Pokémon GO - Trainers, spread the news. Congress has set out a bill to stop the FCC plans from repealing net neutrality.

Trainers, spread the news. Congress has set out a bill to stop the FCC plans from repealing net neutrality.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:25 AM PST

Hating the new party tab as the Pokémon tab doesn’t snap well so I constantly scroll past it and have to make a conscious effort to stop in the middle

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:48 AM PST

[Screenshot] We're under a Gale Warning in Maryland. It's finally windy in game! Make with the dragons already!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:42 PM PST

[Idea] Naintic should give everyone a white Christmas and make the weather snowing on that day.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:37 AM PST

People who live where it snows will also benefit from sunny, cloudy, rainy, days as well. I live in a desert and the only way we could ever have a "snow" weather bonus would be if Niantic fakes it for a day/event.

submitted by /u/PBR21
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Catching Delibird should reward you with a present each time.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

The presents could be item packages like the kind that are rewarded with raids.

It would be a neat holiday event where you'd actually care about catching the event Pokémon. For most people, one Delibird will be all they care about. But if you have a chance to get a few golden raspberries, rare candies, max revives, or who knows, even an incubator, you'd be way more likely to seek out Delibird for the entirety of the event.

Plus, a lot of rural players can't do a ton of raids so it would be a neat event for them.

submitted by /u/Crossfiyah
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[Art] "Don't worry, you're going to be free..."

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:50 PM PST

Just in time for Christmas - my Stantler hoarding has finally paid off!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

Reindeer aren't really a thing around here, so it's taken me months to collect enough for this screenshot and it makes me happy.

Caught the last one I needed on the way to work this morning (it was Donner).

Also Rudolph is a girl. Oh well.

submitted by /u/AnnaLemma
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How I missed my international flight trying to catch Zangoose, then caught him at the airport!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:37 AM PST

Hi! I just spent the last three months holidaying and touring in North and South America. A lot of this ended up being pokemon tourism, I always had my go+ on me to help me catch everything, spin every gym I could and in the end I caught every regional I could, Tauros in California, Corsola and Heracross in Peru.

Two days before I'm due to head back to Australia Gen III drops. I was stuck in northern California in Modoc County and not too many pokemon spawn up there. I found out that there were two new regional pokemon (Plusle and Zangoose) that I might not be able to get again for a long time, until they do another pokemon go travel event or similar.

That night I went looking around the town and managed to find a plusle! I was so happy. The next morning at 6am I would be leaving Modoc county and heading down to San Fransisco Airport. I thought I had plenty of time to stop by at Redding and try my luck for a Zangoose before leaving for good.

Time was on my side and I stopped at Redding and ended up spending roughly an hour and a half eating and going around the Mt Shasta mall area looking for Zangoose and failing miserably. I think I caught two or three Plusle while looking for Zangoose, it was not looking good at all. I had spent too long and decided I should start to continue my drive and possibly I could go+ it while driving through San Fransisco.

When I checked the time I realised I would only make it to my flight with an hour to check in! This was not part of the plan, I should have had more time to check in and spent too long in Redding without realising my time constraints!

I panicked and left immediately. About two hours left until I arrive at SFO I really had to pee, however due to my time I decided to hold it in. This isn't terribly important to the story but it was definitely occupying a lot of my thinking space at the time.

Due to traffic and such, taking two wrong turns going into the airport and trying to drop off my rental car I was ridiculously cutting it close. Once I was at the airport I had the crazy idea to run an incense to possibly spawn a Zangoose. While waiting for the trains to take me to the right terminal a Plusle spawned due to incense! This gave me a little hope I could get a Zangoose to spawn too.

I finally arrive at the desk to check in my luggage and receive my boarding pass and predictably am told that I am too late. She actually told me if I was six minutes earlier she could have rushed me through the process, however she could not at this time. She could get me onto another flight though. Suddenly I thought I had more time to catch the zangoose. If I could get a flight leaving tomorrow that gives me a whole new day in a big city full of spawns to catch what I need.

I ended up however getting a flight that departed in three hours. I was conflicted, happy to still be going home on time but devasted that I would not get my Zangoose. I went to the appropriate check in place, went through the scanners and was driven by bus to a separate terminal building with six pokestops and a gym and an hour and a half till my plane departed.

