Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-03-01]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-03-01]

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:05 AM PST

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: The Sludge - Loot a Lost Sector in the Sludge. Fallen Raider - Loot 3 Fallen supply caches. Scourge of the Cabal - Defeat 75 Cabal enemies.
Titan Arcology Reclaimer - Kill 40 enemies in the New Pacific Arcology. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Chain of Command - Defeat 5 Fallen Captains.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Exodus Black - Loot a Lost Sector around the Exodus Black. Event Horizon - Succesfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
IO Lost Sectors: Lost Oasis - Loot a Lost Sector in the Lost Oasis. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Vex - Defeat 75 Vex enemies.


Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trick Shooting - Rapidly defeat 2 enemies with precision attacks, 10 times. Power of the Sun - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Solar attacks. Burn Notice - As a Sunbreaker, defeat 5 enemies inside of a Sunspot. All in the Wrist - As a Gunslinger, defeat 5 enemies with your throwing knife. Return to Ashes - As a Dawnblade, defeat 5 enemies using Phoenix Dive.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trick Shooting - Rapidly defeat 2 enemies with precision attacks, 10 times. Power of the Sun - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Solar attacks. Burn Notice - As a Sunbreaker, defeat 5 enemies inside of a Sunspot. All in the Wrist - As a Gunslinger, defeat 5 enemies with your throwing knife. Return to Ashes - As a Dawnblade, defeat 5 enemies using Phoenix Dive.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. Payback - Defeat 5 opponents who recently defeated you or a teammate. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Osiris Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Osiris Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. We're Going Streaking - Win 3 consecutive rounds in a single match. Shoot the Glowing One - As a team, defeat 5 opponents while their Supers are active.
Mayhem High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Better Devils, a different system to reskins

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PST

I will start by saying we are all in different places with this and these are my opinions alone, but I welcome everyone's thoughts.

The problem with reskins to me is not that the lack of variety of weapons in the game as much as weapons models being reused, called something else, and having different stats. An Old Fashioned and Dire Promise have different rates of fire but look exactly the same. This is my major issue with reskins, a weapon should feel unique.

Currently, seeing several weapons that essentially look the same but feel different, is not the best practice for creating an identity for a weapon. My thought was that each weapon model be unique and consistent with it's stats and not repeated elsewhere. The perks could change, but the stats are the same.

I recall getting a Home Again (green/uncommon) auto rifle during the campaign and I loved it, When a blue Lionheart auto dropped later, I kept it because it looked the same, but it didn't feel the same, the stats were different. Then I get Legendary Scathelocke, which again looks the same but it's rate of fire is 720 600 and almost double the attack value.

This is what I had in mind, reduce the variety of names of weapons in the game and make the weapons we get something we grow into.

EDIT: spelling is hard

EDIT: Thank you to the anonymous redditor who guilded this, my first. I am so happy to see all of the varying comments/opinions and with civility and respect, this community is wonderful.

submitted by /u/crompies
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I want to see Joe Staten & Co.'s Supercut of Destiny 1's Vanilla story

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:50 AM PST

I'm sure this has been posted about before, but Jason Schreier's much lamented article about D1's development mentioned a supercut of the story that Joe Staten and his team showed to the Bungie higher-ups. As we all know, they didn't go for it and the rest is history.

But I've been thinking recently that despite the fact it will probably make me ugly-cry, my curiosity hasn't sated and I'd love to watch the full thing just to see how different it would have been. As much as the story in vanilla D1 was anything but a story and anything would have been better, what little information the article provides on the original story makes it sound so good.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Made the front page! Nice :D

submitted by /u/belligerenthomonculi
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I miss The Last Array

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:03 AM PST

Once upon a time, back in the days before there was nothing but Darkness, there was a lone campaign mission called The Last Array.

It was a mission you could choose to redo at any time, a novel concept I know.... and despite being Light Level 3 billion I would regularly find myself flying in to confront some level 6 Fallen.

