True Dota 2 - Win the offlane by cutting the Wave

Win the offlane by cutting the Wave

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:49 AM PST

After watching some pro Players replays and some high mmr matches too, i noticed that much offlanes just cut the first creep wave and dragging it to his Tower in Order to ensure some creeps and make the lane Push. I try that in some of my games ( 3.2k ) and worked quite good. To do it i get a Blade as the game starts just go to the trees and start choping hide and once the creeps spawn go meet them between towers and make them follow me. These let the Carry 2 options last Hit under Tower o Tank the creeps until the next wave comes. This is easier with Heroes like LD, Prophet, Puck and BM ( get boar lvl 1 ). And as the final blow i Block the pull Camp if posible. Why does this work? and how as a support can play around this?

submitted by /u/highclassscrub
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When your IRL friend becomes a bit of a wanker?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:13 AM PST

So i play in a 5 man usually with my 4 other friends that are all real, so we see each other often. obviously we all play solo or with other online friends we have made and we all have our ranks. Now recently the friend in topic has gotten Archon as their rank and they have been playing with their online friends with Divine and Legendary ranks and have came back treating us like we are noobs who can't play. We watched a few of their games and they get carried so hard, it is unreal. They act like they are the one who is rank Divine and it's becoming a bit irritating. What would you guys do in this situation?

submitted by /u/Yekaterinapetrovna
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Ogre Magi is always a viable support pick.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

I think Ogre Magi is such a great support all around. Huge range on his spells. Reliable stun. Great slow. Great buff for himself and team and with the +90 damage talent it can actually make you a pretty heavy hitter in team fights. Has great harass in lane. Great starting HP regen and pretty tanky all around. CD's are also relatively short and his Aghs upgrade is awesome. I'd like to hear any thoughts/ideas/criticism on this hero. I'd definitely recommend him to anyone learning to play dotax.

submitted by /u/dafreshprints
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Aeon Disk on Monkey King what do you guys think?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:00 AM PST

Monkey King has problems setting his ult, he usually gets trashed when he jumps in and his cast time on his ult is super long.

I had a game earlier today and I was their complete focus so I built this item and it helped me, I wish the game was longer so I could use it to its full potential.


submitted by /u/lucastoneh
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I feel like zoning the offlaner is really underwhelming atm

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:45 AM PST

I mean you stop him killing your safe lane carry and all that's all good but stopping him from getting xp really doesn't make much of a difference. The lane will eventually push and then he'll get levelled either way. I still do try and zone the offlaner I just feel it's almost pointless.

submitted by /u/normyp
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Magnus Aghs OP?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 02:26 PM PST

Saw this in a game yesterday and I just gotta say wow. Feels like when mira aghs first came out. I remember reading the patch notes for the mira aghs upgrade and I scoffed at it thinking it sucked, "oh another crappy aghs idea by ice frog", then my mindset flipped a total 180 after I saw sumail dominate with it in a game. Seems like the magnus aghs upgrade is a bit OP (over powered)?

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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Is Greaves still the go-to for BH

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:49 AM PST

Is bounty in the meta and is the greaves rush good or should I just go force, blink, medallion etc. instead?

submitted by /u/Opolino
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This game is harsh

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:56 PM PST

I'm a legend 5 4k scrub. I always play position 5. I got 4k not by outskilling anyone, just by making calls and communicating and being borderline un-tiltable. I won alot of games which I shouldn't have won.

I'm trying hard to climb to ancient and I think that what I'm doing isn't going to cut it. I recalibrated at 4083 solo and I've remained around there for a while although now I've dipped to 4008. Games are hard for me here. The enemy punishes mistakes alot harder than when I play party with my friends. You have to be sharp.

I think my playstyle of being a 5 pos leader / shot caller gets fucked over when I am out of my element. I need to believe in myself and my team to be a leader. When I was climbing I felt like I was untiltable but I don't think that's the case anymore.

edit: I meant legend 5 not divine 5 lol.

I've tried coaching and watching over my own replays and watching guides etc. I'm not sure what else I can really do to git gud.

Cheers guys. I understand this isn't a super specific question and if it's against the rules I'll gladly take this down. Any advice would be appreciated though.

submitted by /u/arthur301
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When is a good time to go the max reflection, sange and yasha build on TB?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:29 AM PST

Match in question.

I can see a few pros here but im just Legend 0 so Im not fully aware of the nuances under the hood :

You can fight better without Meta using this build due to reflection and sange Proc.

Luna got really far ahead, the build here allows you to still contribute when behind and is a bit better for fighting while still tanking up your Illusions for farming and pushing.

They havent got many heroes that are strong at chasing on their own nor any of them have strong initiation. Save for BH and SB Shadow Demon.

TBs team is stronger for fights than push.

Reflection makes it impossible along with S&Y for anyone to escape you without invis.

Thats all I can really think of.

submitted by /u/TheCancerousDrake
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Why is Battlefury back on jugg?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:32 PM PST

MoM/Aquila still feels strong and is super impactful early, what brings back battlefury as the preferred farming item?

submitted by /u/Nirakidu
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OoV on ranged supports?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

I've been playing a lot of skywrath lately and I feel like OoV is really good on him. His high range and MS ensure I get a ton of hits on the enemy offlaner (or hc when supporting my offlane) and that 15 pure damage adds up. I don't see this at all in pro matches however. Why?

submitted by /u/CrimsonQueso
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Matchmaking broken

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:03 AM PST

i leave, see you

submitted by /u/yymirr
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Has anything changed with fog of war and pathing?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

I haven't been playing dota as religiously the last few months but have started playing several games a night again and have noticed for the last few days of playing these two things screwing me over in a way they never did in the past. I checked the wiki and saw no changes listed so am asking here.

Fog of War: I can be standing in the trees hidden as far as I am concerned (in the past the same positioning would have allowed me to TP away) and the enemy will be able to launch spells or projectiles at me. It was as if the enemy had a KotL, Nightstalker or a beastmaster hawk over my head even though none of those were present.

I have noticed this running up hill and a ranged unit can launch an attack whilst I am up hill as well, I have dewarded several spots with no wards for this reason.

Pathing: I am finding if in tight spots around trees I often get zigzag pathed back and forth rather than pathing around the tree and walking away where as in the past I would have walked where I clicked with no issues, almost like an invis unit is blocking whilst there is no invis unit there.

I noticed whilst playing mid when I clicked fountain to walked there my hero was stutter bumping in to the ancient on it's way past, almost like something was obstructing it's movement but again, nothing there.

Has something changed or is this a fault and has anyone else noticed this? I am using the underwater terrain and turned it off after my last game yesterday to see if that helps at all.

submitted by /u/XenSid
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mid lane ranged deny

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:30 PM PST

I am often play mid lane (ember,arc,tinker,) I know ranged creep exp is huge and deny is important.Also i know creep aggro make lane push. Should i aggro melee creep on my ranged one every wave? Is there any problem,risk?

submitted by /u/eeve5
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Drow Support New Meta?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:18 PM PST

Considering the 50% CDR, despite being the endgame talent for her, Drow can be a potential sustained support. Hell, I'm crazy enough to buy an Octarine Core on her if I ever get that talent and continue Gusting every 5 seconds. Add Guardian Greaves and Scythe of Vyse and she'll be just fine.

submitted by /u/SpriteFan3
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