I decided to do one last crazy scheme before I departed. I had over 1100 coins, so I bought an ultra box and after I took over the gym, just because, I set up lures on four of the pokestops and applied an incense. I watched two more plusle spawn, one from the incense and one from the lure. This inspired me to continue. The first round expired and I re-applied more lures and bought another incense. This entire time I was pacing back and forward along the terminal with all my carry-ons with me and a phone hooked up to a power bank in my pocket. It was fun! I was also holding my go+, it was doing all my catches for me unless it was yellow and I would manually catch the new pokemon. I had already caught two new pokemon in this process when suddenly the third popped up at around the twenty minute mark of the second round. My heart skipped a beat when out popped Zangoose from a lured pokestop!!

With 40 minutes left until I leave America forever I caught the last regional I needed to catch. I was so relieved. I simply turned pokemon go off and sat down and waited for my flight. I was done, Goodbye US that was fun but I got all I needed from you ;)

TLDR: Had a 6 hour commute with some spare time, used up all the spare time failing to catch a zangoose and missed my international flight home. While waiting the extra time I was given for the next flight managed to catch Zangoose by luring a pokestop.

submitted by /u/Church_of_FootStool
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Sightings/Nearby Radar Blankout Glitch

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:28 AM PST

Around the time of the gym rework, I started experiencing an occasional glitch where my Sightings/Nearby radar would randomly blank out, and all existing wild Pokémon spawns on my map would disappear. After a few seconds, all wild Pokémon would appear again as a cluster spawn and the radar would refresh.

However, this glitch now occurs within the first minute of opening the game, and can take several minutes for the wild Pokémon spawns and radar to reappear. Force-closing the app and restarting works as a quickfix (since it takes longer to wait for the radar to come back than it does to sit through the loading screen) but if nothing is done about this glitch then the game is practically unplayable in this state.

Is this something that is happening to other players as well? I've seen it mentioned a handful of times but it doesn't seem to be widespread. Could it be an issue with my phone rather than the game itself? I'm not very tech-savvy in terms of phone specifications, but I am using a Samsung Galaxy S6, the same phone that I have been using since the game first launched.

If it matters, I use mobile data when I play this game due to my campus Wi-Fi being extremely unstable, but I don't think this would be an issue since I have been able to play on campus for the past year with no issues.

submitted by /u/TeamDogfight
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Failed EX Raid Experience

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:16 AM PST

Mewtwo EX

Yesterday, I went to an EX Raid. I live in a very populated area; Phoenix, Arizona in the United States. My Raid was at a popular sponsored Starbucks near downtown.

I arrived about 30 minutes before Mewtwo hatched expecting to be in a gym control battle for bonus balls. However, I easily took out about 5 defenders and placed my Pokémon in immediately and absolutely no one challenged this.

The Raid hatched at 1:30 PM. With it being a Monday, I assumed there would be a lot less people than expected due to work. Once the raid hatched, absolutely no one was there. One person arrived finally about 5 minutes after Mewtwo hatched and we proceeded to wait the remainder of the 45 minutes and no one else showed up.

My trainer level is 36 and I have many optimal and 30+ counters for Mewtwo but the other trainer was level 34 and did not have the greatest counters available. They did not want to attempt to duo it as we would end up wasting a lot of currently scarce revives.

I decided to to test out my damage and nearly got rid of half of Mewtwo's hp by myself. So with somewhat decent counters and trainer levels we could have probably defeated it with 3-4 people of average ability.

This was luckily my third EX raid that I have gone to. I absolutely know I am fortunate to have even received EX passes and caught one Mewtwo. The first one I went to was at the exact same location during the testing phase several weeks prior on a Friday or weekend night if I recall correctly. I did not catch Mewtwo the first time but fortunately I did the second time at a different popular sponsored location where there was also about 40 people during the testing phase.

I know that many parks and other sponsored locations around the city also had EX raids yesterday. In the week leading up to the raid I also posted on my local Pokémon Facebook groups and checked Discord, seeing if anyone else had received passes for the location of my raid but could not find anyone else.

I assume the issue is the terrible time slot where most people do not have the opportunity to take time off work for the raid. Also with raids being out of testing and there being many parks and sponsored locations available to receive passes at in my city, I am guessing that there may be too many EX raid locations being distributed for and splitting people up.

