Street Fighter SFV Community Comprehensive List of Issues by Priority - Round 5

SFV Community Comprehensive List of Issues by Priority - Round 5

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:10 PM PST

This thread is designed to collect feedback on the latest edition of Street Fighter V. Voting will take place 1-2 months from the time of this post to properly organize all collected information.

Please review the following information and list your criticism in the thread below.

Please View these Archives as Refference to Current/Past Issues with SFV

Archive Round 1 - July 2016

Archive Round 2 - January 2017

Archive Round 3 - February 2017

Archive Round 4 - July 2017

Archive Round 4 Results - September 2017

r/SF SFV Voter Statistics

Number of subscribers to r/SF: 51,300 Unique Users

Community Feedback Suggestion thread: 174 Comments

Community Feedback Polls: 874 Total Votes

User Experience Results:

  1. Netcode – 307 (31.1%)

    The online experience is not as fluid as other fighting games. From matchmaking to connection issues to rollback the overall online experience leaves a lot to be desired.

  2. One Sided Rollback – 141 (16.1%)

    The game does not equalize rollback frames between players. Instead, it seems one player takes the brunt of the lag in most games.

  3. Input Delay – 131 (15%)

    This has been somewhat reduced since launch (testing shows 5.3f at best or 6.5f at worst).

  4. Loading Times – 108 (12.4) - FIXED WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Load times are arbitrarily too long (game not actually loading but showing animations/transitions). This problem has been fixed by modders on the PC but PS4 players do not have this luxury.

  5. Player 2 Rematch – 31 (3.5%) - FIXED WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Player 2 has no ability to decide if the match goes back to character select or right back into the next match. Thumbs up.

  6. Fight Money Grind – 28 (3.2%)

    Fight Money is too hard to come by in order to purchase available characters/stages/costumes without excessive grind. Slow matchmaking and load times exacerbate this problem.

  7. Training Mode – Online Training – 19 (2.2%)

    Allow players to match up in a training room as was done in USF4.

  8. Training Mode – Allow DLC Character Testing – 15 (1.7%)

    Before purchasing a character, allow them to be used in training mode.

  9. Battle Lounge – Region Filter – 12 (1.4%)

    Allow players to filter the battle lounge search by region.

  10. Battle Lounge – Accurate Ping/Connection – 11 (1.3%) - PARTIAL FIX ON 9/26/2017

    The 5 bar connection indicator is not enough information on how a connection will play. Ping would indicate how much input delay can be expected.

  11. Ranked Matchmaking – Character Select – 11 (1.3%)

    Do not force character lock when searching for ranked matches. Allow players to select character after the match has been made.

  12. Training Mode – Remove VS Screen when Entering Training Mode 9 (1%) - FAST LOAD PARTIAL FIX WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Allow the training room to load in as soon as it's ready because the VS animations are redundant considering it's not a real match.

  13. Player to Player In Game Communication – 9 (1%)

    There is currently no way to send any type of message in game. All communication surrounding the game requires 3rd party connection.

  14. Keybindings – 8 (0.9%) FIXED WITH PATCH ON 9/26/2017

    Configurable keyboard key bindings. It should be also available in the options and before a versus match just like controllers. Finally, controllers and keyboard shouldn't share "player 1"

  15. Character Preview / Tutorials Prior to Purchase – 7 (0.8%)

    No way to even see how a character is played prior to purchase. People want to be informed about their purchases before making them.

  16. Hitbox Viewer – 6 (0.7%)

    Ability to see hitboxes in training room to practice more efficiently.

  17. Battle Lounge – Steam Integration – 5 (0.6%)

    Allow players to send invites via Steam.

  18. Battle Lounge – Rank Filter – 4 (0.5%)

    Allow players to filter searches by rank.

  19. Ranked Matchmaking – Unlimited Rematch – 3 (0.3%)

    Players currently limited to a best of 3 rematch.

