you can do is try to do your job as best as you can, maybe you win, maybe you lose, there are a lot of parameters out of your control, but does it even matter? It's hard to care when playing Solo Queue, winning doesnt provide much satisfaction, as you didn't plan anything ahead of time when going into the game, there is no sense of accomplishment. If you lose, there is no point looking at what went wrong and think about different approaches, as it's volatile, you will have different allies next game.

I think most people would agree Team League should be the way to play HotS, yet Solo Queue is the main mode for this game. Why?

Solo Queue is more accessible, as you don't have to find people to play with, you just log in, press ready, bam. The direct consequence is that most people just queue Solo, making most Team League matches rather poor quality. I know at Grand Master level there is simply no point queueing, you know you will wait 10min and get an unfair match where you just roll over your opponents. Not very appealing right?

Think about it, in World of Warcraft, would you enjoy arenas if Skirmish was the main game mode and Ranked would not be worth queuing? Of course not. Also Skirmishes does not give you any reward. But the big difference with WoW is that HotS barely has any social aspects; while it's very easy to find players to play with in WoW.

So, how can we make Team League the main game mode?

After reading the WoW comparison, it should sound rather obvious now that HotS would benefit a LOT from having social features such as Clans and Player Finder. I actually think it's mandatory for such a team based game.

How would it work?

In the clan/party finder, you get to select the roles you prefer, you can check if you're interested in joining a clan or not, select your spoken languages, maybe type a little description. Then you get a list of people/clans within your MMR range and you can simply contact them or party with them, or apply to join clans.

Clans would work similarly to WoW guilds, with a special Chat, maybe titles. Imagine if you could just log in, type "Hey who's up for TL?" in clan's chat, and get going. Wouldn't that be awesome? It would also be a lot easier to bound with people and make friends.

Making it easier to find players should make queuing Team League easier; but that alone won't be enough i think. For years now solo queue established itself as the main way to play the game, in order to change that, it is also important to change habits and give players motivation to play TL over HL.

If it was up to me i would simply remove Solo Queue from the Ranked Modes, downgrade it to the WoW skirmish equivalent. But i know some people really enjoy it even tho that's not how the game is meant to be played; so this is not really an option.

But i do believe it is important to make TL far more attractice to players than HL. One way to do so would be by giving players a sense of accomplishment and rewards only accessible via TL. I know WoW has "Achievements", maybe doing something similar for Clans could be a thing? Accomplish Team League Clan Achievements to unlock a special Hero Skin made specificly for that season? Make players progress together towards a same goal during the entire season, not just "Peak Master, you get best end season rewards you can stop playing TL for the rest of the season".

Also, maybe swap the order in which Solo and Team league appear in the menus and leaderboard. Maybe make it so that when you click the Ranked tab or Leaderboard, Team League appeirs first, and if you don't have a party you have to click on the 2nd tab of shame to go for the Solo mode.

TLDR : Game is a lot better when played with the same players, Social features would help making Team League more accessible, and TL should be made more attractive by having more purposes/rewards than solo queue.

submitted by /u/aledoro
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TIL: As Gall you can shove out of Stukov's shove

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 07:48 PM PDT

When can we expect nerfs to Fenix/Maiev/Tracer/Medivh so that the game is playable again

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 08:38 PM PDT

Title. It's obnoxious that we can't ban out all of the overpowered heroes and that they've been overpowered for so long. To hell with your "we don't want to make adjustments too quickly because that's frustrating too". Keep alienating your playerbase with trash balance, I'm sure that'll boost retention.

submitted by /u/MisterHooyah
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I'm quite dissapointed with the lack of change recently

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:17 PM PDT

Just talking in general, the last good feature we got was VoIP, which took a year and a half since it was told to be "Coming soon"

If you look at some other things in their tweet since a year and a half ago, we're still missing

  • Clans

  • Party Finder improvements

  • Hero Swaps

Upon a myriad of other things that we need like:

  • a 3rd ban

  • Ranked mode redesign/rework [HL/TL](it's in a horrible state)

  • An API (Which was stated to be coming from Blizz a long time ago, but who knows what happened to that idea).

  • Faster balance patches (Including map changes)

I love this game. The only reason I give it so much hate in this post is because I love it so much. I'm a long time player Since Sylv's release with 7k games and have loved the game for a long time, but I've been driven away from it more recently, and I just don't get as much fun from all the recent problems plaguing the game.

I was hoping to see a lot more out of PAX than just "Deckard Cain!" and "Lore!" I was hoping to see a lot more dev talk about the issues with HoTS currently.

submitted by /u/SgtFlexxx
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HGC North America :: Team Twelve vs Tempo Storm :: Discussion thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 02:45 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Diamond Skin vs Team Dignitas.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


Not earlier than 14:45 PDT / 17:45 EDT / 21:45 UTC / 23:45 CEST / the same time as this post.

