Dead by Daylight Saturday Tech Support - March 03, 2018

Saturday Tech Support - March 03, 2018

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:11 AM PST

Hello people of the fog! Here you can ask tech support questions, such as workarounds for certain errors and configuring the game for certain setups.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top level comments must contain a tech support request.
  • Don't spam the thread with requests; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your request hasn't been asked already.


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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When you're trying to hide from the killer but your rank 20 teammates keep pointing you out

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:51 AM PST

The counter to DS we've all been waiting for... [credit to "iniro" on tumblr]

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:06 PM PST

Laurie dropped in on her brother during his personal time.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:56 AM PST

Sketched Out My Favorite Killers

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:29 AM PST

They nailed the Myers DLC

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PST

As a Halloween fan, when I think of Myers I think of him in two different ways: lurking from afar or just going hard. The DLC literally nails that so well and it still impresses me how they were able to do a cool mechanic that made Myers seem like Myers. Every time I see him stalking I feel like I'm in a Halloween movie and that to me is impressive. I know this Reddit likes to give the devs flack but regardless of what you may think of his power, they made it where you had to play like Michael and as a survivor you're definitely trying to escape Michael, if that makes sense. I just had to express that after playing against him. I am damn impressed with that DLC.

submitted by /u/caspercunningham
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l o n g

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:11 AM PST

Hardcore Mode - Rank Perk Removal System

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:04 AM PST

*Disclaimer: I don't want this to replace the current matchmaking or perk system, I want an option to select "Hardcore Mode" at the beginning of rank reset each month.

The general idea is that the higher your rank, the less perks you should need to win. This would be true for both Killer and Survivors.

Rank 20-15 = 4 perk slots Rank 14-10 = 3 perk slots Rank 9-5 = 2 perk slots Rank 4-1 = 1 perk slot

This would not only separate the men from the boys, but the base game is much more balanced and pure without everyone running 4 crutch perks at all times. This would in no way be penalizing good players, it's as badge of honor.

Post Game your name should be displayed with a Hardcore badge next to it as a reward. They could also attach cosmetic rewards for reaching rank 1, as reaching rank 1 right now is just a matter of playing the game for a bit.

submitted by /u/rabidcavy
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So killers can take sprint burst now?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:25 AM PST

[FANART] Sunset In The Fields

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:26 AM PST

What a beautiful camera angle.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 02:36 AM PST

Killers and Hatch Stand-offs

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:11 AM PST

As a Killer Main, just here to say a few things regarding the Hatch and the last Survivor.

1) Don't camp the hatch if you know it's there, just wander around and see if you can find them. If they don't know where it is, this is how you'll catch them.

2) Don't bother with the stand off, hit them for points and just let them go. I'll explain why below:

As a Killer, the bloodpoints gained for Killing the last Survivor are: 2500 - Nobody Escaped 500 - First Hook + 200 Entity Summoned OR 200 - Second Hook 200 Sacrifice.

That's a sum total of 3400 MAX or 2700/2900 Min.

How much do 3k Bloodpoints mean to you, to make you stand on a hatch and wait for them to fuck up? What do the Survivors stand to gain? 2000 Hatch Escape 5000 Escape

You will, at most gain 3400 while they will gain 7000 regardless of the situation. They gain more Points, so the escape means more to them then it does you. They have more reason to dedicate towards Escaping, especially if we consider how many points they have overall up to this stage. This 7k could easily be more than what they already have, if not doubling their current points, or increasing it by an entire third, while you as the killer probably have over 20k points at this stage and will at most gain 1 brown item from a blood web.

Now, you may be wondering "Why is it that I should let the Survivor have his escape just because he gains more from it?" And the answer is simple, do you really want to wait a near infinite amount of time in a Mexican Standoff that will ONLY end if the Survivor jumps into the hatch?

Secondly, no matter what you do, the survivor will always have the advantage in this situation. If they leave the hatch, while you can follow them, going too far from the hatch means they will almost definitely escape.

Even if you injure them and get back to the hatch near them, they can heal on top of it and you can't stop them. This survivor could easily just go do generators and then you'll have to make the choice to guard the hatch or try to stop them.

At the end of the day, it's your choice. If you really want to annoy the survivor, go AFK (Watch a movie, go shopping, cook / eat dinner) then finish it up when you get back.

The 4k isn't worth the trouble of wasting god knows how many minutes standing there.

