Dark and Light Dark and Light Update - April Development Timeline

Dark and Light Update - April Development Timeline

Posted: 06 Apr 2018 04:46 PM PDT

April is all about improving the content that we have in Dark and Light. We want to focus on the many bugs that still plague Archos, as well as the game's overall balance. There are creatures that need to be tweaked, weapons and spells that could us some adjusting, and structures that can be looked at. We'd like to thank everyone for the feedback that they've been giving us throughout Dark and Light's Early Access up to this point, and we wouldn't be where we are now without it.

Towards the end of the month, you see that we are listing the Development Kit once again. This is something that we wanted to put out last month, but it wasn't quite ready then. This month, going along with our bug fix and balancing theme, we want to give our community the chance to change and improve Dark and Light in their own way. We know that there are many Adventures that would like to adjust the land around them, and we feel now is also the time to allow that to happen. If the release dates for any of the content is adjusted in the month of April, this timeline will also be adjusted.

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