The mission itself was nothing that you'd generally write home about. Enter the skywatch, kill some fallen, find some dead ghosts. Standard stuff.

Then you'd move to the array, a control station in the back required you to activate it with your ghost.

"Okay, negotiating cryptosystems. Shor-resistant security lattice verified. It's working! Outside, the Array! It's opening! Amazing... it's activating."

And then the music starts:

"Hive Tombships! Cutting through."

The music begins to swell. As you fight, the array in the back starts to rise and unfold. With each and every upswing in the music a new wave spawns.

Before you know it, it's all over. But the goosebumps remain.

I want to feel this way again, Bungie.

submitted by /u/acidmonkey
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You thought Devour was good? Pfft! BEHOLD- Arguably the best build in D2! [PvE] (Hint: It uses Dawnblade)

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:43 AM PST


"I don't want to read this!" –Random Redditor

Have no fear, here's a video demonstrating how fast this build recharges your nades and how powerful they are.

To put it into perspective, I was able to throw THREE Solar grenades in 43 seconds and kill the Boss with just two grenades. Did I pique your interest? Guess you'll have to read, then...

Sorry about the video quality, I uploaded it in 4K with high bitrate, but YouTube just doesn't like me.

We all know how Devour can be powerful (especially if you're running with Nezarec's Sin and Void weapons). And we all know how most of us think Dawnblade is the worst Warlock subclass.

I shared the exact same opinion, until I decided to make a Dawnblade build because I was tired of running the same old builds, and I wanted to show the Sun some Warlock love. After some testing with different exotics and gear, I came to arguably the best build you can have in Destiny 2...

So, without further ado, I present:

P R A I S E -– T H E –- S U N | Warlock Dawnblade Build [PvE]

[1] Attunement of Sky, The Heart

  • WINGED SUN - Engage your enemies mid-flight. Fire weapons and throw grenades while gliding.

  • HEAT RISES - Airborne kills recharge your Grenade and Melee energy. Casting Daybreak instantly refills all your ability energy.

  • SWIFT STRIKE - Strike an enemy with this Melee Ability to burn your target and temporarily increase your movement and reload speed.

    This is the heart of the build. The most important part. It has beautiful synergy with the rest of the gear this build uses.

    "It just works." –Todd Howard, Game Director at Bethesda Game Studios

[2] Rift, Glide & Solar Grenades, The Guts

  • Rift: Optional, although I recommend Healing Rift. This build is lenient on movement (mostly airborne), and the Rift is the only thing this build doesn't really play well with.

    I use Healing Rift as a way to regain health, or as a point of retreat that I can always go back to if I need to heal up.

  • Glide: Strafe Glide is recommended, but not necessary. It felt easier to control my character while airborne with this glide, which is the reason why I recommend it.

  • Grenade: The Solar Grenade is absolutely required. It's the best grenade in terms of damage, and it plays into the build.

[3] Sunbracers, The Brain

  • Gauntlets | Required


    This is the second most important requirement. Increases the duration of Solar Grenades by double (from 4 seconds to 8 seconds) and grants ~30% grenade energy on Solar melee hits.

    Don't be conservative with your melee. You'll get it back fairly quickly. It not only has a DOT burn, but it also gives you a lot of grenade energy back. Use it to recharge your grenade energy.

  • Helmet, Chest, Legs & Bond + Mods

    Optional. I use the OG Dawnblade Armor-Set, because it just feels right...

    Helmet - Ego Talon IV

    Chest - Ego Talon IV

    Legs - Ego Talon IV

    Warlock - Ego Talon Bond

  • Mods: I myself am running with stat mods (Mobility, Resilience and Recovery) and one Ability recharge mod (7 Mobility | 2 Resilience | 8 Recovery). If you want to stack for the Rift, that would probably be a good choice as it is the only thing that you can't get quickly with this build. But stacking for the grenade or melee recharge is a waste of a mod slot since you can get melee and grenade energy back fairly quickly.

