Destiny 2 Well Titan... Let's see what we have here....

Well Titan... Let's see what we have here....

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:19 AM PST

I kinda feel bad for the guy

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:51 PM PST

I wish something like this could happen when Coldheart VS Prometheus face off!

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:58 AM PST

When Xur lets you buy exotics you don't have yet.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:54 AM PST

When Prometheus Lens meta is over

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:14 AM PST

He's a little shy.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:04 AM PST

I'm gonna try to make this a regular thing. Introducing the patch notes Bungo card

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:39 AM PST

As a fairly fresh PC player, I just wanted to drop my 2 cents. (long)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:53 AM PST

DISCLAIMER: this is my PERSONAL opinion, you don't have to agree, you're entitled to have your opinion, but I'm entitled to have mine. I'm well up for some healthy CIVIL discussions though.

For every game I play I sub to the subreddit, for news, memes, tips etc. Here, it's no different. Been lurking since it was announced for PC, and all the complaining put me off buying it until the free trial. And you know what? I regret not dropping in sooner, this game is a blast!

It just feels like the Bungie is doing everything they can to keep the community happy, but that the community will always have SOMETHING to complain about.

Just a few of my concerns:

  1. I see people saying there isn't enough content, yet they want exotics delivered to them on a silver platter, preferably the moment they create their character to minimise the "grind". I can't help but wonder, do you even know what a grind is? Did you ever play Diablo 3? Or a reputation grind in World of Warcraft? Just to give a few examples. If they would make getting exotics even easier you're gonna run out of things to do EVEN FASTER. And your next post would be "I got everything in 2 days and now have nothing to do, please fix" rather than "I grinded for 2 weeks and still don't have everything, please fix".

  2. Locking content/raids behind "paywall DLC". Sure, it's getting changed, but will it be for the better? I'm not sure. You know, in so many MMO's, there's stuff like "old content", beautiful dungeons/raids/areas that are no longer relevant because newer stuff came out which give better rewards, and the old content just gets forgotten and -most of the time- skipped. What they did here was brilliant, this way we had 2 raids per weekly lockout, that's literally twice as much chance for CURRENT, RELEVANT LOOT. But no, people who cried they had to pay 20 euro after 4 months (even less for PC) to stay relevant won, and it's getting changed back. And sooner rather than later Leviathan will be old content too. You know in WoW I can't even access my characters if I don't pay my 15 per month, let alone do any content, current or otherwise.

  3. The D1 weapons in D2. When D2 got announced, some were up for a new start, some wanted to take their weapons along, and some even wanted to copy their entire character. There were a ton of people that missed their favourite weapon from D1. And Bungie got flack for it. Now they bring some of those weapons to D2, and people give them flack for lazy design choices? This might be me but I don't see how they as a developer can make people happy?

I don't disagree with everything though:

  1. having 2 separate pvp queues is a bit weird, giving out that 1 map for free to non dlc owners won't kill you Bungie. Hell games like Overwatch, TF2, CS:GO etc get free new maps all the time.

  2. Also not having a proper chat or group finder in a game released on 2017, on PC among other platforms (that also offer keyboard support) is a bit odd to say the least.

Sorry for the long post, maybe I'm just getting too old for all this stuff, but I had to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading.

tl;dr; there's no tl;dr, I took the effort of typing this out, take the effort to read it. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Yai-Kai
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raid lair boss when you're British.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:09 AM PST

When your level 8 friend need a ride

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:21 PM PST

Way to hurt the game for the people who actually paid.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

Congrats on whining till they removed the high level rewards for the prestige raid. Now finding a decent team will be even harder cause no one will wanna bother playing something that doesn't drop high level gear.

submitted by /u/FenderBender55
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As someone who actually paid for game, I'm extremely let down that Faction Rally was postponed

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:53 AM PST

I actually paid for the full game and was dedicated for the long run. Good or bad I haven't wanted a refund or anything.

But because people who say they hate the game, but still play the base game are angry over locked content, people who paid for the game are punished. We paid for the game, we continue to play it and support it.

You can't please everyone, but as one Redditer said, "You can start with the people who actually paid for it".

submitted by /u/RMEffinger
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The Om nom nommer of worlds as seen from Nessus

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 03:11 AM PST

ELI5: Why do people feel like Destiny 2 is lacking content, or isn't worth the money?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:02 AM PST

Foreword: I think that anyone unsatisfied with the game, frustrated with the game, or feeling like the game is bad are perfectly allowed to have that opinion, and I'm not calling you wrong if you do have that opinion. I just want to know everything that caused it, and in a manner that is easy to digest and understand without any vitriol. I appreciate everyone who is taking the time to read, reply, and vote now they will. Thank you!

So, I've seen a lot of this, and while I'm 23 years old and maybe don't understand the value of a dollar entirely, I definitely don't understand all the outrage.