Do I think the Hatch should stay is? No, it definitely needs something different to remove the stand off as it is, but right now there isn't a good reason for you to waste your time waiting for them to get bored.

submitted by /u/alazynovelfan
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3 ways to reduce toxicity (in-game mechanics suggestions)

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:33 AM PST

  • "A Bow" gesture (at least for survivors). Or at least "a Nod". Now all available gestures are: "Go fuck yourself", "Come at me, fuckface" and, of course, T-bagging. Sometimes I really want to bow to a good Killer before escaping.


  • An Honor system like the League of Legends one. Survivors can give Honor after a match to a Killer and vice versa. It'll solve a HUGE problem - everyone notice toxicity, but good behavior (for example, hatch for the last one) remains unnoticed (maybe "Ty" in chat). Honorable killers can get cosmetics (angelic glow and whatnot).


  • Tips. If you really liked playing with someone (including your opponent), you can give him some bloodpoints after a match. Even a little can be nice and heartwarming.


Now the system promotes toxicity. Sure there are some nice chats, but they are few and far between.


It's important to remember - survivors and killers both are slaves of the Entity. They are both stuck in Hell. And I think that the Kindred text is about both too.


"Be kind to one another. We're all in this together." — Sujan, The Lost Tapes

submitted by /u/Falcon3x3
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The MacMillan Estate pool. WTF?

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 11:09 PM PST

Perks are overrated.

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:30 PM PST

Fix The Sound

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:05 AM PST

Seriously, devs. Can you address the sound issue already? It's been broken for months now, and it is extremely crippling for killers. You did something to the sound, it is virtually impossible to track survivors anymore by using sound. It feels like EVERYONE is using Iron Will. Footsteps are completely inaudible, moans of pain seem to be reduced by 75% from what they once were.

Try playing Nurse without sound, honestly. Do you even play your own game? (aside from survivor). Where's the Q/A department? I've heard Tru3 (streamer) say this very same thing countless of times before, yet I refused to believe it. However after playing killer intently, the difference is extremely noticeable. You broke the sound, and you're failing to address it.

Fix. The. Sound. PLEASE. I'm not asking you to buff the killers here, I'm asking you to simply fix the sound, because it is clearly broken. It is very crippling.

P.S - If you ARE aware of this issue, then just fix it. This has been a problem for months now, being "aware" of something isn't an excuse.

submitted by /u/Falxie
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It just doesn't seem right that I should get pulled off at that point. Why the fuck is the progression bar full if I'm not done?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 01:15 PM PST

New killer: The Trash Man

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:40 PM PST


Power: The Trash Can

Using the secondary attack button, The Trash Man throws TRASH all over the ring, and then he starts eating garbage, and then he picks up the trash can and he SMASHES the nearest survivor in the head, killing them instantly.


Hex: Grand Entrance: The most important part of a routine is the entrance. Your terror radius is reduced by 50%/75%/100%. All players in the match are rewarded a 50%/75%/100% Blood Point boost for all actions done while the related hex totem is still standing. The hex effect persists as long at the related Hex Totem is standing. "I'm a villain don't you see!?"

Serrated Weapon: It seems your weapon of choice cuts a bit deeper than you initially thought. Every time you hook someone gain a token up to a maximum of 1/2/3. The next time you attack a survivor they will go into a bleed-out timer (like BT) that lasts x seconds, before they go into the dying state. (A token can be used on already injured survivors as well, wasting the token). "Must've had an edge..."

Champion: You are a champion who rules over all who oppose you. Every time you hit a survivor, the aura of other survivors (excluding the one you just attacked) are revealed to you for 2/3/4 seconds. "I knew this shit wasn't fake."

submitted by /u/HowToPregoYourDrago
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What are some advanced tips and tricks that experienced player could not know?

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:40 AM PST

I have nearly 400h and I'd say I'm doing pretty good job at this game, except doing 360'ties, but from time to time I learn some new stuff that often seems obvious.

For example, recently I found out that you will do a slow vault if going at an angle even if sprinting. And I'm amazed that I somehow missed that if gen is damaged, it will lose progress over time. Thought it would just revert certain amount of progress and stay like that.

submitted by /u/Janjis
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Dead by Daylight: A short fan fiction.

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:22 PM PST

edit: an external link if the format doesn't translate to reddit.