[4] Prometheus Lens, The Muscle

  • Energy Slot

    Prometheus Lens[Strongly Recommended]

    FLAME REFRACTION: Kills with this weapon return a fraction of the ammo used to the magazine, extending the beam's duration.

    This is what makes this weapon the go-to weapon. Not only does its mag get refilled per kill, but it also generates ammo on kill. This meaning you will never run out of ammo (unless you just waste your ammo away, or the Teamshot Gods don't like you).


    SUN BLAST: Targets killed with Sunshot explode in Solar energy.

    Sunshot can certainly be more effective than Prometheus Lens due to the 'Sun Blast' perk. But it has a huge downside— it runs out of ammo. That's the only reason why I recommend Prometheus Lens over Sunshot (+ the fact that our console brethren have to deal with Handcannon bloom. I don't know how bad it really is since I play on the PC, but I heard it's unplayable).

  • Kinetic Slot

    Optional. I use Dire Promise, as it returns ammo to the mag if you land multiple precision hits.

    Nameless Midnight should be a good option, if you want to play more passively and deal with some enemies long range.

  • Power Slot

    Recommended: Sins of the Past. Any Cluster Rocket Launcher should do, but Sins of the Past is the best choice as it has a bigger blast radius than Curtain Call.

    Curtain Call[Alternatively] . A good replacement for Sins of the Past, albeit slightly worse due to its smaller blast radius. |

[5] Overnight Dance, The God Complex


Grenade kills while airborne also count towards the "Heat Rises" perk. Meaning that, in theory, you could get your grenade back by killing ~5 enemies with your grenade.

Using your Solar Grenade in an area where the enemies are practically making out and killing them should recharge most of your grenade energy. After that you just punch an enemy with your Solar melee and bada-bing bada-boom, you got your nade back. Meleeing with a charged melee gives you about 30% Grenade Energy, after all.

And remember:

Don't be a heretic.

P R A I S E -– T H E –- S U N

EDIT I: Quick reminder. This build isn't death-proof. It's a build based around grenade power and recharge. You shouldn't be flying around left and right at all times on the more difficult activities because it will definitely get you killed, at some point.

Remember that this build also works if you damage an enemy and then just jump and get the last 2-3 shots necessary to kill them (or jump and melee them, that also seems to work). But your normal gameplay in Heroic Strikes/Adventures/Raid shouldn't be you flying around, because you will definitely die. It's important to learn how to control your verticality and position yourself correctly in certain situations. Use this build to get your grenade energy ASAP, not as a gameplay style. Take your time. It only takes around 5-6 airborne kills. Chill. Oh, and Praise the Sun.

EDIT II: Ran a bit of the Prestige Nightfall by myself (the first area) to see how it fares in harder difficulties. Definitely doable. I made it till the last area of the Infinite Forest, but died there. I would love to upload the whole run, but my bandwidth doesn't allow that. The first video (2 minutes long) took me 1h+ to upload, and this one is 3 minutes long.

submitted by /u/Storm_Worm5364
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I miss seeing my K/D ratio and ping

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:59 AM PST

I would play a lot more PVP if they would show us our ping bars and K/D ratios, and quit telling me I was getting kills for assists. Funny how Destiny 2 is basically in the stone age and the original game released the ability to host private matches after I quit playing it to focus on the new game. I'd gladly go back to D1, but I feel like the community isn't thriving like it once used to. That, and I don't want to have to purchase all those DLC.

submitted by /u/KYQ_Archer
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Please prioritize increasing our inventory and vault

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:25 AM PST

Inventory management in this game is beyond cumbersome - and even pointless when it comes to mods and shaders. Alleviating this would drastically improve the quality of life in this game.

Giving us a second tab (doubling the space) for both mods and shaders would drastically reduce the frustration of ultimately pointless inventory management.

