Learn Dota 2 - Just hit Top 100 Oracle on Opendota!

Just hit Top 100 Oracle on Opendota!

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:48 AM PST


I'm currently sitting in 100th place at the time of this post. I get that the opendota rankings are a bit wonky, but it was a goal I set for myself to get to top 100 Oracle on Opendota and I just hit it so I'm pretty jazzed.

Its pretty tough as a lower ranked player (there are only 4 Ancient 0s on the list and 2 Leg 5) so it took a big grind.

AMA about Oracle :)

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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New to support

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:55 AM PST

Hello guys! Im new to pos. 5 and I'm losing a lot of games already :D Please tell me anything you know about supporting (meta heroes, when to pull, when to gank, when to not take xp from carry ...) if you have the time to do that i would be really happy :)

submitted by /u/Noahrano
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What's the pub meta like for ancient tier games?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 08:36 AM PST

I know that the pro meta is trilane mid and all that but that doesn't seem to reflect during my pubs.

submitted by /u/therealjpop
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Discussion: Do you mute your entire team from the start, or try and communicate in low MMR Dota?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:10 AM PST

This has been something on my mind whenever I play and I tend to stick with trying to communicate and muting people if people are dicks. Slacks showed how communication can win games and I do feel like some games speaking and throwing out suggestions of what to do next does wins me games, but some times I feel it goes the other way, and tilts me, and obviously this wouldn't happen if I muted everyone from the start. What are people's thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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trying to learn meepo

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 09:28 AM PST

hi reddit, i'm currently trying to learn meepo. has a few run with him in turbo mode and bots, got comfortable with the hero. I play a number of micro hero as well (brood, LD, visage, lycan) so my micro skill is quite decent. any tips on how i should build meepo and what to do and not to do? i can do meepo basic combo, blink poof and stuff, anything more that i should know of? things like when i should get aghs and when meepo is able to solo rosh (generally around ancient bracket games)


submitted by /u/iShiraz
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When to shove vs when to keep lane static

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:12 PM PST

Recently, I've been seeing people shoving lanes then going to jungle.

Personally, I'm used to keeping my lane static while being close to my tower.

My question is: when should I be doing either of the two?

Furthermore, is it a lane specific thing like shove when mid, static when safelane?

submitted by /u/torutaka
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What to do when your support gives you a ward?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:03 AM PST

I've been playing some mid and sometimes the overeager supports give me a ward with the tangos. I've been placing them in this spot: https://imgur.com/gallery/S9lu3

In this game (and others) they've spotted me going there and pinged the ward location. If the spot is fine I could use the shadows to place it better.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Cherentr
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Best Offlane heroes against a trilane ?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:34 AM PST

Literally every SEA Ancient game I get trilaned and destroy me despite me literally being under T1 Tower (Getting Xmark by kunkka is almost a 100% death moment).My team won't tp and just type "offlane more" and when I ask them to tp they just ignore me

submitted by /u/GonHunterxHunter
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Best Heroes to Counterpick SF Mid?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:37 PM PST

I can't think of any true counters to SF mid.

The best counters I've seen so far in the divine bracket are:

-Tinker with Max lazer rocket

-Qop lvling dagger

And even these don't feel that good, 55/45 match ups at best. Probably more like 50/50.

What is the best pick against SF? Would like to hear some thoughts from any other 5k+ players

It might be a lot to ask but please post a link to your dotabuff before posting. This thread is getting spammed by salty 2k/3k players who are upset that I disagree with their awful suggestions.

Yes the best thing to do is gank SF I agree completely. But there should be an ideal counter-pick to SF. So far it still seems like those are 1a) Qop and 1b) Tinker. I will be testing out huskar as an interesting possibility

submitted by /u/troubleleaving
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How to play kunkka?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:35 AM PST

I'm playing turbo to complete my all hero challenge. I'm stuck on kunkka and I can't seem to play him well as i could be. what item build should i go? how do i get kills/ gank succesfully?

submitted by /u/AwesomeAsian
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Can someone give me a BristleBack build?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:24 PM PST

Hey guys, I am pretty new to dota and started playing bristleback. I can't seem to find a good build. I know building is situational but since I'm so new I just want to have a decent all around build I can use for now. Thank you.

submitted by /u/WinRARHF
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When do you buy Dagon on Storm Spirit?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 03:12 PM PST

Is dagon a viable item on storm? when do you get it? After Orchid?

submitted by /u/Tayaker
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Is it worth it trying to learn Chen just to play uncoordinated pub matches?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

If so, can you recommend me some guide from a good Chen player?

