RimWorld Typical Tuesday Suggestion Thread -- December 26, 2017

Typical Tuesday Suggestion Thread -- December 26, 2017

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:12 AM PST

Please use this thread as a week-to-week suggestions box for Tynan, the /r/RimWorld mods, and game modders. Post whatever you feel would improve your RimWorld experience, but keep it civil! Before you post, please take a glance at the release notes and see if what you're suggesting has already been implemented. I am a bot, so I can't make jokes. If you'd like a Typical Tuesday joke, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Art Gallery of the Outer Rim - exhibit #9

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 05:48 AM PST


Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:40 PM PST

When should I open ancient dangers?

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:53 PM PST

I want to get any possible loot, currently I have 5 mortars, 6 pawns with assault rifles + and 30 or so boars + 2 muffalos. Can I kill them and still profit or am I going to lose most of my boars?

Can I just try to dig as around it as I can, fill it with something flammable, build stone walls around it and burn the whole mountain? Or just mortar it?

edit: mortars have 15 high explosive shells and 10 EMPs.

submitted by /u/Qwark28
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I managed to play a colony all the way through for the very first time and sent them on a ship home today for Christmas!!

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 10:27 AM PST

(I read through the rules and I think this post is ok, but if not then I apologise! I am extremely excited about this and wanted to share.)

I've been playing Rimworld on and off for a while, which means eventually my game updated and I couldn't continue playing my old colonies. But before I start revising for exams I really wanted to make this colony work, and although I had some difficulties I managed to actually 'end' the game for the first time. I did pretty much everything I could except for attack an ally faction - item stashes, fallen refugee rescue, enemy camp destruction, ancient danger (a big one for me, although mine was super underwhelming), the psychotic ship crash, the raids of course...

I got very sentimental and sort of wanted to commemorate it, so today after finishing the Sensor Cluster I got all my colonists together, had them smoke some smokeleaf I sent a caravan for specially (my colony was strictly no-drugs and no-alcohol after someone died of liver failure in my first one), had them watch a new flat screen TV, beat up the dog so he could come, and sent them off in their ship!

I ended with 13 colonists and lost one original (RIP Shift) - I played on vanilla because I don't really know how to work mods yet (I tried to download one but I couldn't figure it out, but I was far enough along I jut decided to go straight vanilla). I honestly didn't think I could actually do it, especially because I decided to build my own ship instead of send them to the flag (took an extra 2 years to build though). I only ever had one base. I got on great terms with all fractions (except the pirates). If there are newbies who would like to ask anything I will do my best to help!

I read somewhere that you can sort of 'copy' colonists into your own game, so out of sentimentality and in case anyone else would like them to live on in their games, I've listed mine.

My colonists were as follows (in order of when they came):

Geneo, an original who actually built basically the whole ship in the end.

Mila, an original who was a great doctor but unfortunately got severe head/brain damage after a raid. I put her in a high-quality helmet to protect the last 40% of her consciousness and a painstopper so even her minor pains won't affect her anymore.

Shift, an original who died on the way back from my first ever item raid. She got an infection and I even save-scummed a few times to try save her because she was actually my favourite but it just wasn't meant to be. RIP.

Croc - a rescued wanderer who built large amounts of the base but died to a bear. RIP.

Leo - a rescued wanderer, I think chased by the initially unfriendly tribe Tortare.

Hippo - a space refugee who fell on my colony grounds, became my best shooter.

Mango - a pirate raider who became my go-to trader whenever Geneo was ill. Unfortunately died in a camp destruction mission for an AI core. RIP.

Jet - a recruited raider from the Tortare tribe before I realised I could get on friendly terms with them.

Guillermo - a rescued space refugee who was great in the garden, died in a camp raid. RIP.

Bowman - a recruited pirate raider, also a good shot.

Toni - a recruited pirate raider who build all the advanced components needed for the ship.

Kapelsen - a recruited pirate raider who did most of the deep-drilling for the uranium along with Bowman.

Nicols - a recruited pirate raider who has brilliant war-stats, however lost all sight and hearing. In her old age she began to have frequent heart attacks, but I knew she'd want to go out fighting. Despite being protected by other colonists, she died in a raid by her old pirate fraction. RIP.

Dominguez - a rescued wanderer who was a good medic, just what we needed after Shift!

Fuzzy - a rescued wanderer who also became a great medic.

Arklady - a recruited pirate raider, once again a good medic. I got pretty lucky medic-wise towards the end, which helped both times my colony then got the plague.