I roar as the meat hook slowly pushes through my arm. I want to lash out, to stab, to burn, to tear apart the thing doing this to me. To torture it with the same malicious methodology it has inflicted upon me over the years. I feel my skin parting, cut with some unseen blade. The Entity was very displeased today. Four had escaped me in the swamp with that old paddle steamer. They had broken all my traps, leaving the dismantled pieces in the mud. Whenever I chased one of them down another was there to shine an unnaturally bright light in my face. Worst of all, after the old boats horn echoed into the night, sending the crows flying into the air, they stayed to mock me. All at the gate, goading me, waving me forward, crouching and standing in some ridiculous dance clearly meant to be insulting. I seethe with rage powerless to stop the Entity as it...encourages me to do better next time. I take my bear traps and put them together, but this time I add 4 springs to each to make the trap harder to get out of. I won't let anyone escape this time. When I'm finished I shove as many as I can into a bag I stitched together myself. It was a patchwork job, taking large pieces of skin from my victims and sewing them together. Last I looked the at the collection of items I have amassed. Photos, scraps of medical records, bottles of strange liquid that could thicken or lessen the fog that perpetually blankets this place. I reach down and grab a wooden bauble and throw it into the fire. The flames lap up the offering quickly, consuming it greedily not even leaving ashes behind. The Entity is calling on me once again, eager for sacrifice. I put on my mask and bag, grab a third trap from my work bench and reach for my hatchet but pause, hand hovering above it. Instead I grab the handle of the machete I stabbed into the wall and yank it free. I hear the whispers immediately "anoyk yeqkany'ye hvay'k l'gnoo eydokl'x : sekall'o ammk'ix" I breath in the familiar scent of the estate, home. I can see the storehouse in the distance, and as I look more closely I can see my traps. Despite distance or obstructions I can make out the outline of each trap scattered around the property. I can also see the generators scattered around. The survivors will have to repair them before they could escape. I'd have to put a stop to that. Behind me was a shack. The ramshackle building wasn't part of estate. This building shows up wherever I go, superimposed on reality by the Entity. I take the trap in my hand and set it at the corner of the doorway next to a pallet leaning against the opening. The wood pile there camouflages the open mouth of the trap. The next I set under the outside of the window in the tall grass. The third also went outside, against the wall to the left of the second door into the shack. Inside the shack was the basement where there were 4 hooks, a shrine dedicated to the entity. 4 hooks, 4 survivors. That was the ritual. I walk toward the nearest generator, walking fast, my enormous stride eating ground at a tremendous pace. It is silent and cold like the surroundings. I see a totem in the corner but beyond it behind the wall I see a bear trap. I crouch and pick it up and turn my attention to the generator, eager to find the sacrifices. Patrolling the gennys brings me to the storehouse. I hear it chugging as if trying to start but nothing else. I take a quick look around, making sure no one was around and place a bear trap in a doorway overgrown with grass and pick up another laying near the generator. I give the machine a mighty kick which sends sparks flying and silences the sputtering piston. I leave through the window, using my long legs to simply step out over the wall into the night. Before I go I set the trap just outside the window. One of the gens come to life, lights coming on and illuminating the area around it. By the time I get there, they would already be long gone. Another turns on, drawing my attention. This one is much closer and I know the layout of my estate. They will have to go around the dilapidated water tower so would have to go left or right. I choose left and catch a glimpse of scratch marks indicating that someone had been here just a moment ago. I follow the trail, a predator after it's prey. They don't bother with stealth, instead running with all their might toward safety. They break away but can't keep up the pace forever and are soon exhausted, but they continue to run but now I'm gaining. I grip the machete tight in my hand and raise it up lunging forward to bring it down on them. They look behind them in the last moment and dodge to the side, the blade cutting through the air with a whoosh. I look around me, seeing where they went then, snap. Their scream brings a wicked smile out of me as i turn to the storehouse window. I walked up to a red headed girl wearing a hoody, sweatpants and a jogging headband. Running was obviously her forte, however this was my land. I reached down and grabbed her, pulling her from the trap. As I did I glanced into the window to see a black woman fixing the generator inside. Our eyes met, the fear of my very presence making her hand slip and causing an explosion. I carried the redhead straight to the basement. She struggled with all her might but I was holding her with an iron grip. My eagerness to get her on a hook made me move faster, I even skipped the steps and dropping right down the bottom of the flight stairs. The basement was dark, with lockers on the walls with the stairs the only way in or out. I lifted the girl up and impaled her on the hook much like the Entity had done to me. Her screams echoed throughout the estate. Shut