I'm 3k with no micro skills.

submitted by /u/wdlmlol
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How to pull dire side offlane?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:36 AM PST

And where to? The hard camp? I saw a guy doing this using Earthshaker's fissure to block the creeps, connecting them to the nearest camp by T2 tower. How would you do this with other supports?

submitted by /u/Gilladriel
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Meepo fight or farm?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:49 AM PST

So I won a 15 to 5 meepo game. However in the beginning I fed several kills and my level 23 lead made all my opponents 19 + and my team at level 14 and below.

We won at 40 mins.

I'm thinking that I should've farmed until my teammates are ready. But if I farm too much without killing the enemy would put meepo advantage early game to waste.

I did mostly trade kills. My death for 2 or three heroes. Again, these deaths made their heroes so much higher than my teams levels.

So should I farm or fight for trade off kills?

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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Greedy vs Defensive vs Aggressive

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 11:03 AM PST

I've heard of supports being broken down into these three categories where each category can beat one but loses to the other. For example, an aggressive support beats a greedy one, but loses to the defensive.

First, is this true? Second, can this apply to the other positions? If not, what other "simple" categories do you apply to the other positions?

submitted by /u/TezMono
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Sf vs qop matchup

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 04:57 AM PST

Amongst all of the match up, playing against SF as QOP is the most headache of all.

First of all, I know that qop have to assert her dominance from level 1. Throw dagger and out last hit SF till lvl 2 when u could get a potential solo kill. But from lvl 3 onwards, 2 razes and you fucking gone man.

Feels kinda bullshit, one mistake as QOP and your lane is gone against SF. Does anyone have any tips or special ways to play an even lane? Thanks

Edit: Because SF now is high pick in ranked play, trying to find out how qop counters him. Maybe will give a brief update on a detailed way to lane against sf in this thread, compiling all of your tips and tricks so most of us can play better against players who picked him

submitted by /u/AtlasWongy
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Learning jugg and sf

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 10:52 AM PST

sometimes i dont know when to pick jugg and sf thats the first question 2one is like when can i go for sangenyasha instead of bf or maelstrom it is very confusing thats for jugg and for sf when can i build like a magic or physical build .-. im legend 1

submitted by /u/D3v1L_J1nX
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Discord / Steam Groups / chat channel for turbo?

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 12:29 AM PST

Hey guys,

I'm wondering where I can find a group of players that like to play fast dota games (preferably turbo but coop is fine too)? NA or EU or Russia doesn't matter.

I've some discord channels open (No Courrier Needed, EU Dota2, BeneDota, Learndota) but most like to play solo or party ranked for kayzr/faceit/other league points.

I'm just looking for a friendly place for fast casual dota. (2k mmr, 900 hours of dota, very high behaviour score btw)

Can someone point me out? Thanks.

submitted by /u/CrazyCamel8
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How do I target the tiny toss target without autoattack as Tiny?

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 08:22 PM PST

I have auto attack turned off, how can I target an enemy hero while I am tossing him without auto attack on?

submitted by /u/DillyLips
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Help needed arc warden/carry play

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 02:44 AM PST

Im a low-ranked player, guardian5, and cant seem to climb over 800 mmr solo. Im 1300-1400-ish when in team, where i play pos 4-5 and follow the advices of my more skilled teammates. In solo I pick carries in half my games, and the results are far from excellent. I have 1600 matches, 140 with arc warden, with 45% winrate. I suspect that aside my bad mechanical skills I do make fundamental strategic mistakes which im unable to identify.

Recently I played one of my best games w warden, which we promptly lost. I think it wasnt as good as i first suspected, despite being the networth leader until 80% of the game and becoming 6 slotted and finishing with 10-3-14. I still couldnt help enough to win the game, and i think its not entirely the fault of my teammates.

Could u have a look at the game? Its ID is 3741298079

Which are my most glaring weaknesses? Perhaps im playing too cautiously? Not joining teamfights frequently enough? Not adaptive enough in playstyle and item selection? (Im mostly building the same items w little variation)

Please tell ur medal rank in ur aswer.


submitted by /u/The_Smoking_Mirror
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How can i improve on Dragon knight

Posted: 19 Feb 2018 09:41 PM PST

https://www.dotabuff.com/players/505177414 This is my dotabuff ID and i know i am just a crusader 1 but i want to ask, how can i further improve on DK. Although i have relatively high winrate on him, still i think i can maybe itemize better. I follow the old item build of soul ring,treds, sb, bkb and any other item which the game demands.I would like to know any subtle mechanics or stratergies followed by pro DK players. I play in SEA servers with lackluster teamwork. This is my first reddit post btw.

submitted by /u/warriorosparta
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