Super Smash Bros - Truth or Dair!

Truth or Dair!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:08 AM PDT

Welcome (back) to Truth Or Dair!

The rules of Truth or Dair are simple. Comment Truth for a question of any type - relating to smash of course.

Comment Dair for a Smash challenge (Add 64, M, B, PM, 3DS, or 4 for game preferences). If you pick Dair, please try to provide some form of evidence. Yes you can do both!

Please stick around and post your own questions and challenges to the other participants!

Most importantly: Have fun!

submitted by /u/bigdog54
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Felt inspired by another users Waluigi art, so I made this piece of trash.

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:00 AM PDT

I Killed Mufasa taken down

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:06 PM PDT

UMG has copyright stricken Scar's legendary I Killed Mufasa video, one of the most amazing Melee falcon videos. :(

submitted by /u/jackhammer4x4
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Switch Gamecube Ports concept drawing visualized in 3D

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:58 AM PDT

I thought about how I'd tweak Mario's moveset and made this. Feel free to add your own thoughts.

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:07 AM PDT

Currently at 450+ attendees, today is the LAST DAY to sign up for The Mango!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 12:51 PM PDT

Hey all this is Champ from 2GG,

Just wanted to let everyone know that The Mango is happening this weekend and today is the last day to register.

If you haven't done so yet, you can also use the code "mangonation" for 10% off.

A fan of 2GG or Mango and still want to support? Then check out the Mango Nation shop where all the revenue will go towards making the next event in The Mango series happen!

Sign up now by CLICKING HERE

Thanks all

submitted by /u/champtang
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Congrats, Smash Bros., you got #1 in that "most wanted Switch franchises" poll! <3

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:11 PM PDT

Made something for the character I hope finally gets into Smash Bros

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 03:53 AM PDT

Project M and Xanadu reunited with announcement of Project M Showdown 7!!!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 09:13 AM PDT

They should double down on Alt Characters

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 02:59 PM PDT

I loved Alph and the Koopalings, and I want them to do even more in the new Smash. They have to be easier than new moveset characters, so think how many "new" characters they could add: Daisy, Dark Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, Ninten, Brittany, Charlie, Louie, Fusion Suit Samus, Dark Samus, Justin Bailey, Birdo, Isabelle, Tom Nook, Funky Kong, Dixie Kong, Octolings, Squid Sisters, Dry Bowser, Linkle, Metal Sonic, Ms Pacman, Jeanne... Some of these could easily get new movesets or be clones, but if not, I'd still like to see them as Alts.

submitted by /u/RobustPlatformer
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Some characters have "passives" in Smash 4 and earlier, others don't. If every character got a similar thematic passive in Smash 5, what would it be?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 02:00 PM PDT

Some are far more prevalent or core to gameplay than others, but here are some examples.

  • Some of Wii Fit Trainer's Yoga exercises heal her due to Yoga being healthy.

  • Little Mac has super armor on Smash Attacks. Also the KO punch mechanic.

  • Link and Toon Link's shields cancel projectiles on contact if they're standing still.

  • Lucario has Aura, which gives it's attacks more dynamic properties as its damage ramps up.

  • Jigglypuff dies if her shield is popped.

  • Bowser JR and the Koopalings take 5% less damage or in knockback (I forget) when hit on the car, 5% more if hit directly.

  • Robin's Levin Sword and separate tomes all have uses and cooldowns on breakage.

  • Bowser gets Light Armor on crouch

  • Rosalina has Luma, a selfless soldier and body shield that extends her range, etc.

  • Bayonetta can fire her guns for more damage by tapping A at the end of moves.

  • On top of having a more "Natural" combo game, Ryu can use manual inputs for stronger special attacks.