up and bleed. I turned my back to her and went up the steps, eager for the next victim. I picked up the trap that caught the runner and stepped through the window of the storehouse to be greeted with another explosion from the gen. All 4 pistons were pumping but it wasn't fully operational yet. The black woman saw me and frantically tried to finish. Glancing from me to the part she was working on in rapid succession she managed to turn it on just as the machete came down on her. She managed to avoid having her head cleaved but took a massive blow to the shoulder which cut deep. She ran toward my trap and I smiled gleefully but as i turned the corner between shelves looking to heard her toward the door she dropped one of those damn pallets on me. My foot came down with all my might and reduced the wood to splinters in meer moments. I followed her trail she left behind her as she ran, hunting her like an animal. I suddenly sensed the Entities displeasure as the redhead was pulled off the hook. I left the black woman to heal her own wounds as I rushed toward the shack. I saw the redhead run out the back and as I stepped inside to go after her a man in a tuxedo hiding in the corner dropped a pallet on me. Staggering backward I glared daggers at him. That stupid squatting taunt. With brutal strength I smashed the pallet and watched him vault out the window. Snap. I was going to enjoy this. I stepped around the building where the man with salt and pepper hair struggled to free himself. He gave a nervous chuckle and pointed to me with both fingers, thumbs raised up. I whisked down to the basement, having a special spot for him in mind. I put him on the back hook, farthest from the stairs. Fuck. Your. Finger. Guns! I slashed him with the machete 4 times while he cried out in pain, hanging helplessly on the hook. The last generator was complete. Damnit. I went up stairs and reset the trap, this time on the inside of the window and repositioned the one around back to right in the middle of the doorway. It didn't take long before the other survivors came to see if they could get their friend. They let themselves be seen and ran when i took a step toward them. I feint a chase before doubling back and I see the signs of a sacrifice all over the building. I rush in, jumping down the steps again and come up behind the red head just as she is is lifting that taunting gambler off the hook. I grab her and yank her off, and put her on a hook next to his. The entity is pleased to have her back and it's spider like appendages materialize all around her trying to claim it's sacrifice. Upstairs I see a mop of blonde hair peeking over the window sill and the black woman, waiting against the wall, looking to drop in behind me and save the people below. That plan shot, she bolts from the shack and gets her leg caught in the bear trap hiding in the wood pile. She screams in pain and falls to the floor. I pretend not to see the blond e, just like she doesn't see the bear trap on the other side of the window. I pluck up the black woman and bare my teeth in satisfaction when I hear the blond get caught as well. On my way in I casually slash the blonde sending her sprawling to the floor in a puddle of her own blood. Mortally wounded she crawls, trying to get as much distance from me as possible as I put her ally on a hook down stairs. I get the honor of seeing the Entity impale the redhead, it's sharp appendages piercing her body from every direction before dragging her into the unknown in the sky. The woman on my shoulder had given up the struggle, resigned to her fate. That didn't keep her from screaming as I put her on a hook next to the now struggling gambler. He probably thought he could get a lucky break and unhook himself but in the end it only hastened his end. Leaving them behind I search for the blonde. You wouldn't think she had gotten far crawling like that. I eventually find her and pick her up. She is limp on my shoulder and I figure she was resigned to her fate as well. Suddenly a sharp pain in my side makes me drop her. I reach back and pull out a shard of glass from my flesh. I'm going gut this bitch and let her bleed out. I catch sight of her as she runs off and i follow hot on her heels. She is desperate, dropping every pallet down between herself and I, but the trail of blood she leaves behind makes it impossible for her to lose me. I see where she is headed, the switch is already lit up, the door open. No. No no no. My lust for blood gives me an extra boost of speed. She crosses the threshold to the gate, can see the safety of her campfire, and feels the machete cut into her back. I clean the blade on my arm as she desperately crawls for safety, to cross that border the entity won't allow me to follow. I pick her up and carry her to a hook outside. As I get ready to sacrifice her the Entity speaks to me. "You worked well, the last one is yours." That's right, the memento mori I had burnt as an offering. The 3rd sacrifice was being claimed now so I let the blond girl fall from my shoulder. She landed on the ground hard. She look up at me confused before her eyes widened in horror as the moonlight gave her a glimpse of the grin through my mask. 
submitted by /u/avazer
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Just some friends round for dinner...

Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:17 AM PST

Please ignore the sloppy edits on the picture. It’s very early, but here is a swole nurse!

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 10:59 PM PST

Wow that'd be crazy

Posted: 02 Mar 2018 02:08 PM PST

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