Diablo - Could use some help in diablo 2 on us east.

Could use some help in diablo 2 on us east.

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:32 PM PDT

I spent a lot of my resources on changing my hdin to a smiter and traded my stuff for 3 keysets. Problem is I can't even make it to the first boss for organs. If anyone has some time could use help at least getting organs so I don't lose the portals. Ladder char.

submitted by /u/Murphy1204
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Help for GR100 for DH

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:36 PM PDT

Hello everyone,

i'm playing shadow build on my season dh. So far i could cleared GR95. My new goal is GR100 but every single time i failed. what am i doing wrong my build.

Any help appricated. Cheers



submitted by /u/Cizu
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What's the best class for rushing the s13 stash tab?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:37 PM PDT

I only plan on playing the season for the stash tab and want to rush through the journey. I assume the best way to do it without getting extensively carried is to roll a class that gets a really good set from gift.

Unfortunately I haven't kept up with gift sets for the season so I don't know which ones are available and which ones are good. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/fiction8
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Starting a new Diablo II LoD play through today. Looking for build/point distro recommendations

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:30 AM PDT

I've played Diablo II many, many times in the past, but haven't done a full end-to-end play through in 10 years or so. I've checked out the updated Glide wrapper and that adds a few cool tweaks/options, so I'll be using that.

Gameplay itself though, I've never really played a necro. Any build/point distribution recommendations that I should follow/consider? More often than not, by the time I got to Baal back in the day I'd find that I've spec'd wrong and have to go back and grind for hours on end. Looking to avoid that this time around if I run through with a necromancer.

Thanks for any feedback!

submitted by /u/Hoverboy911
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Some sweet D3 Nostalgia

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:41 AM PDT


Every now and then I like to watch this original gameplay trailer for D3. Way back in the day I got this trailer in HD on a gaming magazine DVD (we used to get things like this, I still have a stack of them somewhere)

I would watch this gameplay trailer over and over while waiting for the game. I would go on to play the beta repeatedly and siphon my life into the original game in all its versions, original inferno (on a BARB - Act 2 hahahaha) selling items on the auction house for in game currency because real money can miss me with that lucrative shit. Selling a witching hour and forgetting to ad a "0" to my asking price is still a painful memory.

All in all, no complaints. It's still a great ride

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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What would you want in Diablo IV PVP?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 02:50 PM PDT

We all know that the potential for pvp in diablo 3 was wasted and a disappointment, therefore I think it's a good idea to get a picture of what everyone would want out of pvp within a future title of the franchise!

Let me know what you guys think!

submitted by /u/Kennynneken
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D2: What about Tonight drops??

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 02:01 PM PDT



I have enigma, what i can do more? have a paladin, sorc and pure summoner necro

submitted by /u/lopecinidiablo
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D3:RoS Wizard Build Help

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:17 AM PDT

Ok, this is pretty specific but... I'm looking for some help with my Tal Rasha's Meteor Build. I DO NOT want to channel, but I could live with archon if it would work better. So far here is where I am. (Season 13 btw) Gear: Helm: Tal Rasha Chest: Tal Rasha Shoulders: Delsere (Need replacement) Gloves: Tal Rasha Weapon: The Twisted Sword Belt: The Shame Of Delsere (AP Gen) Pants: Tal Rasha Boots: Firebird (Nilfur's maybe?) Rings: Focus & Restraint Source: Tal Rasha Bracers: Strongarm Bracers (Replace?) Necklace: Tal Rasha

Skills: -Electrocute (Surge of Power) -Energy Twister (Raging Storm) -Black Hole (Absolute Zero) -Meteor (Meteor Shower) -Magic Weapon (Force Weapon) [Swap?] -Mirror Images (Duplicates) Mandatory

Passives: Prodigy (AP Gen) Evocation (Perma Mirror Images) Elemental Exposure (Tal Rasha boost) Unstable Anomaly (Safety Net)

Cube powers: Weapon: The Furnace (Elite/Boss dmg) Armor: Nilfur's Boast (God Meteors) Jewelry: Convention of Elements

Problems with the build so far: -Damage is not an issue, but I can barely take 5-6 hits before Unstable has to safety net me. This is an issue. -Legendary gems are semi-solid (Esoteric, Bane of the Stricken, and... Simplicity's strength?) but I need a better replacement for the SS gem, recommendations?

