Diablo - [2/28] Public Game Matchmaking Issues Resolved

[2/28] Public Game Matchmaking Issues Resolved

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:50 PM PST

I'm starting to get frustrated with this season: max 2 person in public is absolutely stupid. Add to that the fact that sometimes my screen will freeze for a couple seconds when I hit a big pack of monsters

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:02 AM PST

The second bug is extremely weird as it hasn't happened before this season. I've been told it's life on hit bug, whereas you'll get a couple seconds freeze when you crit "some" monsters.

Season started friday and this both bugs should ALREADY be fixed.

I'd like to burn out the season the intended way, not because of fun killing bugs.

submitted by /u/saddler93
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Curses! bug appears to be fixed.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:59 AM PST

Restart the D3 client, start a game with the character you completed the conquest on, and your season journey accomplishment should pop up.

submitted by /u/ch4ndy
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Matchmaking seems to be fixed (EU)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:12 AM PST

Joined 3 games in a row with 3 different people each time.

submitted by /u/nyrro
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Game was down for maintenance, still nothing was fixed. The game is in a bad state for 5 days now.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:26 AM PST

I'm waiting for 3 days now to complete my season journey, 5 days to join 4 player matches or just be able to start the game (random crashes on startup).

Blizzard knows about these issues...

submitted by /u/Blubbpaule
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D2: This is my hammerdin abot xD

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:15 PM PST

Hey guys after 2 months playing ( i feel the lucy diablo 2 man on earht lol lot of good drops but i play pluggy and look for if my droprate was like other players and it was normal) i got this palladin without read guides do it to myfeeling.

I accept opinions how i can improve him this is why i write the post.

Also when i was 15 so 13 years ago i got the second best druid in europe so i know the game. But after so many years i back didnt remenber the 20% xd.

Ok my pally is the next i think is pretty good but i accept opinions and ways to improve.

  • 136 defend shaco with ber rune
  • 194 zakarum defence with ber rune
  • Perfect hoto 40 to all
  • perfect mara 30
  • Arachnid
  • Enigma (1358 def) this defence is good?? i think yes i dont know for enigma
  • 20 fcr gloves
  • ramdom boots
  • 2 soj (still dont found a bk lol)

  • No skilled grand charms only 2 ofensive aura.

I got ll this in 2 months what i think is pretty good.With this build get

  • tp in paladin (enigma)
  • 75 all resist 80 to light.
  • 15k defence wth holy shield
  • around 250 mf (with 39 gheed charm)
  • 13K damage hammerdin
  • 38% damage reduction
  • 1.7k life
  • mana dont mind

With this build i feel like a fking boos. Run chaos santuary in players 8 so ez i am inmortal (i die if i purpose lol)

So what more i can get to improve in this way? So damage and defense dont mind mf i have a blizz sorc with normal build and 450 mf for that.

This build is just awesome. Never use merc lol

Edit: sorry i forgot to say thx to all people that help me this 2 months in this fórum really ty.

submitted by /u/lopecinidiablo
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Goblin Runs

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:40 PM PST

What are the best goblin runs at the moment?

submitted by /u/WertherZx
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Probably nothing to more experienced players, but my friend and I are proud of this run - (GR70 in 1:51.3)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:20 PM PST


We were averaging 2:15-2:45 for about 10 rifts in a row and then got really lucky on density and just nailed this in under two minutes.

What are people's top rift speeds?

submitted by /u/xxdofxx
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Staff of Herding Plans

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:15 PM PST

Izual still drops them right? Why wont he drop them for me?

submitted by /u/nopunchespulled
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Question regarding Rifts and Solo Play

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:17 PM PST

Hi all, I'm a casual player currently playing Season. The question is basically: Should I end my Normal Rift when I defeat the RG or continue going until the bottom level? I know if I'm primarily farming keys to reset to increase keys/hour but in terms of item farming should I continue to the last level?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/hvrry3k
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Question regarding firebird build push

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:29 AM PST

I posted a topic on the wizard sub regarding firebird build, maybe it will have more visibility here :

"So I am playing a wizard with 2 friends this season. I am trying to get better with my wizard so I checked the top player build, after checking the top ranking most of them have something similiar to this build : https://www.diablofans.com/builds/97818-firebird-group

what I don't really understand is the choice / combination of the legendary gemme Zei's stone of vengeance and the passive audacity. If I understand correctly to benefit from the maximum damage of Zei you need to be far away from the monsters, but audacity needs you to be close. So why people are combining this ?