Match reports, VODs

Official stats


English (Dreadnaught, JHow)

Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Europe

HGC website | Schedule and results | Standings

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer

All matches are best-of-5.


Team Twelve vs Tempo Storm
buds support - warrior cattlepillar
daneski ranged - ranged/flex Fan
Goku melee - melee Glaurung
Justing warrior - support Jun
Kure flex - melee/flex psalm

Game version

HGC Phase 1 Week 8 is played on patch 2.31.1, which is the current live patch. Fenix is not allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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I wish we could ping talent choices

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:17 AM PDT

Many times I find myself wishing I could tell my team what talent choice I took, but it tends to devolve to "hat gives attack speed now". Not too useful when people don't know the hero you're playing well.

With Cain especially, I wish you could alt click "[Q] Potion of Revival" so that people can see what that actually does, and how it effects them.

submitted by /u/alhotter
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[Spoilers] Trait value

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:10 PM PDT

Lore hype, which is the coolest conflct?

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 12:07 PM PDT

After the recent Panel, Cloaken talked about wanting to do a lot more with the lore of the different realms, starting with Ravencourt. I was just thinking about what realms exist in game that have conflicts that we know of. By my count we have:

Luxoria The Sun God vs the Spider Queen. The conflict involves the Scorpid Swarm versus Pharaoh Ta-sadar. Alternate universe characters we know are involved include Tassadar, Zagara, Xul, Kharazim, Chromie, and Brightwing

Ravencourt The Ravenlord vs the Grave Keeper. There are two conflicts involved, the Vampires vs the Vamp-Slayers and the Ravenlord vs the Grave Keeper. Alternate universe characters we know are involved include Kerrigan, Arthas, Nazeebo, Valeera, Greymane, Valla, and Malthael.

Super Heroes vs Eternal Empire While not a realm, we have a lot of information on this conflict. The Eternal Empire travels from planet to planet and destroys them and has now brought the conflict the Earth. Alternate universe characters we know are involved include Sonya, Kael'thas, Tyrande, Medivh, Li-Ming, Leoric, Kel'Thuzad, Alexstrasza, and Gazlowe.

Kaijo vs Mechastorm This is the last main conflict I can think of that we have information on. Again based off Earth, Mechs defend the planet against Kaijo monsters and aliens. Alternate universe characters we know are involved include Anub'arak, Tassadar, Rehgar, Tyrael, Diablo, Dehaka, and Abathur.

I saw the thread from earlier talking about which Blizzard universes we would like to clash with each other. I thought it would be interesting to see which HotS realm is most interesting to fellow redditors.

submitted by /u/iberiancelt
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Every time I prepick TLV, the teammates think I am trolling

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 01:35 PM PDT

Level 25 TLV. 67% winrate.Mostly unranked. Its Cursed Hollow, I am the 10th pick, so there is no room to counterpick. After my teammates see my prepick, immediately the nova, murky and gazlowe prepicks come up ... it happens all the time. Their current state is just sad.

submitted by /u/DankMemes55
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I wish this game were balanced better so the HGC would be interesting again.

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 03:46 PM PDT

Sorry to make a complaint post but I used to really like the HGC and these days watching it just feels kind of pointless when there are 3 viable supports and 10-12 heroes who are either chosen or banned every game regardless of which map is being played. Korea and China seem like they have a bit more pick diversity but EU and NA are way too predictable.

submitted by /u/ClassicsMajor
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About Overwatch Heroes

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 06:26 PM PDT

I've done a bunch of OW hero concepts on this subreddit; most were unpopular, though some were kind of well-received. The general problem is that Overwatch heroes are not well-liked in HoTS, largely due to the stigma against their being more mobile than all other heroes.

What I'm wondering is: if Blizzard were to introduce some of the less mobile Overwatch characters as heroes, would that improve people's opinions of them?

Take Reinhardt for example. His kit is entirely unique, he's not exactly hard to hit, and we haven't had a new Warrior in some time. Same goes for Orisa.

What about Symmetra? A relatively unique kit, no mobility to speak of and she's most likely a Specialist; something this game is lacking in. She also doesn't rely on a frontline to set up compared to Sgt. Hammer or Probius.

Granted, not every OW hero will make it into the game. There are lots of overlaps i.e. Roadhog with Stitches, Widowmaker with Nova, Bastion with Sgt. Hammer, etc. A lot of OW heroes also do still have some sort of mobility, so that doesn't really help their case. But if we can stop being salty about OW in general (except D.Va, she's way too frustrating), I think most of the Overwatch cast has a decent chance to enter the game in a way that doesn't trigger half the community. Heck, even some of the overlapping characters might even make it. Mercy overlaps with Auriel, Torbjorn with Gazlowe, Doomfist with Garrosh, Johanna and Kerrigan...but not to such an extent that Blizzard has to give them the Widowmaker treatment. If the devs could do it with Ana and Lt. Morales, they can most certainly do it with all the rest of them.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Triggerha
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