After a relaxing/fun session of cleansing the darkness, I dread at the idea of going through my postmaster and managing with the meager space I have left - or risk items overflowing from the postmaster. It incentives me to logoff to 'deal' with it later, and disincentives me to log in.

I understand that creating a shader system that doesn't involve using the postmaster as a secondary storage or dismantling shaders one by one will take time. I understand that revamping the mod system will take even longer. Take your time - implement those properly...

But in the meantime, give us the space to hold all the available mods. All the available shaders. No balance is needed here - no need to wait for feedback. It is a band-aid - but it is much needed.

submitted by /u/luna_minnus
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Was the campaign really that good that you want to play it again? I dreaded making my 2nd and 3rd character because I had to play the campaign again

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:22 PM PST

Edit: you know what might make the campaign more desirable to play a second time? Unique missions for each class.

submitted by /u/G-star-84
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While completing Tree of Probabilities you can send one guy to clear Lost Sector

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:57 AM PST

Somehow, someway Bungie missed this moment completely. While you going thru Tree of Probabilities, you can send one dude to clear Lost Sector. Your team will receive additional points, that can be extremely helpful (especially when you trying to get 80k+ points). Other 2 guardians must go thru Infinite Forest and get to the boss, so your teammate will teleport. The other trick is that when your 3rd guy enters the Forest, all enemies will respawn for him, so he can get another additional points. We got 85k at 18 min with 2,5x modifier using this method

P.S. Speaking about this strike, i totally HATE it. Forest randomly generates all the time, so you can face 1-2 elite enemies or 10+ of them. This is crap

P.P.S. we got about 10-11k more points after teammate cleared Lost Sector and defeated some enemies in Infinite Forest afterwards

Edit: enemies respawn in Lost Sector each time you wipeout them. Leave LS, reenter it and continue clearing LS. Credit to esoterickk

Edit 2: Just completed nightfall with 2x modifier and got 80299 points. Hooray! Tho it's possible to achieve 100k points (we got 99500 and unfortunately died)

submitted by /u/MadBuc
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Kotaku Splitscreen: The Secret Hunters of Destiny

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:47 AM PST

A great nostalgia trip back through the glory days of the 6th chest, Black Spindle, and Outbreak Prime. I'm definitely firing up D1 today just to hang out after listening to this.

submitted by /u/Cruxist
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For those who went back to D1

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:02 AM PST

I'm curious. How many of you went back to D1 and what is your experience so far?

submitted by /u/eXelFolie
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How D2 can win us back - US Gamer Article

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:18 AM PST

Another great article out of US Gamer addressing how D2 can reclaim its dwindling player base:

All good points, the biggest thing stopping me from wanting to play (or purchase future content) - The loot. (fixed rolls with uninteresting perks)

submitted by /u/Tim_of_Columbus
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Why is black screen still a thing?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:21 PM PST

Seriously, after all this time it is not even mentioned. I can't be the only one this happens to.

submitted by /u/Scootergirl57
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D2 Soundtrack Now Available on Spotify!!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:45 PM PST

Now you can listen to your favorite jams while on the way to work, to school or whatever your destination is!!

submitted by /u/HawkZoned
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Choosing between my new emblem or new emblem+aura....

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:27 PM PST

So I pre-ordered the Osiris Funk Pop and got the emblem that comes along with it. I entered the code but had to wait until completing the nightfall to go pick it up. Finally after 3 or 4 runs we were able to hit the 60k score mark and obtain the aura.

I am saddened to find out I have to choose between my pre-order emblem or my Nightfall emblem WITH the aura when I really just want to wear the pre-order emblem and still rock my purple aura ( which btw looks blue if you ask me)

Maybe sticking auras strictly to emblems isnt the best customization option as it forces players to have to choose whether to wear a favourite emblem or wear a nightfall emblem just to rock the aura.

submitted by /u/i-theflawless-i
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Old prestige nightfall 0 sec completion.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:03 AM PST

I've got to say... The nightfall was pretty damn hard. But that's what made it so much fun.