Imagine every character on the roster got a new passive/ sweet ass mechanic and not just a moveset, even your dream fighter that makes the roster. What would it be, and what is its reference?

submitted by /u/Kimihro
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Potential King K. Rool Move set

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:13 AM PDT

Gamecube Dock for Nintendo Switch - Working controller ports - DIY project - by Rated-e Mods

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:03 PM PDT

A critical aspect of the inklings' inclusion!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 04:39 PM PDT

Scottish Smash Player Wanting to Make Dream Come True!

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 08:33 AM PDT

A very good friend of mine, Yackabean, is trying to raise money in order to go to 2GG Hyrule Saga in California. He's the #1 Smash 4 player in Scotland and one of the top, if not the best, Toon Link players in Europe. Being a massive Zelda fan, as evident by his choice of Smash character, it's his dream to go to this tournament. If you could donate anything towards his gofundme, Yackbean and the Scottish Smash scene would be very grateful. Let's help this Toon Link set sail!

submitted by /u/shotgunbop
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London (UK) PR graphic

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:46 AM PDT

Forsen gets it

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:03 AM PDT

Would you like to see a SSB Trilogy for Switch?

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:11 PM PDT

With SSB64-Melee-Brawl on one chip.

Edit:chip not disk :p

submitted by /u/deltagodzilla
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I made a ceramic smash logo

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:23 PM PDT

Predicting the 5mash roster in the silliest 'smart' way possible

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 09:59 AM PDT

*NOTE: I know very, very little about regression and how to use software like this properly, so to anyone who actually knows how best to interpret this data, please chime in!*


Used software to make a bunch of predictive graphs, which gave a range somewhere between 70-80 characters for the new Smash game.

Average of predictions: ~76 characters, which is 18 fighters on top of Sm4sh's 58.

Most optimistic prediction: 90 characters

Hey r/smashbros! I see you saw the tl;dr and decided to continue reading. Do you like data points and graphs? I sure hope you do, or else this post is gonna be a huge slog!

One key talking point surrounding the newly announced Smash title is, of course, roster size. Smash 4's character selection is already so huge; it's just gotta cut down to make more room for newcomers, right?

Well, I can see both sides to this argument: our latest character roster is arguably kinda bloated, and if Sakurai was truly unafraid of killing his babies, he could take 58 characters and take it down all the way to Melee's size, and start adding newcomers from there.

But that's for a different text post.

On the other hand: this is SMASH BROTHERS we're talking about here. The whole point of the series is its massive room for crossovers - where Mario, Link, Pikachu, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman, Ryu, and Cloud Strife can share the same screen, because fuck you.

So assuming Sakurai's gluttony for more characters doesn't stop, and the new roster will only grow bigger… then what? Just continue to wildly speculate about the bajillion DBZ/Shrek/Undertale characters that could squeeze into the game?

No you silly bitch, we've got numbers. We've already got previous data: Just looking through this franchise-of-franchise's history, we have concrete numbers to plug into a graph.

Splitting off certain "transform" fighters - that take only one slot in a CSS - into multiple characters1 , and including DLC2 , we get:

  • Smash 64: 12
  • Melee: 26
  • Brawl: 39
  • Sm4sh: 58

Here's a simple graph

From here, we can attempt to use curve fitting: calculating a math function that will best fit these points, and using that same function to predict an unknown extra point.

For instance, this line seems to fit these four points best.

So the 5th point is somewhere around here…?

I'm using mycurvefit.com3 for these graphs, and for doing the actual hard work of finding the functions that best fit these 4 points, and then calculating the value of the 5th.

Here are the numbers I got after trying a handful of different functions:4 5

LINEAR (hey I learned this in middle school!)