  20. Ranked Matchmaking – No Wait Indicator – 2 (0.2%)

    No indication of how long the wait might be between next ranked match or how many players online at the time of search.

  21. Training Mode – Debug – 2 (0.2%) - PARTIAL FIX WITH AE 1/16/2018 NEW BUGS PRESENT

    Some things do not work properly in training mode. For example, post normal throw and the opponent is set to wake up with a reversal jab they won't wake up with the attack.

  22. Framerate Ratings/Testing – 2 (0.2%)

    Allow PC's to test framerate and give ranking like in USF4, especially if rollback is tied to framerate.

  23. Friends List Management / Lobby Invite System – 2 (0.2%)

    Friends lists are unwieldy and friends cannot join lobby of friends with an open lobby easily.

  24. Replay Management – 1 (0.1%) - FIXED WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Finding and searching through replays needs updated.

Gameplay Results:

  1. Input Delay – 259 (30%)

    This has been somewhat reduced since launch (testing shows 5.3f at best or 6.5f at worst).

  2. More Defensive Options – 218 (25.2%)

    Needs more options for the defending player to escape pressure.

  3. Expanding on V-System – 140 (16.2%) - PARTIAL FIX WITH AE 1/16/2018

    More ways to use V-Meter. Multiple V-Trigger/Skill.

  4. Balance Risk/Reward of Jumping/Anti-Airing – 55 (6.4%) - PARTIAL FIX WITH AE 1/16/2018

    When landing a jump in can lead to big damage or end of the round, the punishment for anti-airs des not outweigh the risk.

  5. Hurboxes Remain Extended for Whiff Punishing – 48 (5.6%) - PARTIAL FIX WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Hurtboxes retract too fast to be whiff punished with available options.

  6. Improve the Crush Counter System – 45 (5.2%) - PARTIAL FIX WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Crush Counters in the neutral are overpowered for some characters at little risk.

  7. Revert DP Nerf – 35 (4.1%)

    Revert invincibility of reversals prior to the nerf.

  8. Bonus Damage for Perfect Links – 33 (3.8%)

    If the attack button is hit with perfect timing, players should be rewarded with higher damage. The 3f input buffer does not reward good execution.

  9. Priority System Changes – 12 (1.4%)

    Crush Counters in the neutral, lights are risky to poke with.

  10. Change Audio cue for non-Crush Counter Counter Hits – 10 (1.2%)

    Currently no difference in audio between normal hit, and counter hit. Blind players cannot tell the difference.

  11. Fix Air to Air Recovery Advantage – 9 (1%)

    Often if you air to air your opponent, they will land before you and are able to punish your landing or at the very least are given the advantage on recovery.

Misc. Results:

  1. Capcom Communication with Community – 484 (61.7%)

    With SFV sold as a service, not a one-time product, there is little to no interaction between Capcom and the people trying to use this service. Examples of this miscommunication or no communication are myriad.

  2. Arcade Mode – 120 (15.3%) - FIXED WITH AE 1/16/2018

    Arcade mode, like has been in most every street fighter game in the franchise.

  3. Graphical Improvement on Certain Models – 84 (10.7%)

    Ken/Ibuki's face, various hair and scarf clipping, etc.

  4. Lab Zero Drivers to get Rid of Need for DS4 – 56 (7.1%)

    No need for converters, reduce input lag.

  5. Router Support – 27 (3.4%)

    Currently there are many routing problems with this game only that affect certain routers more than others.

  6. Linux Version – 14 (1.8%)

    Was promised prior to launch, no word since.