Side notes: The build is fresh so maybe I'm not giving it enough time (gems aren't ranked up enough too) but any help would be much much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Edit: This needs to be a group friendly build! Bracers: Ranslor's Folly Shoulders: Homing pads Boots: Nilfur's Boast

Swapped the SS gem for a Gogok of swiftness

Swapped Nilfur's cube power for the Aquila Cuirass

submitted by /u/bjw101
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I got my friends to play D3 for their first time with me, how can I make sure that we have a lot of fun?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:40 AM PDT

So they basically bought D3 to play it with me and we plan to play from the beginning as a group. Now they plan to pick characters to have a good "group synergy". I know D3 is not about roles (like tank, dps and support) and builds like other party oriented rpgs but I thought it would be fun to give it a try.

Have you guys any suggestion what difficulty I should pick so it isn't too easy or too hard for group play? I'm asking especially for the reason that one of them told me he never considered playing D3 because it seemed too easy for him and he wants a fair challange.

submitted by /u/robmonzillia
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Does playing with other people increase legendary drop rate?

Posted: 10 Apr 2018 10:51 PM PDT

Or am i just crazy cause it sure as hell feels like it.

submitted by /u/Jaudatkhan
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7k people online?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:04 PM PDT

This subreddit usualy have 300~ online. Why do we have 7k person online? A bug? Ive been hystericaly looking eveywhere for diablo news havent found anything

submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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FPS caps at 50 after playing for a while

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:08 AM PDT

Hey, I've started playing d3 again after a year of break, and I've been having these werid fps issues now (tho I don't remember if I had them before)

Anyways, I've noticed that it usually runs great at 59-60fps hardly ever dropping anywhere, but after playing some time it drops to 50fps and never raises (or drops) and the game feels a lot less smooth. Alt-tabbing sometimes fixes the issue for some time, but it always goes back to 50fps at some point.

Here's my video settings: https://i.imgur.com/6w7xCZM.png

And my specs:

i5-4960 3.5Ghz

GTX 750 Ti


And my game is installed on Samsung 850 EVO SSD

I hope someone could help me with this problem, since I couldn't find any help from the depths of the internets yet..

submitted by /u/tuhmapoika
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New player, anything to know beforehand ?

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:33 AM PDT

Hello ! I just recently picked up the game on ps4 as i love ARPGs and couldn't find anything remotely close to play on that platform.

Been playing PoE on PC for years (nearing 4.5k hours on it) and always wondered if Diablo could be a good thing to try out.

Played half an hour, got lvl 11 as a DH and it seems like i can swap skills as i please. That is awesome, and i assume i'll just have to store items to change builds whenever i feel like it (am i right?)

Is there anything i should be knowing (keep a certain item, something i cannot do before/after something else) that would have a permanent impact ? In PoE, beating story bosses would end up reducing your elemental resistances, not sure what there is in Diablo in this regard.

Also, the classics :

  • Is it good to start now (season system aswell) ?

  • Any resource out of the game i should be using ?

Btw, that tiny dagger skill i got at level 2 freaking HURTS. Holy shit. from 15-20 basic attacks to 130 daggers that knockback and stun enemies. Jesus.

submitted by /u/PenguinForTheWin
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Shouldve bought a lotteryticket! (HC-luck?!)

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:35 AM PDT

SC Remastered and WC3 patch 1.29 confirm Diablo 2 remaster or modernized soon! Lets talk balance

Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:59 AM PDT

Starcraft remastered have released a year ago, now we have Wacraft 3 patch 1.29 releasing soon.

At this point there is no doubt a Diablo 2 remaster is coming, they confirmed several time Startcraft , Wc3 and D2 were being modernized. I would expect it to release in the next year

Also, they didnt balance SC because they thought the game was balanced already,fine, but now with wc3 having a balance patch, we can actualy believe Diablo 2 remastered might receive a well needed balance patch!

What would you like to see balanced in Diablo 2? Seriously

Ill start. Id love for immunity monsters to become heavily resistant but not immune, Allowing more builds and single players to be viable in Hell.

Also i would buff fire druids, nova sorc, fire assassins, holy bolt and foh after-effect on paladins to be viable in PvE

I would nerf hammers damage, and add a delay to enigma's teleport

submitted by /u/ThaFaub
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