Overall, I wanted to share my experience having been to a couple EX raids during testing and now out of the testing phase as well.

submitted by /u/lilkittylover
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Releasing Alolan clothing when it's winter ☃️

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:28 AM PST

Gen3.2 Wishlist

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:48 PM PST

•A fast fairy move for gardevoir. It gets stab from both confusion/dazzling gleam and they're both super effective against machamp but at this point I'd really love to have a fairy fast move finally added. It's time.

•Make absol a level 3 raid. Too many inexperienced raiders just raid them for a dex entry and binge raid level 5s for XP boosts and think it's no good because its CP is low. Sad. It's a very necessary pokémon for alakazam raids. Its moves are actually better than tyranitar's.

•Another rollout of new moves. I have 5 more amazingly high IV dratinis that I would love to evolve into dragonites but with double flying moves. Wing attack and sky attack would be awesooome.

•The all new star piece. OK we'll probably see it before gen3.2 with the next but I had to add it to my wishlist. Happy Holidays! 🎅🎄🎁

submitted by /u/ImNotReallyANerd
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[Story] Today I observed a failed EX Raid

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:43 PM PST

Today I was farming some Pokemon at a nest and knew there was an EX Raid scheduled there for that afternoon, so I decided to run by the gym to see how it'd go. The people invited had been trying to plan it out on Discord for awhile, but they took note that only a few had seemed to receive invites.

When I arrived, there were 4 people who had received EX Raid invites waiting around, hoping for more to show. After they waited about 15 minutes, they went ahead and gave it a shot, but came no where close. Of the four people invited, 3 appeared to be relatively casual players or new to the game.

There's nothing wrong with being a casual player, but Niantic needs to take this into account when sending out EX Raid invites. These four people had been looking forward to this raid for about a week and a half, only to be disappointed when it turned out very few invites had been sent out. This was a gym where more people could have been invited. People raid at this gym fairly frequently. I had soloed a Scyther raid at that gym the day before the invites went out, but of course I received nothing.

We're past the test phase, it is unacceptable for Niantic to hold an EX Raid without inviting more people than this. Niantic talked about the cancellation system in their last discussion of EX Raids, and this may have been a good one for them to cancel. Instead, these people wasted time and money in the form of gas to travel to the gym and face an impossible task. To rub salt into the wound, another round of EX Raid invites went out to a gym nearby a few days ago and several more people were invited. Now the people who failed this raid have to sit by and watch this other group take down a Mewtwo with ease.

submitted by /u/killerofheroes
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[Bug] Pokemon Go is GORGEOUS at 120fps, but curveballs are bugged and impossible to perform

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:09 PM PST

On the Razer Phone at 120hz Pokemon Go is a delight, it really has to be seen to be truly believed. However spinning a Pokeball when catching anything is a nightmare, having to spin it many MANY times (around 12-15 in my experience) as it starts of sooo slowly. From there you're still not guaranteed to throw a curve as the ball hurtles off the screen and out of sight. Turns out if you go into Nova Launcher and cap the frame rate at 60fps instead of 120fps, the bug goes away. The problem is tied to the frame rate, and this goes for the responsiveness of stuff like dodging in raids too.

I really hope Niantic sees this to release a patch in a later update, especially since more and more mobile devices will support higher frame rates in the future, it's good to address this now. As the game is simply BEAUTIFUL when running so smoothly, I simply can't go back to seeing the game at the usual speed. The motion of Hoppip's spinning leaves for example is buttery smooth and hard to explain.It's such a shame to have to limit this eye candy at the expense of what boils down to a x0.7 catch rate modifier and 10 additional exp, haha.

submitted by /u/Blinking_Nora
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Rarity chart/list

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:08 PM PST

Does anyone know of or have a link about what gen 3 I should be catching and or looking for? I can figure out a little here and there but a good informative one would be nice.

submitted by /u/pdowling7
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Is anyone else getting wind graphics blowing across their map when the weather is sunny?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:30 AM PST

Not sure if it's a bug or if it supposed to be a light breeze blowing through.

submitted by /u/GP_TeXaS_MiSFiT
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Vileplume is so big on the map!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST

[Humor] Dancing Fake Trees Toss Rocks at Fire Turkey

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:52 PM PST

Video link: https://youtu.be/SCcIveKSm58

I and a few of my friends here in Austin, TX, decided to have a bit of silly fun with the latest round of legendary raids. Inspired by previous challenges in which armies of low-CP unevolved Pokemon took down Lugia and the legendary beasts, we wanted to see what we could do with Ho-Oh. Geodude was the initial idea, but since they were really rare here before the new weather features were implemented, the idea seemed a little out of reach. After some more thinking and research, another contender came out on top: Thanks to its surprisingly decent stats (and Ho-Oh's double weakness), Sudowoodo is actually a top five counter! Plus its attack animations are a lot more amusing than almost any other Pokemon's. There was hardly a reason to not give it a try.

