Halo - Destroying a Halo with a single swipe

Destroying a Halo with a single swipe

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:10 PM PST

Ripa Moramee was a beast

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:05 PM PST

Sorry but this what the ideal male body looks like

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:05 AM PST

What happens to Cortana on the Dawn is just heartbreaking

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:25 AM PST

I never really thought about Cortana's mental health until now.

In Halo Wars 2 (small spoiler alert), the Smart AI Isabel watched her team as they were murdered and they even called out to her for help. We know that she's haunted by this and we know that Smart AI can experience some pretty raw emotions even before rampancy.

In Halo 1 we have Cortana witnessing the death of all the crew members from the Autumn from either the boarding parties at the beginning or when the ring was destroyed. Kind of heavy stuff for someone who had a connection to most senior staff or the occasional private who tried to crack a few jokes with her now and then.

If you've read the short story 'I have no mouth but I must scream', then you'll probably understand the horror she must have gone through during her time with the Gravemind until Chief rescues her at the end of Halo 3. The way Cortana even begs John to get her out of there really hurts to hear.

Take a look at the cutscene at the end of Halo 3, just before Chief enters the cryo-pod. It's not the "I'll miss you" that gets me, it's her body language towards him. Everything she has experienced since the beginning has affected her like a real person, and she doesn't want to be left alone. She just wants someone there to help her cope with what she's been through. "Maybe even years" she knows that even after reaching rampancy, she'll have to stay alive for Chief, even if it means being haunted by everything that's happened to her in the meantime.

submitted by /u/sel_
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My Edits

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:26 PM PST

Let’s start off this new year right with another new Halo 3 trick! Getting to the bottom of The Halo Pit has been a challenge for about as long as The Cage has. We used a technique we found a few months ago called "revert grabbing" which has literally changed everything we thought possible!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:17 AM PST

Halo: Warfleet illustrations, Isaac Hannaford

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:55 PM PST

A while back I posted a halo chip I made, i made another except its 10 times better xD

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:33 PM PST

The Guardian.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:49 PM PST

How would you feel if tomorrow 343 announced a new game in the style of Halo 1's graphics, atmosphere, and gameplay; a la Sonic Mania?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:45 AM PST

Now that's an Ultra Kill

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:30 PM PST

An Old School Halo 1 Video... in 2018

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 12:07 AM PST

a whiff and a half

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:05 PM PST

How would you feel about having the ability to both drive and shoot while in a Warthog during the Campaign?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:56 AM PST

This is something I've thought about almost every time time I play though the stories of Halo.

We all know the A.I are not exactly the best at driving. This can become very anoyying when you're like me and want to hop on the Gause Hog in Halo 2 while making your way to the scarab, or just about any section with a Warthog.

Driving would remain exactly the same, with the left stick for acceraltion/reversing and the right for aiming and pointing in the direction you'd wish to go. Only now, a reticle is on the screen and you have the option to shoot the turret while you drive, or drive while on the turret.

Of course this would only work when you have a Marine in the drivers seat, or on the turret itself. And this would make warthog sections such as the one in Halo 2 when you're making your way through the tunnel, more about killing enemies and less about driving past all of them because the A.I isn't as good as shooting as a human would be.

To get an idea of what I mean, hop on a turret and let the A.I drive around. Now pretend as if you're the one driving with the left stick while you aim the turret with the right.

I'm sorry if this has been brought up before. I'd like to know your opinions on the matter. There's always downsides to changes being made, such as losing the good times with the A.I, because they're not always that bad.

I just find myself choosing tanks, ghosts or anything other than Warthogs when I have a chance because I like to have a weapon at my disposal.

Thanks in advance for any opinions. Hope all of you had a great new years.

submitted by /u/WhatsYourWound
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Can't find a game in MCC

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:16 PM PST

I live between houses and decided to take my Xbox to another house but I'm having trouble finding a game in any playlist. I wasn't having this problem at my other house so some ideas on what could be the problem would be nice.

submitted by /u/ChiefErik727
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Halo ce Mcc only 2v2 ?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:19 PM PST

I am lot sure if this is right but wasn't the original able to do at least 4v4 and had vehicles in it too ?

submitted by /u/MisterMauzi
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"Hidden Xperia encounters the I C O N I C flood boys in virtual reality BUT! he's playing as a grunty boy"

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 12:15 PM PST

My weigh in on Sprint, debated to death I know but I really felt like I wanted to share this.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 05:43 PM PST

I truly believe that sprint isn't really "ruining" Halo. I think there's just not enough that sprint offers to make it worth having it in the game. Especially when you weigh it against all the negativity surrounding it. Whether it's fan backlash or how the maps need to be designed or whatever other negative impacts on gameplay that have been pointed out and explained by diehard fans for years.

We already know that people are fine with a no sprint Halo, that's the way it used to be in the classics that people still love to this day. At this point I think it would be best to ditch sprint to show the fans that they are making an even bigger effort to convince us that Halo is going to remain exactly that - Halo.

Is Halo still Halo with sprint? Yes, but this is a very easy way to please fans, show that you're returning a beloved series to its roots (while adding new things at the same time of course) and to separate Halo from mainstream shooters.

People want new things and Halo should always continue to innovate but a lot of people are tired of Halo's identity crisis surrounding core mechanics especially when what came before was very good already.

343, if you're reading this then please don't misjudge what the fans want by following modern trends. It's this mindset that birthed Halo 4 multiplayer in the first place. You have nothing to lose by removing sprint because sprint was never in the timeless classics and you have even more to gain.

In fact, the longer you wait to make a Halo game without sprint, the greater the rift will be between old and new Halo players IF you do eventually decide to remove sprint somewhere down the road.

submitted by /u/ktsmith91
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Last three games of ranked SWAT

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:13 PM PST


How come I'm not getting teammates at or near my own level? Is it because of a low player base? I mean I'm getting matches pretty quickly so it feels that's not the case. Also matchmaking preference is set to balanced if that matters.

submitted by /u/Chillyst
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This was great fun...

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:56 PM PST

How long does ban last?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:55 PM PST

So I just got halo 5 today and I left some social matches, didnt realize this is similar to league of legends, if I leave a match I get a ban <.<

How long does it last?

submitted by /u/Epicstaar
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