Roland - recruited priate from the same raid Arklady was a part of! Threw a party once which 4 statues referenced after so it must have been pretty wild.

Some images of my colony growing and final stats.

Here is my colonists' final day, smoking some smokeleaf together by the flat screen TV. Their last day on the Rimworld before setting off on Christmas.

Thank you for reading if you've gone all the way through! I actually planned to do some sort of creative writing piece based on this colony as it went, but I wasn't sure if 1) I could make it, 2) that would be ridiculously cringey, and 3) if any of it would sound that great. I might still do it, or now that I know I can finish a colony maybe I'll start recording events better and do that with my next one. If anyone knows of good mods which keep track of big events like when raids/deaths/marriages/divorces happened, that would be very useful.

Now it's time to watch my colonists set off in their ship. I've just had to get Dominguez to beat up the original dog slightly to he can come with us which seemed extremely wrong, but I'm not leaving Henri on the Rimworld by himself! Here's Henri, ready to go home. I had a lot more animals but I sold most off - the remaining ones I'm not sure what will happen to them, but in my head I'm hoping they'll just go wild and live out their rest of their days happily. I have one self-tamed Thumbro (wtf are the chances of that) who I didn't want to sell to be slaughtered for his horn, so I kept him and I'm hoping he finds his other Thumbros after :)

Merry Christmas everyone!!

submitted by /u/tessie999
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Is there a hidden penalty for using kibble to train/tame animals?

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:23 PM PST

Trainers will ignore kibble next to them in preference of raw food like berries and corn very far away. Is there a real reason for this?

I ask because I've been using kibble to train in my current game. Actual results seem pretty poor statistically. Much worse than expected. It was so bad I did a little experiment:

I repeatedly loaded up (savescummed) 20 attempts training the same boar with the same trainer. The odds of the trainer succeeding were 24%. Exactly zero successes. The odds of failure are 76%. The odds of getting 20 failures in a row is 0.413% (.7620 ).

So can someone who has looked at the code tell me; Does food type affect success rate?

submitted by /u/Noneerror
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Friends and human leather hats

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:53 PM PST

A dog took this pawn's sleeping spot

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 12:40 PM PST

I have grand ambitions for my a18 base...

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 04:03 AM PST

Mayaguez. Day 563.

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:36 PM PST

Social Fight and a Binge in the middle of a shoot out..

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 10:33 PM PST

Pinkies - can't live without em...

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:21 AM PST

Honoring my fallen on Christmas

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 10:42 AM PST

Cassandra helping me out with my poison ship problem.

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:05 PM PST

Just got the game, should I play I with mods for my first go?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:29 AM PST

If so, which ones do you recommend I stay out with?

submitted by /u/Crioware
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A cargo pod just slammed into my visitors.

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:39 AM PST

So appropriate for today. Merry Christmas everyone!

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:21 AM PST

Idea for new "Joy" Activity in Rimworld!

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:23 AM PST

So I was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if colonists could get joy from playing with animals? What do you think?

submitted by /u/TheAtomikDoctor
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Guess What I Got For Christmas?!

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 01:26 PM PST

My nephew apparently adores this game, so his dad bought it for me for Christmas. Survived the tutorial (though I killed the little invader guy. He bled to death, poor thing). Now to paw through YouTube, Wiki and Reddit for ideas. :D

submitted by /u/Shaldana
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Am I playing RimWorld or Animal Farm

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 12:55 PM PST

Manhunter's opening doors????

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

A psychic ship landed right next to my barn. I slowly but surely took care of the few Scythers that appeared and just needed to destroy the ship, but before I could my 4 muffalo and 1 grizzly bear were all sent into a manhunting rage.

Not ideal, but no big deal. I'll have everyone hunker down inside and repair the doors as they attack them while we figure out how to save the animal tender that was in the barn when it happened, then take out that damn ship.


Not so much. I guess since they were domesticated they had no issue opening doors and walking right into my base. I was definitely not expecting that and all but two of my colonists were downed in the confusion. It was a bloodbath.

I'm still trying to rescue colonists. I'm not sure everyone's gonna make it. The only colonist standing that is even capable of doctoring is a level two. The animals are probably just going to bleed out, but after what they've done, they deserve it.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to survive this scenario if it ever happens again?

submitted by /u/Serious-Mode
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Spago the Great Doggo Mother

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:04 PM PST

A christmas present from Randy!

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 05:45 PM PST

r/rimworld is leaking

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

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