Fix Summary Post-Round 4

  • Loading Times
  • Player 2 Rematch
  • Keybindings
  • Replay Management
  • Arcade Mode

Partial Fixes - (open to debate)

  • Battle Lounge – Accurate Ping/Connection
  • Training Mode – Remove VS Screen when Entering Training Mode
  • Training Mode – Debug
  • Expanding on V-System
  • Balance Risk/Reward of Jumping/Anti-Airing
  • Hurboxes Remain Extended for Whiff Punishing
  • Improve the Crush Counter System

Video Summary

Link to iTunes

Link to GooglePlay

Podcast format Search "r/SF Radio" on iOS and Android or plug in the following URL to your preferred podcast player:

submitted by /u/Joe_Munday
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‘Street Fighter Saved My Life’ — One Man’s Journey From Prison to eSport Pro

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:32 AM PST

I'm doing a huge series on every character's balance changes and V-Trigger 2's for ShoryukenTube. Check it out.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:23 AM PST


Posted: 24 Jan 2018 05:04 AM PST

Just finished up this custom Vega (Claw) Fightstick.

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:23 AM PST

Shin Akuma in SF5:AE

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 10:27 PM PST

First thing I thought of after completing Sakura's Story

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 05:34 PM PST

ELEAGUE and Twitch Sign Multi-Year Exclusivity Deal, to include FGC content

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:29 AM PST

New Arcade Stick by Sanwa

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:50 PM PST

SFV - Ring of Destiny Music Remix (8-String Guitar)

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:34 AM PST

Make sure to complete the new 10 jumping attack mission

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 08:04 PM PST

You have 2 days to rake in that sweet 50 Fight Money.

submitted by /u/Cynaris
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Ranked Flair Thread. Set your online rank with character flairs!

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 07:31 AM PST

New CFN website here:

Post here to get your ranked flair.

Note: If you have milestone/special flair which needs to be set manually, or if you are having trouble. Direct message me.


STEP 1: Find your character in this list:

- sfvbirdie - sfvcammy - sfvchun - sfvdhalsim - sfvfang - sfvkarin - sfvken - sfvlaura - sfvbison - sfvnash - sfvnecalli - sfvrashid - sfvrmika - sfvryu - sfvvega - sfvzangief - sfvalex - sfvguile - sfvibuki - sfvbalrog - sfvjuri - sfvurien - sfvakuma - sfvkolin - sfved - sfvabigail - sfvmenat - sfvzeku - sfvsakura 

then add your rank to the end of it:

- xbronze - xsilver - xgold - xplatinum - xdiamond - xmaster - xgrandmaster 

So for example:


Would give you gold akuma flair.

STEP 2: Automoderator will reply to you and ask you to give it some text for your flair. If you don't complete this step, your flair WILL NOT save!

  1. Text has to end with your profile in this format: CFN: name
  2. Your CFN needs to show up in a CFN profile search here:

For example:

on the scene | CFN: soulsynapse 

Don't lie about your rank, try to keep it reasonably updated. If you get called out and you don't fix it, you'll be blacklisted from setting your rank again.

If this thread is archived, please message me directly and I'll make another.

submitted by /u/Quasimodox
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didnt care for sakura all these years until this games arcade mode *spoilers*

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 03:33 AM PST

because she has instantly become more relatable to me, probably more so than any of the cast. I used to compete in judo and kickboxing all the way up through the last few years, but lately it's taken a backburner as things have become more complicated in life with adult responsibilities, and the fact Im not going to stay in my 20's forever has really made it sink in to find a full time job, make money, find someone to grow old with etc. It's refreshing to see something so human in the series

submitted by /u/helsbellz
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Collecting All Arcade Mode Endings - Help Fill This Out!

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 01:08 AM PST

Chun-Li video combo guide for AE

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 11:47 PM PST

Maximum Rashido

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 10:00 AM PST

Alex Updates and VTrigger 2: Rage Boost

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:36 AM PST

Who's maining who - EVO Japan edition. Please contribute what you know!

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:02 AM PST

This is purely based on what I see on the internet (CFN, Twitter, Twitch, forums etc.), so your contribution is greatly appreciated. Also obviously none of them are confirmed.

