Guild Wars 2 - Anet, stop with the random and awkward quotes on your Facebook. It's just stupid.

Anet, stop with the random and awkward quotes on your Facebook. It's just stupid.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:37 AM PST

I feel awkward to see such mediocre and silly quotes. The awkwardness is real.

submitted by /u/Astromiss
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LEGO Sylvari

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 03:42 PM PST

Deep thoughts...

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:04 AM PST

Its been a while

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:05 AM PST

Sonder the Seller (Festival Vendor) needs a mayor rework, especially since Wintersday ended!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:29 PM PST

Sonder the Seller was first introduced in June 2013 after the first (Un-)Seasonal festival of Dragons Bash, so players could get rid of their excess festival currency (Zhaitaffy) after the event was over. They added additional tabs for the two festivals in July and August that year, Bazaar of the 4 Winds and the Queens Jubilee. Both of them also didnt return (in May 2014 the Festival of the 4 Winds was a mash up of those three festivals). With Halloween 2013, they also added cobs of candy corn and some rewards from Halloween (Minis, 20-slot bags) to the vendor to make them available year round.

However, Wintersday Rewards have never been added to Sonder.

In the first years, that wasnt really a problem but especially since the 2017 update to the Wintersday rewards several issues arise because the Charity Corps Seraph has closed up shop and went for a 49 week long vacation, may Grenth bless her.

First of all, the Snowflake Exchange is gone. At first glance, this just seems like a minor inconvenience, since you can still convert stacks of old t1-6 snowflakes into new snowflakes by simply rightclick->consume all.

But this also completely shuts the faucet of Snow Diamonds, since the only other faucet, Personalized Wintersday Gifts, also stopped dropping since WD ended.

Granted, most of the sinks for Snow Diamonds went on vacation along with the vendor but 1 significant sink still remains.

The forge recipes for the Eggnogg Helmet and 3 different seasonal minis as well as the 6 artificer recipes for the tonics and portal device might create a bit demand throughout the year but in my opinion, those are all seasonal cosmetics and arent really needed, so its ok for me, if access to new supply for those isnt available in the off season.

But 1 Snow Diamond is also needed for a collection for the precursor journey towards Frostfang.

And right now, it seems that we are stuck with the current supply of SD until next Wintersday to cover demand for the whole year and that just doesnt look like good design.

In my opinion, precursor crafting is still one of the selling points for HoT and the collections needed to complete those shouldnt be restricted to a festival vendor that is only accessible for 3 weeks a year.

So I hope that Anet will make Snow Diamonds available year round.

Another thing that should be made available all year are Minor Sigils of Mischief in order to have a permanent faucet through forging for the Superior Sigil of Mischief, as you need 4 of them to complete the collection for the Chaos Gun for Quip.

The crafting recipes for the various insignias and inscriptions with givers and bringers stats should also be available year round. It simply makes no sense to restrict access to 2 stat combos to only 3 weeks per year.

submitted by /u/rude_asura
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Someone mentionned Frosty the Snowman in chat, so I had to make this guy! Frosty the Charrman!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:58 AM PST

HotW p1 Thief solo 11:22

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:40 PM PST

Just had an exchange with ANet GM who indicated to me that "gear checkers" are not a ToS violation or bannable offense, and that they do not recognize it as "giving [users] an advantage".

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:06 PM PST

Was trying to report someone I knew to be using a meter that allowed them to see enemy gear, as they repeatedly posted screens of them gear-checking people in Discord, and I think it's honestly quite pathetic. Thought this would be a simple fix, as the dude behind BGDM was outright banned for offering a meter with this ability.

What I got was... not that. The interaction is as follows (I have redacted some personal info about the user, so as to avoid a witch hunt, but left the rest, including the evidence itself):

Edit: for any Anet people who join, ticket is #6751104

Email 1: Initial ticket

December 28, 2017, 23:03 PST

Hello, I would like to report a player for using a 'gear checking' program to see other player's gear. I do not have 'direct' evidence of this, but I can point you in the correct direction, and I hope that will be enough to catch him the next time he uses the tool ingame. I became aware of this because of a screenshot posted in a Discord. His ingame account name is [redacted]. I can confirm he was using this gear checker to read an opposing guild leader's gear at [date & time screenshot was posted in Discord], as you can see in the photo below.

I do not see a place to attach a file, so I will enclose a link to a mirror of the screenshot that was posted by [player's name] himself:

I know that this is not 'hard' evidence, but I know that a player can be caught if reported enough times for this, so I hope this post can at least serve the function of alerting you where to look. I have played this game for many years and I believe that gear-checking programs are especially harmful to competition in WvW.

Email 2: Anet auto-response

Jan 2, 17:04 PST

Hello [incorrect name],

Thank you for contacting Guild Wars Support.

When it comes to third-party programs, this can be a grey area. Unfortunately, there are no official DPS meters I can suggest. There are multiple things that factor in what could be considered against our Rules of Conduct.

We do not condone the use of any specific third-party programs, and they should be used at your own discretion. But as a general rule, if what you are doing does not give any sort of unfair advantage, then it is acceptable. As an example, we are fine with musical instrument macros, as these do not harm the community at all.


GM Tha Creature

Guild Wars 2 Support Team

Email 3: my response to the auto-response

Jan 2, 17:09 PST

I was not asking for you to suggest me a DPS meter, I was reporting a player who is using third-party software to see others' gear, which is a clear violation of the terms of service.