And how this build is supposed to be played ? At which moment the arcane dynamo stacks have to be used ? For the moment I am trying to use it before my arcane conclave but to burst with the meteor during the uptime of arcane conclave but often it gets cancelled by a autocast of wave of force.

I also struggle to position myself correctly. Are you supposed to stay far away from the support ? Is occulus proc worth moving into it ?

If you can give me advice regarding these questions it would be really great ! "

sorry for posting it here I don't know if I am allowed.

submitted by /u/lichhean
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LFG Non seasonal US P1200

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:13 PM PST

LFG to play with most nights or days. About 10pm-2am eastern. Or from 10am-2pm eastern. Have full ancient Rathma dps. Sunwukos/firebirds. Pretty chill. I play other stuff too. A bit of console. Play pretty serious though. Intrep1d#1927

submitted by /u/xxintrep1dxx
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Dumb question, but is it possible to re-map the mouse wheel scroll to the keyboard?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:10 PM PST

My mouse wheel is broken, and the only issue in Diablo 3 is looking through the stats of set items, sometimes the description of the set bonus takes up so much space that you need to scroll down to see damage, toughness etc. I'm using Windows 7 and I haven't seen a way to globally re-map the mouse wheel.

submitted by /u/YMIR_34-A
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I somehow managed to find 25 legendaries in a single rift today, what's your personal best?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:08 PM PST

It was done on torment 10, we cleared the whole thing and tbh it wasn't a particularly big rift. We didn't find any mass goblin packs either just a gelatinous spawn at the end. At one point I had like 7 legendaries drop within 30sec, never tried anything like it. Made me wonder what other people have tried?

Screenshot here: https://i.imgur.com/6feMPFO.jpg

My friend found 6 legendaries, it was pretty hillarious - at one point it just felt like everything dropped legendaries. Also, what's up with 5 of them being a Devil's tongue? All the items were absolute garbage, except the Yang bow, kinda ironic heh.

submitted by /u/Maltep22
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Thought of this when i was doing my 50th rat run

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:38 PM PST

Diablo Chess

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:49 AM PST

I knew this would probably happen. My cat broke some of my pieces and I can't find any replacements on eBay. Does anyone have a set or pieces they would be willing to part with?

Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/Minecraftstuff
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[EU] Make Diablo 3 a more social experience by joining a friendly active clan! If you need a boost, gear advice, we are here! For casual and hardcore people. If you like playing solo that is okay too! We have no requirements except no toxicity and drama :)

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:06 AM PST

Jump into my stream at: https://www.twitch.tv/aakoz or add me on friends list "TwitchAakoz#2345" and I'll invite you straight away!

submitted by /u/Aakoz
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Is There a Loot Table for Upgrade Rare?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 02:43 PM PST

I heard that in every game session, there's a loot table for Kadala, which means if you stay in that game, there will be legendary items that you can never get from Kadala, even if you have infinite bloodshards.

Is it the same situation with the cube's upgrade rare recipe? Should I restart the game if I upgrade a bunch of rares and don't get the legendary I want?

submitted by /u/DeepTerminal
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(ger) Suche Mitspieler für Diablo 2

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:30 AM PST

Hab gerade mal wieder voll den Diablo 2 flash und Bock mal wieder reinzuschnuppern in die path of Diablo Version. Hat jemand Bock sich das mal anzusehen und bisschen zu zocken? gerne mit ts :)

submitted by /u/FeelsBadManLFT
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Matchmaking fixed after maintenance?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:06 AM PST

I was wondering if matchmaking is fixed after maintenance? The not filling up of parties (hell for bounties!), the ending up in wrong difficulty levels.

submitted by /u/Demosthenes261
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Help with reroll pretty please

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

Clan said "gone with the int, I think so too, but having first Primal that is actually useful to me I want to be carefull.

Note that I play solo and only season, so i won't be using it with particularly high paragon.


Thank you very much

submitted by /u/Catsandradiobats
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