Fallout - 100% Achievements in New Vegas

100% Achievements in New Vegas

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

After 6 years, 383 hours, countless playthroughs, and enough mods to change the game three times over I've finally got all the achievements in New Vegas.

I was sitting on the last 4 since about 2013-2014 and I had just played the game so much that I felt hunting the last 4 wouldn't be worth it. However, last night I decided enough was enough and I was going to 100% my most favorite game of all time. I had Artful Pickpocker, Warhead Hunter, May My Hand Forget it's Skill, and Pros Only.

I left Warhead Hunter for last so that my final effort would be on the Lonesome Road.

submitted by /u/Revolverdrummer
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A fallout game based in Australia would either be the easiest or hardest game possible

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:59 PM PST

Easy because it's Australia and would anyone really bomb them? Hard because if it is a nuclear wasteland there would be 1,000 different giant poisonous creatures and kangaroos that would kick you to death

Edit: I've actually never seen Mad Max but I can totally see the resemblance in the two

submitted by /u/TimTamKablam
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It feels impossible to make a character build on Fallout 4

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:07 AM PST

Every time I start a character, I have a goal to make the best character build, yet I can't, gun nut is locked behind leveling up and there are so many perks to consider. I can't choose or keep to the build and end up quitting or just shooting what ever guns I find.

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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My Fallout board game arrived in the mail and I'm stoked to try it out!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:24 PM PST

Civilized or Uncivilized Wasteland

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:53 AM PST

Do you like more of the style of 2 and New Vegas where the humanity has started rising up or do you prefer the style of 3 and 4 where America is almost pure anarchy.

submitted by /u/white_male_022
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Why America is STILL a total mess 200 YEARS after the bombs - Fallout Lore

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:26 PM PST

Hand-Made & Hand-Painted Fo3 Super Mutant Figurine (Fan-Made!)

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:27 PM PST

I spent almost 10 hours straight making this guy today, hopefully someone out there appreciates it

Detailed Pictures & 'Making of' info http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1218408211

Full body & weapon http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1218409634

submitted by /u/Madgameboy
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Survival mod suggestions?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:43 PM PST

I'm revisiting fallout, and have fully decked out my game with mods. I'm looking for a challenge: any survival mods I should use?

No damage changing mods please, I actually enjoy the bullet spongyness.

submitted by /u/IPlayForCoins
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Fallout: Nashville

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:54 AM PST

I'm just wishing. It would be fantastic to have a Fallout:Nashvegas!

submitted by /u/WombatWhitey
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Questions about The Master's plans, and a potential solution to the "problem"

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:22 AM PST

Copy-pasted from a little thread of youtube comments i made that i strung together (And a bit added on):

"Wait, if you can turn humans into Super mutants, why didn't the master just think of keeping vaults around like breeding grounds, having a steady source of people to be born and sending a select number of people from the vaults to turn into mutants while the others make the next generation? If they get old or sick and unable to have kids he could just have some mutants take them out back and shoot them or just get rid of them somehow.

I haven't played the original yet so there may be some reason why, but so far it seems like a more simple solution. Cause like, the Vaults could be used to keep the only "pure-strain" humans in certain places and free from outside radiation as well as keeping them from entering the surface, so the mutants could be allowed to roam the surface, run out all the radiated humans, and make the new age he wanted so much. It just kind of seems like an easy solution.

Plus the vault members who show the biggest potential (and are probably those who impregnate so the ones who can be pregnant stay to have children, furthering supply) would be shipped off to the Unity, so they get the best mutants. I suppose up-keeping all those vaults would be hard, but still, it's worth a shot.

I mean he doesn't like "normals" but you can hate mosquitoes and still understand their purposes and their jobs in the world's systems. Even something someone hates has a purpose, and getting rid of that could deeply affect the system. He may have killed plenty of humans when getting humans from other vaults, but there's still vaults that they haven't reached, right? I'd like some feedback because i'm honestly really curious.

submitted by /u/StrawberryWyverns
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My dog really looks up to Dogmeat

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:08 PM PST

I just got Far Harbor

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:43 PM PST

I'm really enjoying it, except for one part. When you're in the vault run by robots and you have to figure out a murder.... every voice option you choose makes your character sound extremely cartoonish and like they don't give a fuck about the murder. I wanted to actually take it seriously and help the robot out but my immersion was just destroyed when I couldn't help but cringe at the overly dramatic sarcastic remarks. Especially one section where a robot is showing you art he has painted, I simply wanted to compliment his art but my character went even more overboard pretending to be some art connoisseur. How do you guys feel about it?

submitted by /u/ATIVITA
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[Other] Why are people not talking about this more?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:59 PM PST

Just picked up FO4, any tips?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:08 PM PST

I just bought FO4 on the PS4. The only FO game I played was New Vegas, on PC. I played two playthroughs and it was honestly one of my favorite games I've ever played (definitely top 5 worthy).

As I asked on the New Vegas sub when I started my play through on that game, any tips? Not spoilers ofc, but just things that would help me in the beginning?

submitted by /u/Anonymously-Used
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Fallout 4 infinite load screen (ps4, no dlc)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:40 PM PST

Sooo, I brought fallout 4 for my ps4 2 days ago and today I started modding it with the few mods available. I seem to have encountered an infinite loading screen bug most likely due to mods. I have tried re-ordering mods, disabling some and deleting some too and also loading previous saves in various combinations/ways but nothing seems to work. Also when ever I enter a loading screen there is no audio at all other than the clicky noise when you rotate the object in the middle.

Forgive me for any mistakes and please ask if you need extra information, thank you :)

submitted by /u/raidsnake22
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Has anyone else ever found their name on the Boulder City Memorial?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

I'm replaying New Vegas and I just got to Boulder City and I remembered that my full name is one of the names on the back of the memorial. It's crazy because it's even spelled the way I spell mine, which is the less common version. I'd post proof or a picture or something but I'm not too keen with my full name being on reddit.

submitted by /u/BrickLuvsLamp
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Bethesda still forcing us to download CC junk we don't want?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:49 PM PST

I've had Fallout 4 and Skyrim uninstalled since that bull**** started happening, but now there are some actual mods I want to check out.

submitted by /u/SquireRamza
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Mod Similiar to "Companions go home"? (Xbox one)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:15 PM PST

I knew of this problem before, but I accidentally sent piper to santuary a few days ago and of course... now I can't sent her back to Diamond City. Searching "Companions Go Home" into the search bar on Xbox one proves fruitless.

Anyone know of a mod that does the same thing or something similiar? It's almost gamebreaking to have piper go on and on about her sister and the paper, yet she's walking around sanctuary trying to pick carrots.

submitted by /u/SilverSparrow32
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in new vegas what does karma do? I mean it affects the place you're in atm but does it do anything more?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

Legendary Deathclaw

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:13 AM PST

I killed the legendary deathclaw in Fallout 4 by exploiting the fact that he got stuck in the entrance to Vigil's cave lab. But now I can't loot the body because I end up entering the cave when I get close enough :(

What sort of loot am I missing out on?

submitted by /u/charlesbalcony
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X-01 Power Armor, Pre-War or Post-War?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:24 PM PST

Lets hear it guys, keep it civil. Give reasonable explanations for your POV on each side of the argument.

How badly is the lore messed up on this suit of armor? alot!

submitted by /u/RoflCopterMLGK
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