Email 4: actual human response

Jan 2, 17:24 PST

Unfortunately this issue falls under the same grey area that the previously mentioned DPS meter. If it not giving them any kind of lead against other players then we cannot take any action against them. Until this specific gives the player a specific advantage against other players we will not be taking any further action against them.


GM Tha Creature

Guild Wars 2 Support Team

Email 5: me trying to clarify

Jan 2, 17:34 PST

So, just to be clear, what you're saying is:

Being able to "gear check" with a third party tool - that is, to see the exact armor, runes, sigils, and even traits, that your opponent is using (and adjust your builds accordingly to counter them, naturally) - does not constitute a "specific advantage" in the eyes of ArenaNet support?

Email 6: ANet final response

Jan 2, 17:47 PST

Currently under our terms of service the program they are using is not giving them an advantage and we cannot move against their account. As I stated previously we cannot take any action until it is proven that they have an unfair advantage over other players by using this program.


GM Tha Creature

Guild Wars 2 Support Team

submitted by /u/HaruDragonborn
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Wintersday ending Noon Pacific time

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:27 AM PST

This is a bug I can get on-board with!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:38 AM PST

PSA: Festive Imbiber Tonics Are Reset In Water

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:43 PM PST

Normally, the snowman, reindeer, and festive golem tonics take 3 seconds to cooldown, making manually consuming 10k tonics take forever. It takes about 13 minutes to consume a stack of 250 if you consume one about every 3 seconds.

Walking in water removes the tonic effect.

I'd suggest relying on the built in windows "MouseKeys" accessibility program to help save your finger from double click fatigue.

Press "Alt + Shift + Numlock". This will make it so the numpad will move your mouse, but more importantly, the numpad plus key will double click.

So, turn on MouseKeys, get near some water in the game, mouse over a stack of tonics and move left and right into and out of the water while mashing the numpad plus key to quickly consume the tonic stack. (Going forward and back is slower than left and right)

Note: You used to be able to instantly consume tonics when you were downed, but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

Hope it helps.

submitted by /u/EleventhEric
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Gemstore Update - Mini Frozen Tik'Teek

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 08:00 AM PST

New Items

Returning Items

  • Mini Snow Flurry Dragon - 500 gems
  • Winter Solstice Outfit - 700 gems

Going Soon (7 days)

  • Arctic Explorer Outfit - 700 gems
  • Freezie Crown - 350 gems
  • Winter Solstice Appearence Pack
  • Evon Gnashblade Decorative Package
  • Cozy Wintersday Mounts pack
submitted by /u/dulfy
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A GW2 Comics Backlog (Part 1 ;D) [Art]

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:46 PM PST

Day 36: They still suspect nothing

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 10:42 AM PST

For those GW2 players affected by the AMD Adrenalin Driver.

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:26 AM PST

After 1648 days of playing it has finally happened!

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:54 AM PST

Free 25% off code for PoF

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:01 PM PST

Edit: Giveaway over! Congrats /u/TheRaytheone!

Already have the game and PoF. Got a 25% off code for the expansion from the disappointing Yogscast bundle. I'm trusting whoever posts asking for the code to not already have the expansion and to use the code. Just leave a comment and I'll pick someone randomly in 6 hours.

Note: Code expires at the end of the month.

submitted by /u/sumphatguy
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Long lasting, non-toxic static raid group - how ?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:27 AM PST

I would like to hear from small successful guilds here who have managed to stay together and overcome bosses for a long time.

Here are a few questions:

  • how do you deal with always one or two member missing on a scheduled raid night ? Do you have more than ten members and you have them sit out ? If you do that, do you see members dropping out of the guild ?

  • how have you recruited people so that they stay together and keep playing together ?

  • how have you overcome burn outs from certain members ?

  • raids can get frustrating, how have you dealt with toxicity, fights, arguments ?

  • what would you say are the main tips to maintain a successful raid group ?

Thank you for your input (:

submitted by /u/myth-rein-deer
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How to convert Snowflakes into Snow Diamonds now that Wintersday is over?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:00 PM PST

The NPC, Charity Corps Seraph, is gone after the event is over. However, the Festival Merchant does not have a tab for converting snowflakes into snow diamonds unlike candy corns into candy corn cobs. What should I do?

submitted by /u/Vureau
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Royal Terrace Black Lion Trader still (secretly) obsessed with presents

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:51 PM PST

Is Dhuum CM working as intended?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:37 PM PST

Namely, the linebacker. He seems to have really inconsistent behavior when you break him. Sometimes he retargets immediately, sometimes he walks for a varying amount of time and then retargets, and sometimes he just despawns after broken and teleports to the throne. Is he buggy or is this intended?

submitted by /u/cb_maym
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my wonderwoman character was stuck in a superman pose after using the Oakheart's Essence

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 04:42 AM PST

Is there something bad with Hero Points Trains?

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:28 PM PST

I am a returning player, and currently inspired to learn how to run an HP train when I was able to join one in HoT expansion. It made quite an impact to me because it was really helpful.

I like the thought of being of help to players in getting HPs; however as I played on, there seems to be some bad implications with HP trains, for some reason I don't quite understand.

Could anyone please enlighten me regarding this matter?

Thanks a lot

submitted by /u/HaiLwynnn
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Trading Post Advice

Posted: 02 Jan 2018 07:15 PM PST

Yo I got a skin that goes for about 70 gold lowest on the trading post, now since it's unlikely I'll get another rare drop like this, I want to capitalize on this. For those who know the TP in and out, if the lowest seller is selling at 70 gold, what's the highest price I can get away with?

The highest seller is at 150 gold but I think matching that price is too much of a risk due to the large fee. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/LordDankerino
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