True Gaming Do you know of a game that yold its story better than any other medium could have?

Do you know of a game that yold its story better than any other medium could have?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:30 PM PST

I'm looking fojr suggestions since I would lke to think games have potential for greatness through interactivity.

submitted by /u/AkiMatti
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How do you critically analyse a game?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:10 AM PST

Hey guys! I've been thinking and reading into literary analysis for a class I'm taking and the thought struck me that while literature, movies etc have whole frameworks for analysing their meanings, themes, topics and tones for critical analysis works like essays, commentaries and such when it comes to games there really isn't a proper set of frameworks that actually compares.

When being taught about how to analyse literature you are usually taught to look for a certain set of things: Topic(s) and theme(s) being discussed, and how the literary devices of the piece serve to reinforce the theme(s). You can then construct say an essay by finding an angle to examine the work from and discuss the different elements of how each literary device and example aids the theme. This is something taught in pretty much any high school English class and the insight into the works that it has provided has allowed the medium of literature to grow incredibly in quality and ideas. The same can be said of film as well, wherein the device of cinematography is introduced as a additional device to convey theme.

In games however there isn't exactly an equivalent concept. There are no defined "game literary devices" or anything of that sort and often times when people try to analyse games from a narrativist viewpoint it is done so pertaining to traditional literary devices that while may on the surface appear to be working towards the intended theme, are often contradicted by a set of gameplay aesthetics that frame the tone of the game in a different manner.

What's more, many games do not even set out with a narrative, let alone theme or tone in mind, so how does one generalise such a concept to encompass the entire all types of games? Is theme and tone even a universal concept for games, and how would one go about creating a framework for critical analysis of games that is broad enough to allow people to find deeper meaning in games without trying to strangle it out if you understand what I mean. : /

This is a concept that I've been musing over for quite some time now as I think if we want this medium to grow to stand by film and literature and truly have artistic potential we need to be able to see and understand how a game can convey such themes. What are your opinions on this topic? How does one critically analyse games for thematic value or is it something that isn't worth doing at all?


TL:DR: Film/ Literature have frameworks/devices under which we can do critical analysis but games lack such a framework. How do we make one or would it be too specific an idea as to be useful for games overall?

submitted by /u/bluo100
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How do you feel about people watching a full walkthrough of a game instead of playing it?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:07 PM PST

A bit of a "gatekeeping" post i guess. But what are people missing when they watch a game instead of playing it? Would you do this? I used to have a hard time talking about a game with a person who knows all about the game, the story, the game play, the problems with it etc only to find out he has never played it but basically youtubed the whole experience. But now as i rethink this mindset of mine, there might not be anything wrong with watching uncharted 1,2,3 and not playing them in order to fully enjoy uncharted 4's play through. What are your thoughts on the subject?

submitted by /u/TOFAS89
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Doki Doki Literature Club taught me that sometimes it‘s okay to walk away.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:05 PM PST

Older Article on Gaming and Mainstream Culture

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

The Impact of Video Games on Culture

Lately, I've been interested in video games as an art form and how the lessons we learn from playing games impact the culture at large. I found this article while digging around online and thought that this would be a good place to share it. This is a budding interest for me. I'd love to hear more thoughts and opinions on the topic. Cheers!

submitted by /u/matayhass
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Why did the CoD series lose it's massive popularity it once had?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:20 AM PST

No doubt CoD is still one(if not THE)of the top selling games every year. Still very popular worldwide and a staple in modern gaming.

But what happened to its insane popularity of 2009-2013? I remember almost everybody played it. It was all any casual-regular gamer talked about for better or worse,it was much bigger in pop culture,and had a hell of a lot more traction back then.

Was it the decline starting with Ghosts?

Did more MP games become available and it gained more competition? Games like OW/RB6/GTA5:O/BF1,etc. Are titles in recent years I feel might have taken A LOT of previous CoD fans.

Or did the series just catch "lightning in a bottle" for a few years before coming back to a more reasonable popularity?

I'm a COD fan,played all of them except Ghosts since 2009 and I didn't play AW in it's year, I mainly quit between Ghosts-AW returning for BO3 and the past few years I've always felt it hasn't felt the same community/gaming industry wise since at least 2012.

I feel back then it was a much bigger deal than now, and I'm wondering if anyone feels the same or would like to express their thoughts?

submitted by /u/CisumStraeh
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Petition to remove EAs Star Wars license

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:41 AM PST

Help the gaming community around the world. EA has slaughtered it's way through several good IPs, and is now on it's way to ruin the good name and reputation of Star Wars and Disney. It's a company driven by greed with no regard for the passion so many people and developers have for games. I ask you to sign this petition to remove Electronic Arts' (EA) Star Wars license. Show this company that their greed and ruthlessness in the gaming industry will have consequenses. Also, I'd like this petition to get as much attention as possible so drop a vote and make sure as many people as possible will see this. Please share this link to anyone you believe is interested in doing something about this.

Link to petition:

submitted by /u/GardHaakonsen
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Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:05 PM PST

What are some older PC online multiplayer shooters still having a fairly active player base? Take Counter Strike (1999) for example, the game's 18 years old now and still has around 20,000 people playing it on a daily basis. So,do you know about game's like this which just refuse to die? (Shooters of course)

submitted by /u/Ganjaalex
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