Heroes of the Storm - Why is there not a "Sort By Event" option in the shop?

Why is there not a "Sort By Event" option in the shop?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

It seems dumb to me to to be able to view all of the Christmas skins/mounts etc in a single tab.


If this has been suggested before, remove it.

submitted by /u/MushroomTacoboy
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Grubby's pro-Brightwing play

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST

"I promise you will drop back down to plat." - A Success Story

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:47 PM PST

Hey guys,

I'm here to share a little holiday motivation with everyone. It's a message of perseverance, self-confidence and even friendliness. To start, I was one of those players that massively benefited from the placements bug - as in from Gold 2 to Diamond 1. I'll admit it was a huge stretch I didn't deserve, but in the few days I was in Diamond I didn't feel out of place. I was making good plays as often as bad plays with the big boys now. It didn't last long, as soon afterwards my account was reset down to mid Platinum. But that's now what this story is about.

I met a lot of adversity on the Blizzard forums talking about placements. One guy in particular - we'll call him Q - vehemently opposed my rise, making posts about me and to me in a condescending tone. Q was a Master's player that got dropped to Diamond 2 from and made many posts about placements as well. Now before this I was never too invested in Ranked and only pulled maybe 20 matches last season, but something about Q lit a fire inside to return legitimately to the realm of Diamond. I was met with posts from Q like, and I quote:

  • You are on of those people who got carried without even knowing it.
  • You definitely don't deserve to be where you are currently.
  • You are just sad you lost your "diamond 1" status. (after ranked resets)
  • No, you won't climb back up to diamond. You being in plat is already a stretch. Gosh, so glad I don't see you in high diamond games. Seriously.
  • I promise you you will drop back down to plat.

I met that sentiment from multiple players from both in-game and in forum. Rank queens would check my profile, see "Gold 2" from last season and promptly PM me about it. However after playing HL a few days, I haven't declined in rank - in fact I've done the opposite. As of today, I'm pleased to announce that I've gotten my blue borders back and climbed to Diamond 5 after about 70 games. The legit way. Proof, https://imgur.com/a/Fo0Qh

The morale of my story is this: don't hate on teammates out the gate for being a lower rank than you or the match average. And if you ARE one of those lower ranked members of your team and someone points you out as being so, brush it off and focus on the win. Someone's rank isn't a guarantee of how they will play, it's only a guideline. And even then, progress can be made outside of ranked in so many ways like watching streams, playing Unranked, researching HoTS, etc. Typing out insults to your team is nothing but a quicker way to the DEFEAT screen.

I'm proud of my achievement but my work isn't done. It seems like since the time of typing this, Q has made it to Masters and has made more taunting posts about it. Well thanks for adding more fuel to my fire, but I've only one thing to say: See you there one day.

submitted by /u/MrFluffyWaffles
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Found an unused loading screen in game files

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:28 AM PST

Here it is

Feat. Stukov, Raynor, Kharazim, Murky, Probius, Sgt. Hammer and Sylvanas.

Probably a hint to a potential new brawl, but who knows. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/RussianVitaminC
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Can we please get some Ragnaros skins / variations?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:56 AM PST

Currently Ragnaros has only 2 skins: Normal Ragnaros and Lil Ragnaros. Even the color variations are so similar that I feel not worth to mention about them. So Blizzard, can we at least get some different variations which are not red, yellow or orange?

submitted by /u/BloodcrownHotS
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Bronze to GM stream not on smurf but boosting an account.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

700 games in the past 2 seasons @ silver 5 and bronze 1, so definitely not a smurf. This account is getting boosted by a gm streamer that is simultaneously ruining match quality for 9 other players in every match (over 100 matches so far this season). I've read other posts on this subject and I guess were not supposed to be upset by this. I just don't see how this is a good for anyone.

https://imgur.com/B8vlRp3 https://imgur.com/YF3bb0H https://imgur.com/XPgoSBg

submitted by /u/st1ckyb
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After Hanamura, please look into Blackhearts bay.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:36 AM PST

This is probably the most annoying map to play as, not only is it even more punishing to die on than other maps, but you could spam camps all game, while enemy depushes turn in and easily win by just playing the PvE game.

Camp - Enemy depushes - Turn in - Repeat

I'm not sure what changes you could make to the map I'm not super creative but I think a big part of the community wouldn't mind seeing changes to Blackhearts bay.

submitted by /u/TheSammyKnight
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Grubby jukes Cho'Gall

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:20 AM PST

Suggestion: Remove gold cost for rerolls in purchased loot boxes

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:18 PM PST

This season, I bought 50 chests. I got some skins and opening them was fun, so I bought 50 more. About 20 chests in, I realized my error - I opened a chest and only had about 200 gold, so I had to accept the (not good) first roll, and now I'm stuck sitting on 30 chests. If I open them, I'm basically wasting RL money if I forsake rerolls. I have spent at least 40k gold so far and I am discouraged from buying more chests - really, I CAN'T buy more chests until I play a lot of games for gold, unless I want to just throw my money away.