So we spent a week gathering high-level Sudowoodo around town. The Ho-Oh move set that we went up against was Extrasensory + Brave Bird. According to Pokebattler, only 48 perfect level 26 Sudowoodo with double Rock moves are required to beat it (no dodging, no weather boosts). In the end, we had 11 participants for a total of 66 dancing fake trees tossing rocks at this fire turkey. All of the Sudowoodo expressed as much glee completing the challenge as we all felt! We hope that you enjoy this special send-off to the last Gen II legendary as everyone awaits the first Gen III legendary raids.

submitted by /u/-Freya
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Is there a list compiled of buddy candy for gen 3 yet? (# of km per candy earned)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:31 PM PST

I've been looking for a list of candy earned per km for the gen 3 Pokemon that have been released so far, but hadn't had any luck. Have you guys seen one floating around?

submitted by /u/EatAndGreet
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[Screenshot] Weather Update

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:55 AM PST

I'm really enjoying the weather update! Its bringing in quite the haul! https://imgur.com/R4UHC8i

submitted by /u/KumaSam
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[Discussion] Current Dodge Bug

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 12:28 PM PST

Has anyone else experienced a dodge bug in battles recently?

Many time I will dodge a charged attack, only the 25% damage is applied, I attack then lose the rest of my Pokemon's health, as if the charged attack has landed.

The last raid I did absolutely destroyed all of the trainers, because no one could dodge a charged Ho-Oh Solar Beam, we all used almost a dozen Pokemon to beat it, compared to the average 6 used.

Has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/CMYKid7
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Game showing two different weather patterns at the same time. Anyone else experiencing this? (Actual current weather is almost raining)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:45 AM PST

[Discussion] Finally soloed Alakazam today! And then another one right after it!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:22 PM PST

I'm pretty excited - I finally soloed an Alakazam today. It was neutral weather too.

The first Alakazam was C/FB. I've been convinced that going in first with B/C Tyranitar is an okay move, even with FB. So I did that. Two failed attempts consisted of:

1) B/C Tyranitar CP 3378

2) FC/XS Scizor CP 2769

3) SC/SB Gengar CP 2571

4) SC/SB Banette CP 2000

5) PC/SB Mewtwo CP 3381

6) PC/SB Mewtwo CP a little over 3900 (have powered it up twice since)

My primary goal was to survive one FB with the Tyranitar. I did so all three times. The second time, I encountered the bug where damage spills over to a new Pokemon - the Scizor. Both of the first two attempts, I was very close. I fainted the first team both times.

On the third attempt, I used the same team, but switched the order:

1) B/C Tyranitar CP 3378

2) SC/SB Gengar CP 2571

3) SC/SB Banette CP 2000

4) PC/SB Mewtwo CP a little over 3900

5) PC/SB Mewtwo CP 3381

6) FC/XS Scizor CP 2769

Interestingly, I won with 13 seconds left, and was only in to my 5th Pokemon. In the heat of the moment, I can't say what the difference was, although it sadly seems that my Scizor's utility wasn't optimal.

The second Alakazam was PC/FS. So I just went Team Tyranitar. In the second slot, I used a B/SE perfect L40 with Rock weather buff. I beat it the first time, but only with 1 second!

I've been trying for months now, although I don't get to play much. It sure felt good! I don't think my Rock/Water team is very close to being able to handle Ninetales, but that's what I have my sights set on now. If I can contribute anything, it is this:

1) If you're going up against a charge move that's bad for the best counter (FB on Tyranitar), it's okay to stick it in the first slot, since the raid boss starts with the minimum energy: 0.

2) If you've got a good Pokemon which doesn't have the optimal moveset (my B/SE Tyranitar, in this case), stick it in the second spot and don't dodge. Just eat the charge moves and faint it, dealing lots of good Quick damage before it goes down.

Edit: Whops - PC Mewtwo, not FC.

submitted by /u/SchrodingersYogaMat
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