Furthering this, I ask that I not get flamed for this question, I want you to explain this like you would to an innocent, well-meaning five year old, like asking why he can't get a puppy for Christmas or something.

So with the following points in mind with this question:

1) I've clocked 195 hours, am 329/305/305, have completed the raid, raid lair, gone flawless in Trials of the Nine, have not completed heroic adventures, have only played 3 heroic strikes, and have only completed the CoO story on one character, I haven't even hit the foundry or whatever that is yet. Despite the playtime and progression, I still feel I do not have enough time in the week to even complete all of this stuff in balance with TV/Movie programs, other video games, and spending time with my S/O.

2) At a purchase price (for me) of $48 USD through Best Buy, and $30 for the season pass through, that means I've gotten roughly an hour per half dollar. With movie tickets costing typically USD $10-14 in my area, and only getting you maybe 2 hours of entertainment (5-7 per hour), stuff like sports, concerts, etc. in my area costing much more per hour of entertainment, and a similar trend for bars, restaurants, etc. Why is this fifty cents per dollar of entertainment considered "Not worth it"?

3) I would not call myself a Bungie fanboy, I typically am in major disagreement with Activision half the time, and I disagree with a lot of things in Destiny 2, yet despite these grievances they haven't hammered away my enjoyment of the game. So why do the grievances of you, the player who feels like they have been cheated, scammed, or lied to, affect you so much?

Again, I apologize if any of this comes off as condescending, but I am neither fanboy, nor employee, I do have my own qualms with Destiny 2, and I am truly interested in why people feel such vehement outrage at Bungie, and the game, even though matched with other things in life, it has been a pretty enjoyable, and very cost effective use of my free time.

For those who agree with me in liking the product, this question is not for you. I am directly asking those unsatisfied with the product, and I seek to understand their side of the hill we're all fighting on.

Thank you in advance for the civil and informative replies, and for those who would do the opposite, I politely ask you stay away from this post, in advance.

::Edits:: 1) Should clarify that I encourage anyone to discuss, the only thing I ask is that it is kept civil. All opinions, perspectives, and ideals are welcome as long as nobody starts personally attacking each other, I'm aware this is, or can be, controversial subject material.

Also added foreword at the top of the post.

submitted by /u/solsfox
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(Found on r/pics) This guy just found the first part of Prometheus Lense

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:03 AM PST

Does anyone just play games anymore?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:44 AM PST

I guess because I am older I might be missing something, but I don't feel that Bungie or any other developer owes me a thing. I chose to pay the money, I chose to buy the DLC. If I don't like it or take issue with something done I will not play anymore. If you ordered food from a restaurant and it was bad, would you just not eat there anymore, or demand that the restaurant cater to you needs and scream theft if they don't. Seems like every single game I have played recently the community is just so salty. Bioware, Ubisoft, Blizzard, etc... I have seen the same complaints all over the place. I know it is impossible feat to give everyone what they want, and I am a fan of feedback, but some of the rational is just amazing. You have a right to provide feedback, and some people do it really well and I enjoy reading those. If you don't like the food or the service do not play or support them in the future. I don't play some games anymore for this reason. Games are made for a large audience and not tailored to your specific needs. As a gamer I truly hope some of you find the exact game you are looking to play. Me, I just play because its a game and when I get fed up or something new comes along that looks better, deuces.

submitted by /u/jknox1977
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Rated R lol

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:06 AM PST

Hey bungie, while you’re at it, you might as well just give the non-dlc buyers the curse of osiris story for free as well

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:33 AM PST

As of now, non-dlc owners have nearly as much content as the the people who spent $35 on the season pass....the only thing separating us now are 5 underwhelming story missions. Might as well just give it to all the whiny losers for free now because im sure they'll be asking for it soon enough.

Ever heard the term "if you give a moose a muffin, the next day he'll want pancakes" ?

submitted by /u/CodProXox
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Surge of Light is my favorite

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 01:56 AM PST

The Prestige Leviathan Raid will be brought back down to Power 300, and its rewards will drop down to match the new Power Level.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:02 AM PST

"The Prestige Leviathan Raid will be brought back down to Power 300, and its rewards will drop down to match the new Power Level."

Damn it....doesn't sound too "prestige" at 330 now.

submitted by /u/Colinski282
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What if Bungie merged D1 and D2

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:26 AM PST

There's so much talk about how D1 was so wonderful and yada yada so what if they took all the locations we don't have in D2 from D1 and just put them into D2? Maybe other content too. Just a question I thought of... Possible pros and cons?

submitted by /u/BlitzGoose
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Rest In Peace Prometheus Lens

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:09 PM PST

Never thought I'd be missing the D1 locations this much

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:16 AM PST

Can you guys imagine all the old D1 locations with the new updated public event system? I miss the hell mouth and Ishtar sink especially. Something about those locations is so classic Destiny to me

submitted by /u/FenderBender55
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