This seems counterproductive to chest sales.

My suggestion: make rerolls free (retain the same number, just nix the gold cost) in chests purchased with gems. This will get more people buying chests (many don't want to waste the gold on top of money), will make chests feel like a better value and will let people gamble away without gold gating.

submitted by /u/prankquean
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Justice for Rainbow Robot Horse!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:11 AM PST

I'm going to keep bringing this up so people don't forget. This is your mistake Blizzard, not ours! Give us what we earned!



submitted by /u/hyperben
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Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

Played a game where everyone was rekt beyond belief but at least this made me crack. https://i.imgur.com/dDqPVTa.png

submitted by /u/Somuchgamer
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Capture The Flag? Team Deathmatch? Yes/No, How/Wow?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:46 AM PST

So the above mentioned gamemodes are fairly popular in all sorts of communities, including Blizzard's newest title Overwatch.

In case you don't know how they work: CAPTURE THE FLAG: Basically, two teams fight each other to steal a flag from each other that can then be captured to make progress to victory. Number of flag captures as well as other rules vary. TEAM DEATHMATCH: Perhaps a very simple one to understand: The first team to get a set number of kills wins. The number of kills vary, as does the inclusion of a time limit that, if reached, simply counts the team with the highest count.


Now, how could these work in HOTS?

Well, I don't think they would work well as standalone mechanics. Having an objective where you can win just by doing the objective and neglecting all else is fairly unhealthy-this was a big problem of Hanamura, among many other things.

That being said, it can be used as a minor objective. For example, stealing flags can bombard an enemy fort or keep and eventually core, similarly to Blackheart's Bay. It can work like Haunted Mines, where once 10 players are killed, an objective that is powered by the amount of flags your team stole will push down lanes.

As for TDM, this might be a tad more difficult. This is not an intrinsic objective that can be broadcasted as unique, even if it is a minor objective-will kills only count during a certain timeframe? If not, then it takes away from the power of laning.

Of course, brawls where CTF or TDM are the absolute objective can still be plenty fun.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/zedudedaniel
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Ep.027 Trollin HGC - Player Housing? , With Special Guest: Spacestation Gaming - Jschritte & Trent Esports!. LIVE in 1 hour!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:31 PM PST

Ep.027 Trollin HGC - Player Housing? , With Special Guest: Spacestation Gaming - Jschritte & Trent Esports!. LIVE in 1 hour!


Hosts: LiQiuD, & Bahgz Guest: Jschritte & Trent
Time & Date: Tuesday 12/26/2017 - 730PM EDT (430PM PDT) (230AM CEST)


  • Role changes for Fnatic
  • Jschritte interview
  • Player Summit
  • Player Housing
  • Latam Pay Outs
  • Community Questions!

Can't watch live?
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TrollinHGC

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6jk-E98gDpZa7lSCKu69jw

RSS Feed: https://trolls.gg/trollinhgc?format=rss

TunIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Trollin-HGC-p1004251/

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/trollin-hgc

Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iqicmrnkrhbyostn562j7ezl4oa?t=Trollin_HGC

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/trollin-hgc/id1247083669

submitted by /u/Bahgz
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Bambam's Pop Hit Christmas Song About Nazeebo

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:27 AM PST

So is Malf's dmg a little overtuned or what?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:44 PM PST

I'm having the time of my life here, but it sure does feel like Celestial Alignment has made ma boi Malf toooo good at fucking people up.

submitted by /u/RedShabazz
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I went from a 57.6% winrate with Kel'Thuzad in QM to 41.5%. What the hell am I doing wrong now?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:10 AM PST

Here's my in-game statistics: https://imgur.com/a/IHNca

I play QM almost exclusively with Kel'Thuzad since he was released. Don't judge me, I'm having fun. At least, I used to.

KT is not an early game hero. Even if you land every combo perfectly, before you finish the quest your damage is relatively negligible. You will still pick up kills, but you're entirely dependent on the rest of your team following up. Once you finish the quest, you're unstoppable and the entire enemy team either plays around you or loses. At least that's how my games used to go. Since the changes, by the time I finish my quest the game is already over and I still can't do anything to help my team. My frontline has already melted before I can pull off the combo, and now I'm exposed and the entire enemy team is coming after me. That's assuming I have a frontline. Before, even without a frontline I could try to position myself to catch someone off guard and kill them without exposing myself to the enemy team for too long. Now, I die before I can finish the combo. Even if I catch two heroes in it, we are so far behind in levels that the burst is not enough to kill them.

Last season I was having fun pub-stomping. I still struggled sometimes; certain comps did not lend themselves to KT's play style but I always stood a chance. Even when I lost, I still usually had a high amount of damage and kills. Now, when we lose, we usually lose really hard and I feel like dead weight. Wins are also often stomps, in which case I still feel useless because the team could have won with anybody else. I seriously doubt I went from being above average in my MMR bracket with this hero to sucking beyond belief in the course of a single day.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong now? I try to stop split-pushers if my team won't, I try to close the gap when we are behind in XP, I try to safely push or get a camp if there is no team fight, I defend when necessary; but nothing I do is enough. I know the general strategy has changed, but I don't even know what to do differently to adapt. I could always play a different hero, but I just miss being able to play as KT and actually contribute to my team.

submitted by /u/arphe
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Blizzard must take a stronger stance on bans.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:58 PM PST

Blizzard MUST take a more serious stance to ban toxic players. It would GREATLY improve moral and enjoyability of the game and in my opinion would contribute to a higher game population than the addition of heroes every month.