Infiltration: Menat / Juri

Punk: Karin / Chun

Mago: Rashid

Momochi: Kolin

Poongko: Kolin

Itazan: Abigail

Sako: Menat

Oil King: Rashid

Gachikun: Rashid

Haitani: Akuma

GamerBee: Cammy

submitted by /u/fredewio
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a correct treatment for the Emperor of Muay Thai

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:03 AM PST

Birdie- Season 3 and stuff

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 08:55 AM PST

So I've been mostly sticking to Birdie since release, but just recently got a bit better, enough to reach Gold ranking. Not finding a firm opinion on his season 3 changes though. What do you guys think? He seems to maybe have been slightly nerfed? But it's honestly hard for me to tell.

I keep struggling with deciding if I want to dedicate my time to him or Ed because I already liked Ed and he seems to be a bit buffed in season 3. Who do you guys think is more worth my time? I understand this is subjective, but I just wanted to have a conversation about it. Also any Birdie tips are well appreciated! Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/JazzPunk38
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Made my first stick out of junk

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 03:05 PM PST

[Daily General Lounge] Here is a collection of general information & useful resources. Casual conversations, quick questions and answers are welcome!

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 04:06 AM PST

This thread provides a place for everyone to ask simple questions and chat about anything reasonably on topic. To new players and new members of the community alike we encourage you tap into all of the resources of this sub.

  • If you're a new player looking for players around your same skill level, check out the New Challenger, the go to place for new players trying to level up!

  • If you want to learn how to play and become a better player at Street Fighter V, you must check out the useful resources below:

Street Fighter V Character Data & Move Lists

Rashid R. Mika ChunLi Ryu Ken
Cammy Laura Zangief Karin Nash
M.Bison Birdie Vega Necalli Dhalsim
F.A.N.G Alex Guile Ibuki Balrog
Juri Urien Akuma Kolin Ed
Abigail Menat Zeku

Character Discussion Index for character specific combos, tips and matchups

General FAQ

  1. I'm new to SFV and this is overwhelming! What do I do?
  2. Where can I find a basic overview of each character?
  3. What does _____ mean?
  4. Where can I find combos?
  5. How can I stop being bad?
  6. Are there other Fighting Game communities?
  7. Where can I find replays?
  8. Can my computer handle Street Fighter V?
    • Click here to see Street Fighter V PC Recommended Specs!
  9. What's Footsies?
  10. Execution problems?
  11. Advanced Techniques?
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Dark (Alex) Vs Z4 Fabio (Laura)

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 06:00 AM PST

When it comes to hate messages, I prefer unconventional responses

Posted: 23 Jan 2018 12:31 PM PST

Horrible New Player Experience...

Posted: 24 Jan 2018 09:28 AM PST

I have to say that as someone that generally likes to play competitive in a lot of games, SFV has been the worst experience I personally have ever had.

The matchmaking seems completely broken, I am a Rookie with a 20-30% win rate who is total trash and understandably so but in any other game I would be playing against other trash players like myself until I gradually improved over time and moved on up. The most recent fighting games I've played and enjoyed were Tekken 7 and Injustice 2 and it always felt like I was playing against someone of an equal skill level until eventually I'd get a high enough rating/rank and hit a wall that I needed to really put in a lot of effort and improve drastically to move up farther.

Besides fighting games, I've played other competitive games like Dota 2 and CS:GO. Same thing, the matches always felt for the most part balanced with the occasional smurf stomping everyone.

With SFV, as a Rookie I feel like I am playing against Bronze Gods. I am playing against players I can barely knock 30-40% of their health bar and on top of that these guys seem know exactly how to block, when to block, how to pull of sick combos, etc.

Is there really not a single shit player like myself other there that Capcom can find to play against me? Or is this game really just filled with 99% SF vets who have played the game for years and next to no newcomers?

I just want to know if there is any point in just getting shit on over and over again because honestly like I said I've never been so crushed in a competitive game before. It just feels like the next 20-30 games will just be me losing again that's how big of a skill gap there seems to be and I don't see why I can't just play against other people who suck at this game like me just to get a feel for the game over time and then work my way up to better players like in any other game with a ranked/mmr/elo system.

submitted by /u/EvilMoogle1
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