  • Straight Line: 71.5
  • Point-to-Point: 77 (CAVEAT: only uses last two points of data, Brawl & Sm4sh)

POLYNOMIAL (learned in high school)

  • Quadratic Regression: 77.75
  • Cubic Regression: 90 (Our highest value by a decent margin! Will count this as an outlier)

NONLINEAR (barely remember half of these from Calculus BC)

  • 4PL: 76.82624 (NOTE: This was the default model for the points I entered in.)
  • Exponential: 78.90828
  • Exponential (Half-life): 71.40579
  • Power Curve: 74.11426
  • Bell Curve: 73.32451

CUBIC SPLINES (I just don't know anymore)

  • Cosmetic: 77
  • Akima: 78.71429
  • Smoothed (factor 0.9): 75.00363
  • Auto-Smoothed: 78.66667


  • Range of predictions: 71.40579 → 78.90828
  • Mean average: 75.85114
  • Median: 76.91312
  • Notable outlier: A very optimistic 90 characters


All this work to get these numbers ultimately don't mean much if Sakurai is looking to scale back down some, which would be totally reasonable decision. Ultimately, conscious design trumps whatever mathematical models of growth some random software I found can spit out. And I'm sure someone who actually knew what they were doing could have determined which models would've been better representative for this kind of discrete data.

This was really just an attempt to sate my curiosity, to find something concrete about the state of the new Smash game, so I can fucking go to sleep at night instead of desperately refreshing on my cell phone for new info.

With all that said.

As far as I've figured out, Sakurai could theoretically stick an extra 18 characters onto the existing Smash 4 roster, and remain in the ballpark of mathematically reasonable growth. And I think that's buckwild.

1 Zelda/Sheik split in 2, Samus/ZSS split in 2, Pokemon Trainer split in 3, Mii Fighters split in 3

2 Sm4sh has 51 base game characters + 7 DLC fighters

3 Feel free to experiment with the graphs yourself, though be aware: they only allow a limited number of calculations until you're asked to make a (free) account, and even then you'll hit a paywall after 50 calculations.

4 Certain functions were left out either because they weren't possible with four points, or in the case of the rectangular hyperbola, just gave a really strange interpretation of the data.

5 The website also allows for "weight"; it's not a function I understand at all, so I've kept it at "N/A".

submitted by /u/TheCynicalIdealist
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A dream character of mine I haven't seen mentioned that often who I think would make a great addition to the roster: Transformation Masks Link.

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 08:06 AM PDT

Transformation Masks Link Joins the Battle!

So this would see the return of Young Link (Hero of Time) to the roster but with a twist. Similar to how Pokémon Trainer cycles trough Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard, this Link would cycle between Deku, Goron, and Zora, using the masks from Majora's Mask.

So Young Link could have his normal move-set but pressing B would make him cycle through the masks. Or if another Link is too much, Young Link could only appear at the beginning of the fight and immediately put the Deku mask on, then by the press of a button you would change masks. Deku, Goron and Zora Link would of course have their own complete moveset.

His Final Smash would of course be Fierce Deity Link.

This would give us three different Zelda characters for the price of one, while representing one of the best Zelda games and a couple of the many races found in the franchise.

Also, it would be fun as fuck and would nicely compliment the addition of playable Skull Kid...which we all know we're getting...right? right?

Nintendo pls.

submitted by /u/cloudycane
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How to add Waluigi and make him a GOOD character

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:02 AM PDT

A lot of people mention adding Waluigi, but aside from adding him to balance the roster, I never hear much of a reason to add him.

However, what if he was 100% made to represent the Mario Sports games. Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Mario Sluggers, Mario Kart, Mario Sports Mix games like Basketball and of course Mario Strikers could ALL be represented in his moveset.

Maybe even give him his attire in Mario Tennis Aces to make him feel even more different (Like Wario with his Wario Ware attire)

Also I'm just throwing out ideas. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't be a character, so if you wanna go into why he shouldn't be added I'm not disagreeing with you. Just giving ideas.

submitted by /u/MoonMedic99
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Professor Layton for Smash 5! (X-post r/smashart)

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 03:37 PM PDT

TIL that the Super Smash Bros. Brawl theme is actually sung in Latin

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 03:56 PM PDT

Tafo Talks: Someone Sponsor Zain

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:03 PM PDT

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