To give some context on my experience and why I feel compelled to make this post is I took a 4 month break from this game and just recently returned. I generally hover around Diamond 3 to Diamond 1 with the occasional low Master. At that rank the games are generally good competitive matches and toxicity I believe was low. I actually believed people were exaggerating toxicity in this community.

Since my return I'm fluctuating from Platinum 1 and 2 and the games are atrocious. Yes, I understand many people are complaining about the state of the game but it's not just because the current changes of the game.

I'm specifically speaking about the issue of blatant toxicity of the players at this rank (Plat 1 and 2 perhaps worse lower). Some of my games someone will AFK for whatever reason, perhaps the player will be upset about how the lane went or how another lane went and will simply peace out.

However, what happens the majority of the time is multiple players will engage in arguments with one another during the game. Not a simple sentence or two but long rants that are simply meant to belittle each other. Incest and racist rants against one another are completely rampant and this has been happening over the course of many days since I've been back. I would even say the last couple weeks since my return. This is something I rarely dealt with at my rank before I took a break from the game.

I've realized some of these people's skill and knowledge wise are not far off from where I was when I regularly played at Diamond level. The difference between me and them is my play is more consistent and I will not throw a game due to complete rage like many of these people do. If many of these players managed their emotions to be more consistent and played the game, they would win and rank a lot more.

Blizzard really should take a stand against this toxic player base.

submitted by /u/Punch_Fruit
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This meta is so whack that Possession is actually a good talent choice

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:45 PM PST

Can take a Fort from minion damage through that talent alone. It's almost like it could be a Heroic /s.

submitted by /u/A_small_Chicken
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"Hero damage isn't my job"

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:23 PM PST


Today I had a match which had a zagara in it. At 7 minutes I made the remark "lol zag has 0 hero damage". Not badmouthing just amazed that in 7 minutes they had yet to even auto attack an enemy hero. Now they did get down some forts but still it was amazing to me. I wasn't mad at all but I apparently pushed a button because they gave me that amazing reasoning. According to them hero damage isn't their job, note by the end of the match azmo had top siege and hero damage.

submitted by /u/RedRing14
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Diablo, Alexstraza, Kael, Ragnaros, Blaze! GO TEAM FIRE! (Themed HotS comps)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:07 AM PST

So like the title implies, once we get Blaze in the game it will be possible to make a full team comp based on fire-based heroes. While how effective these types of comps would be is questionable, I think they're a fun idea.

There are lots of other comps that can be done obviously. All Horde team, all Alliance team, All Starcraft team, etc. What other comps do you folks think can be made based around a team?

For example: Cho'gall, Stitches, Azmodan, Butcher. Team Large and in Charge (all heavy-set dudes).

submitted by /u/S1nistar
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My Vinter Veil fan art

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:49 AM PST

Massive losing streak: How to Fix?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:04 PM PST

As the title says. In my last 10, I'm 1 win 9 loss. Playing Unranked, btw.

I'm not playing much different than I had been during some winning streaks. I HAVE been picked off more, so obviously tighter positioning is in order, that sort of thing. 1st priority, fewer deaths. (I've already watched replays of some of the hero interactions that caused trouble, like CC during one of my abilities, that sort of thing)

So, two things:

1) Any advice on maintaining a good mindset? This streak has been over several days.

2) Since I'm getting plunged into lower levels due to bad play (my own and others), what should be the first in-game thing to focus on, other than fewer deaths (1st priority)? In general, I've good map awareness and will be where I'm supposed to be...but it's hard getting other people to be there too. It feels like if I don't play Sonya and go somewhat solo, there's no macro game for my team :(

Trying not to get frustrated. I know 10 games isn't much, it happens, but still...

EDIT: Just played a terrible game on tank. I think it's time to stop playing for a few weeks, maybe go back to fundamentals when I start up again. I'm just not playing well at all right now :(

submitted by /u/SNHMM
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2017 Season 4

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:13 PM PST

Am I the only person that noticed 2018 Season 1 changed to 2017 Season 4? When did that happen.

submitted by /u/Dark_Munkey
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Some decorations for Christmas tree with heroes of Nexus

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:38 AM PST

Looks like you guys liked my previous post with Winter Veil skins, so I've decided to share with you our community's (Tavern of Heroes) last year Christmas contest: https://imgur.com/a/zsOBu

There is a lot of really good handmade decorations) Enjoy!

submitted by /u/ToH_Cheshire
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Welcome to late-night Wood League, I'll be your Captain tonight.

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:27 AM PST

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