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:00 PM PST

I loved the return of Extinguish, where players are returned to orbit after wipe. It requires extra skill as well as having an ability to clear enemies fast before they kill you. The scoring system gives an incentive to push your limits towards reaching a certain score threshold, which is a great addition for the more hardcore players. Although the rewards are cosmetic, it gives you a sense of accomplishment, something that nightfalls failed to give before. As a D1 vet, I 100% agree that the old destiny 1 nightfalls were better than destiny 2s system. But the new update made the destiny 2 nightfalls a lot better than before. We get rewards for reaching a certain score (like achieving Gold Tier for the Sunrise bounty, but for emblems), choose what burn we want beforehand (better than prism imo), and don't have to worry about time any more.

It is true that emblems and auras aren't the greatest rewards for such a hard end game activity. It is true that we should have had a Y3 system or something similar from the beginning. But based on the game's current status, it is most definitely a step in the right direction, since this can evolve into something greater, along with strike exclusive weapons returning. They can try out so many more things with the new nightfall and possibly implement them into quests or add more modifiers (ex. Rainbow burn, small arms, airborne). Keep updating Bungie, thanks for responding to the community.

submitted by /u/TheWokeHive_
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At this point, I'm leaving my postmaster full

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:09 AM PST

What's the point? Because to me there is only one form of advancement: Masterworks.

If you aren't a masterwork, you're not worth my time.

Check out my flowchart, made drunk, and uploaded with a shitty camera phone:

As you can see (hopefully), any given item ends up in one of three categories.

Dismantled (Sharded): Deleted forever, possibly for resources, probably for space.

Vault: Purgatory. Limbo. But potentially necessary (depending on updates). Unique gear lives here because I don't have the heart to dismantle it.

Loadout: Taken into combat. Used. Understood. Respected. Sometimes loved.

Too many items I earn fall into the left (1st) category. With randomization out the window, I can tell at a glance if I care about an item. Too often I don't.

I have no solutions here, r/DTG has come up with enough half baked and thoroughly interesting fixes to tide us through. Let's hope Bungie is actually listening.

In the meantime, I'll let the postmaster do the sharding part of my inventory management for me. Saves me some time and I don't think he minds.

submitted by /u/muffinsoup
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We have the uppercut, the slam, and the ninja-style dash sword attacks. Can we have the spiral one too?

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:28 PM PST

When you're raiding but also have the urge to break into dance

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:27 AM PST

Context: For the first gif, we managed to get our best prestige Calus run yet, despite a couple of slip ups, and the second gif we is something we've been trying to get for a little while now, but we kept just missing the mark

Edit to add: In the second gif, I'm the hunter in the Iron Banner gear, if you're curious

submitted by /u/GhostPhoenix113
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Best/worst shaders in the game?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:24 AM PST

My vote is New Monarchy Regalia/Desert Matte

submitted by /u/SpellingBeeChampeon
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You can shoot the Councilors through their bubbles during their spawn animation

Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:12 PM PST

Youtube video about it

So basically, there's a brief moment that lets you to damage Councilors through their bubbles during their spawn animation. I've been shooting those Councilors through their shields during the past month and no-one else knew this was possible so I figured it may be worth of posting.

Is this useful? Prob not.

Can confuse other guardians? Yessssss.

submitted by /u/Tonuu
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Found a glitch today.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:53 AM PST

Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Lore Thursday! Let's discuss the lore and story in Destiny.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!

In need of more Destiny Lore? Come visit /r/DestinyLore!


  • All top-level comments must be genuinely lore-related. This is a serious thread for discussion of the worlds of Destiny.
  • All spoilers must be marked. To mark a spoiler type [Spoiler: Put stuff here](#s "Your spoiler"). Example: Spoiler: You'll never guess who The Speaker is.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Why do pvp games have people dropping out constantly?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 02:36 AM PST

Every game somebody drops out and ruins it.

submitted by /u/stirly80
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